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Theme: All About Me Age Group: After School Group Your Name: Brianna Thompson

Topic: Me Silhouette: The teacher will trace each child on large paper. Then each child will get to draw on
the features of their body (face, hair, clothes, shoes, etc..).
Objective: The children will be able to draw how they view themsleves in the sihouette.
Foundations: SC.1.4 Make representative drawings of familiar objects and people.
Topic: My Birthday Cake Walk: Each child goes around the spots in the circle until the music stops then they will
stop. The teacher will call out a birthday and whoever is standing on that birthday will guess who's birthday it is.
Objective: The children will be able to recognize different children's birthday's
Foundations:SS.2.8 Participate in games and follow the rules.
Topic: My Nature Collage: Each child will be given a ziplock bag. While on a nature walk, the children will
collect items (leafs, grass, feathers etc) that they want to put on their paper college.
Objective: The children will be able to create a nature collage with the materials they collected.
Foundations: FA.1.49 Observe and discuss art forms during a nature walk.
Topic: About Me Book ( Self portrait, what I like to do, favorite foods, best friends, and what I want to be
when I grow up).
Objective: The childen will be able to create a short book about things that describe them.
Foundations: ELA.3.39 Read own writing (e.g., gives meaning to own writing by reading what it says).
Topic: My Attributes: Have the entire class stand up. Choose one child and name an attribute of that child (brown hair). All children
with brown hair stay standing, the others sit down. Choose another attribute and continue the game until all of the children have
been chosen
Objective: The children will be able to tell one thing they have in common with another child and one thing that is different.
Foundations:.SS.1.23 Notice likeness and differences in others.
Topic: Venn Diagram: Each child will get a partner and with the help of a teacher, the children will create a
diagram of similarities and diferences
Objective: The children will be able to compare and contrast their ideas witht their partner.
Foundations: SC.1.56 Sort things by attribute or characteristic.
Topic: About Me Poster
Objective: The children wil be able to create a poster about themselves using pictures from magazines,
drawing, writing, etc
Foundations: FA.1.69 Use a variety of materials (e.g., crayons, paint, clay, markers) to create original work.
Topic: Measure Me: Each child will cut a length of string accroding to their height
Objective: The children will be able to measure themselves using string.
Foundations::M.1.37 Apply one-to-one correspondence with objects and people.

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