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Animal Farm

By George Orwell
The speaker of the book is Old Major. Old Major is a pig in the story, He inspired the
pigs in the farm to revolt. The audience of the story are people who believe in communism. The
overall message is that Communism does not exist. It does not exist because there will be a
higher and lower class. No one will ever be equal. The animals in the story first started with a set
of rules. As time progresses the rules change. It appeals to logos because logic is the glue that
holds what happened in the Russian Revolution and the story together. People are the animals. In
society we think that everyone can be equal. Equality, the ability of coexist is an equal state is an
ideal that we strive for. Everyone cannot be totally equal because some people will only turn out
more equal than the others, creating an injustice. Thats exactly what happened in farm. The
humans were over thrown by the revolt. At the end, you could not tell the difference between
humans and animals. Something that they despise. The purpose is to make people know that
people cannot be equal. It used facts from the Russian revolution to create the story. The
characters were the main actors in the Russian revolution. Napoleon being Joseph Stalin, came
after the rebellion. Snowball is based on Leon Trotsky and is the pig that challenges Napoleon.
Boxer was the working class. Squealer is the pig who spreads rumors. The best in my opinion
Old Major the pig who inspired the rebellion. He was the pig that saw everything coming. The
author captivated me by putting animals in the story. It put a theme out that humans are no more
than animals. We should pay more attention to the animal kingdom. It made me think of the food
pyramid and how we relate. Since we have the working class they are considered the producers.
Middle class would be herbivores. High class would be the carnivores. We organized ourselves
in to social classes like animals. What made me to continue interest was that It was so interesting
the fact that someone made the connection that our government and animals were exactly the
same thing. By putting human like characteristics it became humorous at times too. Overall
Humans have animal like qualities. Its hard for an animal to be equal. Imagine a cheetah and
plant being equals. Is it not absurd? Also if we do establish this rule that everyone is equal there
will be only a high class which are the people who work for the government usually, And there
will be a low class which will be the other workers.
It holds such a revolution theme. Revolve like a circle. First the humans, now the
animals. It will always be the same. Kind of like karma.

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