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School of Education


Identification of the class

Subject: Math
Time frame (min. and
period 50 minutes

Number of students:22

National, State or NETS standards
(Write out complete
standard. CCGPS, GPS,
MCC8.F.4 Construct a function to model a linear relationship
between two quantities. Determine the rate of change and initial
value of the function from a description of a relationship or from
two (x,y) values, including reading these from a table or from a
value of a linear function in terms of the situation it models, and
in terms of its graph or a table of values.

Rationale for instruction
(State rationale given to students for how this
instruction will benefit them. Readiness, interest,
learning style, developmental level.

Topic: Determine unit rate (rate of change/slope) from a table,
points, and a graph
Rationale: Students must be able to determine the unit rate (rate
of change/slope) from a table, graph, and points.
Essential Question:
How do you determine rate of change from a table?
How do you determine slope from a graph?
How can the same mathematical idea be represented in
a different way? Why would that be useful?
How do you determine slope from two points?

(List materials, worksheets, formative or summative
assessment instruments, and list web sites if
Smart board
PowerPoint (attached)
Cow sky Diving Video :
Matching cards ( answer key attached)
IRespond (clickers)
Rubric for students explanation assessment (attached)
To prevent loss of learning time copies of the
PowerPoint and warm up activities have been made in
case of a technology malfunction.
How to find slope video:

Daily objectives
(State in operational, measurable terms; objective
should be directly linked to evaluation procedures.
If you are working with a small group or one-to-
one, individual goals may be appropriate; 1-3
goals per lesson.)

*SWBAT: Students will be able to
1. SWBAT: identify the rate of change from a table
2. SWBAT: identify the slope from a graph
3. SWBAT: identify the slope from two given points.

(Description of how you will evaluate student
achievement of lesson objectives; attach any
quizzes, questions used for assessment, or
seatwork worksheets).

Warm-up Activity:
Abigail and Jonathan are both trying to save money
to go on a spring break trip. They both started out
with the same amount and each week having been
adding what they have saved separately.
Weeks Amount in
Abigails Piggy
Amount in
Jonathans Piggy
1 15 15
2 19 20
3 23 25
4 27 30

1. What is the rate of change for Abigail? and
slope? (Additional question to ask for #1 and
#2 is what does this number mean? It means
that they are increasing their money each
week by that amount.)
ROC: 4 and Slope: 4
2. What is the rate of change for Jonathan? And
ROC: 5 and Slope: 5
3. Who is saving the most money? How do you
know that?
Jonathan, because his rate of change is
higher than Abigails rate of change which
means he is adding more money weekly.
(Answers will vary)
4. What would the linear equation be for
Abigail? For Jonathan? (Additional question
to ask would be how they came up with that.
The answer would be that they got the
coefficient of x from the rate of change and
had to add the difference.)
SWBAT: identify the rate of change from a table, graph, or
points and match it to the correct slope or rate of change
through summarizing how and why they chose the
correlating card on the wall in a different form through a
written response no less than three sentences.

Instructional sequence
(Estimate amount of time per section.)

Start of class period (10 min.)
Required tasks
Collection of homework
Warm-up activity

Level of instruction (acquisition, practice, or
generalization): Implementation Plan (bulleted outline)
Procedures Identified
As students walk in hand them a two cards with
either a graph, table, slope, rate of change, or
points on it for later use.
Welcome the class
Explain to students that I have a problem on the
smart board that should be a review of rate of
change. Explain to students that I will randomly
select a students name from the cup, which has
the popsicle sticks with their names on them, to
answer the different portions of the problem so
everyone should be prepared to come up to the
board and explain how they got the answer.
(Warm-up activity, questions to ask students, and
answers below.)
This is the link to the PowerPoint containing the
warm-up activity and video shown below as a
hook: (or see attached)
Rate of Change (Slope).pptx

Warm-up Activity: Abigail and Jonathan are both trying to save money to go on a spring break trip. They both
started out with the same amount and each week having been adding what they have saved separately.
Weeks Amount in Abigails
Piggy Bank
Amount in Jonathans
Piggy Bank
1 15 15
2 19 20
3 23 25
4 27 30
1. What is the rate of change for Abigail? and slope? (Additional question to ask for #1 and #2 is what does this
number mean? It means that they are increasing their money each week by that amount.)
ROC: 4 and Slope: 4
2. What is the rate of change for Jonathan? And slope?
ROC: 5 and Slope: 5
3. Who is saving the most money? How do you know that?
Jonathan, because his rate of change is higher than Abigails rate of change which means he is adding more
money weekly. (Answers will vary)
4. What would the linear equation be for Abigail? For Jonathan? (Additional question to ask would be how they
came up with that. The answer would be that they got the coefficient of x from the rate of change and had to add
the difference.) Abigail: y=4x+11 Jonathan: 5x+10
Abigail: y=4x+11
Jonathan: y=5x+10

Beginning lesson (intro or connecting to
previous day) (5 -10 min.)
Purpose of lesson

Middle (20 - 40 min.)
Key essential
question(s) Modeling
Informal check for understanding (should
be done throughout lesson)
Guided Practice
Independent Practice

So, now that we have completed are warm-up activity we
are going to watch a cow sky dive (auditory learners), next
do a review on the smart board (visual learners), then do a
group activity that involves matching the cards I handed
out at the beginning of the class review the cards as a class
(kinesthetic tactile learners), and then wrap up with a few
questions I will ask the whole class to determine
everyones understanding.
So first off can anyone tell me how sky diving would relate
to rate of change or slope which is our objective or purpose
of this lesson? (This provides a real world situation in which
students could relate the standards to.) This is when I
would call on a student that raised their hand or I would
randomly choose from the cup if no students volunteered.
(The answer would be along the lines of It would allow us
to determine how fast the cow is falling or how long it
takes to get from a certain altitude to the ground through
figuring out the change in y over the change in x.)
After a student answers I would then do an informal check
for understanding by asking students to do thumbs up if
they understand and thumbs down if they dont.
I would then start the short clip
Once short clip ends I will allow the students to help me
make the table from the altitude at which the cow jumped
(15,000 ft)to the altitude in which the cow landed (0 ft.) in
5 minutes . Table should look like the one below. Questions
to ask below with answers.
What is the rate of change?
What are my input values or my x- values
for the table? 0 and 5
What are my outputs values or my y-values
for the table? 15,000 and 0
After constructing the table then ask: How
we determine rate of change? Change in y
over change in x
So, what is my rate of change for this table?
Time (minutes) Altitude (feet)
0 15,000
5 0

If students
do not seem
how to
graph or are
look dazed
play video:
Informal check for understanding: Does everyone
understand how we got 3,000 to be our rate of change
from the table? Thumbs up if you do and thumbs down
if you dont. Then chose a student that has given you
thumbs up for understanding to explain how we got to
that conclusion.
After I have done an informal check for understanding I
will then resume the video to watch the portion about
how to construct the graph of the cow that went sky
Once that short clip is done I will then informally check
on the understanding of rate of change from a graph:
Raise your hand if you can tell me how we get
the rate of change from the graph? Change in
y over change in x or rise over run I will then
choose on a student that raises their hand. If
his/her answer is not correct I can either then
call on someone else or I can explain how we
figure that out.
As a student is explaining how to find the
slope from a graph I will write either on the
smart board or white board.
Show YouTube video if students need
it. (Visual and Auditory Learners)
Then have students rise up out of
their seat and run in place.
(Kinesthetic Learners)
I will then change PowerPoint slide to make our own
table graph it and demonstrate how you find the rise
over run or change in y over change in x on a graph.
I have red, blue, and green lines graphed on
the smart board. First of all are they all three
linear functions? The students response
should be yes. How do you determine that?
Student response should be because each x-
value only has one exact y-value.
Ok, well now since I know they are linear
functions how do I know if they are going to
have a positive or negative slope? Students
should respond a negative slope will start
from the top left or top right and go
downward, but a positive slope will start from
the bottom right or bottom left and excel
upwards toward the opposite direction.
Okay I think I am getting it now!! I just have a
few more questions.

How do I determine the slope for each of these
linear functions? Student response: You take
the change in y over the change in x or some
might say you take rise over run.
o Green Lines Slope: -1
o Blue Lines Slope:
o Red Lines Slope: 3/5
After I have formally assessed that the students have a
good understanding of finding slope on a graph I will
then move to the PowerPoint slide that gives two points
that have to be graphed and a slope that has to be
The first slide I will graph as the teacher and the second
graph I will select a student volunteer.
After determining that the students have a good
understanding of how to graph two given points and
find its slope I will then move on to finding slope from
two given points without graphing.
I will do the first two points as a review and then allow
two student volunteers to do the last two points.
After determining that the students understand what
we just reviewed with a thumb up or thumb down I will
then move into the group activity by giving them
I will then prompt them to get out one sheet of paper, a
pencil, and the two cards that I gave them as they
entered the classroom. While they are doing this I will
be handing out the rubric for the summative
assessment. (If a student has misplaced their cards no
worries I have extras.)
Once they have cleared their desks and I have their
full attention I will then proceed to tell them the
instructions for the group activity:
1 .First, look at your two cards and determine
rather you have a graph, table, slope or rate of
change. So, now that you know what your card is
the object of this task is to find the matching card.
If you have a graph figure out who has the slope, if
you have slope you have to figure out who has
your graph, if you have a table you have to figure
out who has the rate of change, and if you have the
rate of change then you have to figure out who has
the table that represents that specific change in y
over change in x. Next, look over the rubric I
handed out so that when you get ready to do the
third step you will know what is expected.

Closing (5 -10 min.)
Wrap up
Review of key points/EQ/objectives
Bridge to future learning
Collection of papers/materials, etc.

NOTE: This entire section is to be scripted! List
the questions or prompts you will use for
formative assessment.

2. I will allow you to get up and converse with your
classmates to find your match for 3 minutes or less
if I see that everyone has found their match. If you
get too loud or disruptive you will be asked to
leave the classroom and fill out a reflection form. I
will inform them not to let it get that out of
control since this isnt just group work something is
going be taken up for a grade as well.
3.Once you have found your match, you and your
partner will then come up with a mathematical
explanation for each of your matching cards on
why you both think your cards match and how you
both came to that conclusion and write it down on
a piece of paper that will be turned in. Please put
both of your names on it so that you will both get
credit and remember to attach the rubric. (ELA)
After I have given instructions I will randomly draw
students names from the cup and ask them to
repeat the instructions to me in sequential order,
so that I will know that the students understand
what is expected of them.
Once I have made sure the students have a clear
understanding of instructions I will then allow them
to converse with their peers for no longer than 3
After each group has finished coming up with their
explanation I will then ask who would like to share
their match and explanation. (In the case that no
one volunteers I will then draw names from the
cup depending on how much time is remaining for
the period will determine how many matches we
Once groups are done sharing I will then collect the
cards and written explanations, and ask students to
move back to their original seats.
Once students are back in original seats and I have
their full attention I then will wrap up with these
How do you determine unit rate from a table?
You take the change in y over the change in x
How do you determine slope from a graph?
You take the change in y over the change in x
Are slope and rate of change the same thing?
Yes, they are both determining the change in y
over the change in x

How can the same mathematical idea be
represented in a different way? Why would that be
You can represent the same mathematical idea in
a table or graph. Some mathematical ideas are
better seen in graphs were others are better
understood through a table.
How do you determine slope from two given
You can take the change in y over change in x or
use the formula Y1-Y2/ X1-X2
Can anyone give me a real world example on how
finding slope or rate of change might be helpful?
Examples are building a ramp, finding the slope of
a mountain, determining the pitch of a roof, etc.

Lesson Plan Organizer (continued)

Solo/Co-teaching considerations for

Did we
Address any non-
content- related IEP
Address appropriate
content-related IEP
Consider needs of
individual students for
assignments and
classwork (modalities,
Discuss how to
without alienating
students with


Solo/Co-teaching considerations
(Who teaches what? Who prepares what? Who is
responsible for grading which assignments?)

Did we plan for
Roles in instruction
Roles in discipline
Instructional strategies
Did we consider including
Graphic organizers
Progress monitoring

movement patterns
will be determined by
the cards in which
students receive as
they are entering the
Cooperative learning
will occur during
group work.
Progress monitoring
will occur during the
students group work.
Peer-assistance will
occur during group
work while designing
a mathematical
explanation for the
reason they chose
each other as the
right match.

Additional considerations:
(Do we need other resources? How will we know
we have succeeded? )

Things to consider:
Yes No
Yes Do we have an alternate plan if technology does not work or is
I have an usb drive. I would use the white board and markers
to provide examples before group work as well as handout
copies of warm-up activity and graph PowerPoint slide if smart
board isnt working.
Yes Has your collaborating teacher and supervisor approved this
Yes Do you have a plan to remediate and assess students who are
They can come during RTI for remediation and assessment if
Yes Do you have a plan to reteach challenging material if your
students are not successful (assessment)?
If a few students in each class are not successful they can
come during RTI or connections, but if it seems like the
whole class does not understand the material then I can
re-teach the lesson in a different way the following day.

Collaborative Work Skills : Matching Explanations Rubric

Teacher Name: Ms. Lee

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Problem-solving Actively looks for
and suggests
solutions to
Refines solutions
suggested by
Does not suggest or
refine solutions, but
is willing to try out
solutions suggested
by others.
Does not try to
solve problems or
help others solve
problems. Lets
others do the work.
Attitude Never is publicly
critical of the
explanation. Always
has a positive
attitude about the
Rarely is publicly
critical of the
explanation. Often
has a positive
attitude about the
Occasionally is
publicly critical of
explanation given
by other members
of the group.
Usually has a
positive attitude
about the task(s).
Often is publicly
critical of the
explanation given
by other members
of the group. Often
has a negative
attitude about the
Focus on the task Consistently stays
focused on the task
and what needs to
be done. Very self-
Focuses on the task
and what needs to
be done most of
the time. Other
group members can
count on this
Focuses on the task
and what needs to
be done some of
the time. Other
group members
must sometimes
nag, prod, and
remind to keep this
person on-task.
Rarely focuses on
the task and what
needs to be done.
Lets others do the
Quality of Work Provides work of
the highest quality.
Three or more
describing the
thought process of
how the answer
was achieved.
Provides high
quality work. Two
or less sentences
describing the
thought process of
how the answer
was achieved.
Provides work that
occasionally needs
to be
checked/redone by
other group
members to ensure
quality. At least one
sentence describing
the thought process
of how the answer
was achieved.
Provides work that
usually needs to be
checked/redone by
others to ensure
quality. Doesnt
provide complete
sentence (s)
describing the
thought process of
how the answer
was achieved.

Total score:_________/ 16_____

PowerPoint Slides

Rate of Change (Slope)

Warm-up Activity:
Abigail and Jonathan are both trying to save money to go on a spring break trip. They
both started out with the same amount and each week having been adding what they
have saved separately.
Weeks Amount in Abigails Piggy Bank Amount in Jonathans Piggy
1 15 15
2 19 20
3 23 25
4 27 30
1. What is the rate of change for Abigail? and slope?
2. What is the rate of change for Jonathan? And slope?
3. Who is saving the most money? How do you know that?
4. What would the linear equation be for Abigail? For Jonathan?
Warm-up Activity

First part of the cow sky diving clip.
Time (minutes) Altitude (feet)
Teacher- student interactive demonstration about how to determine
rate of change from a table.

PowerPoint Slides Continued
Second part of the clip demonstrating how to find slope on a graph.

Slide show with Youtube video for Rise up Run Out

Lets Try it Ourselves!
Green Lines Slope:
Blue Lines Slope:
Red Lines Slop:
Last slide! Formally assessing that the students know how to determine
a slope from a graph.

Review of graphing points and finding slope

Review of graphing points and finding slope

Review of finding slope from two points.

Answer Key to Matching Game:

y=6x y=4.50x


y= -2/1 x y=4/1x

Hot Dogs Buns
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
Time (Minutes) Elevation (feet)
0 30,000
2 29,00
5 27,500
12 24,000
Times (minutes) Distance (meters)
1 6
2 12
3 18
4 24
Number of
Cost ($)
1 4.50
3 13.50
5 22.50
7 31.50
Times (hours) Distance (yards)
1 260
2 520
3 780
4 1040
Number of
Cost ($)
1 .25
4 1
7 1.75
12 3
y=5/6 x y=3/4x
y=-5/2 x y=1/3x

(4,3) and (-1,-1)
Slope: 4/5
(-3,3) and (4,3)
Slope: 0

(-6,3) and (-1,-3)
Slope: -6/5
(2,3) and (2,-4)
Slope: undefined
(0,4) and (-4,0)
Slope: 1
(-2,-1) and (2, -4)
Slope: -3/4

Find Slope

Find Slope

Find Slope

Find Slope
Slope: 0
Slope: 1
Slope: -5/6

Find Slope

Find Slope

Slope: Undefined
Slope: -4/3
Slope: 4/5

Find the slope
(0,2) and (4, -3)

Find the slope
(-3, 1) and (0, 4)

Slope: 1
Find the slope
(2,2) and (5, 3)

Slope: 1/3

Slope: 2
Find the slope
(4,1) and (2,5)

Slope: 4/3
Find the slope
(3,4) and (0,0)

Slope: -1
Find the slope
(5,1) and (1,5)
Lesson Plan Rubric

Target (4 pts) Acceptable (3 pts)
Needs Improvement
(2 pts)
Unacceptable (1 pt)
Mechanics (1.000, 12%) Writing contains 1-2
errors in spelling,
punctuation, and
Writing contains 3-4
errors in spelling,
punctuation, and
grammar, but writing
follows normal
Writing contains (5-6)
spelling, grammar and
punctuation errors that
interfere with
Writing contains more
than six spelling,
grammar and
punctuation errors.
Targeted Standards/Objectives/Learning Theories (1.000, 12%) All standards/theories
are identified and are a
focus of instruction and
assessment throughout
Standards/theories are
implied throughout, but
some are not specifically
shown as being part of
instruction or assessment.
Standards/theories seem
to be addressed, but they
are vague within lesson
are not addressed in
any meaningful way.
Curriculum -Framing and Engagement (1.000, 12%) *Questions address the
standards identified in
the by asking students to
analyze, theorize, and
contemplate the
connections, and
reasons behind and in
support of the content
within the standards.
*Lessons are written to
maximize student
*Questions address the
standards identified and
describe higher-order
thinking as well as content
knowledge and skills.
*Lessons are written to
maximize student
*Questions are related to
standards addressed.
They only target lower-
level elements of the
*Student engagement
activities may be
*Questions are only
tangentially related to
the standards. Their
support of the
targeted standards is
*Student engagement
is questionable and
most likely absent
from the lesson.
Assessment Plan (1.000, 12%) Lessons look at multiple
ways of assessment.
Assessment tools are
Lessons generally look at
multiple ways of
assessment. Assessment
tools are included.
Lessons seldom look at
multiple ways of
assessment. Assessment
tools are included.
Assessment is not
included as part of
lessons plans.
Procedures: Student Work/Artifacts (1.000, 12%) Work is complete,
authentic, meaningful,
and resembles the kinds
of work people do in real
life. A description (1
page) of specific
behaviors, knowledge,
and/or products that
Work is complete,
authentic, generally
meaningful, and
resembles the kinds of
work people do in real life.
A general description (1
page) of specific
behaviors, knowledge,
Work is complete,
authentic, vaguely
meaningful, and
resembles the kinds of
work people do in real life.
A vague description (1
page or less) of specific
behaviors, knowledge,
Work does not
resemble authentic
work in a discipline in
any way. Lessons are
missing or do not
follow the correct
Lesson Plan Rubric

Target (4 pts) Acceptable (3 pts)
Needs Improvement
(2 pts)
Unacceptable (1 pt)
relate to standards is
included in the form of a
photo or student work
and/or products that relate
to standards is included in
the form of a photo or
student work sample.
and/or products that relate
to standards is included in
the form of a photo or
student work sample.
Procedures: Student Work/Artifacts (1.000, 12%) Lessons take diverse
learners into
consideration and
provide well-defined and
Lessons provide some
accommodations to
support a diversity of
Lessons support some
learning styles but do little
to support any special
Lessons do not
provide any
accommodations to
support multiple types
of learners.
Procedures: Technology Integration (1.000, 12%) Technology deepens
students' understanding
of important concepts,
supports higher-order
thinking skills, and
develops students'
lifelong skills. The
technology enhances
student learning,
increases productivity,
and promotes creativity.
Technology in lessons
help students understand
concepts and develop
skills. The technology
enhances student
learning, increases
productivity, or promotes
Technology in lessons
seems to be added
without much thought to
how it supports and
deepens student skills
and understanding.
Lessons could be
taught more
effectively without the
current use of
technology as it is
described in my Unit
Overall Procedures (1.000, 12%) Lessons have well
thought-out, detailed
instructions and
procedures that make
lessons more
understandable for
Lessons have instructions
and procedures that serve
as an effective guide for
Lessons have instructions
and procedures, but some
areas are unclear, making
implementation difficult.
Lessons lack clarity
and are not an
effective guide for

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