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Standard 2.L2.

c- Use an apostrophe to form contractions

Lesson 1 In this lesson, students will be introduced to the topic of contractions. They will be
introduced a simple contractions first; is. When forming a contraction with the word
is, the apostrophe is used to replace the i. When forming a contraction with the word
not, the apostrophe is used to replace the o.
Procedure 1. Students will be introduced to the topic of contractions by watching a short
2. The instructor will use the SMART Notebook lesson below to introduce
contractions using is. (The two lessons below will be used throughout the
entire unit depending on the contraction being taught for the day). There are
interactive components for students to engage in as they follow along

Technologies Used Video
SMART Notebook
Google Forms
Learning by listening
Justification The video was chosen to be used as a hook for the second graders. The SMART
notebook lesson was chosen because it contains multiple pages that can be used
throughout the entire unit. It is interactive as well.
Daily Assessment The students will complete a matching activity where they match the standard form
of a set of words to contractions using the word is. (Submitted using Google Forms)
Standard 2.L2.c- Use an apostrophe to form contractions
Lesson 2 In this lesson, students will review previous contractions learned. They will be
introduced to contractions using the word not. When forming a contraction with the
word not, the apostrophe is used to replace the o.
Procedure 1. Students will watch the video video lesson provided.
2. The instructor will use the SMART Notebook lesson below to introduce
contractions using not. (The two lessons below will be used throughout the
entire unit depending on the contraction being taught for the day). There are
interactive components for students to engage in as they follow along
3. Students will be allowed to choose one activity from the contraction games
website to practice forming is and not contractions.
Technologies Used Video
Smart Notebook
Interactive online website
Google Forms
Learning by listening
Learning by doing
Justification The video was chosen to be used as a hook for the second graders. The SMART
notebook lesson was chosen because it contains multiple pages that can be used
throughout the entire unit. It is interactive as well. The contraction games allow for
student choice and practice.

Daily Assessment The students will be asked to complete a sorting activity that used the is and not
contractions previously learned.
Standard 2.L2.c- Use an apostrophe to form contractions
Lesson 3 In this lesson, students will review previous contractions learned. They will be
introduced to contractions using the word will. When forming a contraction with
the word will, the apostrophe is used to replace the w and i.
Procedure 1. Students will watch the Video to review the definition of contractions and
how they are formed.
2. The instructor will use the SMART Notebook lesson below to introduce
contractions using will. (The two lessons below will be used throughout the
entire unit depending on the contraction being taught for the day). There are
interactive components for students to engage in as they follow along.
3. Student will practice using the three previously learned contractions using the
Fill in the blank exercise.
Technologies Used Video
Smart Notebook
Interactive online exercise

Learning by listening
Learning by doing
Justification The video was chosen to be used as a hook for the second graders. The SMART
notebook lesson was chosen because it contains multiple pages that can be used
throughout the entire unit. It is interactive as well. The fill in the blank exercise allows
students to practice forming contractions within the context of a sentence.
Daily Assessment The students will be asked to complete a different Fill in the blank exercise similar to
the one used as practice.
Standard 2.L2.c- Use an apostrophe to form contractions
Lesson 4 In this lesson, students will review previous contractions learned. They will be
introduced to contractions using the word have. When forming a contraction with
the word have, the apostrophe is used to replace the h and a.
Procedure 1. The instructor will provide a list of contraction words using the word have.
2. The instructor will use the SMART Notebook lesson below to introduce
contractions using have. (The two lessons below will be used throughout
the entire unit depending on the contraction being taught for the day). There
are interactive components for students to engage in as they follow along.
3. Students will be able to practice this and previously learned contractions using
the Contraction Basketball game.

Technologies Used List of have words (online)
Smart Notebook
Interactive online basketball game

Learning by listening
Discovery learning
Justification The online list was chosen to be used so students have something to refer back to.
The SMART notebook lesson was chosen because it contains multiple pages that can
be used throughout the entire unit. It is interactive as well. The contraction basketball
game allows students to practice in the form of a game.
Daily Assessment Students will complete the Rainy Day Contractions sorting activity. (See below)

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