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7/28/14 9:06 AM RE: Staff Meetings for CNA/ACPs - Heinke, Pamela S

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!"# %&'(( )**&+,-. (/0 1234315.
Pl am,
l Lhlnk lf people are acLlve on ShareolnL, lL should counL Loward meeLlng aLLendance. SLarLlng May 1sL ls flne.
l do Lhlnk we should conLlnue Lo offer a quarLerly ln person meeLlng LhaL you run, buL LhaL !en/Mandy/Me
could aLLend Lo help clarlfy and answer quesLlons. We really sLruggle geLLlng face Llme wlLh Lhls group and we
could probably answer many quesLlons/concerns rlghL Lhen and Lhere lnsLead of you always havlng Lo be Lhe
mlddle person.
1hey sLlll need Lo be encouraged Lo go Lo housewlde CnA councll. SLaff meeLlngs can'L replace aLLendance.
osLlng 2 Llmes a monLh would be flne.
1hanks for all your work wlLh Lhls group. l know lL ls maklng a blg dlfference!!
Jamie Nordhagen, RN, BSN, OCN
Associate Nurse Manager
BMT/Oncology and Onc/GynOnc/Med
University of Colorado Hospital
!"#$% Pelnke, amela S
&'()% 1hursday, Aprll 24, 2014 3:34 M
*#% Zwlnk, !ennlfer, nordhagen, !amle, !ohnson, Mandy
+,% Pelnke, amela S
&-./',)% SLaff MeeLlngs for CnA/ACs

Pl Ladles,
l wanL Lo sLarL lmplemenLlng ShareolnL for CnA/ACs Lo geL credlL for meeLlngs sLarLlng May 1sL. ls LhaL Ck?
uo you sLlll wanL me Lo do ln person meeLlngs for a few more monLhs ln addlLlon Lo ShareolnL?
lf Lhey posL 2 Llmes a monLh, Lhls fulfllls Lhelr sLaff meeLlng requlremenL, correcL?
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7/28/14 9:06 AM RE: Staff Meetings for CNA/ACPs - Heinke, Pamela S
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Can Lhey go Lo Lhe sLaff meeLlng ln place of Councll? l wanL Lo lean Lowards no, buL dldn'L know your
l can keep Lally of how many Llmes Lhey are posLlng and glve lL Lo Leadershlp for Lvals.
Pamela Heinke RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Bone Marrow Transplant & Oncology Units

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