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7/28/14 10:08 AM RE: Meeting Minutes from March - Heinke, Pamela S

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!"# %&&'()* %()+'&, -./0 %1.23
MlghL help lf l aLLach Lhem : )
!"#$% Pelnke, amela S
&'()% Wednesday, Aprll 2, 2014 2:33 M
*#% uCP-Al 11Lh Cnc CnA/AC
+,% Pelnke, amela S
&-./',)% MeeLlng MlnuLes from March

Pappy Pump uay,
Pere are Lhe mlnuLes from Lhe March CnA/AC Councll. 1hanks Lo everyone for maklng an efforL Lo come. l
know lL's hard for you Lo geL here!
Popefully Lhe meeLlngs ln Aprll wlll be easler Lo geL Lo slnce Lhere are a varleLy of Llmes.
1hanks Lo 1anesha who was Lhe supersLar of Lhe monLh!! ?ou all are amazlng and we appreclaLe your hard
1ake care,
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