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Alister Mason

Opening a Class Session

Procedure: Entering the Classroom

Mrs. Masons Enchanted 2

State the procedure: Good morning, 2
graders, today, we will be learning the proper way
to enter the classroom as a group. This is important because it will teach students
responsibility and develop their independence. It will also make transition easier between
class activities.


How might learning this procedure benefit 2

This procedure addresses a core efficiency that will ensure students safety. It will provide
the opportunity to verify accountability and identify who is present or absent. It helps to
create structured routines, discipline, teamwork and time management. It also enables the
class to run more smoothly because students will enter the classroom and begin their work.

Opening: Class, do you remember the route we practiced yesterday? Well, entering the
classroom in the morning can be as crazy as leaving at the end of the day, so we will learn
the proper way to enter the classroom in the morning. I know it can be a little difficult at
times to remember all the rules, but dont worry; we will be doing this procedure every day
and everyone will get to practice. The more you practice, the easier it becomes.

Explanation of the process:

I will go through the steps once verbally and then I will model the steps to explain the
process again.

At 07:30 daily line up will begin. Students will line up alongside the right side of
the hallway.
At 07:40, I will walk students to the classroom door.
I will greet each student at the door with a hello John (students may choose 3
Hs handshake or high-five).
Students will put up belongings in their assigned cubbies (coats, lunch box,
Students will place homework in their assigned folder in the red homework bin.
Students will move their name tags on the lunch chart.
Students will walk to their assigned sits quietly; check the board for the Do Now
or Bell Ringers.


I will physically model the procedure myself.
I will select Table 1 to demonstrate the steps and I will explain and guide though
the steps.
After the group has modeled the procedures, I will call on individual students to tell
me the steps in order and allow Table 2 to demonstrate the steps.

Check for Understanding:

I will ask students, how do you line up for class in the morning?
What is the first thing the teacher does after you line up in the morning?
What do we do next?
How do you go to your sits?
What does the teacher expect you to do after you get to your sits?
What are you expected to check for on the board?


I will take the students outside of the classroom, and have them practice the
procedure in the right order.
I will monitor and guide them through the process.
This is a permanent scheduled class activity; therefore, students will have lots of
opportunities to practice daily until they are comfortable with the process.


Students will be given the opportunity to practice with upcoming classes today.

*Remember: Students remember that everyone may not recall all these steps in order right
now but you will have the opportunity to practice every day. Please have patience and we
will get through this like real champions.

Alister Mason
Closing a Class Session
Procedure: Dismissal of Class

Mrs. Masons Enchanted 2


State the procedure: Good day 2
graders, today, we will be learning the proper way to leave the
classroom at the end of the day. This procedure is important because it addresses core efficiencies
with a structured routine.


How might learning this procedure benefit 2
This procedure will ensure students safety and a structured routine.
It is a good method to gage students understanding of the lesson covered.
It creates discipline and teamwork.
It also facilitates a smoother transition from class activities to dismissal, ensures students
gets to their release point without getting lost or hurt in the process.

Explanation and model the process:

Class, do you remember why we practiced this procedure yesterday? Well, leaving the classroom
in the afternoon can be very chaotic. Who can tell me what I mean by chaotic? It means the same
as crazy, disorganize, messy... I know this may sound confusing right now but we will be doing this
procedure every day. You will get lots of time to practice; the more you practice, the easier it

I will go through the steps once verbally. I will then model the steps to ensure students
understand what they need do.
At 3:00 daily, I will get students attention; restate the objective of for the days activities
reasons for the review.
I will checks for clear understanding of objectives and ask students 3-4 questions on the
materials we covered (e.g., who was the main character in the story? How many sides does
a triangle have? etc...).
Students will write their answers on a piece of paper. The student(s) who finishes first with
the most correct answers will get to read a story to the class.
I will state the learning objectives for the next day activities.
I will identify students by table number and assign their roles (i.e., collecting class materials,
cleaning up areas etc...).
Students will clean up their areas, straighten up the classroom and prepare for dismissal by
(i.e., Table 1 gets homework folder from the red container on my desk, gather their
belongings from their cubbies, and line up quietly on the right side of the wall in the
classroom by groups. Tables 2, 3 & 4 will repeat the same process).
Groups are as follows: (group 1 parent pick-up, group 2 students working home, and
group 3 students riding the buses). After the bell rings, I will personally escort all students
to their appropriate release point and give each student high-five or a handshake.

I will physically model the procedure myself.
I would select Table 1 to demonstrate the steps and I will explain and guide though the
steps. After the group has modeled the procedures, I will call on individual students to tell
me the steps in order and allow Table 2 to demonstrate the steps.

Check for Understanding:
What time do you stop class activities?
How do your line up?
Why do we line up in groups?
Who makes sure tables and classroom are clean?


I will take the students outside of the classroom, and have them practice the procedure in
the right order.

I will demonstrate how this process is done and have the students practice.
I will monitor and guide them through the process.
This is a permanent scheduled class activity; therefore, students will have lots of
opportunities to practice daily until they are comfortable with the process.

Closing: I will ask students if everyone know and understand what they need to do. If there any
questions, I will reteach the process until All students understand. It there are no questions, I
would do a final review of steps and intentionally omit a few steps to see if they will notice or make

Reinforce: This will be a permanent classroom procedure. Students will be given the opportunity
to practice with upcoming classes.

*Remember: Students remember that everyone may not recall all these steps in order right now
but you will have the opportunity to practice every day. Please have patience and we will get
through this like real champions!

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