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HLAC - Lifelong Wellness E-Portfolio Assignment

Name: Stephanie Gallegos Course: CrossFit

Date: 08/01/2014

1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this class?
CrossFit is probably the most extreme type of exercise I have ever tried and I loved it. This course
really pushed me past my limit and showed me that I am capable of doing way more than I ever
thought I could. I feel stronger, more capable, and better about my self-image. Not only did this
course teach me how important exercise is, but also how important proper exercise is. Now I can
feel comfortable lifting weights and doing other types of difficult exercise without feeling like Im
going to injure myself.
2. How has learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted your life (home,
school, work, etc)?
Taking this course has enabled me to feel stronger, more capable, and better about my self-image.
Therefore I have been doing better with almost everything in my life. I am pushing myself past my
limitations and doing things I never saw possible. Ironically, before this course I dreaded exercising,
but now I look forward to it.
3. What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?
Since taking this course I have developed a habit and a love for this type of exercise. Thus I plan to
continue taking the course throughout the next couple of semesters. I also plan to pay a little extra
to be able to attend more than just twice a week. I went from dreading work outs to planning
healthy goals and actually achieving them, it feels great!

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