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Dear Friends,

Many greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I feel its a great opportunity to write
about my wonderful experiences of my life in APPCC.

In 70s I used to work as a Leprosy medical officer for a Christian missionary hospital, & my wife
worked as a clerk in the same hospital. I used to conduct medical camps in several flooded,
remote villages where there were a lot of viral diseases, & severe health problems. when I
talked with the people there in my visits, I deeply moved by the tragic situation of the poor and
needy people.
Children dont have education & hygiene, and most of the children are Orphans and semi-
orphans. 70% of families are divorced. Tuberculosis-TB, Cholera, Malaria, Leprosy, are very
common and the recent dreadful disease AIDS swept many people from the last 30 years.

With deep pain in our hearts, we both spent time with God and kept asked God to help those
needy people. God answered our prayers & spoke to us through the scriptures. God directed
our paths to help such poor and needy people. In the year 1980 we both took a decision to
resign our jobs. By the Lords call, we both moved to the remote village called Duddukuru.
From that day we decided and dedicated our lives to serve the poor people in such a remote
village. We started our life in APPCC and helped with small orphan home. Really God has
heard our prayers and blessed us wonderfully; later on we extended our services and started
other projects like medical care, counseling, rehabilitation work, Technical school and women
welfare, and got wonderful opportunity to service the poor and downtrodden people. Irrespective
of caste, creed, religion many people got benefited by APPCC.

APPCC was started by a Swedish Christian group in 1979, they supported us for 20 yrs. Each
and every year they made visits to APPCC and they gave their valuable encouragement, time,
energy, & generous support. Later unfortunately most of the sponsors in the group were died,
and remaining became old & sick, and unable to support APPCC. They have stopped their
sponsorship. Even though they are unable to help financially or visiting Appcc, we are grateful to
them, and we never forget their wonderful service to the needy people. Later we faced many up
& downs to run the Mission, but God gave us strength and power to stand & to continue the

Being the President of this Organization, I would never forget to render my gratitude to my
Lord Jesus Christ. His inordinate blessings upon my life has given me the zeal to help the
differentially privileged people in the society. I rejoice in God all through my life for His support,
strength & guidance.

Looking back, it is a great experience to be involved in this labor. It is a journey with love, care
and integrity. The below verse from the Holy bible agitated me to engross into this mission
For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something
to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you
visited me. I was in prison you came to me. .

Then the righteous will answer Him, Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or
thirsty, and give You something to drink? And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You
in, or naked, and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?
The King will answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of
these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to me. ( Mathew 25: 35 :40)

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4 : 13). With the strength of
my Savior, I have been doing my chore with deep perseverance and altruistic vow for the past
thirty years in spite of financial quandary and social oppression. God strengthened me when I
face many trials, intricacies, obstacles. What come may, I have firm faith, The LORD will fulfill
[his purpose] for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your

With stains of flourishing memories, we remember with lots of gratitude to all the loved ones
who really carried our yoke.
Without an enthusiastic and conscientious committee and staff, there would be no History. I
extend my sincere thanks to all who have served with the committee all these years. I am
thankful to General Body Committee Members, Admin Staff, Office Staff & Helpers who stood
as my back-bone to fulfill the noble cause. Their strong support and perpetual co-operation did
make an impact! I am also thankful to the present Committee Members, Secretary, Legal and
financial advisors for their kind co-operation and harmonization.

I forget the benefactor kind donors who stretched their helping hands for their generous
contribution to the Mission. Thank you all. I also extend my thanks to all our well-wishers and

Consider us in your prayers to fulfill the Vision:-
Currently our Mission does not have constant collaboration & Sponsorship in financial needs. To
run the Mission We are accepting small gifts(occasional) from our kind hearted friends which
are so blessed for us. We sell lace crochet items prepared by our women in the Mission in order
to raise money. But we dont get regular buying offers. We are praying that God will open doors
and raise u several churches/communities/organizations and individuals to partner with the work
of this ministry so that we can help more people and develop more programs.
Finally friends I urge you to march selfless towards the social cause of our community and strive
to excel in every field given to you by God! We deeply appreciate your consideration of the
needs. Continue to stretch your helping hands and remember us in your fervent prayers to fulfill
the Vision.

Thanking you

God bless you

Dr.Arthur Chetty
APPCC Mission

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