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Rachel Bowell

Weekly Summaiy 7
uRA S9uu

This week was the seconu to last week of my inteinship with BP Solutions uioup. I
have to aumit that when I waiting to begin this inteinship pait of me was not looking
foiwaiu to it, I'm not suie why, but I am so glau I was able to have this expeiience. I am
going to miss eveiyone at the company quite a bit. They have not only shaieu theii
knowleuge about the piint inuustiy, but also eveiyuay live in geneial. I absolutely feel like I
have a new set of fiienus anu mentois. I am planning to wiite thank you notes to the people
that I spent the most time with anu the piesiuent of the company.
I hau scheuuleu a few uays to help wheievei I was neeueu anu it tuineu out that I
neeueu help this Tuesuay. I am taking the web uevelopment couise online this summei. Ni.
Bowman hau wanteu to explain web uesign to me befoie, but he uiun't have any piojects at
the time. I askeu if he woulu be willing to help me figuie out my CSS issues, anu he saiu it
was the peifect oppoitunity to uiscuss the cieation of websites. Ny questions weie mostly
about the piopei use of tags anu selectois in CSS. The viueo tutoiials that go along with my
class aie infoimative, but it ieally helpeu to have Bon uemonstiate how to manage a
vaiiety of elements in a uocument. I am a visual leainei anu I appieciate someone showing
me how something is uone as well as pioviuing instiuctions.
Aftei I hau gone thiough my list of questions about web uevelopment I spent the
afteinoon with Patsy. She has been paiticulaily busy lately. I helpeu hei loau papei, collate
jobs, anu manage hei woikflow. I think the most complicateu pait of hei job is
tioubleshooting mechanical issues in the Iuens. Theie aie so many moving paits anu little
computei baseu eiiois that can occui; I am amazeu when she can tell me exactly which
pait uiun't function like it shoulu anu how to fix it. 0n Thuisuay I woikeu until 4 pm. I
spent the uay paitially with Patsy again. That moining I helpeu pack seveial jobs to be
ueliveieu. I spent the afteinoon making plates. The plate making piocess is faiily
stiaightfoiwaiu anu I completeu two-uozen befoie the enu of the uay.
Aftei spenuing so much time at BP I have ueciueu that I have chosen the coiiect
majoi anu I woulu like to stait a caieei in the piint inuustiy. Ny expeiience at BP may have
skeweu my peiception towaius the positive anu I am suie that not all piint shops aie as
enjoyable to woik foi. The inuiviuuals that I have met aie haiuwoiking anu willing to help
one anothei, which plays a huge iole in uaily activities. I have leaineu that the olu theoiy of
uoing something iight the fiist time is uefinitely tiue in this inuustiy. It is bettei to put in
the extia effoit to coiiect something, anu it makes all the uiffeience.
I am veiy uetail oiienteu anu piiue myself in completing quality woik; both qualities
piove to be impoitant in this woik enviionment. I gieatly enjoy helping otheis anu I feel
fulfilleu when I can assist someone with a task oi issue. Theie aie always questions to be
answeieu anu extia hanus neeueu in a piint shop, anu I ieally thiive in that enviionment. I
also think I uo well unuei the piessuie of a ueauline. I have a haiu time ueuicating my time
to something if I uon't have some soit of ueauline to follow, anu theie aie always ueaulines
attacheu to piint jobs.
I uo not think I woulu be a successful piess opeiatoi because of my statuie anu
physical capabilities. I have enjoyeu iunning the uigital piesses with Patsy, howevei. A
supeivisoi position woulu be iueal in my opinion because it involves all of the qualities I
have mentioneu anu also iequiies quite a bit of contact with all of the membeis of the team.
This inteinship has uefinitely helpeu assuie me that I pickeu the iight caieei.

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