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July/August Edition

A Message From The Director...

Wow, the year is half way over and we now begin to look to the end of the year, and the
enrolments for 2015.
This year the re enrolment for 2015 has been made on Friday, 22
of August 2014. This
year re enrolment will be done via appointment only. This will ensure all families are
provided with the opportunities for first in best dressed.
With preschool currently having waiting lists on Monday, Wednesday and Friday sessions I
have now applied to the NSW Department of Education and Communities to increase our
maximum licensed numbers from 30 children per day to 40. I have had our preschool
indoor and outdoor environments measured by Euan Pickett architects and we have enough
encumbered space in preschool for 44 children. By applying for this increase it will ensure
that all children will be provided with maximum opportunity for enrolment.
Just a quick note about arrival and pick up times. It has become more and more evident
through term3 that parents are dropping off their kids earlier, and picking them up later.
Arrival time is strictly 9am and pick up time is 3pm unless your child is enrolled in before
and after preschool care on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
The fundraising committee is currently working on some amazing ideas to raise some needed
funds in the second half of the year. Fundraising ideas include a progressive dinner, disco,
and movie night. If you are at all able to help run these events please speak to Marcia
Nolan or Melissa Jones.
In Term 3 we will see the turn of our preschool assistant, Donna Boaden. Donna is
returning after taking six months off for the birth of her son, Parker; if you are new or
existing family please make Donna feel welcomed back into our preschool community.
The second half of the year we welcome many new events to preschool including the toy
catalogues fund raiser, trip to the Finley Bakery, annual book fair as well as the Fathers
Day morning tea.
We look forward to an exciting second half of the year.
Kind Regards
Jessica Williams

Dates to Remember.
Monday, 14
of July- Friday, 19
of July
2014} Term 3
Tuesday, 15th of July 2014} KITE program
Thursday, 24
of July} KITE

Fundraising News
The Fundraising Coordinator, Marcia Nolan and Melissa Jones have been working on possible fundraising ideas for the remainder of the 2014 preschool
year. A Rotating Dinner will be heading the fundraising projects for the rest of the year. A date will be set shortly with flyer been distributed inviting
families of the preschool and community members. For this event we will be asking families to volunteer their time to service entrees, and deserts at
different venues during the evening. If you are able to help organise this event please speak to Marcia or Melissa.
Other major fundraisers for the end of the 2014 year include the Tuppal Food and Fiber festival, the Tocumwal Big Breakfast and Tocumwal
Foreshore markets.
The Tuppal Food & Fiber Festival has been established following the very successful re-enactment of Tom Roberts Shearing of the Rams
held in 2010 at the iconic Tuppal Woolshed. It will be held on Friday 17
of October until Sunday, 19
of October. The Fundraising
Coordinators are currently taking expressions of interest for preschool volunteers to work at this event. The profits from this event will be
provided to community organisations which supply volunteers and the monetary value contributed will depend on the amount of people the
organisation provides
Please remember we are a community based service and thus all money raised through fundraising goes back into our community

Healthy Choices
A reminder to families at Tocumwal Preschool we have a healthy
eating nutrition policy. Chips and chocolates are not allowed in
childrens lunch boxes. Please replace these treats with different
fruits, yoghurts and or cheeses.
Arrival & Departure Times
A quick reminder to families that arrival time at preschool is 9am unless you are
enrolled in before preschool care on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday it is 8:30am.
Pick up time is 3pm unless you are enrolled in after school care on Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday it is 4pm. If you are running late for any reason please ring
There is a lost property basket located in the front foyer of the preschool.
Please make sure you have a look for your childs missing belongings. All
property in the basket will be donated to charity after the end of each term.
In the front foyer all of the preschool children have an individualized portfolio
of their learning journey whilst at preschool. Their portfolios are made up of
work samples, observations such as learning stories, photographs, and family
input sheets. Please feel free to look at your childs portfolio and provide
feedback to our preschool educators.

A big thank you to Mick, Jo, and staff from Haynes Butchery for hosting the four year old children on excursion. All of
the children had a wonderful time making hamburgers, and sausages and bringing them back to preschool to cook and
Tocumwal Preschool we will be holding re enrolment for the 2015 year on Friday, 22
of August 2015 by appointment only. Parents and
or caregivers are asked to make an appointment time with Jessica. Appointments will begin at 1pm. Re enrolment is for families who are
currently already enrolled within the preschool and wish to secure a position for the 2015 sessions. The sessions for the 2015 year
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Combined Session 4 Year Old Session Combined Session
( 3 & 4 Year Old
4 Year Old Program 3 Year Old Session
( Half Day Only)

When trying to decide days of enrolment please keep in mind that the NSW Education and Communities advocates that children in the year prior to
formal schooling do a recommended fifteen hours of preschool which equities to two and half days. Current research shows that early childhood services
such as preschools are effective in ensuring that children make a positive transition to school. Research indicates that children who make a smooth
transition from preschool are more likely to be socially competent and achieve a better result in school.
Parents and or caregivers are asked to bring a current copy of their childs immunisation record as well as health care card to this appointment.
Did you know? Research results show that almost 90% of children who
have attended an early childhood service are more confident with language
and literacy- a rate 20 % higher than children with early childhood

In March 2013 the government released recommendation of the independent review of NSW Government funding
for early childhood education, along with the governments response. This response included the development of the
new Preschool funding model to fund community preschools. The NSW governments decision to target support for
preschool access to children in their year before school is consistent with the national and state plan targets for
universal access to preschool. The Preschool funding model was based on Professor Deborah Brennan
recommendations for a fairer preschool funding model designed to put more money in the sector from 2014 and
better support increased preschool access by children in their year before school. To be eligible for preschool funding
a child will need to be either:
At least 4 year old on or before the 31
of July in that preschool year and not yet in compulsory
At least 3 years old on or before 31
of July and from a disadvantaged background ( i.e. from a family
holding a low income Health Care Card or is Aboriginal)
So What Does All This Mean for Tocumwal Preschool?
With the change of funding model from the NSW Department of Education and Communities the fees at Tocumwal
Preschool for the 2015 year will be altered. Jessica and Fran will be attending information in Albury in the
coming weeks regarding the new models and how services fees will need to change. This information will be bought
back to the next committee meeting where an executive committee decision will be made regarding the Tocumwal
Preschool fee structure.

The preschool car park is a general concern for parents, families and children. With the
preschool having 30 children being dropped off most days it is important that all car
park users are being sensible when entering, parking and exiting from the car park. In an
unfortunate accident our brick wall from the front has been demolished. We ask that all
families please stay away from this area. Parents are asked to enter the car park from
the entry point closest to the motel and exit using the point closest to the preschool. It
is important that we keep all the preschool traffic flowing in the same direction. Entry
and exit signs have been ordered and will be placed up to advice families but in the
mean time we ask families to slow down, and be very visual of both road and
pedestrian users. The safety of our families is paramount to our preschool. We thank all
our families for their support in ensuring everyone stays safe.
Play is something in which humans of all ages from diverse cultures engage, although the purpose for
and the type of play may be different across ages and cultures. Relationships between children and with
adults are central to learning and teaching through play. Two- way interactions and exchange of ideas
and thinking between adults and children in a play contacts influence childrens continued motivation,
sustained interest in experience and what they have learned. Play is associated with the development of
intellectual skills and understandings. In play experiences children integrate emotions that establish neural
connections critical to effective brain functioning. When children play they use their imagination and
imitation which requires complex cognitive or intellectual processes. The development of cognitive skills,
including dispositions for learning such as curiosity and persistence memory, language and literacy skills
have strong links to play. Play is associated with the development of creative skills. Plays foster
creativity of thought, imagination, strategies for problems solving and the development of the divergent
thinking ability.
So rather than thinking my child is simply playing at preschool,
think my child is learning through some serious play.

School Readiness
Age is generally the first consideration for parents when making the decision about whether or
not your child should start primary school. You may have concerns about whether your child is
ready to start school even if they are the right age. In some cases there is an eleven month
difference between the youngest eligible child and the child that misses the cutoff date. To make
a decision about school readiness, you may want consider:
Language Skills: Communication is used to engage with and teach your child. A child
needs to be able to follow instructions and understand what teachers are saying, as
well as being able to communicate well with teachers and the other students.
Physical wellbeing: A child who has a disability or a chronic illness may have
difficulty with some aspects of school. This does not automatically mean they are not
ready for school but any physical or functional limitation need to be considered.
Motor co-ordination and skills: a child needs coordination skills to allow them to dress
and undress, unwrap lunch, use a pencil and scissors and participate in other
activities that require eye hand and motor coordination.
Concentration and emotional adjustment: a child needs to be able to socialise and play
with their classmates. They also need to be able to deal with the structured nature of
a more formal learning environment, such as being able to focus on tasks, follow
directions and instructions from teachers, cope with transitions, and understand the
Independence: A child needs a range of skills so that they can cope with minimum
adult supervision. This includes going to the toilet by them, dressing and able to follow
structured classroom routine.
If you are concerned about whether your child is ready to start school, then it very
important to get advice and support in making this decision.
Please come in and talk to the Tocumwal Preschool teachers about your childs
development and school readiness.
Maternal Health Nurse Visits
Kay Pinnick the Maternal Health Nurse attends Tocumwal
Hospital every Wednesday. She is available to provide children
with their three and four year old screenings. Within these
screenings Kay is able to provide if needed referrals to services
such as speech therapists, occupational therapists as well as
pediatricians. If you are interested in a screening for your child
your need to book through the Tocumwal Hospital on 03 58
742 166.

Parent Information Survey
The National Quality Standards promote a collaborative self-
assessment approach between the service and families. To
accommodate familys thoughts, opinions and values as a part
of assessment we ask families to fill in a parent survey. The
2014 survey has now been distributed.
If you return your survey by Friday, 1
of August 2014
you will go in the draw to win $100 off Term 4 preschool

The winner will be notified the following week. Please
remember all feedback is confidential, and names do not have
to be added however if you wish for a staff or committee
member to respond to your suggestions please write your
name on the back.
Have you
returned a
Family Input
Early Bird Payment of Fees
Early bird payments are invoiced on fees according to the
session in which are taken. For every day your child takes
there will be a $5 discount for early payment of term
fees. For Example: If your child comes to 2 full day
session you are eligible for a $10 discount.
Donation for New Air Conditioning
A Big thank you to the Tocumwal Golf Club in conjunction with the Barooga
Sports Club who has donated $1100 to the installation of a new air
conditioner in the office as well as the upgrade of the evaporative in the
main preschool room The summer months will now be a lot more
tolerable at Tocumwal Preschool.
Parent Duty Roster
There will be a Family Duty roster placed on the front foyer counter for
families to place their name on. If you wish to come in for some Family
Duty time please place your name on a suitable date. Once your family
name is down anyone from your childs family can attend such as mum,
dad, brother, sister, Nan or pop. To make it convenient for parents,
educators and children we ask that parents come at either 9am until 11am
or from 2:00pm until 3:00pm. If you cant attend please let an educator
know. Thank you for your support in advance.
Next Working Bee:
Sunday, 31st of
August 2014
10am START

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