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Cazels Meteorology Policies and Procedures

Class location: 11-006 Parent/Teacher conferences:
Voicemail: 407-320-6174 Please call 407-320-6150 to schedule an
Email: anna_cazel@scps.us appointment through the guidance office.

Lab fee: There is a $5 lab fee for this class. This fee will be used to purchase supplies used
for projects and activities.

Parent/teacher communication: Skyward, homework hotline (Meteorology will not have a lot of homework,
unless they need to finish a project that was not completed in class.), Weebly, Schoology or Edmodo, student
progress reports, email, and student planners.

I will be using many types of web-based resources for students to use. If a student abuses these
resources, they will no longer have access to them and will be required to do the assignment on paper.

Within my class, I do not have rules. I have expectations. They are as follows:
I expect students to:
1. Be respectful of everyone in class. (Mind your manners!)
2. Come to class prepared. (Do you have all of your supplies, homework, projects?)
3. Come to class on time.
4. Not to eat food or drink drinks in class. (Water is the only exception, except on lab days.)
5. Abide by the policies and procedures of Sanford Middle School and SCPS.
If you decide that you cannot meet my expectations, there will be consequences.
offense: Phone call home to parents and conference with student to discuss the issue.
offense: Phone call home to parents and removal from the class to do the assignment in a different
classroom, and a lunch detention.
offense: Phone call home to parents and removal from class and additional lunch detentions.
offense: Referral to the office and a phone call home to parents to set up a conference.

Quizzes/Final exam: Students will have quizzes on each topic covered in the class. This amounts to around
one quiz every week or two. Quizzes will be used to determine if students understand the concepts covered in
class. The only test students will take in Meteorology will be their final exam at the end of the semester.

Labs: Lab activities will be done with groups about once a week when possible. Depending on instruction,
students will either complete questions about the lab, or write up a report. *Lab privileges may be taken
away if safe lab procedures arent followed.

Projects/Activities: There will be many projects done in Meteorology. On average, one project every two
weeks. These projects will make up most of your grade for each quarter. If you do not complete the projects,
you cannot do well in class.

Participation/Homework: A majority of student work can be completed before the student leaves the
classroom. In Meteorology, there is little to no homework, unless a student needs extra time to complete an
assignment. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and projects. At the end of the quarter,
students will receive a participation grade.

Planners: Every student is to have a planner. They will be responsible for writing the daily agenda in their

Agenda: Every day when students enter class, there will be an agenda posted on the Smartboard. Students
must copy the agenda into their planner every day.

Bellwork: All students will be responsible for doing their bellwork assignment upon entering the classroom.
This assignment is done in the first 5-10 minutes of class.

Make Up Work: If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to get the work they missed.

Late Work: For every day that an assignment is late, I will take a letter grade off of the assignment.

Tardy Policy: The definition of a tardy for my class is as follows: You are tardy if you are not in the room and
in your seat when the bell rings. The only exceptions to this definition are signed passes from a teacher or
other faculty member.

Turning stuff in: I will collect your composition books every two weeks. I will have a designated area of the
classroom where you will turn it in. All quizzes and other loose papers will be turned into the Fujita cubby
behind the demonstration table.

Extra Credit Assignments: There will be many chances for extra credit for my class.
1. Students may read a science based novel and may do one of the following assignments.
a. Write a one page book report about the novel
b. Make a poster representing at least one character from the book
c. Write several journal entries as a character
d. Redo the book cover
Students must get the book approved by the teacher before starting the assignment. Students may do
two novels per quarter and each novel is worth 200 points.

2. Students may also find 10 weather based articles (from newspapers or magazines) and write a summary
of each article. (The article must be 5 or more paragraphs.) To receive credit on the assignment,
students must provide the article (Xerox copy or original) along with the summary. If a student
completes 10 and the summaries are not plagiarized (copied word for word) they will receive 200

Required classroom supplies:
1 composition book
Writing utensil (pen, pencil, crayon, marker)
Colored pencils/crayons

My child and I have read and understand Ms. Cazels Classroom
Agreement, and we agree to the policies outlined.

Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent/Guardian Phone #
Computer skills
______ I am an expert and can help out students who struggle in class
______ I know how to use a computer, but only for basic stuff, like
typing a paper in Word

(Glue this to the inside cover of your composition book!
This is one of your first homework grades.)

Mrs. Cazel Seminole County Science Safety Contract

The following list of safety procedures pertains to my safety in the science classroom:
Horseplay in the science classroom is dangerous. I will practice appropriate conduct in the classroom, such
as walking, using a quiet voice, keeping my hands off others, etc. I will keep my mind and eyes on what I
am doing.
I will follow written and verbal instructions concerning procedures and/or precautions. They are created for
my protection.
I will keep my personal belongings in the location that is designated by my teacher.
Experiments done in class are for instruction. They are planned to teach an idea or concept. I will perform
only authorized experiments.
I will handle only those chemicals or equipment for which I have received instruction. I will be extremely
careful with handling and storage of chemicals, equipment, and sharp objects.
Chemicals are labeled to identify them. I will always read the label to make sure I am using the correct
substance. Mixing and handling chemicals or other substances can be dangerous. I will not do so unless
instructed in a planned and approved experiment.
When working with fire, I will not reach across a flame or bring any unauthorized substances near flames. I
will not burn objects. I will keep long hair away from fire. I will never leave a burner unattended.
I will dress appropriately. I will tie long hair back, avoid wearing open shoes, dangling jewelry, and floppy
Safety equipment is provided in the science classroom in case of an emergency. I know how and when to
use this equipment. I know where the eyewash station, fire blanket, and extinguishers are located.
It is required by law to wear safety goggles for many laboratory situations. To prevent injury, I will wear my
goggles as instructed by the teacher.
Broken glass is dangerous. If an accident occurs, I will report it immediately to the teacher.
I will be careful not to write in books, on tables, on lab counters, or on desks. I realize that this is a form of
vandalism and I will be help responsible for my behavior.
I will clean up after myself and my lab team. A messy area contributes to accidents.
I will not eat, drink, or chew gum in the science classroom, unless given permission from my teacher.
Cheating and or plagiarism will result in failure of the assignment. All work turned in by my classmates and
me must be completely our own.
I will work to stop any bullying going on around me. Bullying is bad news; I will work cooperatively within
the classroom.

Please sign and return this form to the teacher.

Student Name: __________________________________________________________ Period: ___________________

I have read the science safety rules. I understand these rules have been created for my protection. I agree to follow
them and do my part to make my science classroom a safe place to learn.

For the Parent/Guardian:

Laboratory activities are integral to the science curriculum. Student safety is our highest priority, and is enhanced
by awareness and caution. Please help us to assure a safe and positive learning experience for your child by
completing the items below:

Does the student have any health problems, physical limitations, or allergies? YES NO
If yes, please specify:
Does the student wear contact lenses? YES NO
I have reviewed the above student guidelines for laboratory safety with my child. I will direct any questions I may
have concerning laboratory activities to the science teacher.

Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________ Date:_____________________

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