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Servlce learnlng ls an lmporLanL parL of Lhe program and Lhe professlon Lo demonsLraLe servlce
and clvlc engagemenL, whlch requlres you Lo responslbly engage ln servlce by uslng knowledge
and skllls from boLh general and speclallzed currlcula ln wlder communlLy-based seLLlngs.

SLudenL learnlng ouLcome:
SLudenLs wlll supporL llfe-long pracLlces for conLlnued professlonal growLh.

SLudenLs wlll parLlclpaLe/volunLeer ln a communlLy servlce pro[ecL. 1hls could lnclude, buL ls
noL llmlLed Lo:
Cancer evenLs
lood Shelves
PablLaL for PumanlLy
nelghborhood clean-up evenLs
resenL a Loplc aL a boy or glrl scouL meeLlng
arLlclpaLe on a fund-ralslng Leam
1uLorlng a chlld ln Lhe communlLy
AsslsLlng wlLh a servlce ln an underserved populaLlon
AsslsLlng wlLh elderly ln some capaclLy

WanL more ldeas? vlslL hLLp://gsn.nylc.org/home (slgn up - lL's free)

AL Lhe compleLlon of Lhe semesLer, sLudenLs are expecLed Lo wrlLe a 1-page (1.3 spaced) [ournal
enLry deLalllng Lhe evenL and how Lhey conLrlbuLed. 1he enLry should also lnclude a personal
reflecLlon. Cnce Lhls has been deposlLed ln Lhe u2L dropbox and has been graded, Lhe sLudenL
should upload Lhe enLlre enLry lnLo Lhelr e-porLfollo under Lhe Servlce" page (CommunlLy,
rofesslonal, Lmployer).

?ou are requlred Lo lnclude phoLos/vldeos Lo demonsLraLe proof LhaL you parLlclpaLed (Lhls
should be ln addlLlon Lo Lhe one page of wrlLLen maLerlal). AddlLlonal lnformaLlon abouL Lhe
evenL should lnclude brochures, handouLs, someLhlng from Lhe evenL/organlzaLlon on
leLLerhead or a llnk Lo Lhe webslLe abouL Lhe evenL.

1he Servlce Learnlng pro[ecL/[ournal wlll be graded based on Lhe rubrlc (nexL page). LvaluaLe
each caLegory and ensure your essay meeLs Lhe crlLerla. (30 polnLs posslble)
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SLrong wrlLlng sLyle wlLh
clear ablllLy Lo express
LhoughLs and polnL of vlew.
LxcellenL grammar, synLax,
spelllng, eLc.
WrlLlng sLyle conveys
meanlng adequaLely.
Some grammar, synLax,
and spelllng errors.
ulfflculLy expresslng ldeas or
descrlpLlons clearly. needs Lo
work on grammaLlcal,
synLacLlcal, and spelllng errors.
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Clear lnclslve descrlpLlon
LhaL reveals slLuaLlon and
dynamlcs vlvldly. LxcellenL
use of ad[ecLlves,
meLaphors, eLc. SenslLlve
and percepLlve.
lacLual descrlpLlon of
sequence of evenLs wlLh
some Lo llLLle
lnLerpreLaLlon. noL fully
8rlef or llLLle descrlpLlon wlLh
perfuncLory sLaLemenLs
glosslng over Lhe evenL. 1he
reader has llLLle ldea whaL
4"K3"&/%-* -*
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Seeks Lo undersLand
experlence by LhoughLfully
drawlng on and llnklng
prevlous course maLerlal,
pasL experlences, or cllnlcal
8eflecLlon ls noL as
Lhorough or LhoughLful.
uraws some from
prevlous course maLerlal,
pasL experlences or
cllnlcal experLlse.
8eflecLlon ls noL Lhorough and
does noL demonsLraLe LhaL
LhoughL was puL lnLo
[ournallng. uoes noL brlng ln
prevlous course maLerlal or
pasL experlences. no llnklng
beLween dlfferenL experlences.
!H*/M"I%I -K
SynLheslzes whaL you are
learnlng wlLh whaL you
already know.
ldenLlfy new learnlng and
relaLed prlor knowledge.
Make llmlLed menLlon of whaL
you are learnlng as lL relaLed Lo
whaL you already know.
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ldenLlfy your own
mlsconcepLlons, quesLlons,
weaknesses, and areas for
personal growLh.
usually ldenLlfy your own
quesLlons, weaknesses,
and areas for personal
Cccaslonally ldenLlfy your own
mlsconcepLlons, quesLlons,
weaknesses, and areas for
personal growLh.
9$%N"*&" -K
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lncludes phoLos or vldeos
parLlclpaLlon ln servlce.
8rochures, handouLs or
llnks lncluded abouL evenL.
A phoLo documenLlng
parLlclpaLlon ln servlce ls
no documenLaLlon ls submlLLed
Lo demonsLraLe parLlclpaLlon ln
servlce evenL.

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