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Spanish 4

Valley Lutheran High School

Seorita Phillips
Email: Kphillips@vlhs.org
weely site: vlspanish.weely.com
Classroom Hours: Tuesday & Thursday
7:15- 45 am
!ourse "escription
This course is designed to further each students knowledge of the foreign
language !t is intended to gi"e each student the o##ortunity to #ractice and
o$tain the language s#oken $y millions of #eo#le throughout the world% through
con"ersation &e will learn a$out many of the different '#anish- s#eaking
countries% its #eo#le% and traditions
#hat you will nee$
'#anish (ictionary
&riting utensils )#refera$ly #encil* and #a#er daily
+ay also use i,ad for writing on ,ages
'#anish Te-t$ook - online $ook
.n acti"e edline
. #ack of notecards
!ourse o%ectives
To e/ui# the indi"idual with sufficient skills in the '#anish language to allow
for a con"ersation as well as familiarity with writing and reading
'tudents will $ecome comforta$le using '#anish in written form
This class will also allow for each student to learn and gain understanding of
other cultures
'tudents will #artici#ate in +ultilingual Communities at home and around the
&e'uirements( E)pectations
0rom you- ! e-#ect you to get to class on time% to $e #re#ared and attenti"e
! e-#ect you to do homework and to take /ui11es and tests honestly
0rom me- 2ou can e-#ect that ! will $e fair to all students in all areas and
a"aila$le for hel#
3"eryone will $e treated in a Christian manner and with 43',3CT555
3ach student must #artici#ate during class in order to learn this language to
the $est of their a$ility
3"ery student must ha"e #atience555 6earning a foreign language takes time
and re/uires a lot of re#etition and #ractice to create and maintain a solid
$ase of '#anish s#eaking knowledge
The only electronic de"ice a##ro"ed for use in class is your i,ad .ny other
de"ice7accessory )i,od% cell #hones% ear$uds% etc* are not allowed unless
s#ecific #ermission has $een granted ,4!84 to use .ny non-a##ro"ed
de"ice will $e confiscated without warning and turned o"er to the (ean of
2our i,ad is a tool for your educational "entures when used in class +isuse
of your i,ad will result in it $eing confiscated & #otentially turned o"er to
the (ean of (isci#line
2our i,ad may $e ins#ected at any time at the re/uest of the instructor
. student that is a$sent from class has the res#onsi$ility of finding out
a$out assignments% handouts% notes% etc from the teacher or from another
.ssignments due the day of the a$sence% which were #re"iously assigned% are
due when the student returns to class
.ssignments gi"en the day of the a$sence will $e allowed a day e-tension for
each day of a$sence
!f a student is aware of an u#coming a$sence )school related or not*% it is
the students res#onsi$ility to get his7her assignments ,4!84 to the day)s*
of the a$sence

Late Homewor+ Policy

- Homework turned in 893 (.2 late will automatically $e 5:; off
- .ny homework turned after one day will 98T $e acce#ted at all
,ar$y Policy
. student is considered tardy if not in the classroom ready and #re#ared for
class at the time of the late $ell ,lease refer to the 'tudent Hand$ook for
more information a$out the schools tardy #olicy
!lassroom $iscipline
'tudents are e-#ected to $eha"e with res#ect and res#onsi$ility &hen
students choose to $eha"e otherwise% the following conse/uences will occur:
0irst warning: "er$al warning
'econd warning: "er$al warning% talk to the teacher after class
Third warning: remo"ed from class% referral
0ourth warning: referral% conference with #arents
The teacher has the right to ski# any of these ste#s 'ee the 'tudent Hand$ook
for further information regarding <6H's disci#line #olicy
-ra$ing( Evaluation
The semester grade will $e calculated as follows: 1st /uarter 4:;% =nd /uarter
4:;% final e-am =:;
3ach /uarter will $e weighted as follows: >rading scale
,artici#ation 15; 1::-?:; .
.ssignments7 tarea =:; @?-@:; A
,roBects )#royectos* =:; 7?-7:; C
Cui11es7#rue$as =:; D?-D:; (
Tests7 e-amenes =5; 5?-:; 0

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