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Professional Memo Template

From: Sayuri Takahashi, Laetitia Michel

To: sam.zell@gmail.com
CC: Susan Caesar
Sent: August, 4 2!4
Su"#ect: $ecommen%ation $e&ort 'or (enn Mall

The &ur&ose o' this re&ort is to suggest &lacing an *+M conce&t store in the 'uture (enn Mall. The 'ollo,ing re&ort
is "ase% on sur-ey %ata gathere% 'rom market research %one last ,eeken% in .ni-ersity City. /ur re&ort is %i-i%e%
into three &arts: 0ackgroun%, Fin%ings an% $ecommen%ations.
The *+M "ran% is one o' the most 'amous rea%y1to1,ear clothes com&anies in the ,orl%. )n%ee%, *+M is &o&ular
es&ecially among stu%ents "ecause it com"ines "oth chea& &rice an% 'ashion. Ta"le ! in our re&ort sho,s that 23
o' the &eo&le ,e sur-eye% are un%er 22 years ol%, the %emogra&hic our store targets. )n a%%ition, &eo&le ,e sur-eye%
,ho are li-ing in .ni-ersity City are e-i%ently intereste% in a clothes store as the 'ollo,ing gra&hs an% charts
The analysis o' the %ata 'rom our sur-ey contains 4 im&ortant 'in%ings ,hich su&&ort our &ro&osal to inclu%e an
*+M store in the ne, (enn Mall. These 'in%ings also su&&ort i%eas 'rom our conce&t store 5Com&letely *+M6, to
inclu%e an online catalog an% a ne, link to charities in (hila%el&hia.
Among the !4 &ersons ,e sur-eye%, 23 are un%er 22 years ol%. Ta"le ! sho,s that 783 o' the &eo&le are
stu%ents or young ,orkers ,hich is our main target market.
)n a%%ition, !3 o' the &eo&le ,e sur-eye% li-e in .ni-ersity City an% 493 are stu%ents.
Ta"le ! su&&orts the i%ea that our target market is stu%ents 'rom .ni-ersity City.

Ta"le 2 su&&orts the im&ortance o' the 'uture (enn Mall in .ni-ersity City economic li'e as the ma#ority o'
&eo&le ,e sur-eye% -isit a mall :uite o'ten.
Ta"le 9 re'lects the main concern o' the &eo&le ,e sur-eye% i.e., ,hy they go to a mall: clothes. Thus, the
*+M conce&t store ,e ,oul% like to integrate into the ne, (enn Mall ,oul% "e certainly success'ul "ecause
!! &ersons ans,ere% 5clothes6 as one o' the reasons to go to a mall.
Those ta"les sho, our target market %eman%s a clothes sho& in .ni-ersity City area es&ecially as &art o' the
ne, (enn Mall.

Ta"le 4 illustrates the com"ination o' :uestions 7+; o' our sur-ey, ,hich states that among the 783 o'
&eo&le ,e sur-eye% ,ho ha-e e-er or%ere% something online, ; sho, that clothes are one o' the items most
o'ten or%ere% on the )nternet.
)n a%%ition, Ta"le 2 gathers in'ormation a"out the 're:uency o' online or%ers among the !4 &ersons ,e
sur-eye%< the most 're:uent ans,er is 5o'ten6. This %etail encourages us a"out the i%ea to ha-e an online
catalog ,ithin our 5Com&letely *+M6 conce&t store.

/ne o' the main &oints o' our &ro#ect is to 'acilitate the interaction "et,een charities in (hila%el&hia an% our
customers in or%er to gi-e them the chance to hel& &eo&le "y selling their gently use% clothes or gi-ing them
'or 'ree. =-en i' 7!3 ans,ere% that they gi-e time, money or &ro%ucts to a charity, they ans,ere%
unanimously that they ,oul% "e intereste% in gi-ing their clothes 'or that &ur&ose at the (enn Mall *+M
store. /ur target market is concerne% a"out charities< this is ,hy ,e ,ant to make the &rocess sim&le 'or us
to encourage %onation.
To conclu%e, here are the suggestions concerning the o&ening o' an *+M store in the ne, (enn Mall "ase% on the
results 'rom the market sur-ey %ata.
!. Target mostly stu%ents ,ith a%-ertisements an% commercials to &romote the ne, store.
2. (lace the clothes sho& strategically in the ne, (enn Mall as clothes are one o' the main reasons 'or going to a
mall accor%ing to our research.
9. =ncourage an% &romote an online catalog or%er ser-ice.
4. Make a list o' &otential &artnershi&s ,ith charities in (hila%el&hia intereste% in gently use% clothes.
2. *ighlight those &artnershi&s among our customers to let them kno, a"out this o&&ortunity.
(lease ha-e a look at the 'ull re&ort an% let us kno, i' you ha-e comments or suggestions.

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