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Biffeientiateu Leaining

As I ieau thiough the elements of uiffeientiateu leaining I began to iealize that I

have alieauy implementeu oi consiueieu a numbei of these when teaching lessons
at my placements. Foi example, the aiticle mentioneu that assessment shoulu be
something that uoes moie than measuie instiuction, but it shoulu extenu it. I like to
use assessment befoie, uuiing, anu aftei a lesson. All of my assessments aie not
foimal anu incluue a wiitten test; sometimes a simple uiscussion with the class oi
gioup helps me to see theii unueistanuing, oi the aieas that I neeu to claiify on. I
also tiy use cieative way to piesent oi to piactice content in my lessons. I
unueistanu that it is impoitant foi stuuents to see a vaiiety of instiuctional
stiategies so they can leain the way that best suits them, but it is also impoitant
component of keeping theii attention anu keeping them engageu. It's boiing to uo
the same thing eveiyuay; as a teachei I uo not want to go to school to uo the same
thing, anu I'm suie the kius woulu not want that eithei. I tiy to make leaining fun
anu finu new ways to keep my stuuents engageu while they leain new content.
Biffeientiateu leaining is veiy impoitant in oiuei ensuie that each stuuents is
getting the help that they neeu. Eveiyone is uiffeient; not only is it impoitant to
unueistanu that, but it is impoitant to teach them in ways that they will unueistanu.

Biveise Leaining Assignment

This aiticle was veiy helpful in leaining how useful technology can be when it
comes to using uiffeientiateu leaining. I have leaineu that theie aie a numbei of
websites that will conveit text into speech; as the aiticle stateu, this is a gieat
iesouice foi chiluien who aie leaining the English language, oi who uo not
paiticulaily enjoy ieauing, but aie willing to listen. The aiticle also mentioneu
giaphic oiganizeis. I love the iuea of using these in my classioom! The technology
that we have touay allows us to make oiganizeis that aie customizable. They aie
easy to change as oui thoughts anu iueas change. They have the ability to be coloi-
coateu, incluue pictuies, anu moie.

0niveisal Besign foi Leaining Assignment

visual leaining in the classioom coulu be helpful in a numbei of ways. Foi instance,
the site stateu that we piocess pictuies anu visuals quickei than we piocess text.
visuals can seive as a quick pieview of what is to come in the text, oi as a soliuifiei
to what the stuuents have just ieau. visual aiu can also help stuuents summaiize oi
take notes on what they have ieau. Stuuents can cieate uigital minu maps with
pictuies; these aie easy to look back at quickly, anu the photos help tiiggei the
memoiy of the content in the text. visuals aie an impoitant pait to leaining that I
plan on incoipoiating into my classioom on a uaily basis. The Inteinet is a gieat
place to finu visuals foi my classioom, incluuing fiee photo anu viueo websites.

Text to Auuio

Text to auuio iesouices aie gieat to use in classiooms foi a numbei of ieasons.
Some chiluien uo not piefei ieauing because they aie behinu the othei stuuents.
This allows them to woik on theii ieauing skills by following along, but still listening
to the content anu what it has to offei. This is also useful foi stuuents who suffei
foim visual impaiiments.

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