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(Mention category from conference topics)

International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2014) will be held

in Jaipur, India
Presenting Author
, Other Author
1, 2
, Other Author
, Corresponding Author
Thin Film & Membrane Science Laboratory, Department of Physics, Malaviya ational
!nstit"te of Technology, #aip"r $%&%1', !D!(
DST )nit on anosciences, Department of *hemical +ngineering, !n,ian !nstit"te of
Technology, -anp"r &%.%1/ (!n,ia)
* icsm2014@mnit.ac.in
The Organizing and Program Committee of the C!" 2014 is p#eased to in$ite %ou to
participate in the nternationa# Conference on !oft materia#s.
C!" 2014 &i## 'e he#d in (aipur, ndia. (aipur, famous#% )no&n as the *Pin) Cit%*, is
the capita# of the state of +a,asthan in -est ndia. (aipur is )no&n for its rich cu#ture and
tradition, magnificent art and artefacts, and 'ri##iant past. The serene temp#es, the #ong
standing forts and pa#aces, and 'eautifu# ha$e#is &ith ro%a# touch to them. add on to the g#or%
of (aipur.
C!" 2014 &i## co$er a## aspects in soft materia#s and is intended to stimu#ate
discussions on the forefront of research in app#ication of soft materia#s in energ% and
'io#ogica# areas.
-e 'e#ie$e that this meeting &i## fascinate %ou and &i## pro$ide a fruitfu# p#atform to
e/change ideas, inno$ation and e/periences among e/perts, senior and ,unior researchers
from a## o$er the &or#d in the re#ated fie#ds. 0ou are &e#come to ,oin in this great e$ent. -e
hope that %ou &i## en,o% %our sta% adopting ne& ideas, &hi#e esta'#ishing ne& scientific and
persona# contacts.
1. 1. A&asthi, ". !tamm, 2. A'etz, 01 2i,a%. 3arge area C#
irradiated P6T mem'ranes for
h%drogen separation. !nternational #o"rnal of 0y,rogen +nergy 2011, 78947:4.
2. !. ;. ;a'u, <o#ger !tar). "ode#ing the #ocomotion of the African tr%panosome using
mu#ti=partic#e co##ision d%namics. e1 #o"rnal of Physics 2012, 1490>?012.

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