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Devaine Angeli Mariann

Angol nyelvtani gyakorlatok az alap-, kozep- es felsofoku nyelvvizsgakra

Masodik, javitott kiadas

Szekesfehervar, 1999

Irta es szerkesztette: Devaine Angeli Mariann

Anyanyelvi lektor: Martin Russell


© Deoaine Angeli Mariann, 1995 © Lexika Tankonuokiado

8000 Szekesfehervar, Martinovics u. 9.

Tel., fax: (22) 311-993 http://www.matav.hu/uzlet/lexika E-mail: lexika@mail.matav.hu

Szeretettel udvozlom a kedves Olvas6t, aki azt a komoly es - valljuk be - embert pr6- balo celt tiizte ki maga ele, hogy idegennyelv~~dasat minel tokeletesebbre csiszolja. "A puding probaja az eves" (The proof of the pudding is in the eating) - tartja az angol szolas, s ez a nyelvtanulasra es nyelvtudasra is igaz: a nyelvtudas koronaja az adott nyelv konnyed es tudatos hasznalata.

Ebb6l kiindulva, valamint tanari munkarn soran az eziranyu hianyt tapasztalva ereztem ugy, hogy egy, a nyelvtant mondatforditasok scgftscgevcl gyakoroltat6 konyv valamennyi nyelvtanu16 fejlodeset, vizsgara valo keszuleset hatekonyan segttene.

A konyv tehat a mindennapi nueluhaszndlat bemutatasat es gyakoroltatasat tuzte ki celul, ezert a fejezetek elen a116 elmeleti bevezetes csupan az adott dmsz6val kapcsolatos leglenyegesebb tudnival6kra szoritkozik. A nyelvtani anyag alaposabb megismerese, illetve felelevenitese celjabol a kifejezetten elmeleti nyelvtankonyvek tanulmanyozasat ajanlom. U gyancsak a konyv gyakorlati jellegenek megorzese volt a celom, amikor bizonyos fejezetek - igy peldaul a kotoszokrol es prepozici6kr6l sz6l6k - ele nem Irtam elmeleti bevezet6t, hiszen ezek a temakorok olyan reszletes targyalast igenyelnenek, ami a rendelkezesre a116 terjedelemb6l tulzottan nagy hanyadot olelne feL A megold6kulcsban szerep16 mondatok termeszetesen csupan egy lehetseges valtozatot kepviselnek a szamos esetben tobb helyes megoldas kozul.

Szivb6l remelem, hogy a konyv hasznalata soran az olvas6 szamara egyre vilagosabba valik az angol nyelv logikus rendszere, s ezzel egyidejUleg reszeseve valhat a mondatforditasok nyujtotta szellemi oromnek es sikerelmenynek,

Kivanom, forgassak ezt a konyvet olyan orommel es eredmenyesen, mint amilyen szakmai lelkesedessel es a nyelvtanulas elmennye tetelenek szandekaval a szerz6 keszitette.

Fele16s kiado, alkot6szerkeszt6: Dr. Szalai Elek Muszaki szerkesztes, fedelterv: Mohai Istvan

Rendelesi k6d: LX-0019

A szerzii

ISBN 963 9092 83 5

Nyomtatta es kototte a Realszisztema Dabasi Nyomda Rt.

Felelos vezeto: Dr. Hall Geza vezerigazgato Munkasziim: 99-0423




(Az igeidok rendszere)



A Simple Present Tense jelen idejil cselekvesek kifejezesere szolgal:

a) A jelenben vegbemen6 egyszeri, pillanatnyi cselekves:

The doctor arrives.

b) A jelenben szokasos vagy Ismetlodd cselekves:

He teaches biology.

c) Az alanyra altalaban jellemz6 cselekves:

My friend visits me every Sunday.

d) Altalanos igazsagok kifejezese:

The sun sets in the west.

Ehhez az igeid6hoz az alabbi idohatarozok kapcsolodasa jellemz6:

always, usually, never, sometimes, often, even; day (morning, year .. .), once (twice, three ... times) an hour (a day, a week .... )

Kepzesenel az egyes szam 3. szemelyben -s vegzddest kap az ige a kijelent6 modban.

I like milk. - He likes milk.






Kerdo es tagad6 mondatban a do/does segediget hasznaljuk:


Why do you go to bed so early?

When does he usually get up in the morning?


alanyra kerdezesnel nem kell do/does:

Who laughs at our teacher? Which boy studies even; day?

How many pupils go to school by bus?



I don't start work at seven.

She doesn't want to mam; that silly boy.

11. Vasarnaponkent sohasem keltek koran, igaz?

12. Hetvegen rendszerint meglatogatom a sziileimet. - En is.

13. Rendszeresen szoktad ellen6rizni a feket? - Termeszetesen.

14. Mindig id6ben szoktad kifizetni a villanyszarnlat?

15. A nagyrienem a menzan szokott ebedelni. A gyerekei is.

16. Melyik megallonal szoktal leszallni?

17. Milyen gyakran jarsz uszni? - Hetente ketszer,

18. Milyen gyakran ellen6rizteted a vernyomasodat?

19. Apam havonta ketszer nyirja a fuvet,

20. Minden evben elmegyiink nyaralni a Balatonra.

21. Mindig j61lebarnulok a Balatonnal,

22. Minden telen esik a h6 Angliaban?

23. Miert nem eszel tobb zoldseget?

24. Az igazat megvallva, a gyerekeim sem szeretik a spen6tot.

25. Altalaban kavet iszom reggelire, de most tejes teat.

26. Minden nap egyediil vasarolok, de rna viszem a lanyomat is.

27. Nalatok ki viszi a gyerekeket az ovodaba?

28. Ki nem dolgozik naponta nyolc orat?

29. Kik szoktak rendszeresen elkesni az eloadasrol?

30. Ki nem kap munkanelkuli segelyt?

31. Miert nezel engem?

32. Min nevetsz?

33. Kire varsz?

34. A kutyam eppen a szomszed macskajat kergeti a kertben. - Val6ban?

35. Meg mindig a hazi feladatodat irod?

36. Soha nem szokott dolgozni a kertben. Akkor most miert gyomlalja a viragagya-


37. Estenkent altalaban tevet nezunk, de rna vendegeink vannak.

38. Igyekezz! Jon a busz.

39. Miert nines rajtad a szemiiveged?

40. Mit mond? Nem hallom tisztan,

41. Mindig a legalkalmatlanabb id6ben latogat meg.

42. Mindig hazudozik. Ne higgy neki.

43. Altalaban komolyan gondolja, amit mond, de most csak trefal,

44. Nem tudja felvenni a kagyl6t, mert tapetazza a nappalit,


ha tagad6 kerdesrol van sz6:

Which boy doesn't often do homework? Who doesn't drink tea for breakfast?

How many pupils don't go to music lessons?

A Present Continuous Tense (folyamatos jelen id6) a szemiink elott jatszodo, ill. a beszed pillanataban zajlo esemenyek, cselekvesek leirasara szolgal,

Kepzese: to be + az ige -ing vegzodessel ellatott alakja

Kapcsolodo idohatarozok:

now, at present, at the moment, just now... stb.

We are playing chess.

What are the children doing in the living room? My daughter isn't doing her homework now.

A ket igeidd kontrasztivitasa-

I never go to the cinema but now I'm going there because there is a good film on.

He never reads women's magazines but now he is reading one because he found an interesting article in it.

I watch TV even; day but tonight I'm working on my thesis.

We visit our parents even; week-end but now we are going for an outing.



1. Mindig tejet iszom reggelire.

2. Soha nem kelek fel het 6ra el6tt.

3. Gyakran segitek anyamnak a hazimunkaban.

4. Rendszerint tizkor fekszem le.

5. Hanykor szoktal felkelni?

6. Szokott on reggelizni?

7. Mikor szoktal a hugoddal talalkozni?

8. Minden este megmossa a fogat?

9. Minden szombat este elmegy sz6rakozni.

10. Gyakran ebedelunk ebben az etteremben. - Mi is.


1. I always drink milk for breakfast.

2. I never get up before seven 0' clock.

3. I often help my mother with the housework.

4. Lusuallv go to bed at ten 0' clock.

5. What time do you usually get up?

6. Do you UlOUa11¥ have breakfast?

7 When do. you usually meet your younger sister?

8. Does he clean his teeth every evening?

9. He goes out every Saturday evening.

10. We often have lunch in this restaurant. - So do we.

11. You never get up early on Sundays, do you?

12. At the week-end I usually go to see my parents. - So do I.

13. Do you regularly check the brakes? - Of course I do.

14. Do you always pay the electricity bill on time?







15. My aunt usually has lunch in the canteen. So do her children.

16. Which bus stop do you usually get off at? / At which bus stop do you usually get

off ?

17. How often do you go swimming? - Twice a week.

18. How often do you have your blood pressure checked?

19. My father mows the lawn twice a month.

20. Every year we go on holiday to Lake Balaton.

21. I always get a good suntan at Lake Balaton.

22. Does it snow in England every winter?

23. Why don't you eat more vegetables?

24. To tell the truth, my children don't like spinach, either.

25. I usually drink coffee for breakfast but now I'm drinking tea with milk.

26. Every day I do the shopping on my own but today I'm taking my daughter, too.

27. Who takes the children to the nursery in your family?

28. Who doesn't work eight hours a day?

29. Who are usually late for the lecture?

30. Who doesn't receive unemployment benefit?

31. Why are you looking at me?

32. What are you laughing at?

33. Who are you waiting for?

34. My dog is chasing the neighbour's cat in the garden. Is it?

35. Are you still doing your homework?

36. He never works in the garden. Then why is he weeding the flowerbeds now?

37. In the evenings we usually watch TV but today we are having guests.

38. Hurry up! The bus is coming.

39. Why aren't you wearing your glasses?

40. What is he saying? I can't hear him clearly.

41. He is always visiting me at the least convenient time. / He always visits ...

42. He is always telling lies. Don't believe him. /He always tells ...

43. He usually means what he says but now he is just joking.

44. He can't answer the phone because he is papering the living room.


A Past Continuous Tense (folyamatos mult) hasznalatos

a) A mult egy adott idopontjaban folyamatban lev6 cselekves kifejezesere,

At six o'clock I was watching TV.

b) A multban hosszan tart6 cselekves kifejezesere, melyet a mondatban az all nevmassal kezd6d6 idohatarozo erzekeltet:

all the year, all day, all the time, all week, all the afternoon + az id6szak Iezarult mivoltat kifejez6 idohatarozo, all last year, all last week stb.

She was playing the piano all day yesterday. They were building their house all last year.

c) Ket mult ideju cselekves kozul a tart6sabb kifejezesere,

I was baking a cake when my husband arrived home.

d) A multban parhuzamosan zajl6 cselekvesek kifejezesere,

While I was pruning the trees, my son was digging in the garden.



1. Mikor voltal utoljara fodrasznal?

2. Hianyoztak a gyerekeid az iskolabol a mult heten? - Remclem, nem.

3. Ki hozta tegnap haza a gyerekeket az ovodabol?

4. Tegnap este hatkor ertem haza. - Tenyleg?

5. J61 ereztetek magatokat a bulin?

6. Franciara tanitott nehany evvel ezel6tt.

7. A butorunkat reszletre vasaroltuk,

8. A mult kedden kivettem egy szabadnapot, mert szornyen fajt a fogam.

9. Nem akartalak megbantani.

10. Felszalltam a buszra, kifizettem a viteldijat, es talaltam egy szab~d til6helyet az

emeletes busz tetejen,

11. Err61 jut eszembe, ki nyerte a tegnap esti vetelkedot?

12. Miert nem kertel az apadtol zsebpenzt?

13. Mikor fizetted be a jovedelemadodat?

14. A mult heten eltevedtem egy videki varosban, es meg kellett kerdez~em egy


15. Kezdek ehes lenni, mert csak egy szelet marhahust ettem ebedre.

16. Eppen zuhanyozott, amikor sz6lt a telefon.

17. Aludtunk, amikor foldrenges razta meg a hazat,

18. A diakok dohanyoztak, amikor a tanar belepett a terembe.

19. Mikozben lefele mentem a lepcson, megcsusztam es elestem.

20. Mikozben a tengerparton setaltunk, talaltunk egy torott szarnyu siralyt,



A Simple Past Tense igeid6t a mult adott, mar lezarult idopontjaban vegbement egyszeri vagy Ismetlodd cselekves vagy tortenes kifejezescre hasznaljuk,

A multra uta16 Idohatarozok:

yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last week, last .... , one day, ... ago, tohen", on Monday, on .... r in 1980, in ... , then.

Yesterday my mother cooked a delicious dinner. Last year we moved into a new flat.







21. Elaludtam, mikozben a matek Ieckemet csinaltam,

22. Megegette a kezet, mikozben kivette a csirket a siit6b6l.

23. Mit csinalt cppen, amikor a robbanast meghallotta?

24. Hirtelen raebredt, hogy rossz iranyba ment.

25. Egesz ejjel nem tudtam aludni, mert ugattak a kutyak,

26. Mit csinalt on tegnap ot orakor? - Az anyosommal teaztam,

27. Eppen egy kirakatot nezegettem, amikor valaki megveregette a vallam,

A kovetkezo, meg le nem zarult id6szakra utalo hatarozoszokkal kapcsolodik:


olreadi], yet, just, ever, never, this morning (afternoon, year ... ), today, recently, since, for, How long .... r, Since when ... ?

I have never spoken to an Englishman.

We have already enrolled for an intensive language course.


1. When did you last go to the hairdresser's?

2. Were your children absent from school last week? - I hope not.

3. Who collected the children from the nursery yesterday?

4. Last night I got home at six o'clock. - Did you?

5. Did you have a good time at the party?

6. She taught me French a few years ago.

7. We bought our furniture on hire purchase.

8. Last Tuesday I took a day off because I had a terrible toothache.

9. I didn't mean to hurt you.

10. I got on the bus, paid the fare and found a vacant seat on the top floor of the


11. By the way, who won the quiz show last night?

12. Why didn't you ask your father for some pocket money?

13. When did you pay your income tax?

14. Last week I got lost in a country town and I had to ask a passer-by.

15. I'm getting hungry because I only had a slice of beef for lunch.

16. He was having a shower when the telephone rang.

17. We were sleeping when an earthquake shook the house.

18. The students were smoking when the teacher entered the room.

19. As I was going downstairs I slipped and fell.

20. When we were walking on the beach we found a seagull with a broken wing.

21. I fell asleep while I was doing my maths homework.

22. She burnt her hand when she was taking the chicken out of the oven.

23. What were you doing when you heard the explosion?

24. Suddenly he realized that he was going in the wrong direction.

25. I couldn't sleep all night because the dogs were barking.

26. What were you doing at five o'clock yesterday? I was having tea with my motherin-law.

27. I was looking at a shop-window when somebody patted me on the shoulder.

A Present Perfect Simple es a Simple Past Tense kontrasztivitasa:

I haven't bought a new car yet but my brother-in-law bought one last week. My sister saw this film a few days ago but I have never seen it.

He has written five letters since his boss arrived.

I have learnt the words this morning. My friend is more hard-working, he learnt them yesterday.




1. [ossz ebedelni veliink? - Nem, koszonom, mar ebedeltem.

2. Megjavitottak mar a szerel6k a kocsimat?

3. Meg nem ittam meg a kavemat.

4. Felkelt mar a nap?

5. Meg nem talaltam meg a zsebszamologepemet,

6. Mar haromszor lattam a Casablancat,

7. A fonokom eppen most utazott el Gorogorszagba.

8. Hallottad mar a legfrissebb hireket?

9. Eppen most koltoztunk uj lakasba.

10. Eppen most rendeltem meg ket jegyet a rna esti eloadasra,

11. Mi tortent a hajaddal?

12. Eppen most festettem be.

13. HoI volta! egesz delelott? - A bankban.

14. Mennyi penzt gyiijtOttel ossze idaig?

15. Az a fiu het fagylaltot evett meg.

16. Most jutott eszembe, hogy meg nem fizettem ki a lakbert.

17. Lattad mar yalaha a pisai ferde tornyot?

18. [artal mar yalaha Kinaban?

19. Meg soha nem jartam az orszagnak ezen a reszen.

20. Ez a leggyorsabb auto, amit yalaha vezettem.

21. Ez a lcgvcszclyescbb kanyar, amit yalaha lattam.

22. 6 a legintelligensebb ember, akivel yalaha beszeltem,

23. Miota erdeklik ont a nyelvek? - Gyerekkorom ota.

24. Miota ismered a baratod kollegajat?

25. Miota munkanelkuli on? - Tobb honapja,

26. Miota tudsz ilyen finom gulyaslevest f6zni?

27. Miota tudsz hegediilni?

28. Miota kell ezt a gyogyszert szedned?

29. Miota kell ingaznod a munkahelyedre?

30. Szeptember ota tobb munkam van.

31. HoI voltal? Nem lattalak hetfo ota.

32. Regota nem kocogtam.

33. Nem irt nekem, miota kulfoldre koltozott,

34. Amiota hazaerkezett, megevett harom szendvicset.


Ez az igeido olyan multbeli cselekves kifejezesere szolgal, amelynek az eredmenye a jelenben is letezik, erzekelheto.


I have broken my leg.







29. How long have you had to commute to work?

30. I have had more work to do since September.

31. Where have you been? I haven't seen you since Monday.

32. I haven't gone jogging for a long time now.

33. He hasn't written to me since he went abroad.

34. He has eaten three sandwiches since he came home.

35. I have read this book twice since I got it.

36. He can't walk fast because his leg has been hurt.

37. She is disappointed because her friend hasn't telephoned her.

38. I'm going to the police station because someone has stolen my car.

39. My pen has run out.

40. I can't pay the bill because I have left my purse at home.

41. I have taken the driving test three times, but I haven't passed it yet.

42. Has she had the baby yet?

43. This is the first time I have eaten salmon.

44. This is the first time I have failed an exam.

45. This is the third time I have overslept this week.

46. He borrowed my book last term, but hasn't given it back yet.

47. The dog has just had puppies.

48. This is the second time I have given up smoking.

49. He hasn't shaved for a fortnight.

50. We haven't drunk champagne since my birthday.

51. I have seen the dentist three times this week.

52. We have gone skating five times this month.

53. I haven't gone skiing since I broke my leg.

54. I have been interested in classical music all my life.

55. I haven't been able to sleep recently because of the noisy water pipes.

35. Ketszer olvastam ezt a konyvet, amiota megkaptam.

36. Nem tud gyorsan menni, mert megserult a laba.

37. Csalodott, mert a baratja nem hivta fel.

38. A randorsegrc megyek, mert valaki ellopta a kocsimat.

39. Kifogyott a tollam.

40. Nem tudom kifizetni a szamlat, mert otthon hagytam a penztarcamat.

41. Mar haromszor vizsgaztam vezetesbol, de meg nem sikeriilt atmermem.

42. Megsziiletett mar a kisbabaja?

43. Ez az els6 alkalom, hogy lazacot eszem.

44. Ez az els6 alkalom, hogy megbuktam egy vizsgan,

45. Mar harmadszor alszom el a hetcn.

46. A mult felevben kolcsonvette a konyvemet, de meg nem adta vissza.

47. A kutyanak eppen most sziilettek kolykei.

48. Ez a masodik alkalom, hogy abbahagytam a dohanyzast.

49. Ket hete nem borotvalkozott.

50. A szuletesnapom ota nem ittunk pezsg6t.

51. Ezen a heten mar haromszor voltam forgorvosnal.

52. Ebben a honapban mar otszor voltunk korcsolyazni.

53. Nem sieltem, amiota eltortema Iabamat,

54. Egesz eletemben erdekelt a komolyzene.

55. Mostanaban nem tudok aludni a zajos vizvezetekcsovek miatt.


1. Are you coming to have lunch with us? - No, thanks, I have already had lunch.

2. Have the mechanics repaired my car yet?

3. I haven't finished my coffee yet. 4, Has the sun risen yet?

5, I haven't found my pocket calculator yet.

6. I have already seen Casablanca three times.

7. My boss has just left for Greece.

8. Have you heard the latest news yet?

9. We have just moved into a new flat.

10. I have just booked two tickets for tonight's performance.

11. What has happened to your hair?

12. I have just dyed it.

13. Where have you been all morning? - At the bank. 14, How much money have you saved so far?

15, That boy has had five ice-creams.

16, It has just occurred to me that I haven't paid the rent yet.

17. Have you ever seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

18. Have you ever been to China?

19. I have never been to this part of the country.

20. This is the fastest car I have ever driven.

21. This is the most dangerous bend I have ever seen.

22. He is the most intelligent man I have ever spoken to.

23. How long have you been interested in languages? - Since I was a small child.

24. How long have you known your friend's colleague?

25. How long have you been unemployed? - For several months.

26. Since when have you been able to cook such delicious goulash?

27. How long have you been able to play the violin?

28. How long have you had to take this medicine?


Olyan cselekvest fejez ki, mely a multban kezdcdott es a jelenben is tart, ill. a beszed pillanata elott fejezodott be.

Kapcsol6d6 iddhatarozok:

for, since, all day/aftemoon/1veek ....

It has been snowing since last night.

She is ven) tired: she has been cleaning the pantnj all afternoon.


Kozep- es felsofok

1. Feloraja sir, mert az egyik kismacska megdoglott,

2. Mi ez a fura szag? - Kelkaposztat f6ztem.

3. Miert vizes a hajad? - Usztam.

4. Bocsasd meg, hogy piszkos a kezem. A pincer takaritottam.

5. Ki van fulladva, mert futott.

6. Gyerekkora ota ragja a kormet,

7. Sokat iszik, amiota a ferje elvalt t6le.







8. Mar orak ota probalom megerteni ezt a bonyolult angol mondatot.

9. Sok penzt kolt, amiota megnyerte a fonyeremenyt,

10. Sok edessegct eszik, amiota abbahagyta a dohanyzast,

11. Egy hete noveszti a bajuszat,

12. Tiz eve dolgozik stewardesskent,

13. Fel tit ota leveleket gepel.

14. Hajnalhasadta ota horgaszik, de meg nem fogott semrnit.

15. Mar ket oraja allunk a sorban.

16. Miota szivod ezt a fajta cigarettat?

17. Miota esik az es6?

18. A szemed faradtnak latszik. Mit csinaltal?

19. Faradjon be. Mar vartunk time.

20. Jobban erzem magam, amiota kocogok.

21. Veres a Ms. Mit csinaltal vele?

22. Ebben a varosban elek, amiota befejeztem az egyetemet.

23. Miota epitik ezt a korhazat?

24. Karacsony ota jar egyiitt a baratjaval.

25. Veszekednek, amiota osszehazasodtak.

26. A vizvezetekszerelo ket oraja javitja a csapokat.

27. Ebed ota napozik.

28. Egesz delelott szendvicseket csinalok az osszejovetelre.

29. Kimerultnek latszol. - Igen, teniszeztem, es nem vagyok hozzaszokva, mert mar

evek ota nem jatszottam.

30. A vev6k egesz nap telefonalnak, es panaszkodnak, hogy rossz szamlakat kapnak.

31. Ket oraja esik, igy a palya tul nedves ahhoz, hogy jatsszanak rajta.

32. So kat kohogsz az utobbi id6ben.

33. A szuleim 1982 ota elnek videken.

34. Mar tobb mint egy eve dolgozunk az epttesi terven.

35. Kalapokat probalgat egesz delutan,

36. Miota fesulktidik?

37. Orak ota hallgatja ezt a lemezt.

38. Egy eve keszulok a felveteli vizsgara,

39. Miota levelezel az angol baratoddal?

17. How long has it been raining?

18. Your eyes look tired. What have you been doing?

19. Come in, please. We have been expecting you.

20. I have been feeling better since I started jogging.

21. The knife is covered in blood. What have you been doing with it?

22. I have been living in this town since I left university.

23. How long have they been building this hospital?

24. She has been going out with her boyfriend since Christmas.

25. They have been quarrelling since they got married.

26. The plumber has been repairing the taps for two hours.

27. She has been lying in the sun since lunchtime.

28. I have been making sandwiches for the meeting all morning.

29. You look exhausted. - Yes, I have been playing tennis and I am not used to it because I haven't played for years.

30. The customers have been telephoning all day complaining that they have been

receiving wrong bills.

31. It has been raining for two hours, so the field is too wet to play on.

32. You have been coughing a lot recently.

33. My parents have been living in the country since 1982.

34. We have been working on the construction plan for more than a year.

35. She has been trying on hats all afternoon.

36. How long has she been combing her hair?

37. He has been listening to this record for hours.

38. I have been preparing for the entrance exam for a year.

39. How long have you been corresponding with your English friend?




1. She has been crying for half an hour because one of the kittens has died.

2. What is that funny smell? - I have been cooking savoy cabbage.

3. Why is your hair wet? - I have been swimming.

4. Sorry about my dirty hands. I have been cleaning the cellar.

5. He is out of breath because he has been running.

6. He has been biting his nails since he was a child.

7. She has been drinking heavily since her husband divorced her.

8. I have been trying to understand this complicated English sentence for hours.

9. He has been spending a lot of money since he hit the jackpot.

10. She has been eating a lot of sweets since she gave up smoking.

11. He has been growing a moustache for a week.

12. She has been working as a stewardess for ten years.

13. He has been typing letters since half past four.

14. He has been fishing since the crack of dawn but he hasn't caught anything yet.

15. We have been standing in the queue for two hours.

16. How long have you been smoking this brand of cigarettes?

A Simple Past Perfect Tense olyan cselekves kifejezesere szolgal, amely:

a) a multban egy kesobbi cselekves vagy id6pont el6tt vegbement, befejez6dtitt:

WIlen he arrived I had already started eating. We took a taxi after we had missed the bus.

I had had a shower before I went to the theatre.

b) a multban kezd6dtitt es egy multbeli cselekves idejen meg folyamatban volt:

I had been in bed for one hour when the telephone rang.








21. Azt mondta, hogy valami mast vart,

22. Azt remelte. hogy eloleptetik. (de nem tettek)

1. A kovetkezo kotoszok utan jellemz6:

after, when, as soon as, no sooner ... than ... r until, because, since, although stb. (eloidejuseg kifejezesere)


1. After I had eaten lunch, I went home.

2. After we had fastened our seat belts, the plane took off.

3. After he had returned from the USA, he bought a new car.

4. As soon as he had left the room, I switched on the tape-recorder.

5. We went home after the sun had set.

6. Before he got this job he had been working freelance for years.

7. Before I went to the theatre I (had) had a bath and I (had) put on my best dress. (Past Perfect is optional)

8. The murderer had been hiding for days when the police captured him.

9. When I met him he had been taking drugs for years.

10. We had no sooner left the house than it started raining.

11. Hardly had he settled in England when he ran away because he couldn't get used to the climate.

12. They had been fighting the forest fire for almost three weeks before they managed

to overcome it.

13. Before he died he had been ill for years.

14. She took her child to the doctor because he had swallowed a button.

15. When I arrived at the airport the plane had already landed.

16. When I came to, the burglars had disappeared.

17. After I had caught sight of the police car, I slowed down.

18. The police arrested the man who had escaped from prison two weeks earlier.

19. We had been picking mushrooms for an hour when it started to rain.

20. I noticed that she had been crying.

21. He said he had expected something else.

22. He had hoped that he woul? be promoted.

I couldn't go to the parts] last week because I had been operated on.

Although he had been driving a car for fifteen years, he didn't dare to start the new Mercedes.

2. Fiiggo beszedben:

He said he had seen my classmate in the cinema.

3. A f6mondatban lev6 utoidejtlseg eseten, a by the time, before kotoszavak utan (a Past Perfect Tense hangsulyozza a cselekves el6idejii mivoltat):

By the time my mother came home, I (had) cleaned the flat.


A Past Perfect Continuous Tense olyan cselekves kifejezesere szolgal, mely a multban kezdo-

dott es egy kesdbbi cselekves megindulasaig (vagy azon tul is) tartott. .

Kotoszavai es alkalmazasanak esetei megegyeznek a Past Perfect Tens~-neileirtakkai.

By the time she sat for the final exam, sire had been learning German for ten years.


Kozep- es felsofok

1. Miutan megebedeltem, hazamentem.

2. Miutan becsatoltuk a biztonsagi oveket, a gep felszallt.

3. Miutan visszajott az USA-b6I, vett egy uj aut6t.

4. Amint kilepett a szobabol, bekapcsoltam a magnet.

5. Hazamentunk, miutan a nap lenyugodott.

6. Miel6tt ezt az allast megkapta, evekig szabaduszokent dolgozott.

7. Miel6tt elmentem a szinhazba, megfurodtem es felvettem a legszebb ruham,

8. A gyilkos napokig rejtozott, mire a rendorseg elfogta.

9. Amikor megismerkedtem vele, mar evek 6ta kabitoszert szedett.

10. Alighogy kileptunk a hazbol, elkezdett esni az es6.

11. Alighogy letelepedett Angliaban, maris elmenektilt, mert nem tudta megszokni a


12. Majdnem harom hetig kuzdottok az erdottizzel, mire sikeriilt megfekezni,

13. Miel6tt meghalt, evekig beteg volt.

14. Elvitte a gyereket az orvoshoz, mert az lenyelt egy gombot.

15. Amikor megerkcztem a repterre, a gep mar leszallt.

16. Mire magamhoz tertem, a betor6k mar eltiintek.

17. Miutan megpillantottam a rend6raut6t, lelassitottam.

18. A rendorseg letart6ztatta a fertit, aki ket hertel azel6tt szokott meg a bortonbol,

19. Egy oraja szedtiik a gombat, amikor elkezdett.esni az es6.

20. Eszrevettem, hogy sirt.


A jovo ideju cselekvest az angolban nem feltetlenul jovo Idovel fejezzuk ki, hanem:

a) folyamatos jelennel (Present Continuous), ha a cselekvest el6zetesen elterveztem es megbeszeltem - arranged future - pI.: I am playing tennis with Dennis at 3 tomorrow (megbeszeltuk, beirtuk a naptarunkba),

b) a be going to szerkezettel, ha elozetes szandek, elhatarozas el6zi meg a cselekvest, mint peldaul az I am going to change my job mondat elhatarozasa,

de: a mindenkeppen bekovetkezo cselekves kifejezesere is alkalmas a going to:

PI.: It's going to rain. (Log az eso laba.)

Size's going to have a baby. (Nagy a pocakja.),

c) a will segedigev~~ kepzett jovo id:jii cselekves, a sima jovo id6 (Simple Future) rendszermt nem josolja meg valammek az elkeriilhetetlen bekovetkeztet, nem utal el6zetes szervezesre vagy szandekra, ha igen, akkor az a szandek ebben a percben sztiletett:

I didn't know you were thirsty but I'll make you a cup of tea at once.










1. Holnap Londonba fogunk erkezni.

2. Minden t6lem telhet6t el fogok kovetni, hogy atmenjek a vizsgan,

3. Meg fogja yalaha kapni a Nobel-dijat?

4. Fogunk talalni ures szobat ebben a nepszerti szallodaban?

5. Ez a nadrag divatjamult lesz [ovore?

6. Fogsz segiteni neki a nagytakarltasban?

7. Mit fog r6lam kepzelni egy)lyen kinos helyzetben?

8. Milyen gyakran latogatsz majd meg a korhazban?

9. Miert fogsz olyan koran erkezni? - Mert nem tudok jonni mas busszal.

10. Hogyan fogja a legtobb diak tolteni a nyari szunidot?

11. Mikor viszed az aut6dat muszaki vizsgara?

12. Mikor fogja a parlament elfogadni ezt a torvenyjavaslatot?

13. HoI fogod tartani a kovetkezo eloadasodat?

14. Kedden uzleti ugyben Pragaba utazom.

15. A vallalatom fogja fedezni a szallas koltsegeit.

16. Nem fogok fizetni a reggeliert sem, mert ingyenes.

17. Mikor lesznek a kovetkezo altalanos valasztasok?

18. ~16szor csak egy padlasszobat fogunk berelni,

19. Ugy velem, a lakashiany Magyarorszagon mindig sulyos problema lesz.

20. Hamarosan elkerulhetetlen lesz, hogy a kormany valtoztasson a politikajan.

21. A nagy mennyisegu artalmas fust egeszsegkarosodast fog okozni a varoslakok szervezeteben.

A Simple Future Tense hasznalhato:

a) A jov6ben bokovetkezo egyszeri, pillanatnyi cselekves kifejezesere:

The train will leave at ten o'clock.

b) A jov6ben szokasos, ismetlddd cselekves kifejezesere:

We shall meet twice a week.

Kapcsolodo iddhatarozok:

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning /afternoonl, evening ... ,

next ioeek/month/lune, .... , in a few minutesjhours ... , tohen], then, soon, on/after/by/at/in ....

De ne feledjuk, a jovobeni cselekvest haromfelekeppen lehet kifejezni:

1. shall/will + az ige fonevi igenevi alakja:

2. to be going to + az ige fonevi igenevi alakja:

3. a folyamatos jelen id6 + jovore utal6 hatarozo:

I'll be back soon.

I'm going to see him tomorrow. I'm going to the cinema tonight.


22. Meg fogjak orizni a magyar falvak a nepszokasokat?

23. Holnap megpr6baIom felvenni vele a kapcsolatot.

24. Milyen lesz a magyar videk 2000-ben?

25. Orulni fogok, ha itt udvozolhetem,

26. A terrnelesi terv szerint ez az uzem megkett6zi teljesitmenyet,

27. N em hiszem cl, hogy jovo heten otven eves leszel.

28. Lehetetlen lesz ezt a hataridot teljesiteni.

A felteteles es iddhatarozoi mellekmondatokban a jiiv6 id6 helyett jelen id6 all. Csak a f6mondatban szabad jov6 id6t (Future Tense-t) hasznalni!


Ha szep lesz az ida, elmegyunk a hegyekbe.

If the weather is nice, we shall go to the mountains.


Amikor majd [ossz, dolgozni fogok. When you come, I'll be working.

1. We shall arrive in London tomorrow.

2. I will do my best to pass the exam.

3. Will he ever get the Nobel Prize?

4. Shall we find a vacant room in this popular hotel?

5. Will these trousers be out of fashion next year?

6. Will you help him with cleaning the house?

7. What will he think of me in such an awkward situation?

8. How often will you visit me in hospital?

9. Why w~lI you arrive so early? - Because I won't be able to come with any other bus.

10. How will most of the pupils spend their summer holiday?

11. When will you take your car for an MOT?

12. When will Parliament pass this bill?

13. Where will you deliver your next lecture?

14. On Tuesday I will travel to Prague on business.

15. My company will cover the costs of accommodation.

16. I won't pay for breakfast either because it is free of charge.

17. When will the next general elections be?

Hacsak az id6 nem javul meg, itthon fogok maradni szombaton. Unless the weather changes for the better, I'll stay at home on Saturday.

Amig be nem fejezem a munkamat, nem fogom a lemezeimet hallgatni. Until I finish/I have finished my work, I won't listen to my records.

Amint az id6 meleg lesz, felasom a viragagyasokat.

As soon as the weather is warm, I shall dig the flower-beds.







18. First we shall only rent an attic.

19. I think a shortage of housing will always be a serious problem in Hungary.

20. It will soon be inevitable for the government to change its policy.

21. The large amount of noxious fumes will have a harmful effect on city-dwellers.

22. Will Hungarian villages preserve folk customs?

23. I shall try to contact him tomorrow.

24. What will Hungarian provincial life be like in 2000?

25. I shall be glad to welcome you here.

26. According to the production plan this factory will double its output.

27. I don't believe that you will be fifty next week.

28. It will be impossible to meet this deadline.

5. Tonight we are going to have a special dinner.

6. You are going to catch cold without a cap in such windy weather.

7. They love each other so much that they are going to get married as soon as they come of age.

8. If you don't pay the rent, the council is going to evict you.

9. You are going to fall off the chair if you stand in such an unstable position on it.

10. You are going to regret it if you do not apply for this job.

11. When are you going to have a medical check-up?

12. I'm not going to participate in this soul-destroying work.

13. I'm not going to sit in a suffocating room even if it is an exam session.

A 10 he going 10 szerkezet



a) Az adott cselekves kozeli, igen valosztrui bakovetkezeset

Alkalmazasa a Past Continuous Tense eseteivel egyezik. [ellemzo clofordulasa:

It's going to rain.

1. A when-nel kezd6d6 mondatokat kovetoen,

2. A while idohatarozoval, ket parhuzamos cselekves eseten.

3. A jav6 egy adott idopontjat kifejez6 hatarozoszo mellett (at ... o'clock).

b) A beszelo szandekat


Alap- es kozepfok

1. Holnap otkor csonakazni fogunk a tavon.

2. Cyulesetek lesz reggel hetkor?

3. Reggelt6l estig az uj regenyen fog dolgozni.

4. Arnikor hazaorsz, a konyhat fogom meszelni.

5. Nem fogok tevet nezni, mert a sz6nyegeket fogom porsziv6zni.

6. Az igazgat6 nem tud fogadni abban az idoben, mert eppen oraja lesz.

7. Nem fognak eljonni az eljegyzesemre, mert Ausztriaban lesznek.

8. Nem fogom hallani a cseng6t, mert a viragagyasokat fogom gyomlalni.

I'm going to take piano lessons once a week.

c) A bcszelo bizonyossagat:

You're going to fall off your bike if you don't hold on to it.


Kozep- es felsOfok

1. Yettem egy rakas teglat, mert hazat fogok epieni.

2. Borzongok: azt hiszern, beteg leszek.

3. Mindjart becsap6dik az ablak.

4. Hogy fogom megmondani neki, hogy elti:irtem a kis porcelan szobrocskat?

5. Ma kulonleges vacsorank lesz.

6. Meg fogsz fazni sapka nelkul ilyen szeles id6ben.

7. Annyira szeretik egymast, hogy ossze fognak hazasodni, mihelyt nagykoruak lesznek.

8. Ha nem fizeted a lakbert, a tanacs ki fog lakoltatni.

9. Le fogsz esni a szekrol, ha ilyen ingadozva allsz rajta.

10. Meg fogod banni, ha nem jelentkezel erre az allasra,

11. Mikor mesz kivizsgalasra?

12. Nem fogok reszt venni ebben a Ielekolo munkaban.

13. Nem fogok egy fullaszt6 szobaban ulni, meg ha vizsgaid6szak van is.


1. We shall be boating on the lake at five o'clock tomorrow.

2. Will you be having a meeting at seven in the morning?

3. He will be working on his new novel from morning till night.

4. When you arrive home I will be whitewashing the kitchen.

5. I shan't watch TV because I'll be hoovering the carpets.

6. The headmaster can't see you at that time because he will be teaching.

7. They won't come to my engagement because they will be staying in Austria.

8. I shan't be able to hear the bell because I'll be weeding the flower-beds.


1. I have bought a load of bricks because I'm going to build a house.

2. I'm shivering with cold. I think I'm going to be ill.

3. The window is going to slam.

4. How am I going to tell her that I have broken the china statuette?









1. I will have read this book by tomorrow.

2. By the end of the week they will have moved into their new house.

3. I will have made up my mind by tomorrow. 4". I will have typed the report by two 0' clock.

5. By this time tomorrow they will have delivered the parcels.

6. I hope you won't have forgotten all this by tomorrow.

7. By the end of this year he will have been teaching us for two years.

8. By Christmas they will have been married for ten years.

9. In a few weeks you will have completely recovered from your illness.

10. By the time you return tomorrow I will have finished everything.

11. By the end of this month I will have been learning to play the violin for a year.

12. By this time tomorrow I will have received the results of my exam.

13. By then we will have been paying the instalments for five years.

14. In August Hamlet will have been running at the theatre for a year.

15. By the time I come back next year these old houses will have-been demolished.

16. By the end of the month several thousand people will have seen this exhibition.


A Simple Future Perfect Tense-t olyan cselekves kifejezesere hasznaljuk. amely:

a) egy masik jovo ideju cselekves e16tt, illetve a jov6 egy megadott idopontjaban mar befejezett lesz:

I shall have written my letters by eight o'clock.

She will have forgotten you by the time you return.

b) meg folyamatban lesz egy kesobbi cselekves megindulasakor:

We shall have been here for an hour by the time you come home.

Alkalmazasa a by eloljaroszoval tortenik.


Variaciok egy mondatra az eddig targyalt igeiddk es felteteles mondatok hasznalataval:


He often writes letters.

He doesn't write letters to his parents. Does he often write letters?

A Future Perfect Continuous Tense azt fejezi ki, hogy egy cselek"(es a [ovoben kezdodik es egy kesobbi cselekves megindulasaig vagy azon till is tart.

Yesterday he wrote some letters.

Did he write any letters to his cousins last week? Why didn't he write a letter to her?

By the end of this month we shall have been attending this course for nine months.


Kozep- es felsOfok

1. Holnapra elolvasom ezt a konyvet.

2. A bet vegere bekoltoznek az uj hazukba.

3. Holnapra donteni fogok.

4. Ket orara Ie fogom gepelni a jelentest,

5. Hoinap ilyenkorra mar kezbesiteni fogjak a csomagokat.

6. Remolem, hoinapra nem fogod elfelejteni mindezt.

7. Az ev vegen Iesz ket eve, hogy tanit minket.

8. Karacsonykor lesz tiz eve, hogy hazasok,

9. Nehany bet mulva teljesen fel fogsz eptilni a bctcgsegedbol.

10. Mire holnap visszajossz, mindent be fogok fejezni.

11. E honap vegen lesz egy eve, hogy hegedtilni tanulok.

12. Hoinap ilyenkorra mar meg fogom kapni a vizsgaeredmenyt.

13. Addigra mar ot eve lesz annak, hogy a reszleteket fizetjtik.

14. Augusztusban lesz egy eve, hogy a Hamletet jatsszak a szinhazban.

15. Mire [ovore visszajovok, ezeket az oreg hazakat le fogjak bontani.

16. A honap vegeig tobb ezer ember fogja megnezni ezt a kialhtast.

He is just writing some letters. Why is he writing so many letters? He isn't writing any letters now.

He was writing some letters totten I entered the room. Was he writing letters all night?

He wasn't writing letters all last week.

He will write a letter after the film.

Will he write me a letter if I send him a picture postcard? He won't write a letter ifhe doesn't want to.

He will be writing a letter when the match starts. Why unll he be writing letters all afternoon?

He won't be sleeping when we arrive. He never sleeps in the afternoon.

He has already written three letters.

He hasn't written a letter to me. (or: He has never written a letter to me). He has just written the letter to the director.

He has been writing this letter since three o'clock. How long has he been writing this letter?






He had already written the letter when his colleague asked him to. He had been writing a letter for an hour before I offered him my help.

By 9 0' clock he will have written the letter.

He will have written the letter by the time you come back.


He will have been writing letters for an hour by eight o'clock.

Until he has finished his work, he won't write any letters. Until he had finished his work, he didn't write any letters.

A felteteles mellekmondatoknak harom alaptipusa van:

1. valosagos feltetelt kifejezo:

He has bought a pen because he is going to write some letters.

If you come by car, you'll be here on time.

If he has time, he will write some letters. Ifhe had time, he would write some letters.

Ifhe had had time, he would have written some letters.

2. Iehetseges feltetelt kifejezo:

I would do the washing up if I had more time.

3. lehetetlen, meg nem val6sult feltetelt kifejazo:

She would have come to my porn) if I had invited her.



1. Ha lesz idom, irok neki egy kepeslapot.

2. Ha holnap szep lesz az ida, elmegyiink kirandulni,

3. Ha nem sietsz, nem fogod elerni a tavolsagi buszt.

4. Ha vezetni akarsz, jogositvanyt kell szerezned.

5. Ha minden penzunket elkoltjuk, megint szegenyek leszimk.

6. Ha leesel a farol, megutod magad.

7. Ha itt parkolsz, meg fognak birsagolni,

8. Ha ezt megeszed, beteg leszel.

9. Mit fogsz csinalni, ha nem kapsz jegyet a gepre?

10. Mi lesz, ha nem lesz otthon?

11. Ha itt hagyod a halat, a macska meg fogja enni.

12. Senki nem fog felismerni, ha sotet szemiiveget viselsz.

13. Mit tennel, ha nvernel egy csom6 penzt?

14. Ha a helyedben Iennek, nem ennem ezt meg.

15. Ha tobb penzem lenne, beutaznam a vilagot,

16. Ha kevesebbet dohanyoznal, nem lenne olyan rekedt a hangod.

17. Mit csinalnal, ha kulfoldon elveszitened az utleveledet?

18. Ha lassabban dolgoznal, nem csinalna] ennyi hibat,

19. Mi tortenne, ha nem ernem el a buszt?

20. Atmennel a vizsgan, ha kemenyebben dolgoznal,

21. Ha tulorazna, tobbet keresne.

22. Kitol kernel tanacsot, ha nem tudnad, hogy mit csinalj?

23. Ha tudnek nemetul, eredetiben olvasnam Thomas Mann regenyeit,

24. Ha lenne kerttink, megtermelnenk a sajat zoldsegunket.

25. Kinvitnad az ajtot, ha ejfelkor csongetne valaki?

26. Ha lett volna terkepunk, nem tevedtunk volna el.

27. Ha beken hagytaI volna, be tudtam volna fejezni a munkat.





28. Meglatogattalak volna, ha tudtam volna, hogy beteg vagy.

29. Ha nem lett volna hideg, jobban elvezllik volna a szabadsagunkat,

30. Ha becsatolta volna a biztonsagi ovet, nem serult volna meg.

31. Ha siettel volna, nem kested volna le a vonatot.

32. Mit tettel volna, ha ott lettel volna?

33. Mi tortent volna, ha elfogyott volna a benzin?

34. Megkaptam volna az allast, ha lett volna ke1l6 vegzettsegem.

35. Elvittem volna kocsival, ha az aut6 nem lett volna a szervizben.

36. Yettem volna jegyet a bejaratnal, ha lettek volna automatak,

37. Elutaztam volna Svajcba, ha lett volna sajat kocsim.

38. Megkertem volna, hogy segftsen, ha mertem volna.

39. Tancoltunk volna, ha tudtunk volna.

40. Meg tudtam volna el6zni a kamiont, ha kellett volna.

41. Meg akkor sem ettem volna sernmit, ha a kedvenc tortamat adtad volna elem,

42. Nem tanitottam volna a lanvodat, ha nem gondoltam volna, hogy tehetseges,

43. Hoztal volna ajandekot Parizsbol, ha nem felejtetted volna el?

44. Nem hagytam volna el ezt a ferfit, ha nem hazudott volna.

45. Irtam volna levelet, ha nem vesztettem volna el a lakcimedet.

46. Beszeltem volna vele, ha talalkoztunk volna az iskolaban,

47. Ittam volna egy pohar sort, ha nem vezettem volna aut6t.

48. Soha nem nyertel volna versenyt, ha nem usztal volna naponta tobb orat,

49. Ha ismertem volna az epitesi el6irasokat, sajat er6b61 epitettem volna meg a hazamat.

50. Senki nem tudta volna meg ezt a tortenetet, ha titokban tartottad volna.

51. Kidobtam volna azt a regi inget, ha lattam volna a szekrenyben,

25. Would you open the door if someone rang the bell at midnight?

26. If we had had a map, we wouldn't have lost our way.

27. I could have finished the work if you had left me alone.

28. I would have visited you if I had known that you were ill.

29. If it hadn't been cold, we would have enjoyed our holiday more.

30. If he had fastened the seat belt, he wouldn't have been injured.

31. If you had hurried, you wouldn't have missed the train.

32. What would you have done if you had been there?

33. What would have happened if you had run out of petrol?

34. I would have got the job if I had had the necessary qualifications.

35. I would have given her a lift if the car hadn't been at the garage.

36. I would have bought a ticket at the entrance if there had been slot machines there.

37. I would have travelled to Switzerland if I had had a car of my own.

38. I would have asked him to help me if I had dared to.

39. We would have danced if we had been able to.

40. I could have overtaken the lorry if I had had to.

41. I wouldn't have eaten anything even if you had given me my favourite cake.

42. I wouldn't have taught your daughter if I hadn't thought that she was talented.

43. Would you have brought me a present from Paris if you hadn't forgotten about it?

44. I wouldn't have left this man if he hadn't told me a lie.

45. I would have written a letter to you if I hadn't lost your address.

46. I would have spoken to him if I had met him at school.

47. I would have drunk a glass of beer if I hadn't been driving.

48. You would never have won any competitions if you hadn't swum several hours every day.

49. If I had known the building regulations, I would have built my house on my own.

50. Nobody would have heard this story if you had kept it secret.

51. I would have thrown out that old shirt if I had seen it in the wardrobe.


1. If I have time, I will write him a postcard.

2. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go for an outing.

3. Unless you hurry, you won't catch the coach.

4. If you want to drive, you will have to get a driving licence.

5. If we spend all our money, we will be poor again.

6. If you fall off the tree, you will hit yourself.

7. If you park your car here, you will be fined.

8. You will be ill if you eat it.

9. What will you do if you don't get a ticket for the plane?

10. What will happen if he is not at home?

11. If you leave the fish here, the cat will eat it.

12. Nobody will recognize you if you wear dark glasses.

13. What would you do if you won a lot of money?

14. If I were you, I wouldn't eat it.

15. If I had more money, I would travel around the world.

16. If you smoked less, your voice wouldn't be so hoarse.

17. What would you do if you lost your passport abroad?

18. You wouldn't make so many mistakes if you worked more slowly.

19. What would happen if I didn't catch the bus?

20. You would pass the exam if you worked harder.

21. He would earn more if he worked overtime.

22. Who would you ask for advice if you didn't know what to do?

23. If I could speak German, I would read Thomas Mann's novels in the original.

24. If we had a garden, we would grow our own vegetables.

Kozep- es fels6fok

1. Elmehetsz, felteve, hogy nem rugsz be.

2. Le fogod kesni a buszt, hacsak nem indulsz azonnal.

3. Ha lenyelnem ezt a kanalat, hrvnad a ment6ket?

4. Ha esetleg bemennel a varosba, hozz nekem Iazcsillapitot es kotszert a patikabol,

5. Ha csakazertis eszed egyik fagylaltot a masik utan, ne csodalkozz, hogy majd

megint begyullad a torkod.

6. Holnaputan hazaengednek a korhazbol, hacsak fel nem megy a lazam megint.

7. Mar Iabadozhatott volna, ha nem kapta volna el ezt a masik fert6z6 betegsegct.

8. Ha az orvosok tudtak volna, hogy gy6gyithatatlan beteg, talan megmutottek volna.

9. Tegyiik fel, hogy kiesik a fogadb61 a tomes. Betometned ujra?

10. Megengedtem, hogy kihuzza a szernfogamat, feltcve, hogy nem fog fajni.

11. Ha netan epegorcsod Iennc, hivd fel a helyi korhazat.

12. Ha tovabbra is napi 40 cigarettat fogsz szivni, elvalok t6led.

13. A helyedben elmentem volna a nogyogyaszhoz ilyen panaszokkal.

14. Ha azt mondta, hogy kivettek a vakbelet, biztos hazudott.

15. Ha egesz ejjel nem tudtal aludni, biztos, hogy nem vagy cgeszsegcs.

16. Ha tudtam volna, hogy agynak estel influenzaval, talan el tudtam volna jonni meglatogatni.

17. Ha lenne szives varni, mindjart megnezem, bent van-e a doktor ur.





18. Meghal, ha nem hivsz orvost. - Tegyiik fel, hogy hivok, - Orvosi segttseg nelkul sose epul fel.

19. Az iigyeletes orvos nelkul nem tudtuk volna magahoz teriteni.

20. Ha ragaszkodsz hozza, hogy megszakitsd a terhesscgedet, nem foglak felesegiil venni.

21. Ha talalkozol vele, lehet, hogy megmutatja a zuzodasait, amelyeket egy kocsmai

verekedes soran kapott.

22. Ha Iatod, kolcson kellene kerned a gyerekgyogyaszatrol szolo konyvet,

23. Ha osszcakadsz vele, lathatod az egesi seruleseket a kezen.

24. Ha talalkoznatok, esetleg elkaphatnad az influenzajat,

25. Ha belebotlanal, erdeklodnod kellene a felesege idegosszeroppanasarol.

26. Ha Iatnal egy logopedust, akar kerhetnel t6le egy konyvet a dadogasrol.

27. Ha talalkoztal volna vele, Iathattad volna, mennyire le van robbanva.

28. El tudtam volna menni, ha nem lett volna egesz nap hasogato fejfajasom, szornyu fogfajasom, es nem jott volna ki raj tam mindenfele kiutes, rnivel allergias vagyok a macskakra,

29. Esetleg ra tudtam volna venni, hogy ne vegyen be hashajtot.

30. El kellett volna mennie a b6rgyogyaszhoz, ha igazi tyUkszem lett volna a laban.

31. A helyedben nem engednem, hogy manko nelkul probaljon jarni.

32. Ha Iatod, lehet, hogy meselne a rakjarol.

33. Ha talalkozto k, mcghrvhatnad, hogy meseljen a felepuleserol.

34. Ha kerdez, nem szabad megmondanod, hogy AIDS-es vagy.

35. Ha kerdezte volna, nem lett volna szabad megmondanod a vervetel eredrnenvet.

36. Ha hajland6 lesz bevenni a gyogyszeret, esetleg felcpul.

37. Nagyon halas lennek, ha sziveskedne abbahagyni a visitast.

38. Ha nem vagy hajlando bevenni a Iazcsillapitot, nem irok fel tobb C-vitamint.

39. Fogadhatsz latogatokat, felteve, hogy nem hagyod el az intenziv osztalyt.

40. Nem kellett volna mcgmutened, hiszen menthetetlen.

41. Ha netan megkerdezne, miert olyan dagadt az orrod. meg ne mondd neki.

42. Ha nem lennenek az ejszakak, egesz jol ereznem magam.

43. Tegyiik fel, hogy undorito izu lottyot ir fel az orvos. Bevenned?

44. Sose jossz ra, mi baja, hacsak meg nem kerdezed az anyjat,

45. Ha nem lett volna az a pletykas felesege, meghivtam volna 6ket a lakasszentelore.

12. If you will go on smoking 40 cigarettes a day, I will divorce you.

13. If I had been you, I would have gone to the gynaecologist with such complaints.

14. If he said that his appendix had been removed, he must have been lying.

15. If you couldn't sleep all night, you can't be healthy.

16. If I had known that you were down with flu, I might have been able to come to visit you.

17. If you would wait, I will find out whether the doctor is in.

18. He will die unless you call a doctor. - Suppose I will. - He will never recover

without medical assistance.

19. We couldn't have brought him round without the help of the doctor on duty.

20. If you will have an abortion, I won't marry you.

21. If you meet him, he may show you the bruises that he got during a fight in a pub.

22. If you see him, you should borrow his book on pediatrics from him.

23. If you happen to meet him, you will be able to see the burns on his hand.

24. If you met him, you might catch flu from him

25. Should you bump into him, you would have to ask him about his wife's nervous breakdown.

26. If you saw a speech therapist, you might as well ask him for a book on stammering.

27. If you had met her, you could have seen how unwell she is.

28. I could have gone if I hadn't had a splitting headache and a blinding toothache all day long, and all kinds of rashes hadn't developed on my skin, because I'm allergic to cats.

29. I might have been able to persuade him not to take laxatives.

30. He would have had to go to the dermatologist if he had had a real corn on his toe.

31. If I were you, I wouldn't let him try to walk without crutches.

32. If you see him, he may speak to you about his cancer.

33. If you meet her, you ought to invite her to speak about her recovery.

34. If he asks you, you mustn't tell him that you have AIDS.

35. If he had asked you, it wouldn't have been a good idea to tell him the result of the


36. If he will take his medicine, he might recover.

37. I would be very grateful if you would stop screaming.

38. If you won't take the anti-febrile, I won't prescribe you any more vitamin C.

39. You can receive visitors provided you don't leave the intensive care unit.

40. You shouldn't have operated on him, he is past recovery.

41. Should he ask you why your nose is so swollen, you mustn't tell him.

42. If it weren't for the nights, I would feel quite well.

43. Suppose the doctor prescribed you some evil-tasting liquid. Would you take it?

44. You'll never find out what his trouble is unless you ask his mother.

45. If it hadn't been for that gossiping wife of his, I would have invited them to the house-warming party.


1. You may go there provided you don't get drunk.

2. You will miss the bus unless you start at once.

3. Would you call an ambulance if I swallowed this spoon?

4. If you should/Should you go to town, bring me some anti-febrile and some bandages from the chemist's.

5. If you will eat one ice-cream after the other, don't be surprised if your throat gets inflamed again.

6. I shall be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow provided I don't have a high temperature again.

7. He could have been recovering already if he hadn't caught this other infectious disease.

8. The doctors might have operated him if they had known that he had an incurable disease.

9. Suppose the filling in your tooth falls out. Would you have it refilled?

10. I let him extract my eye-tooth on condition that it wouldn't hurt.

11. If you should/ Should you have a bilious attack, phone the local hospital.





Elmeleti tudnival6k:

Az I wish es az if only szerkezetek az angol ohajto mondatok jellegzetes bevezeto elemei. Magyarra a "barcsak" ohajtast kifejezo szoval fordftjuk. Az I wish barmelv esetben fclcserelhcto az if only kifejezessel, A bevezet6 szerkezetet harem tipusu mondat kovetheti:

1. Az ige Simple Past (Unreal Past) alakban

Barcsak tobb szabad idom lenne! I wish I had more free time.

2. Az ige Past Perfect alakban

Barcsak ne yettem volna felesegul ezt a szornyu not! I wish I hadn't married this/that terrible woman.

3. Would + az ige szotari alakja kifejezhet

a) jovo idore utalast:

Barcsak egy hettel elobb vegct erne a tanevl

I wish the academic year would end a week earlier.

b) a beszelonek a cselekvo hajlandosagara vonatkozo ohajat:

Barcsak ne beszelgetnel a barataiddal orakon at!

I wish you wouldn't talk to your friends for hours on end.

I WISH + UNREAL PAST Peldamondatok

1. Barcsak tudnam a pontos valaszt erre a kerdesre:

2. Barcsak ki tudnam nyitni az oltozoszekrenyem ajtajaf

3. Barcsak ne kellene minden nap elmosogatnom a piszkos cseszekctl

4. Barcsak ne panaszkodnal annyit a ferjedre!

5. Barcsak ne lenne olyan bekepzelt: majd az elet megtanftja, hogyan kell viselkedni.

6. Barcsak eleg penzem lenne, hogy ezt a gyonyoru autot megvegyem!

7. Barcsak hasznalhatnam a szalloda telefonjat ehhez a surges hivashozl

8. Barcsak ne lenne rna olyan forrosag: nem a legalkalmasabb ida vizsgazni.

9. Barcsak ne egyid6ben vetitenek a filmet es a meccset!


1. I wish I knew the exact answer to this question.

2. I wish I could open the door of my wardrobe.

3. I wish I didn't have to wash up the dirty cups every day.



4. I wish you didn't complain so much about your husband.

5. I wish he weren't so conceited. Life will teach him how to behave.

6. I wish I had enough money to buy this beautiful car.

7. I wish I were allowed to use the phone in the hotel for this urgent calL

8. I wish it weren't so hot today. It's not the most suitable weather for taking an exam.

9. I wish the film and the match weren't broadcast at the same time.

I WISH + PAST PERFECT Peldamondatok

1. Barcsak talalkozhattam volna vele a multkor!

2. Barcsak ne veszekedtek volna a szuleim olyan sokat gyerekkoromban!

3. Barcsak ne aludtunk volna el ez el6tt a fontos vizsgank el6tt!

4. Barcsak bemehettiink volna a palota kiralyi reszebel

5. Barcsak ne kellett volna ejjel-nappal tanulnia az egyetemen!

6. Barcsak a miniszterelnok ne hozott volna olyan szigoru irttezkadosoker!

7. Barcsak az angol tanarunk ne fratott volna dolgozatot a mult helen!

8. Barcsak kocsival jottunk volna! Nezd, hogy omlik az esol

9. Barcsak Iattad volna, amikor utanozta az eloadof


1. I wish I had been able to meet him the other day.

2. I wish my parents hadn't quarrelled so much when I was a child.

3. I wish we hadn't overslept before this important exam of ours.

4. I wish we had been allowed to enter the royal section of the palace.

5. I wish she hadn't had to learn day and night at university.

6. I wish the Prime Minister hadn't taken such strict measures.

7. I wish our English teacher hadn't given us a test last week.

8. I wish we had come by car. Look, it's pouring down.

9. I wish you had seen him imitate the lecturer.

I WISH + would

1. Barcsak engem venne felesegul, nem Mancit!

2. Barcsak elfogadnak az uj terveinket!

3. Barcsak ne veszekednetek folyton!

4. Barcsak a rendorseg komolyabban megbuntetne a gyorshajtokatl

5. Barcsak ne talalna ram: nem akarom tobbe latni.

6. Barcsak rna korabban jonne haza, hogy hatkor elmehessunk a moziba.


1. I wish he would marry me instead of Manci.

2. I wish our new projects would be accepted.

3. I wish you wouldn't quarrel all the time.

4. I wish the police would fine speeders more heavily.

5. I wish he wouldn't find me. I don't want to see him any more.

6. I wish he would come home earlier today so that we could go to the cinema at 6.




A szenvedo szerkezet (Passive Voice) az angol nyelv igen jellemz6 kifejezesformaja. Hasznalata fokent akkor indokolt. ha a csclekves vegrehajtoja nem ismert, nem lenyeges, ill. a hangsuly a cselekvest elszenvedo alanyon van. Ez azonban nem zarja ki olyan szenved6 szerkezetek letet, amelyekben mind a cselekv6, mind a cselekves targya szerepel.

A szenved6 szerkezet formaja:

alany + to be megfelel6 formaja (esetleg m6dbeli segedigevel szinezetten) + a f6ige 3. alakja

Amennyiben a cselekves vegrehajt6jat is megnevezzuk, a by prepozici6val kapcsoljuk a fent leirt szerkezethez.



1. Az angolt vilagszerte beszelik.

2. Ebben a boltban finom zsemleket arulnak.

3. Tegnap egy konvvet kaptam.

4. Ebben a szobaban fogjak tartani a gyiilest?

5. Ezt a regenyt egy hires angol ir6 irta.

6. A viragaimat hetente ketszer kell ontozni.

7. A mi hutorunkat nem sztikseges hetente torolgetni.

8. A ruhasszekrenyem ajtajat nem lehet kinyitni.

9. Az osszes konyvet ellehet vinni?

10. Holnapra meg kell tanulni az uj szavakat.


1. English is spoken all over the world.

2. Delicious rolls are sold in this shop.

3. Yesterday a book was given to me. / Yesterday I was given a book.

4. Will the meeting be held in this room?

5. This novel was written by a famous English writer.

6. My plants must be watered twice a week.

7. Our furniture needn't be dusted every week. / Our furniture doesn't need to be

dusted every week.

8. The door of my wardrobe can't be opened.

9. Mayall the books be taken away?

10. The new words must be learnt by tomorrow.

Peldamondatok Kozep- es felsofok

1. Ebben az etteremben vegetarianus eteleket lehet fogyasztani.

2. Idaig nem hoztak dontest az edz6 kiletet illet6en.



3. Meg vagyok r6la gy6z6dve, hogy a [ovoben elkeriilik az ilyen hibakat,

4. Ezt a berendezest mar evek 6ta hasznaljak: ideje egy ujra kicserelni.

5. Most, hogy 18 eves, hamarosan be fogjak hivni katonanak,

6. Kozismert dolog, hogy a dohanyzas karosan hat a tiid6re.

7. Tobb kisebb foldrengest eszleltek tegnap este 6ta.

8. A vedooltasokat altalaban injekciozas utjan adjak.

9. A Iakasok gazzal, forr6 vizzcl, faval vagy szennel futhetok.

10. A jov6 h6napban szamos orszagbol szarrnazo festmenveket fognak bemutatni egy

kulonleges kiallitason.

11. Azonnal el kell vegezni ezt a munkat?

12. Kiils6 scgttscg nelkul nem lehetett volna egy ilyen koltsegcs gepet beszerezni.

13. Hat h6nap alatt nem lehet j61 megtanulni angolul.

14. Szamos cikk jelent meg errol a temarol az ut6bbi id6ben.

15. A gyulesre sok szazan jottek el.

16. Figyelmeztetni kellene ot. hogy 6vatosabban banjon ezzel az anyaggal.

17. Egesz falvakat soport el a hurrikan,

18. Mi mast tehetiink egy ilyen kinos helyzetben?

19. Ezt a dontest szamos tenyezo befolyasolta.

20. Sok id6t fognak szentelni a Iegkenyesebb kerdesek reridezesere.

21. Mar sok regenyt olvastam Asimovt61.

22. Az ember mar 6sid6k 6ta hasznalja a rezet.

23. A kiserletet a legnagyobb titokban kell elvcgezni.

24. Azt hittuk, lehet ra szarrutani, de tevedtunk,

25. Ebben a vonatkozasban nem lehet btzni a titkarnojeben,

26. Tarnogatnunk kellene 6t nemes torekveseiben,

27. Azt mondtak neki, hogy az eloadasat allva fogjak unnopelni a nezok.

28. A vallalkozas hosszu tavu hitelt kapott uj allashelyek tererntesere.

29. Ha Ielajanljak nekem a szerkesztoi allast, termeszctcscn elfogadom.

30. Meg nem tanitottak meg neki, hogyan reagaljon ilyen megjegyzesckre.

31. Remeltern, hogy megmenckulok mindettol a kenyelrnetlensegtol.

32. A kozepkorra gyakran mint a "sotetseg korara" utalnak.

33. Att61 tartok, valaki esetleg ellenzi az eloleptetesemet.

34. Sok recenzi6t irtak mar az u] konvverol.

35. Ezzel a problernaval komolyan kell foglalkozni.

36. Az ilyen buta vitaknak egyszer s mindenkorra veget kellene vetni.

37. Nem ertem, hogy a privatizaciot hatraltato torvenveket miert nem toroltek meg el.

38. A gyerekek vidamaknak Iatszanak, Biztosan szepen gondoskodtak r6luk.

39. Ki kellene hasznalni e lehetoseg kinalta elonyoket.

40. A keringesi betegscgek rendszeres testmozgassal megel6zhet6ek.

41. A konyv nehany fejezetet eppen most irja ujra a szerz6.

42. Ki fedezte fel ezt a tavoli szigetet?

43. Mire visszajossz, a szobadat kitapetazzak,

44. Meg operaltak, amikor rokonai megerkeztek a korhaz clocsarriokaba.

45. Azt hiszem, el6bb kellett volna indulnunk: eppen zarjak a boltot.

46. A frontalis utkozes soran az aut6 nagymerteku karosodast szenvedett.

47. Mar regota Ie kellett volna gepelni ezeket a leveleket.

48. Ezeket a bizonyttvanyokat nem kellett volna elhozni: csak a diploma szamat tartjuk nyilvan,

49. Lehet, hogy megengedtek neki, hogy ragyujtson, amikor eppen a babat vittek be a szobaba?

50. Lehet, hogy a legjobb baratai arultak el.

51. Mihelyt lehetseges, ezt a hiabavalo vitat Ie kell zarni,



52. A padokat az osveny mindket oldalarol el kellett tavolitani.

53. Jelentesek szerint a csucstalalkozot a jav6 honapra halasztjak a fovarosban dulo

zavargasok miatt.

54. Becslesek szerint a vilag nepessege 2000-re eleri a hatmilliardot.

55. Erderneit - barmilyen elevulhetetlenek - nem szabad tulbecsulni,

56. Tobb biologust is meg lehetett volna kerdezni az emlosok kihalasanak veszelyeirol.

57. Akar ki is rabolhattak volna abban a rossz hiru borozoban.

58. Remelhet6, hogy hamarosan felepul az ernberrablas okozta testi es lelki serulesei-



1. In this restaurant vegetarian meals may be had.

2. So far no decision has been made as to who the coach will be.

3. I'm convinced that such mistakes will be avoided in the future.

4. This equipment has been used for years now; it's time to replace it.

5. Now that he is 18 he will soon be called up for military service.

6. It is widely known that the lungs are adversely affected by smoking.

7. Several smaller earthquakes have been observed since last night.

8. Vaccinations are usually given by injection.

9. Flats can be heated with gas, hot water, wood or coal.

10. Paintings from many countries will be displayed at a special exhibition next month.

11. Must this work be done at once?

12. Such an expensive machine couldn't have been obtained without some extra help

from outside.

13. English can't be learnt well in six months.

14. A number of articles on this topic have been published recently.

15. The meeting was attended by hundreds of people.

16. He should be warned to handle this material more carefully.

17. Entire villages have been swept away by the hurricane.

18. What else can be done in such an awkward situation?

19. This decision was influenced by many factors.

20. Much time will be devoted to arranging the most awkward problems.

21. I have already read a lot of novels written by Asimov.

22. Copper has been used since ancient times.

23. The experiment must be carried out in strict secrecy.

24. We thought he could be relied on but we were mistaken.

25. His secretary cannot be trusted in this respect.

26. His noble endeavours should be assisted.

27. He was told his performance would be given a standing ovation.

28. The enterprise was granted long-term credit to create new jobs.

29. If I am offered the post of the editor, I will, of course, accept it.

30. She still hasn't been taught how to react to remarks like this.

31. I had hoped that I would be spared all this inconvenience.

32. The Middle Ages are often referred to as the" Dark Ages".

33. I'm afraid my promotion might be objected to.

34. His new book has already been commented on by many critics.

35. This problem must be dealt with seriously.

36. Such stupid quarrels should be put an end to once and for all.



37. I can't understand why the laws hindering privatisation have not been done away

with yet.

38. The children seem to be happy. They must have been looked after properly.

39. This opportunity should be taken advantage of.

40. Circulatory diseases can be prevented by doing regular physical exercise.

41. Some chapters of the book are being re-written by the author.

42. Who was this distant island discovered by?

43. By the time you return, your room will have been wall-papered.

44. He was still being operated on when his relatives arrived at the hospital foyer.

45. I'm afraid we should have started earlier: the shop is just being closed.

46. In the course of the frontal collision the car got damaged to a large extent.

47. These letters ought to have been typed long ago.

48. These certificates needn't have been brought here. Only the number of the degree is registered by us.

49. Is it possible that he was allowed to light a cigarette when the baby was just being

brought into the room?

50. He may have been betrayed by his best friends.

51. This futile controversy must be put an end to as soon as possible.

52. The benches had to be removed from both sides of the path.

53. It is reported that the summit will be postponed to next month because of public disturbances in the capital.

54. It is estimated that the population of the world will amount to as many as 6 thousand million by the year 2000.

55. His merits - however everlasting they are - shouldn't be overestimated.

56. Several biologists could have been asked about how mammals are threatened by extinction.

57. You might easily have been robbed in that ill-famed pub.

58. It is to be hoped that he will soon recover from the mental and physical injuries which the kidnapping caused him.




A muveltetd szerkezet (Causative) - valamit valakivel elvegeztetni - alakvaltozatai:

1. to have sg. done, to have sg. done by sy. - a cselekves mint szolgaltatas to get sg. done, to get sg. done by sy.

to have someone do something


Gyakran megyek fodraszhoz hajat vagatni, I often have my hair cut by the hairdresser.

Meg fogom javittatni a lakatossal a kilincset.

I'm going to have the door-handle repaired by the locksmith.

Megjegyzend6, hogy a mai beszelt nyelv a have helyett gyakran alkalmazza a get scgediget.

2. to get someone to do (I) something - keres, rabaszeles

PL: Megprobalom ravenni, hogy autoval jojjon.

I will tn] to get him to come by car.

3. to make sy. do sg. - kesztetes, korrvszerftes

to order/force sy. to do sg. - kesztetes, kenyszerites

PL: Miert hat velunk olyan sok forditast ez a tartar?

Why does this teacher make us write so many translations?


Kozep- es fels6fok

1. Megismeteltetned vele ezt a mondatot?

2. Kerern, minel el6bb fordittassa Ie ezt a levelet.

3. Lemosattad mar a kocsidat? - Minden heten lemosatom a szerel6veL

4. Tegnap a ferjevel hordatta el a havat.

5. Selmeczi [ol megnevettette a kozonscget,

6. Ugye ra fogod venni, hogy vegye el a lanyom, akarmilyen csunya is?

7. Maga varrja a ruhait vagy ugy csinaltatja?

8. Miel6tt idekoltoztunk, mar ronovaltattak a hazat,

9. Mikol' fogod az egy eve csopogo csapot megjayittatni a vtzvezetekszerelovel?

10. Ez majd elgondolkoztatja. - Na ne nevettess! Ot? Sohal

11. Miert mondod ezt? Es meg tudod magyarazni, miert tetted?

12. Latod, megint megrikattad. - Csak magadnak koszonheted,

13. Chileben Pinochet meg mindig erezteti a befolyasat es sokszor hallatja a hangjat.

14. Bokszmeccs kozben kiutottek a fogat, es meg a ruhajat is clloptak az oltozobol,

15. Kepes lennel arra kenvszertteni, hogy egyem meg?

16. Megprobalta megertetni magat, bar ez teljesen rernenytelen kiserlet volt.



17. Ra kellene yenned a batyadat, hogy jelentkezzen erre az allasra,

18. Tudasd velem, ha barmit megtudnal errol a gyanus alakrol,

19. Fordtttasd le rnagyarra, jo?

20. Lehet, hogy a hagyma megrikat, ha pucolod.

21. Az lehetetlen, hogy arra kenvszeritett volna, hogy elvedd a Ianyat.

22. Nem szabad vele iratnod a leveleidet, f6leg, ha azok bizalrnasak.

23. Nem szabadna arra kenyszeritened, hogy sikkasszon.

24. Nem szukseges vele elmondatnod, mi torrent.

25. EI volt torve a karja, ezert a szomszeddal asatta fel a kertet.

26. Mar ket eve uj szerel6vel javittatod a kocsid, ugye?

27. Megcsinaltathatom vele a hazi feladatornat?

28. Yalaha anvammal f6zettem a vacsorat,

29. Marpedig a ferjeddel fogom kifizettetni a kart!

30. Nem szukseges lefordittatnod. A te nem hivatalos forditasodat is elfogadjuk.

31. Fel ne mereszeld mosatni vele a kovetl

32. Akar rais vehetnenk, hogy jojjon velunk.

33. Holnap ilyenkor? Pont a fenvkepaket hivatorn el6 vele.

34. Eppen a lecket ismeteltettem a fiammal, amikor az apja bejott,

35. Mar sokszor elajultam a kokusz szagatol,

36. Az nem letezik, hogy eppen most csutakoltatja a Iovat, Azt jelentettek, hogy csataban van.

37. Felesleges volt megjavittatnod a kozponti futest, nem volt komoly baja.

38. Hala Istennek, nem kellett komuvessel eptttetnem a hazat, megcsinaltam en rnagam es a rokonok.

39. Vedd ra, hogy igya meg. Izleni fog neki.

40. Nem engedhetjiik meg magunknak, hogy minden honapban megjavittassuk az


41. Milyen gyakran kell tapetaztatnotok a gyerekszobat?

42. Mikol' fogod lemosatni a kocsidat?

43. Kirakattuk a regi beepitett szekrenyt es beszereltettunk egy divatos konvhabutort.

44. Kezd sotetedni, kapcsoltasd fel valakivel a villanyt!

45. Jov6 ilyenkorra mar be fogjuk vezettetni a gazfutest.

46. Megkerdezte, hogy bekottesse-e az en szakdolgozatomat is.

47. A guminyomast is ellen6riztetni fogom a benzinkutassaL

48. Ha vonzo akarsz lenni, Iegalabb havonta egyszer meg kell csinaltatnod a frizuradar a fodrasszal.

49. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy egy elvezetes koncert elfeledtetne velem a problema-


50. Szoval lusta vagyok. Meg tudnad mondani, mibol gondolod?

51. Nem tudom megertetni vele, milyen veszelves dologhoviharban vezetni.

52. Ha hatekony tanar akarsz lenni, el kell erned, hogy minden korulmenyek kozott tiszteljenek.

53. Annak ellenere, hogy clutazasa el6tt evekig tanult angolul, Angliaban alig tudta magat megertetni,

54. Ha tovabb nalunk maradnal, lehet, hogy le tudnad szoktatni a mertektelen alkoholfogyasztasrol,

55. Nem tudtam volna ravenni, hogy szigoruan dietazzon, ha te nem tanacsoltad volna neki ugyanezt.

56. Meg kellett volna hosszabbitanod az utleveled ervenyesseget egy ilyen hosszu ut el6tt.

57. Megpucoltathattad volna az ablakaidat, ha kenves vendegcket varsz,

58. Minek a hatasara valtoztathatta meg olyan hirtelen a velernenvet?



59. Velemenyem szerint a problema kevesbe bonyolult, mint amilyennek fclttmtettek.

60. A rendorsegen megkertek, hogy teljes reszletesseggel irja le a balesetet.

61. Meg soha nem kenyszeritettek arra, hogy becsapjam a fonokomet.


1. Would you make him repeat this sentence?

2. Get this letter translated as soon as possible, please.

3. Have you had your car washed yet? - I have it washed by the mechanic every


4. Yesterday she made her husband clear the snow away.

5. 5elmeczi made the audience laugh a lot.

6. You will get him to marry my daughter, however ugly she is, won't you?

7. Does she sew her dresses herself or does she have them made?

8. They had already had the house restored before we moved here.

9. When will you get the tap that has been leaking for a year repaired by the


10. This will make him think. - Come on, don't make me laugh! Him? Never!

11. What makes you say that? And can you explain what made you do it?

12. Look, you've made her cry again. - You asked for it.

13. Pinochet still makes his influence felt and often makes himself heard in Chile.

14. During the boxing-match he had a tooth knocked out and even his clothes were stolen from the changing-room.

15. Could you force me to eat it? / Could you make me eat it?

16. He tried to make himself understood, though it was a completely hopeless


17. You should get your elder brother to apply for this job.

18. Let me know whatever you learn about this shifty guy.

19. Get it translated into Hungarian, will you?

20. Onion may make you cry when you peel it.

21. He can't have made you marry his daughter.

22. You mustn't have your letters written by her, especially if they are confidential.

23. You oughtn't to make him embezzle.

24. You needn't get her to tell you what happened.

25. His arm was broken, so he got the neighbour to dig the garden.

26. You have been having your car repaired by a new mechanic for two years,

haven't you?

27. May I get him to do my my homework?

28. I used to get my mother to cook dinner.

29. I will make your husband pay for the damage!

30. You needn't get it translated. We accept your unofficial translation, too.

31. Don't you dare make him wash the stones!

32. We might as well get him to come with us.

33. This time tomorrow? I will be having him develop the photos.

34. I was making my son repeat the homework when his father came in.

35. The smell of coconut has often made me faint.

36. He can't be having his horse brushed. He has been reported to be fighting.

37. You needn't have had the central heating repaired. There was nothing seriously wrong with it.

38. Thank God, I didn't have to have my house built by a bricklayer. I did it myself with my relatives.

39. Get him to drink it. He will like the taste of it.



40. We can't afford to have our car repaired every month.

41. How often do you need to have the children's room wall-papered?

42. When will you have your car washed?

43. We have had the old built-in cupboard removed and fashionable kitchen

furniture put in.

44. It's getting dark. Get somebody to switch on the light.

45. By this time next year we shall have had gas-heating installed.

46. He asked whether he should have my thesis bound, too.

47. I'm going to have the pressure in the tyres checked by the filling station attendant, too.

48. If you want to look attractive, you must have your hair styled by the hairdresser

at least once a month.

49. I'm sure that an enjoyable concert would make me forget my troubles.

50. 50 you say I'm lazy. Could you tell me what makes you think so?

51. I can't make him understand how dangerous it is to drive in a blizzard.

52. If you want to be an efficient teacher, you must make yourself respected in all conditions.

53. In spite of his having learnt English for years before travelling, he could hardly make himself understood in England.

54. If you stayed with us longer, you might be able to get him to give up excessive drinking.

55. I couldn't have made her go on a strict diet if you hadn't given her the same advice.

56. You should have had the validity of your passport extended before such a long journey.

57. You ought to have had your windows cleaned if you are expecting fastidious


58. What could have made him alter his opinion all of a sudden?

59. I think the problem is less complicated than they made it seem.

60. The police had him describe the accident in full detail.

61. I have never been made to cheat my boss.



INDIRECT SPEECH (Fiigg6 beszed)

A fiigg6 beszed elhangzott kijelentesek, kerdesek, falszolttasok targyi mellekmoridat formajaban tortend visszaadasa.

Ennek soran ertelemszeruen rnegvaltoznak a rievrnasok, hatarozok, igeid6k:

this (these) helyett that (those), the
here helyett there
yesterday helyett tire day before
tomorrow helyett the next day
next week helyett the following week
... ago helyett ... before stb. A fiigg6 kerdes formailag kijelent6 mondat, tehat nem hasznaljuk a do segediget es a mondat vegere nem teszunk kerdojelet. Az eldontendo kerdes if vagy whether kotoszoval. a kiegeszitendo kerdes kerdoszoval kezd6dik.

Az igeid6k cgyeztetese:

He says Ire is ill.

he is reading. he was ill.

he was working all day. he will be ill.

he will be studying at 5. he can swim.

he has to leave.

He said he was ill.

he was reading. Ire had been ill.

he had been working all day. he would be ill.

he would be studying at 5. he could swim.

he had to leave.



1. ,,1 don't know you."

2. ,,1 have been in this room for an hour."

3. ,,1 think it is raining."

4. "This problem is too difficult for me."

5. "I'm leaving the town for ever."

6. "You have been rather impolite."

7. "The President arrived an hour ago."

8. "The contract will be signed tomorrow."

9. ,,1 was doing my homework all afternoon."

10. "You are hopeless at maths."




1. He says he doesn't know us/me.

2. He says he has been in the room for an hour.

3. He says he thinks it is raining.

4. He says that the problem is too difficult for him.

5. He says he is leaving the town for ever.

6. He says 1 have been rather impolite.

7. They say the President arrived an hour ago.

8. We hope that the contract will be signed tomorrow.

9. She says she was doing her homework all afternoon.

10. She says we are hopeless at maths.


Kozep- es felsOfok

1. ,,1 have to help my mum with the shopping."

2. ,,1 don't know you."

3. ,,1 won't give you this valuable camera."

4. ,,1 will buy a larger flat tomorrow."

5. "Yesterday we had an enjoyable party at my uncle's."

6. "The day before yesterday 1 found my note-book in your drawer."

7. "By this time next year we shall have passed the entrance exam."

8. ,,1 never drink coffee before 1 have breakfast."

9. "We have bought a second-hand car."

10. ,,1 have been swimming for an hour now."

11. ,,1 drove each member of the company home."

12. ,,1 will come to see you on Sunday if 1 have time."

13. "We were thinking of travelling to Spain but we didn't have enough money."

14. "If 1 were you, 1 wouldn't marry that man."

15. ,,1 would like to meet a famous actor personally."

16. "We should/ ought to do more for the safety of our district."

17. "You should/ ought to/must plant roses in the front part of your garden."

18. "You had better not get on the train when it's already moving."

19. "You might post this letter for me."

20. "He didn't pay attention to weather conditions."

21. "We shall arrange this tomorrow."

22. He pointed at two books. ,,1 saw these in the library, too."

23. ,,1 got this ring from my fiance."

24. "I'm selling my house this month."

25. "Which apple do you want? - This one."

26. "I'm too lazy to do any work today."

27. ,,1 couldn't read the whole book yesterday."

28. ,,1 saw a strange little old man on the staircase the day before yesterday."

29. "A year ago he was in love with me - now he is leaving me", she said.

30. "Next week we shall see the eclipse of the moon."

31. ,,1 will go for an outing to the Bakony Hills the day after tomorrow."

32. ,,1 heard you playing the violin haIf an hour ago."

33. "I'm not going to [my this watch."

34. "You can stay here as long as you want."

35. "O.K., 1 shall do the washing up for you."



36. "I will wash your car together with mine." "

37. "I'm not willing to leave the house in such stormy weather.

38. "Would you like a cup of tea?" rr

39. "I will betray you if you don't give me a bar of chocolate.

40. "Your daughter broke my vase!"

41. "I broke it."

42. "I didn't break any of your vases."

43. "When is the performance to begin?"

44. "Where do you work?"

45. "Where is the college?"

46. "What have you got in your hand?" "

47. "Tom, why didn't you tell your sister to come home?

48. "Is there anything in the fridge?" , "

49. "Would you like to meet the ruce couple from P,;cs?

50. "Do you want to visit the Smiths or the Bakers? my husband asked.

51. "Shall we get on this train or not?" "

52. If you get married, will you leave the company?

53. ::Shall we have one more cup of coffee in this cosy bar?"

54. "Shall I ever see this nice guy again?"

55. "Shall I put your luggage on the rack?"

56. "Will you give me advice on this matter?"

57. "Will you come to the meeting?"

58. "Will you have some more biscuits?"

59. "Children, don't sit on wet grass." 60. You had better work harder."

61. ::If I were you, I would stop doing second jobs."

62. "Remain seated, everybody!" 7"

63. "If you don't like this dress, why don't you put another one on. 64. Do come in," the lady said.

65. ::Don't forget to have your dinner-jacket dry-cleaned!"

66. "Don't be so shy, ask her name!", they told him.

67. "Don't close the door, it's so stuffy here," he said.

68. "If you meet Joe tell him to phone me," he said. "

69. She said, "If you can't cook, don't invite guests for lunch.

70. "Let's have a look at this museum," she said.

71. "Let's not waste our time bargaining," he said.

72. "What a boring lecture!" she exclaimed. . "

73. He said, "Congratulations on your promotion.

74. He said, "Thank you for your help."

75. She said, "You are a genius, darling!"

76. They said to us, "Welcome!"

77. "Have a nice Easter holiday!" he said.

78. "You must see this film of Spielberg's," he said. ."

79. "As he has no dictionary for doing the translation, we must lend him ours, she


80. "You must fry these steaks as quickly as possible," ~e said.. "

81. "You may enter the secret room provided you don t speak about It to anybody,

he said.

82. "Must you stay out so late tonight?" she :sked. .

83. "You mustn't water this plant every day, she said. . . " .

84. "I needn't buy a season-ticket to the theatr~; I have free admission there, he said,

85. He said, "You needn't work this afternoon.



86. They said, "If he sells the freezer at a lower price we needn't borrow any money

from our colleagues."

87. "Need I learn the poem by heart?" asked a pupil in class.

88. "Could I use your pen, please?" she asked.

89. "Could you please help me with these heavy bags?" the old lady asked.

90. "Could you drive me to work tomorrow?" she asked.

91. "At a very young age his children could speak two languages," she said.

92. He said, "If I could swim I would participate in this competition."

93. "If I were younger I could try to get another degree," she said.

94. "If everybody moved a bit to the right Joe could sit down, too," the teacher said.

95. "How much do you want for your rusty car?" he asked.

96. "When did you last see the accused?" the judge asked.


1. He said he had to help his mum with the shopping.

2. He said he didn't know me.

3. He said he wouldn't give me that valuable camera.

4. He said he would buy a larger flat the next/ following day.

5. He said they had had an enjoyable party at his uncle's the day before. 6: He said he had found his note-book in my drawer two days before.

7. They said that by that time the next year they would have passed the entrance exam.

8. He said he never drank coffee before having breakfast.

9. They said they had bought a second-hand car.

10. She said she had been swimming for an hour then.

11. He said he had driven each member of the company home.

12. She said she would come to see me on Sunday if she had time.

13. They said they had been thinking of travelling to Spain but they hadn't had

enough money.

14. I advised her not to marry that man.

15. She said she would like to meet a famous actor personally.

16. They said they should/ ought to do more for the safety of their district.

17. She advised me to plant roses in the front part of my garden.

18. He said I had better not get on the train / He advised/warned me not to get on the train when it was already moving.

19. He said (that) I might post the letter for him. / He asked me to post the letter for


20. The police said the man/ the driver hadn't paid attention to weather conditions.

21. He said that they would arrange it/ the matter the next day.

22. He said he had seen them in the library, too.

23. She said she had got the ring from her fiance.

24. She said she was selling her house that month.

25. I asked her which apple she wanted and she asked for the one near her.

26. He said he was too lazy to do any work that day.

27. He said he hadn't been able to read the whole book the day before.

28. He said he had seen a strange little old man on the staircase two days before.

29. She said that he had been in love with her a year before/the previous year and

that he was leaving her then.

30. He said we would see the eclipse of the moon the following week.

31. He said he would go for an outing to the Bakony Hills in two days' time.

32. He said he had heard me playing the violin half an hour before.



33. He said he wasn't going to buy that/the watch.

34. He said I could stay there/with him as long as I wanted.

35. He agreed to do the washing up for me. . .

36. He promised to wash my car together with hIS.

37. He refused to leave the house in such stormy weather.

38. He offered me a cup of tea.

39. He threatened to betray me if I didn't give him a bar of chocolate.

40. He accused my daughter of breaking his vase.

41. I admitted breaking it.

42. I denied breaking any of his vases.

43. She asked when the performance was to begin.

44. He asked where I worked.

45. He asked/wanted to know where the college was.

46. He asked (me) what I had got in my hand.

47. He asked Tom why he hadn't told his sister to come home.

48. He asked if there was anything in the fridge. .

49. He asked whether/if we would like to meet the nice couple from Pecs.

50. My husband asked whether I wanted to visit t~e Smiths or the Bakers.

51. They hesitated whether or not to get on the tram.

52. He asked whether I would leave the company if I got married.

53. He suggested having one more cup of coffee in that cosy bar ',

54. She wondered whether she would ever see that nice guy agam.

55. He offered to put my luggage on the rack.

56. He asked me to give him some advice on the matter.

57. He asked whether he would come to the meeting. / He invited him to the


58. She offered me some more biscuits.

59. I told/warned the children not to sit on wet grass.

60. I advised him to work harder.

61. He advised me to stop doing second jobs.

62. He ordered us to remain seated.

63. He advised me to put on another dress. / He suggested that I should put on

another dress.

64. The lady asked/invited us to come in.

65. She reminded him not to forget to have his dinner-jacket dry-cleaned.

66. They encouraged him to ask her name.

67. He told me not to close the door.

68. He said if I met Joe I was to tell him to phone him.

69. She said/ told me that if I couldn't cook I shouldn't invite guests for lunch.

70. She suggested having a look at the museum.

71. He suggested not wasting our/their time bargaining. / He suggested that

we/they shouldn't waste time bargaining.

72. She said it was a boring lecture.

73. He congratulated me on my promotion.

74. He thanked me for my help.

75. She called me a genius.

76. They welcomed us.

77. He wished me a nice Easter holiday. .

78. He said that I must see that film of Spielberg's.

79. She said that they would have to lend him their dictionary as he hadn't got one to

do the translation.

80. He said that I had to fry the steaks as quickly as possible.



81. He said that I might enter the secret room provided that I didn't speak about it to anybody.

82. She asked if he had to stay out so late that night.

83. She said that I mustn't water the plant every day. / She told me not to water the plant every day.

84. He said he didn't have to buy a season-ticket to the theatre because he had free admission there.

85. He said that I needn't work that afternoon.

86. They said that if he sold the freezer at a lower price they wouldn't have to borrow

any money from their colleagues.

87. A pupil in class asked if he had to learn the poem by heart.

88. She asked me if she could use my pen.

89. The old lady asked me to help her with the heavy bags.

90. She asked me if I could drive her to work the next day.

91. She said that his children could/had been able to speak two languages at a very

young age.

92. He said that if he could swim he would participate in the competition.

93. She said that if she were younger she could try to get another degree.

94. The teacher said that if everybody moved a bit to the right Joe would be able to sit down, too.

95. He asked how much he wanted for his rusty car.

96. The judge asked when he had last seen the accused.

Tovabbi peldak

1. Nem gondoltam, hogy a dontes ilyen nehez lesz.

2. Valaki azt mondta, hogy ezeket a kiserleteket hamarosan folytatni fogjak.

3. Spanyolorszagba utaztak. - Igazan? Azt mondtak, Pragaban fogjak tolteni a


4. Nem tudtam megmondani nekik, hogy meg bentvan-e az irodaban,

5. Nem voltunk biztosak benne, hogy helyesen cselekedtiink-e.

6. Az igazgat6 erdeklodott, hogy it kutat6csoport megoldotta-e mar a problemat,

7. Nem tudod veletlenul, hogy ez milyen noveny?

8. Tudattak velunk, hogy miert nem vettek fel tagnak.

9. Biztos voltam benne, hogy el tudjak foglalni az er6di:it.

10. Gondolod, hogy megengedik, hogy megnczzuk a tevegyartast?

11. Azt kerdezte, hogy feltehet-e nehany kerdest,

12. Azt mondtak nektmk, hogy ra tudtak venni, hogy meggondolja magat.

13. Azt mondta, hogy nem dolgozom eleg kemenyen,

14. Panaszkodott, hogy sok nehez kerdesre kellett valaszolnia a vizsgan.

15. [avasoltuk, hogy meg egyszer gondoljuk at a dontest,

16. Azt hittem, esetleg meg akarod nezni a gyerekkori fenykepeimet,

17. Azt mondta, tegnapel6tt egyedtil meg tudta javitani a biztonsagi zarat,

18. Mogkerdeztuk, hogy ket nap mulva mcglatogathatjuk-e a beteget.

19. Azt mondtak, hogy egy szakertot kell megkerdezniuk ebben az tigyben.

20. Az utazasi iroda dolgoz6ja azt mondta, hogy a ropulogepnek ket oraval azel6tt

kellett volna megerkeznie.

21. Azt mondta, hogy a cikket reszben at kell dolgozni, miel6tt ki lehetne adni.

22. Azt hittem, az tizletki:it6 varja a kuldottseget a reptiloteren.

23. A fonok azt mondta, hogy negy mernok meg fogja tudni oldani a problemat.



24. A hirdetes figyelmeztetett, hogy a leveleket legkesobb aprilis 30-ig be kell ktrldeni.

25. Azt moridta, hogy egyetlen kerdes nelkul beengedtek a targyaloterembe.


1. I hadn't thought the decision would be as difficult as that.

2. Somebody told me the experiments would be continued soon.

3. They left for Spain. - Did they? They had said that they would spend their

honeymoon in Prague.

4. I couldn't tell them whether he was still in the office.

5. We were not sure whether we had done the right thing.

6. The director inquired whether the problem had already been solved by the

research team.

7. Do you happen to know what sort of plant this is?

8. They informed us why we hadn't been accepted as members.

9. I was sure that they would be able to capture the fortress.

10. Do you think we shall be permitted to see the televisions being produced?

11. She asked whether she might ask a few questions.

12. They told us they had been able to make him change his mind.

13. He said that I didn't work hard enough.

14. He complained that he had had to answer a lot of difficult questions at the


15. We suggested that we should think the decision over once again.

16. I thought you might want to see the photos of me as a child.

17. He said he had been able to repair the safety lock by himself two days before.

18. We asked if we would be allowed to see the patient in two days' time.

19. They said they would have to consult an expert on the matter.

20. The travel agency clerk told us that the plane should have arrived two hours


21. He said the article would have to be revised in part before.it could be published.

22. I thought the business transactor was to meet the delegation at the airport.

23. The boss said that four engineers would be able to solve the problem.

24. The advertisement warned us that the letters would have to be sent by 30th April at the latest.

25. He said that he had been allowed to enter the court-room without asking him anything.


Alap-segedlgek: do, be, have


AUXI LIARI ES (Segedigek)

Alap-segedigek: do, be, have



1. Szeretsz a varos szelen lakni?

2. Miert nem kerod meg, hogy ellenorizze a szamokat?

3. Sok sportot uztal gimnazista korodban?

4. A baratod szereti a regi filmeket?

5. Nem tiszteled a durva igazgat6kat, ugye?

6. 'I~ hogyan kell palacsintaj siitni? - Tudom.

7. Elvezem a Iovaglast konnyu nyari szellobsn. _ En is.

8. Uljetek mar le, legyetek szrvesek!

9. Manapsag nem zongorazom, de gyerekkoromban hetente ketszer jartam zene-


10. Tenyleg szuksegcm van rad minden nap. 11 . .JQ..tanitja az irodalmat?

12. Ki nem akarja elmeselni az esktrvoje tortenetat?

13. Ki nevet a fonok viccein? '

14. Ki nem vesz reszt a tovabbkepzesen?

15. Soha nem akartam szmeszno lenni.


1.J20 you liks: living on the outskirts of the town?

2. ~!!_~ you ask him to check the figures?

3. Did you go in for a lot of sports when you were at grammar school?

4. ~ old films?

5. You don't resR~c!!~de directors, do you?

6. Do you kno~ pancakes? _ Yes, I do.

7. I enjoy riding in a light summer breeze. - So do 1.

8. Do sit down!

9. I don't play the piano nowadays, but I did have music lessons twice a week when

I was a child.

10. I do need you every day.

11. JtYh9 teaches literature?

12. Who doesn't want to tell the story of her wedding?

13. Who laughs at the jokes of the boss?

14. Who's not taking part in the refresher course?

15. I never wanted to become an actress.



Alap-segedigek: do, be, have

Peldamondatok Kozep- es fels6fok

16. Ktvancsi vagyok, miert jott ilyen keson.

17. A tervek szerint a miniszterelnok nyitja meg az ulesszakot.

18. Ugy tervezzuk, hogy Iakasszentelot tartunk a het vegen.

19. Ugy volt, hogy a szervezi meg a kirandulast.

20. Ugy volt! hogy harem hetig maradunk Corogorszagban, de elfogyott a penzunk.

21. Eloszor is az iskolai kovetelmenyeket ken teljesftened.

22. A [elentkezesi Iapot legkesabb marcius 31-ig be kell adni.

23. Sehol nem lehet latni manapsag ezt az automarkat.

24. Sehol sem talaltak a kulugyminiszter tolmacsat.

25. Csodalni lehet az allhatatossagat,

26. Eppen el akartam menni az irodabol, amikor megsz6lalt a telefon.

27. Eppen meg akartam venni a cipot, amikor eszrevettem, hogy egy karcolas van a


28. Ne kiabalj: szornyen faj a fejem,

29. Gyakran fa] a fejem, amikor dolgozatot irunk.

30. Nem tudja felvenni a telefont, mert zuhanyozik.

31. Sohasem reggelizem otthon.

32. Mindig van egy kis tejed a hutoben?

33. Mikor voltal utoljara influenzas?

34. Lefekves elott ittunk egy pohar kaval,

35. J6l ereztuk magunkat a tegnapi osszejovetelen.

36. Igazan szep estet toltottel el a menyasszonyoddal?

37. Gyakran vitatkozunk arrol, hogyan osszuk be a pcnzt.

38. Hatborzongato almom volt egy faraszto napom utan,

39. Szeretek meghitten elbeszelgetni egy megerto jobarattal.

40. Mivel ked den nemzeti unnep volt, harem napos szabadsagot kaptunk.

41. A lagzi utan egesz nap pihentunk.

42. Kedvem volna setalni egy nagyot az erdoben.

43. Oltast kapsz, hogy ne legyel mumpszos.

44. Tappenzre vettek, mert az allando stressz miatt idegosszeroppanast kapott,

45. Miert vacsorazol ilyen keson?


16. I wonder why he came so late.

17. The Prime Minister is to open the session.

18. There's to be a house-warming party at our place this weekend.

19. He was to organize the excursion.

20. We were to have stayed in Greece for three weeks but we ran out of money.

21. First of all, you are to fulfil the school requirements.

22. The application form is to be submitted by the 31st of March at the latest.

23. This make of car is nowhere to be seen nowadays.

24. The interpreter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs was nowhere to be found.

25. She is to be admired for her perseverance.

26. I was about to leave the office when the telephone rang.

27. I was about to buy the pair of shoes when I noticed that there was a scratch on the heel of one of the shoes.

28. Don't shout. I have got a terrible headache.

29. I often have a headache when we have exams.


A m6dbeli segedlgek


30. He can't answer the phone because he is having a shower.

31. I never have breakfast at home.

32. Do you always have some milk in the fridge?

33. When did you last have flu?

34. We had a night-cap before going to bed.

35. We had a good time at the meeting yesterday.

36. Did you really have a lovely evening with your fiancee?

37. We ofter: ~ave a quarrel about how to be economical with our money.

38. After a tinng day I had a spine-chilling dream.

39. I like having an intimate chat with a sympathetic friend.

40. With a national holiday on Tuesday we had three days off.

41. After the reception we had a rest all day long.

42. I feel like having a long walk in the forest.

43. You are going to be given a vaccination for mumps.

44. He was put on the sick-list because he had a nervous break-down owing to the constant stress.

45. Why are you having dinner so late?

A medbell segedigek

Segitsegukkel kifejezhetjtik a hozzajuk kapcsolodo f6igenek a valosaghoz val6 kapcsolatat,


1. A ,,kell" - "nem kell" jelenlesii segedigek rendszere

Jelen ida:

I must work.

I have to work.

I have got to work.

Must you work?

Do you have to work? Have you got to work?

I needn't work.

I don't have to work. I haven't got to work.

Mult ido:

I had to work.

Did you have to work?

I didn't have to work.

Iovo ida:

I must work.

I will have to work.

Must you work?

Will you have to work?

I needn't work.

I won't have to work.



Felteteles jelen:

A m6dbeli segedigek

I would have to work. I should work.

I ought to work.

Felteteles mult:

I would have had to work.

I should have worked. - I ought to have worked.

Present Perfect:

I have had to work a lot since Monday

Specialjs jelentes:

Would you have to work? Should you work?

Ought you to work?

Would you have had to work?

Should you have worked? Ought you to have worked?

Have you had to work a lot since Monday?

I wouldn't have to work. I shouldn't work.

I oughtn't to work.

I wouldn't have had to work.

I shouldn't have worked. I oughtn't to have worked.

I haven't had to work a lot since Monday.

He must be working.

He must have worked for this factory. He must have been working for

a long time now.

Bizonyara dolgozik.

Bizonyara ebben a gyarban dolgozott.

Bizonyara mar regota dolgozik.

2. A "tud" jelenflisii segedigek rendszere

Jelen id6

He can play the piano.

He is able to work all day.

Mult id6:

Can he play the piano?

Is he ab le to work all day?

He can't play the piano.

He isn't able to work all day.

He could play the piano. Could he play the piano? He couldn't play the piano.

He was able to work all day. Was he able to work all day? He wasn't able to work all day.

Jov6 id6:

He will be able to play the piano / work Izard all day.

Falteteles jelen:

Will he be able to play the piano / work all day?

He won't be able to play the piano / work all day.

He could play the piano ifhe had more time for practising. Could he play the piano ifhe had more time for practising?

He couldn't play the piano even ifhe had more time for practising. He would be able to work all day ifhe were stronger.


A m6dbeli segedigek


Would he be able to work all day if he were stronger?

He wouldn't be able to work all day even if he were stronger.

Felteteles mult:

He could have played the piano ifhe hadn't chosen the violin instead. Could he have played the piano if he hadn't chosen the violin instead?

He couldn't have played the piano even if he hadn't chosen the violin instead.

He would have been able to work all day if the company had given him an adequate salari].

Would he have been able to work all day if the company had given him an adequate salaru?

He wouldn't have been able to work all day even if the company had given him an adequate salanj.

Present Perfect:

I have been able to play the piano / work all day since I was a child.

Have you been able to play the piano / work all day since you were a child? I haven't been able to play the piano / work all day since I was a child.

Specialis jelentes:

He can't be ill.

He can't be playing the piano now.

He can't have played the piano yesterday. He can't have been playing the piano

for seven years.

Az lehetetlen, hogy beteg.

Az lehetetlen, hogy most zongorazik, Az Iehetetlen, hogy tegnap zongorazott.

Az lehetetlen, hogy het eve zongorazik,

3. A "szabad" - "nem szabad", "Iehet" - "nem lehet" jelentesii segedigek rendszere

Jelen id6

I may smoke here. May I smoke here?

I am allowed to smoke here. Am I allowed to smoke here?

I may not smoke here.

I'm not allowed to smoke here.

Mult ido

I was allowed to smoke here.

Was I allowed to smoke here?

I wasn't allowed to smoke here.

[ovo id6

I shall be allowed to smoke Shall I be allowed to smoke I shan't be allowed to smoke

here. here? here.



A m6dbeli segedigek

Felteteles jelen:

I uiould be allowed to smoke here if I had an ashtray. Would I be allowed to smoke here if I had an ashtray?

I wouldn't be allowed to smoke here even if I had an ashtray.

Felteteles mult:

I would have been allowed to smoke here if the family hadn't had a baby. Would I have been allowed to smoke here if the family hadn't had a baby?

I wouldn't have been allowed to smoke here even if the family hadn't had a baby.

Present Perfect

I have been allowed to smoke here for a few days. How long have you been allowed to smoke here?

I haven't been allowed to smoke here Jor some time now.

Sp ecialis jelentes:

He may be in the kitchen.

He may be learning English. He may have driven your car.

He may have been dead Jor years.

Lehet, hogy a konyhaban van. Lehet, hogy eppen angolt tanul. Lehet, hogy vezette az aut6dat. Lehet, hogy evek 6ta halott.

A moy, mig lites a lie ollowetlto [elentese

Kozep- es felsofok

a) engedely

1. Dohanvozhatom ebben a fulkeben? 1. May I smoke in this compartment?

b) lehetoseg

1. Lehet, hogy javttjak a f6utat.

2. Lehet, hogy rnegvalasztottak a szovetseg fotitkarava.

1. The highway may be under repair.

2. He may have been elected General Secretary of the Association.

c) megengedo mallekmondatokban

l. Barrnilyen sokat tanul is, soha nem fogja behozni a tobbieket.

1. However much he may study, he will never catch up with the others.


A m6dbeli segedrgek

d) ktvansagck, 6hajok kifejezese


1. Kivanom, hogy soha ne legyenek komoly gondjaid! 1. Mayall your problems be small ones!

e) az "akar ... is" kifejezesere

l. Akar be is fejezhetnenk rna a munkat, 1. We may as well finish the work today.

f) jtivo es rmrlt ideju alakja: willjwas/were allowed to

1. Miert nem johettel tegnap veliink?

1. Why weren't you allowed to come with us yesterday?

g) a jelenre vonatkoz6 feltetelezes kifejezese

1. Lehet, hogy meg akar lepni minket. 1. He may want to surprise us.

h) multra vonatkoz6 feltetelezes: may + befejezett fonevi igenev

1. Lehet, hogy nem ertett, amikor megsz6litottad.

1. He may not have understood you when you addressed him.


1. Ne dobd ki ezeket a feljegyzeseket; lehet, hogy a fonokodnek nelkulozhetetlenek,

2. Lehet, hogy regenyeit nem soroljak a mai irodalom legjobbjai koze, de erdemes

elolvasni 6ket.

3. Kerhetnek egy cigarettat?

4. Lehet, hogy kepes egyediil megoldani a problemat.

5. E termekek minosege esetleg kifogasolhato,

6. Lehet, hogy lekeste az utols6 buszt.

7. Add oda neki ezt a konyvet: lehet, hogy erdeklt,

8. Lehet, hogy tevedek, de akkor se nevezz hazudoz6nak.

9. Kerhetek t6led egy szivesseget?

10. Biztosithatlak, hogy barmikor johetsz, arnikor kedved tartja.

11. Holnap mcgnezhetem a koronazasi ekszereket,

12. Miert nem engedtek meg, hogy cip6vel belepj az epuletbe?

13. Remelem, megengedik, hogy meglatogassuk 6t a korhazban,

14. Soha nem engedik meg, hogy kivulallok reszt vegyenek a megbeszeleseken.

15. Ha megengedtek volna, hogy foglalkozzunk a problema val, lehet, hogy mar meg

is tudtuk volna oldani.

16. Azt hittuk, hogy majd barmelyik megoldast valaszthatjuk,

17. Lehet, hogy fel kellett hagyniuk a kiserletezessel.

18. Lehet, hogy az a nagy aut6 behorpasztotta a karosszeriat.

19. Soha nem engedtek voIna be a klubba, ha nem mondtam volna nekik.

20. Miert nem dohanyozhatnak a vcndegek a nappaliban?

21. Lehet, hogy mar reg elfelejtette azt a kinos historiat azzal a Iannyal,



A m6dbeli segedigek


1. Don't throw these notes out: they may be indispensable for your boss.

2. His novels may not be considered as being among the best in modern literature,

but they are worth reading.

3. Might I trouble you for a cigarette?

4. He may be able to solve the problem by himself.

5. The quality of these products might be found fault with.

6. She may have missed the last bus.

7. Give this book to him. He may be interested in it.

8. I may be wrong but even so, don't call me a liar.

9. May I ask you a favour?

10. I can assure you that you may/can corne any time you like.

11. I will be allowed to have a look at the crown jewels tomorrow.

12. Why weren't you allowed to enter the building with your shoes on?

13. I hope we shall be allowed to visit him in the hospital.

14. They never allow any outsider to take part in their discussions.

15. If we had been allowed to tackle the problem, we might have been able to solve it

by now.

16. We thought that we would be allowed to choose any solution.

17. They may have had to give up the experiment.

18. That large car may have dented the car body.

19. You would never have been allowed to join the club if I hadn't told them to.

20. Why may the guests not smoke in the living room?

21. He may have forgotten that awkward story with that girl long ago.

A (OR, (Do/des a be ob/e lojelentesarnyalatai

a) kepesseg

1. Ot levelet Ie tud gepelni egy ora alatt.

2. Igazan nagy on sajnalom, de rna nem tudok segfteni.

1. She can type five letters in one hour.

2. I'm really very sorry but I can't help you today.

b) engedely (kevesbe hivatalos, mint a may)

1. Hasznalhatom egy pel"Cre a tolladat? 1. Can I use your pen just for a minute?

c) erzekelest kifejezo igek mellett

1. Hallom, amint magaban beszel, 1. I can hear him talking to himself.

d) segttseg felajanlasa

1. Segithetek a hetvegi bevasarlasban?

1. Can I help you with the week-end shopping?


A m6dbeli segedigek


e) jelenre vonatkozo negativ kovetkeztetes

1. Az lehetetlen, hogy zongorazik most. 1. He can't be playing the piano now.

f) multra vonatkozo negativ kovetkeztetes

1. Nem lehet, hogy eladta a csaladi hazat: annyira szeret ott lakni.

1. He can't have sold his detached house. He likes living there so much.

g) altalanos lehetdseg

1. Rengeteg ki:inyvet lehet olvasni, ha az ember beiratkozik egy konyvtarba. 1. You can read a lot of books if you register in a library.

h) jelenre vonatkozo talalgatas

1. Ki kopoghat ilyen keson?

1. Who can be knocking at the door so late?

i) multra vonatkozo talalgatas

1. Hogyan lophattak el tole a kezitaskajat?

1. How can they have robbed her of her handbag?


1. Ti:iltse meg a tankot, kerem, hogy Debrecenig eleg legyen.

2. Nehanv eve egesz ejszaka tudtam tancolni .

. 3. A hegy nagyon magas volt, de a tapasztalt hegymaszo fel tudott jutni a csucsra.

4. Kolcsonkerhernom a fenykepez6gepedet a szabadsagom idejere?

5. Donthctnenk az eloleptetesek ugyeben is.

6. Scgithetnek az el6kesziiletekben?

7. Miert tehette ezt veled?

8. ~lvitte a fiat a jatszoterre, hogy beszelgethessen vele.

9. 0 nem okozhatott ilyen sulyos balesetet.

10. Tudnek valaszolni erre a kerdosro, ha szakertojo lennek a temanak,

11. Azt mondta, nem tud kijonni a fizetesobol.

12. Nem mindig kapcsolhatjuk ossze a munkat a szorakozassal,

13. Az atbmenergia szeles korben hasznalhato.

14. Meg tudna mondani, hoI van a talalt targyak osztalya?

15. Napjainkban sok haztartasi gep nem mukodhetno villamos energia nelkul.

16. A novenyek kepesek arra, hogy a szen-dioxidot oxigcnno alakitsak.

17. Nem lehet egy ilyen bonyolult kerdest alapos atgondolas nelkul eldonteni,

18. Bizott benne, hogy kepas lesz bekertilni a dontobe,

19. Egy egyszeru szervezet nem kepes hosszu tavolsagok megtetclcre.

20. EI tudsz majd jonni a lakasavato bulinkra?



A m6dbeli segedigek


1. Fill up the tank, please, so that I can have enough petrol to get to Debrecen.

2. A few years ago I could dance all night.

3. The mountain was very tall but the experienced mountaineer was able to reach

the top.

4. Could I borrow your camera for my holiday?

5. We could make a decision on the issue of promotion as well.

6. Could I help you with the preparations?

7. What could have made him do it to you?

8. He took his son to the play-ground so that he could talk to him.

9. He can't/ couldn't have caused such a severe accident.

10. I could answer this question if I were an expert on the topic.

11. He said he couldn't manage on his salary.

12. We can't always combine work with pleasure.

13. Nuclear energy can be widely used.

14. Could you tell me where the Lost Property Office is?

15. Nowadays many household appliances could not work without electric energy.

16. Plants are capable of converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.

(able to convert)

17. Such a complicated issue can not be solved without thorough consideration.

18. She was confident that she would be able to qualify for the final.

19. A simple organism is unable to cover long distances.

20. Will you be able to come to our house-warming party?

A sltoll ielenh~sarnyalatai

a) szandek, eltokeltseg

1. Barmi tortenjen, ki fogok tartani a dontesern mellett.

2. Igenis megfogadod a tanacsomatl

3. Nem fogom elfelejteni, hogyan bantal velem.

1. I shall abide by my decision whatever may happen.

2. You shall take my advice.

3. I shan't forget the way you treated me.

b) utasitas, tanacs kerese, segttseg felajanlasa.

1. HoI szalljunk at a foldalattira?

2. Vegyek egy kis disznohust ebedre?

1. Where shall we change to the underground?

2. Shall I buy some pork for lunch?

c) a let's ... kezdetii mondatok utokerdese

1. Menjiink el megnezni ezt a filmet, j6? 1. Let's go and see this film, shall we?


A m6dbeli segedigek


A sltoul" ielenfE~sarnyalatai

a) kotelesseg, utasttas

1. Ki kellene fizetned a telefonszamlat, kulonben kikapcsoljak.

1. You should pay the telephone bill, or else it will be disconnected.

b) felteteles mondatokban, ha az alany I vagy we

1. Szeretnem tudni, mit csinalsz nap mint nap. 1. I should like to know your everyday routine.

. c) valosztnutlen feltetel eseten

1. Ha esetleg meghivna, boldogan elfogadnam.

1. If he should invite me, I would be glad to accept it.

Should he invite me, I would be glad to accept it.

d) szemrehanyas elmaradt cselekves miatt

1. Mar ezer eve olvasnod kellett volna ezt a hires konyvet, 1. You should have read this famous book ages ago.

e) bizonyos igek utan

1. Javaslom, hogy a tantestulet eloszor a kepesites nelkuli tanarok helyzetet vitassa meg.

1. I propose that the staff should discuss the situation of the unqualified teachers first.


1. Gondoskodni fogok r6la, hogy megkapd a btmtetesedet.

2. Ez alkalomrnal nem fogok neki segiteni.

3. Meg ha nem is ertesz egyet a csoportvezet6vel, azt csinalod, amit mond!

4. Milyen gyakran ellen6rizzem a guminyomast?

5. Hova tegyem ezeket a nehez borondoket?

6. Mindent a ktvansagod szerint rendeziink el.

7. Emlekeztetni kellene 6ket az igeretukre.

8. E felfedczes [clentcseget nem szabadna alabecsulni.

9. Ezt az eloirast szigoruan be kellene tartani hasonl6 balesetek elkerulese vegett,

10. Azt kerdezte t6lem, hogy Ie kell-e fogynia.

11. Szeretnek megismerkedni az osztaly valamennyi munkatarsaval.

12. Nem lenne szabad estenkent ennyi sort meginnod.

13. Ha esetleg valaki jonne, mondd meg, hogy egy perc mulva visszaerek,

14. Az embert tettei es nem szavai alapjan kell megitelni.

15. Ezt a munkat a konyvelonek kellene kiadnunk.

16. Miert kellett volna vegigulnom ezt a szornyu unalmas eloadast?

17. EI kellett volna vallalnod ezt a konnyu forditast.

18. Baratsagosabban kellett volna beszelned vele: meg szukseged lehet a segitsegere.

19. Mivel nyissuk ki a borospalackot?



A m6dbeli segedigek

20. Azt javasolta, hogy mindannyian vegytink ki egy szabadnapot.

21. A taxisoforok surgettek, hogy a miniszterelnok a tomeg elbtt magvarazza meg a

magas bcnzinarak okat,

22. Fontos, hogy tisztaban lcgyel az expedicio veszelyeivel.

23. A kiralv megparancsolta, hogy hozzak elebe az engedetlen nemesurat.

24. Nem vittuk el a kulfoldi ceggel folytatott targyalasra, nehogy valami butasagot


25. Termeszetes, hogy dante stink elott kikerjiik a velemenyedct.

26. Nem engedem, hogy talalkozzon vele, nehogy megszeresse.

27. [avasolta, hogy helyezztik uzembe az uj szamitogep-rendszert.

28. Miert ragaszkodsz ahhoz, hogy szemclyes elbeszelgetesre hivjanak?

29. Nevetseges dolog, hogy kikosaraz egy ilyen jokepu kerot,

30. Nem bosszanto, hogy egy tfzeves gyerek nem tud szendvicset kesztteni?


1. I shall see to it that you will get your punishment,

2. This time I shan't help him.

3. Even if you disagree with the leader of the group, you shall/will do what he says.

4. How often shall/ should I check the pressure of the tyres?

5. Where shall I put these heavy suitcases?

6. Everything shall/will be arranged according to your wishes.

7. They should be reminded of their promise.

8. The importance of this discovery should not be underestimated.

9. This regulation should be strictly observed in order to avoid accidents like these.

10. She asked me if she should lose some weight.

11. I should like to get acquainted with all my colleagues in the department.

12. You should not drink so much beer in the evenings.

13. If anyone should come, tell him that I'll be back in a minute. (Should anyone

come, tell him that...)

14. You should judge a man by what he does and not by what he says.

15. We should assign this job to the accountant.

16. Why should I have sat out this terribly boring performance?

17. You should have undertaken this easy translation.

18. You should have spoken to him in a more friendly way. You may need his help

some time.

19. What shall we open the wine bottle with?

20. He suggested that we all should take a day off.

21. Taxi drivers urged that the Prime Minister should explain the high petrol prices in

the presence of the crowd.

22. It's important that you should be aware of the dangers of the expedition.

23. The king ordered that the disobedient nobleman should be brought to him.

24. We didn't take him to the negotiation with the foreign company for fear that he

should say something silly.

25. It's only natural that we should ask you for your opinion before we decide.

26. I don't allow her to meet him lest she should fall in love with him.

27. He suggested that we should put the new computer system into operation.

28. Why do you insist on it that you should be invited for a personal meeting?

29. It's ridiculous that she should turn such a good-looking suitor down.

30. Isn't it annoying that a child of ten should not be able to make a sandwich?


A m6dbeli segedlgek


A will jelenlesornyalalai

a) udvarias keres

1. Segitene, kerem, vinni a csomagjaimat?

2. Kerem, legyen szrves eloltani a cigarettajat,

3. Lesz szives szamomra is szallast foglalni?

4. Lesz szives bediktalni a szemelyi adatait?

1. Will you help me with my luggage, please?

2. Put out your cigarette, will you?

3. Will you be so kind as to reserve accommodation for me, too?

4. Will you dictate your personal particulars to me?

b) kmalas

1. Teat ker vagy kavet?

1. Will you have tea or coffee?

c) igeret

1. Elkiserlek a vizsgadra. ha akarod.

1. I will accompany you to your exam if you want.

d) szilard elhatarozas

1. Hozzamegy ehhez a lehutohoz, barmit mondasz is neki. 1. She will marry this idler, whatever you tell her.

e) elorejelzes, valosztmiseg kifejezese jelenre es jovore

1. Bizonvara megkapjak a csomagot harom napon belul.

2. Ez lesz az az alberlet, amire a lanyomnak sztiksege van.

1. They will receive the parcel in three days.

2. These will be the lodgings my daughter needs.

f) feltetelezes a jelenben befejezett cselekvesre vonatkoz6an

1. Bizonyara mar elutazott videki rokonaihoz a hetvegere.

2. Bizonvara mar talalkoztal az cstely tinnepelt hiressegevel.

1. He will have left to see his relatives in the country at the week-end.

2. You will have met the celebrity of the evening party.

g) jellemzo tulajdonsag, szokas

1. Semmi masrol nem szokott beszelni, mint a sajat karrierjerol.

2. Mindig felbeszakit, anelkul, hogy elnezast kerne.



A rnodbell segedlgek

1. He will talk about nothing but his own carreer.

2. He will interrupt me without apologizing.

h) altalanos igazsag, elkerulhetetlen dolgok kifejezese

1. A gyerekek mindig is rosszak lesznek. 1. Children will be naughty.

i) valami nem mukodik, valaki valamit nem hajland6 csinalni

1. Nem nyilik az ablak, mit csinaljunk?

2. Mar tobbszor mondtam neki, hogy mossa le a kocsit, de nem hallgat ram.

1. The window won't open. What shall we do?

2. I've told him several times to wash the car but he won't listen to me.


1. Biztosan meg fogja kerdezni a nevedet a vizsga elott,

2. Bizonyara megtanulta mar a vizsgateteleket,

3. Ha lesz szives irasban beadni a javaslatot, az igazgato szemelyesen fog donteni


4. Szeretnenk inni egy pohar pezsgot, de nem tudjuk kihuzni a dugot.

5. Ne kerdezd, hoI van a ferje, mert ilyenkor orak hosszat szokott panaszkodni.

6. Az angolok soha nem fogadjak be a mas nemzetisegfieket,

7. A rendorscg nem tart attol, hogy a terroristak megprobaljak majd megolru tuszaikat, ha nem teljesftik a koveteleseiket,

8. Kozlom a tisztelt sztrajkbizottsaggal, hogy mivel en vagyok az alelnok, azt bocsatok cl, akit akarok.

9. Elviszem az oramat az allatorvoshoz, mert nem szol benne a kakukk.

10. Pszt! Valaki kopog az ajtonl - Ez biztos a kutya!

11. Gondolom, mar elolvastad a mai Esti Hirlapot.


1. He will ask your name before the exam.

2. He will have learnt the topics for the exam.

3. If you will submit your proposal in a written form, the director will decide about

it in person.

4. We would like to drink a glass of champagne but the cork won't come out.

5. Don't ask her where her husband is because then she will complain for hours.

6. The English will never accept other nationalities.

7. The police are not afraid that the terrorists will kill their hostages if their requirements are not fulfilled.

8. I wish to tell the honoured strike committee that, being the vice president, I will dismiss whoever I want to.

9. I will take my clock to the vet because the cuckoo doesn't work in it.

10. Hush! Someone is knocking at the door! - That will be the dog!

11. I suppose you will have read today's Esti Hirlap.


A modbeli segedlgek


A would jelentescirnyalatai

a) udvarias keres

1. Lenne olyan szives becsukni az ajtot?

2. Lenne szives kolcsonadni a telefonkonyvet?

3. Lennel szfves masik csatornara kapcsolni?

4. Lenne szives kinyitni az ablakot?

5. - Termeszetesen,

6. Sajnos nem tehetem.

1. Would you be so kind as to shut the door?

2. Would you lend me the telephone drrectorv?

3. Would you switch on to another channel?

4. Would you mind opening the window?

5. - Of course not. / Not at all.

6. I'm afraid I can't.

b) erdeklddes

1. Ker meg nehany sutemenyt?

2. Kersz egy pohar bort?

1. Would you like to have some more cakes?

2. Would you care for a glass of wine?

c) engedelykeres

1. Van ellene kifogasod, hogy egy fel orara egycdul hagyjalak?

2. Nem, csak nyugodtan.

3. Inkabb ne.

1. Would you mind my leaving you alone for half an hour?

2. Not at all.

3. I'd rather you didn't.

d) eltokeltseg

1. Allandoan kolcsonkerr tolem fizetesnap elott egy hettel,

1. She would keep asking me for some money a week before pay-day.

e) hajIandosag ill. ennek tagadasa

1. Nem volt hajlando teljesiteni az egyetlen ktvansagomat sem. 1. He wouldn't even fulfil my only request.

f) multbelt ismetlddo szokas

1. A hetvenes evekben minden szombaton discoba mentem. 1. In the 70's I would go to the disco every Saturday.



A m6dbeli segedigek

. g) az I wish/if only utan, ha a cselekves valaki vagy valami akaratatol fiigg

1. Barcsak ne dohanyoznal estenkent az agyban!

1. I wish you wouldn't smoke in the bed in the evenings.

h) az I would rather, I would prefer szerkezetekben

1. Ezzel a szornyu megfazassal inkabb itthon maradnek,

2. [obban szeretnem a varos nevezctessegeit mcgnezni.

1. I would rather stay at home with this nasty cold.

2. I would prefer to see the sights of the town.

i) ifutani hasznalata

udvarias keres eseten:

1. Ha lenne olyan szives visszahivni ot perc mulva, megmondom Onnek a pontos


1. If you would call me back in five minutes, I shall tell you the exact details.

hajlandosag kifejezesere:

1. Ha hajland6 lenne megmutatni a sajat terveit, tudnek neki segiteni az ingatlanok


1. If he would show me his own plans, I could help him in assessing properties.


1. Volna ellene kifogasa, ha ebben a szobaban aludnek?

2. Lenne ellene kifogasod, hogy a hajout kozben a konyvemen dolgozzam?

3. Tancolnal a noveremmel rna este? - Tancolnek, ha tudnek.

4. Estenkent a kandall6 mellett ulve hatborzongat6 torteneteket szokott meselni.

5. Soha nem nyujtott segitseget szenved6 sorstarsainak,

6. Jobban szeretnem, ha nem festetned be a hajad ilyen rikit6 sargara.

7. Soha nem viselkedne ilyen durvan a szerettei koreben.

8. Azt szeretnem, ha koszonnel a kollegaimnak.

9. Azt szeretnenk, ha kemenyebben dolgoznaI a felveteli vizsga el6tt ket hettel,

10. Kersz meg fagylaltot? - Koszonorn, inkabb nem.

11. Ha hajland6 lennel rendszeresen zongorazni, egy napon nagy muvesz lehetne


12. Azt mondta, id6ben be fogja adni a dolgozatat, de nem tette.

13. Megpr6baItuk meggy6zni az elveink helycsscgerol. de nem volt hajland6

elfogadni az erveinket.

14. Miert kerdezted, hogy kocsival megytink-e?

15. Jobban szeretnem ezt a problemat egy kozeli baratommal megbeszelni,

16. Elszakitottam az uj kabatom zsebet> Ez jellernz6 radl

17. Nem adna fel hirdetest, ha maskeppen is el tudna adni az autojat,

18. Jobban szeretnem berelni ezt a Iakast.

19. Azt szeretne, ha a tanarok nem iratnanak vele annyi forditast.

20. Inkabb elhagyna a szulofoldjet, mint hogy lassa, mikent megy tonkre,

21. Ha egy kicsit csendesebben beszelne, hallhatnank a hireket Bosz~ar6l.

22. Mondok neked egy meset egy kisfiurol. aki nem akart levest enru.


A m6dbeli segedigek


23. Megigerte, hogy elvesz fclesegul, mihelyt felbontom az eljcgyzesemet Tiziannal.

24. Fiatal hazas koraban Tommy minden reggel megcs6kolta felcseget, Annie-t, miel6tt munkaba ment.

25. Mondtam neki, hogy jobban szeretnem, ha nem menne be a tigris ketrecebe, mivel nem allatszelidito.


1. Would you mind me/my sleeping in this room?

2. Would you mind me/my working on my book during the voyage?

3. Would you dance with my elder sister tonight? - I would if I could.

4. Sitting by the fireplace, he would tell spine-chilling stories in the evenings.

5. He would never lend a helping hand to his suffering fellow victims.

6. I'd rather you didn't have your hair dyed such a loud yellow.

7. He would never behave so rudely in the presence of his nearest and dearest. 8_ I wish you would say hello to my colleagues.

9. We wish you would work harder two weeks before the entrance exams.

10. Would you like to have some more ice-cream? - Thank you, I'd rather not.

11. If you would play the piano regularly, you could become a famous artist one day.

12. He said he would give in his essay in time, but he didn't.

13. We tried to convince him of the correctness of our principles but he wouldn't

accept our arguments.

14. Why did you ask whether we would go by car?

15. I would rather discuss this problem with a close friend of mine.

16. I've torn the pocket of my new coat. - You would!

17. He wouldn't place an advertisement if he could find another way of selling his


18. I'd prefer to rent this flat.

19. He wishes that the teachers wouldn't make him write so many translations.

20. He would rather leave his country than see it falling into ruins.

21. If he would speak a bit more quietly, we could hear the news about Bosnia.

22. I'll tell you a tale about a little boy who wouldn't eat soup.

23. He promised that he would marry me as soon as I broke off my engagement with Tizian.

24. When Tommy was newly wed, he would kiss his wife, Annie every morning before leaving for work.

25. I told him I'd rather he didn't go into the tiger's cage since he was not an animal tamer.

A musl jelentesarnyalatai

a) szuksegesseg

1. Az apolonoknek sok turelmuk kell, hogy legyen. 1. Nurses must have a lot of patience.

b) bels6 kotelesseg, kenyszer

1. Meg kell Irnorn ezt a fogalmazast, 1. I must write this composition.



A modbeh segedigek

c) utasitas, parancs

1. Kopognod kell az ajton, miel6tt belepsz a szobamba.

1. You must knock on the door before entering my room.

d) tanacs, nyomatekos keres

1. E1 kell jonnotok egy nap, hogy megvitassuk a csalad dolgait. 1. You must come to discuss family matters one day.

e) jelenre vonatkoz6 bizonyossag. feltetelezes

1. Nem nyitnak ajtot: bizonyara tevet neznek.

2. Biztosan nagyon izgatott: holnap lesz az eskiiv6je.

1. They aren't answering the doorbell. They must be watching TV.

2. She must be very excited: she's getting married tomorrow.

f) multra vonatkoz6 bizonyossag. feltetelezes. logikus kovetkeztetes

1. Mi ez a randetlenseg a fiokomban? - Bizonyara a Ianyom kotoraszott benne.

2. Bizonyara nagyon kemenyen dolgoztal, ha ilyen kimeriilt vagy.

1. What's this mess in my drawer? - My daughter must have rummaged in it.

2. You must have worked very hard if you are so exhausted.

g) jelen ideju tagad6 alakja tiltast fejez ki

1. Nem szabad eliiltetned a novenyeket. ha varhato, hogy fagyni fog. 1. You mustn't bed plants if frost is likely.

h) a kotelesseg hianyanak kifejezese a needn't segrtsegevel

1. Nem szukseges kivasalnod ezt az inget gyurhetetlen anyagbol van.

2. Nem kell csatlakoznod a klubhoz, ha a szombatonkenti disc okra jarni akarsz.

3. Nem kell kidolgoznunk ezt a tervet, mert a bizottsag tegnap elvetette.

4. Nem kell vacsorat kesziteniiik maguknak, mert a szakacs mar megf6zte.

1. You needn't iron this shirt; it's made of crease-resistant materiaL

2. You needn't join the club if you want to come to the discos on Saturdays.

3. We needn't work out this plan because the committee rejected it yesterday.

4. They needn't prepare dinner for themselves because the cook has already made it.


A m6dbeli segedige«



1. Bizonyara jo szakacs: ket etterem is akarja alkalmazni.

2. Meg kell nezned ezt a darabot: pompas a szereposztasa.

3. Evente legalabb egyszer el kell menned orvosi ellenorzesre.

4. Az utobbi ket hetben nem talalkoztam veliik: bizonyara videkre utaztak.

5. HoI van Joe? - Bizonyara a hazi feladatat Irja,

6. Meg nines itthon - bizonyara fontos megbeszelese van az irodaban,

7. Koran fel kell kelnunk, hogy mindent elrendezziink a haz korul,

8. Javult az uszastechnikaja: bizonyara sokat gyakorolt az utobbi id6ben.

9. Az auto gym'san eltunt a tavolban: biztosan 100 kmy h-nal joval gyorsabban


10. Az iratokat alaposan kell tarrulmanvozni.

11. Nem talalom a gyurUmet. - Bizonyara elloptak.

12. Ha nem hallotta: az ebresztcorat, bizonyara melven aludt.

13. Az lehetetlen, hogy komolyan beszel: biztosan csak vicceL

14. Van egy forradas az arcan. Bizonyara a multkori verekedes soran sebesiilt meg.

15. Meg kell kostolnod ezt a siilt csirket. Az anyosom sutotte.

16. Megbukott az ev vegi vizsgan, Bizonyara nagyon lusta volt.

17. Az engedelmes allampolgaroknak nem szabad megszegniiik a torvenyt.

18. Benzint nem szabad tuz kozeleben hagyni, nehogy a haz kigyulladjon.

19. A balesetek elkerulese vegett nem szabad autot vezetni, ha valaki ittas allapotban van.

20. Gvonyorri ez a haz: bizonyara restauraltak az utolso latogatasom ota.


1. He must be a very good cook: two restaurants want to employ him.

2. You must see this play. It has a marvellous cast.

3. You must have a medical check-up at least once a year.

4. I haven't met them for the last two weeks; they must have gone to the provinces.

5. Where is Joe? - He must be writing his homework.

6. He isn't at home yet - he must be having an important meeting in the office.

7. We must get up early to arrange everything around the house.

8. His swimming technique has improved: he must have practised a lot recently.

9. The car quickly disappeared into the distance: it must have been doing well over

100 kmsjhour.

10. The documents must be studied thoroughly.

11. I can't find my ring. - It must have been stolen.

12. He must have been fast asleep if he couldn't hear the alarm-clock.

13. He can't be serious: he must be joking.

14. He has a scar on his cheek. He must have got wounded during the fight the other


15. You must taste this fried chicken. It was made by my mother-in-law.

16. He failed the end of year exam. He must have been very lazy.

17. Obedient citizens must observe laws.

18. Petrol mustn't be left near fire lest the house should catch fire.

19. One mustn't drive when drunk to avoid accidents.

20. This house looks beautiful: it must have been renovated since I was here last.



A m6dbeli segedlgek

A "ove (gol) 10 jelenlescirnyalalai

a) kiils6 korulmenyekb6l ad6d6 kenyszer, szuksegesseg

1. EI kell mennie az orvoshoz, mert valoszinuleg rud6gyulladasa van.

2. Mindig delutan negyig kell dolgoznod?

1. He has to go to the doctor because he probably has pneumonia.

2. Do you always have to work until four o'clock in the afternoon?

b) tanacs, nyomatekos keres

1. Nagyon ovatosnak kellienned, ha mas autojat vezeted.

1. You have to be very careful if you drive somebody else's car.


1. A tanar minden egyes szavara emlekeznunk kell, hogy ki tudjuk tolteni a


2. Miert nem kell neki mosogatni, ha nekem mindig ki kell vasalnom a ruhakat?

3. Senkinek sem kellett belep6dijat fizetnie.

4. Nem kellene most a padlon maszkalnunk, ha nem vesztetted volna el a


5. Amikor defekrunk volt, segitseget kellett kernunk egy masik sofortol.

6. Mikor kell majd eld6ntenie, hogy milyen palyat valaszt?

7. Milyen gyakran kell vigyaznod az unokahugodra?

S. Ha leteszed a vizsgat, soha tobbe nem kell majd egesz esteket angol szavak

tanulasaval toltened.

9. Olyan helyzetben voltunk, hogy el kellett fogadnunk meg ezt az el6nytelen

ajanlatot is. .

10. Mit kellett elszavalnod az tmnepsegen?

11. Holnap nem kell segitened a bevasarlasban. majd en magam alintezem.

12. A kiados ebed utan meg kellett lazitania az ovet,

13. Mivel a foldszinten lakunk, havonta kell pucolnunk az ablakokat.

14. Miert nem kellett busszal mennetek? - Mert a baratom felajanlotta. hogy elvisz

minket kocsival.

15. Miert kell heti [elentcseket 6sszeallitanunk?

16. Eleg penztmk volt ahhoz, hogy ne kelljen bankkolcsonert folyamo~n~nk.

17. Csalodottak voltunk amiatt, hogy el kellett halasztanunk olaszorszagi utunkat.

IS. Kell, hogy legyen megoldas erre a kenyes problemara. .

19. Meg ha tegnap nem is kellett semmi kulonoset csinalnod, rna mar tenyleg neki

kell fognod a rnu nkariak.

20. Nem orulnek, ha naponta ingaznom kellene a munkahelyemre.


1. We have to remember every single word of the teacher in order to be able to fill in

the test-paper.

2. Why doesn't he have to do the washing up if I always have to iron the clothes?

3. Nobody had to pay an entrance fee.

4. We wouldn't have to crawl on the floor now if you hadn't lost your contact lenses.


A m6dbeli segedigek


5. When we had a puncture we had to ask a fellow driver for help.

6. When will he have to decide which career to choose?

7. How often do you have to look after your niece?

S. If you pass the exam, you will never have to spend evenings learning English words.

9. We were in such a situation that we had to accept even this unfavourable offer.

10. What did you have to recite at the celebration?

11. You won't have to help me with the shopping tomorrow, I will do it myself.

12. After the substantial lunch he had to loosen his belt.

13. Living on the ground floor, we have to clean the windows every month.

14. Why didn't you have to go by bus? - Because my friend offered to give us a lift.

15. Why do we have to compile weekly reports?

16. We had enough money not to have to apply for a bank loan.

17. We were disappointed at having to postpone our trip to Italy. IS. There has to be a solution to this delicate problem.

19. Even if you didn't have to do anything particular yesterday, you have to get down to work today.

20. I wouldn't be happy if I had to commute to work every day.

A need jelenlescirnyalalai

a) Foigekent azt fejezi ki, hogy valakinek valamire szuksege van, ill. valamit meg kell tennie.

1. Meg mindig szukseged van a szuleid segttsegere?

2. Mar nines szukscge arra, hogy a fcnoke naponta eligazitsa.

3. A kutyat minden nap meg kell etetni.

4. Miert kellett neked befejezni a tanulmanyt?

1. Do you still need the help of your parents?

2. He doesn't need the daily instructions of his boss any more.

3. The dog needs to be fed every day.

4. Why did you need to complete the essay?

b) Segedigekent a szuksegesseg hianyat fejezziik ki vele kerdd es tagad6 mondatokban, valamint olyan allit6 mondatokban, melyekben a hardly, scarcely, barely, nobody, if, whether szavak szerepelnek.

1. Aligha kell neked elmondanom, milyen letfontossagu a tiszta ivoviz.

2. Nem szukseges egy nap alatt megpucolnod az osszes ablakot.

3. Halvany fogalma sines rola, hogy be kell-e adnia jelentkezesi lapot.

1. I need hardly tell you how vital clean drinking water is.

2. You needn't clean all the windows in one day.

3. She hasn't got the slightest idea if she need submit an application form.



A m6dbeli segedlgek

c) A' need not + befejezett f6nevi igenev olyan csclekvest fejez ki, melynek elvegzese felesleges volt.

1. Nem kellett volna ilyen koran kimenned az allomasra,

2. Nem kellett volna minden diaknak kulon feladatot adnod.

1. You needn't have gone to the station so early.

2. You needn't have given a separate task to each pupil.

d) A need f6nevi hasznalata.

1. Szukseget erezzuk, hogy valaki hetente ellen6rizze az orvosi igazolasokat.

2. Nagy szukseg van hozzaerto belgyogyaszokra ebben a korhazban.

3. Nem szukseges gyakrabban menned a fogorvoshoz. 4, Ha szukseges, minden nap vallalok tulorakat,

1. We feel a need for somebody to check the medical certificates.

2. There is a great need for competent specialists in internal diseases in this hospital.

3. There is no need for you to go to the dentist more often.

4. If need be, I will undertake extra lessons every day.


1. Orulok, hogy nem szukseges minden reszletrol bsszamolnom.

2. Szukseged van meg nehany jo tanacsra? - Igen.

3. Nem tudom, hogy mind a ket oldalon ki kell-e toltenern ezt a nvomtatvanyt.

4. Nem sznkscges ncgy orara befejezned a gepelest.

5. Ezt a bcrendezest tiz psrccnkent kell ellen6rizni.

6. Nem kellett elgyalogolnunk az erd6ig.

7. Nem kellett volna sietned; meg csak hat ora van.

8. El kell hoznom a gyereket az ovodabol? - Nem.

9. Nem kellett volna megetetnunk a kutyat. Nezd, a szomszed eppen egy nagy adag

csontot ad neki.

10. Szuksege van a szallodanak megbizhato portasokra?

11. Nem szukseges olyan gyab'an lemosatnod az autodat,

12. Ha szukseg van ra, alkalmazhatunk meg nehany segedmunkast.

13. Nem tudom, szukseg van-e a madarakrol szolo ujabb konyvre.

14. Orulok, hogy nem kellett kulonorakra jarnom semmilyen tantargybol.

15. Nem kellett volna ejfelig tanulnod, mert nem fogjuk megirni a dolgozatot rna.


1. I'm glad I don't need to report on every detail.

2. Do you need some more useful advice? - Yes, I do.

3. I don't know whether I need to fill in both sides of this form.

4. You needn't finish typing by four 0' dock.

5. This equipment needs to be checked every ten minutes.

6. We didn't need to walk as far as the forest.

7. You needn't have hurried; it's only six 0' dock.

8. Must I pick the child up from the nursery? - No, you needn't.

9. We needn't have fed the dog. Look, our neighbour is giving him a large portion of bones.


A m6dbeli segedigek


10. Does the hotel need reliable receptionists?

11. There is no need for you to have your car washed so often.

12. If need be, we can employ some more factory hands.

13. I don't know whether there is a need for a new book on birds.

14. I'm glad I didn't need to attend extra lessons in any subject.

15. You needn't have studied until midnight as we are not going to write the test today.

Az ougnllo jelentesarnyalatai

a) kotelesseg, feladat

1. Meg ha nem is kedveled, meg kellene latogatnod a korhazban.

2. Elnezest kellene kerned ilyen durva viselkedes utan.

1. You ought to visit him in hospital, even if you dislike him.

2. You ought to apologize after behaving so rudely.

b) tanacs, javaslat

1. Nem kellene autoknak jarni a belvarosban,

2. Nem kellene elbocsatanunk az osszes hivatalnokot.

1. There ought to be no cars in the centre of the town.

2. We oughtn't to dismiss all the derks.

c) valoszintiseg

1. Ilyen sok pezsg6 bizonyara elegend6 lesz szilveszterre.

2. Ha kocsival jott, mar itt kellene lennie.

1. So much champagne ought to be enough for New Year's Eve.

2. If he came by car, he ought to be here by now.

d) ought to + befejezett f6nevi igenev

nem teljesitett multbeli kotolesseg, feladat:

1. Be kellett volna tartanod a szabalyokat. 1. You ought to have kept the rules.


1. El kellett volna mondanod az egesz tortenetet, 1. You ought to have told the whole story.


1. Tobb diaknak kellene itt lenni ezen az eloadason,

2. Meg kellett volna kerdezned, felgyogyult-e az influenzajabol.

3. Biztos vagy benne, hogy fel kell ajanlanom neki a segitsegemet?

4. Nem kellett volna elhanyagolnunk a kotelessegunket.



A m6dbeli segedlgek

s. Az unokatestvereimmel is tartanom kell a kapcsolatot?

6. Az ilyen hangnemet nem lenne szabad megengedni.

7. Most eppen a kotelezo regenyt kellene olvasnod.

8. Ez a hus tul ragas. Tovabb kellett volna sutni,

9. Mindenkinek el kell mondanom, hogy tiz napos lesz a tavaszi szunetunk?

10. Azt gondoltam, hogy be kell vallanom, amit tettem.


1. There ought to be more students at this lecture.

2. You ought to have asked him if he has recovered from flu.

3. Are you sure that I ought to offer him my help?

4. We oughtn't to have neglected our duty.

S. Ought I to keep in touch with my cousins as well?

6. Such a tone of voice oughtn't to be allowed.

7. You ought to be reading the set novel.

8. This meat is too tough. It ought to have been fried longer.

9. Ought I to inform everybody that we shall have a ten days' spring holiday?

10. I thought I ought to admit what I had done.

A oore haszncilata

A dare szerepelhet segedigekent, ill. foigekent.

a) merni, mereszelrii

1. Nem merek kimenni a hazbol az ejszaka kozepen,

2. Miert nem merted ellenezni a [avaslatat?

3. Volt batorsaga megkerni ennek a gagos lanynak a kezet?

1. I daren't leave the house in the middle of the night.

2. Why didn't you dare to object to his proposal?

3. Did he dare to propose marriage to this haughty girl?

b) felhaborodas, meltatlankodas (ilyen mondattipusokban a segediget hasznaljuk)

1. Hogy mereszeled figyelmen kivul hagyni az utasitasaimat?

2. Hogy mereszel koszones nelkul bejonni?

1. How dare you ignore my instructions?

2. How dare he come in without saying hello?

c) fenyegetes

1. Ne mcreszeld apadat kiglinyolni!

2. Eltophetem ezeket a papirlapokat? - Csak azt mereszeldl

1. Don't you dare make fun of your father!

2. Can I tear up these sheets of paper? - Just you dare!


A modbeli segedigek


d) a dare somebody to do something kifejezes jelentese: olyasmire biztatni valakit, ami meghaladja a batorsagat vagy a kepessegeit

1. Arra biztatott, hogy masszam meg az egyik meredek lejtot.

2. Hadd lassam, mersz-e nevetni a vezerigazgato jelenleteben!

1. He dared me to climb one of the steep slopes.

2. I dare you to laugh in the presence of the general manager.

e) az I dare say jelentese: gondolom, valoszimfleg, Iehetsegesnek tartom (nem pedig "merem allitani'Tll)

1. Valosztnunek tartom, hogy hajszalpontosan itt lesz.

2. Valosztmilcg nagyon elhagyottnak fogod magad erezni.

1. I dare say he will be here dead on time.

2. I dare say you will feel lonely.

f) a dare lehet f6nev, jelentese: kihivas, probatetel, megmerettetes

1. Csak vakmerosegbol ugrott bele az arado folvoba.

2. Miert ultcl fel a legvadabb lora? - Mert kihivas volt szamomra,

1. He jumped into the swollen river just for a dare.

2. Why did you sit on the wildest horse? - Just for a dare.

g) melleknevi alakja: daring = vakmerd

1. Vakmero kiserletet tett arra, hogy megdontse a motorverseny rekordjat, 1. He made a daring attempt at breaking the motor-racing record.


1. Martel valaha feleselni apaddal?

2. Valoszmulcg a lesz az iden a gerelyhajttas vilagbajnoka,

3. A keteves kisfiu csak a probatetel miatt maszott at a vaskeritesen,

4. Arra biztattuk, hogy ugorjon le az oreg kortefa agarol. S. Senki sem meri megtamadni a felfegyverzett testoroket,

6. Alig mertek elobujni a rejtekhelyukrol, amikor az utonallok mar elmentek.

7. Ne mereszeld az engedclyem nelkul megenni az osszes befottetl

8. Hadd lassam, fel tudsz-e gyalogolni a hatodik emeletre!

9. Hogy mereszeli kibontani az igazgato bizalmas leveleit?

10. Merted vallalni a rmitetet, meg ha tudataban voltal is a kockazatnak?


1. Have you ever dared to answer back to your father?

2. I dare say he is going to be the javelin throwing champion.

3. The two-year-old boy climbed over the iron fence just for a dare.

4. We dared him to jump off the branch of the old pear tree. S. Nobody dares to attack the armed body-guards.



A modbeli segedigek

6. They hardly dared to come forward from their hiding-place when the

highwaymen had left.

7. Don't you dare to eat all the tinned fruit without my permission!

8. I dare you to walk upstairs to the sixth floor.

9. How dare you open the director's confidential letters?

10. Did you dare to undergo the operation even if you were aware of the risk?

Vegyes peldamondatok

1. Megirjam helyetted a jelentest? - Megtenned? Ez nagyon kedves t6led.

2. Azt hiszern, erre e kihrvasra valaszolnunk kellene, igaz?

3. Tudom, hogy lassabban kellene vezetnem, de keptelen vagyok ra,

4. Eletbsvagoan fontos, hogy azonnal beszeljek vele.

5. Azt hiszern, abba kellene hagynod az allando sorivast.

6. Itthon vacsorazzunk, vagy menjiink el valahova?

7. Elrendezzem a dolgaidat az iroasztalodon? - Inkabb ne.

8. Le kellene mondanod az utazast, ha nem vagy valami jol,

9. .Ferjhezmenetel e16tt eloszor a sziileidnek kellene beszamolnod err6l.

10. Ha netan nem nyilik ki az else ejt6erny6, nyomd meg ezt a gombot, es igy

automatikusan nyilik a masodik,

11. Megeszem meg egy szelet tortat, bar nem lenne szabad, mert dietazom.

12. Latnod kellene, milyen szep az uj kocsink.

13. Azt hiszern, e16bb engedelyt kell kemed,

14. Majd en kolcsonadom neked azt a szotart,

15. Ideadna, kerem, a sot? - Tessek, parancsoljon.

16. Ez lesz az a haz, amit keresiink. - Remelem, igen.

17. Szeretnek feloltozrti, de nem nyilik a ruhasszekreny ajtaja,

18. Parancsol egy kis fokhagymat? - Koszonorn, nem.

19. Lenne kedve megnczni a lepkegytijtemenyemet? - Termeszetesen, igen.

20. Egy gepkocsit szeretnek berelni a kovetkezo harem napra.

21. Valamikor tudtam bukfencezni, de most nem tudok.

22. Ha irna, esetleg valaszolnom kellene.

23. Mit csinalsz rna delutan? - Lehet, hogy moziba megyek.

24. Vajon miert nem nyitott Joe ajtot? - Lehet, hogy a kadban volt.

25. Lehet, hogy esni fog?

26. Megvehetted volna az en berletemet is, ha mar ugyis sorba kellett allnod,

27. En nem tudok enekelni. - Miert nem kered meg Tomot? Lehet, hogy 6 tud.

28. Akar el is mehetunk a koncertre. Kar lenne elpocsekolni a ket szabadjegyet.

29. Miert nem udvozolt, amikor elmenttink mellette az utcan? - Lehet, hogy almodozott.

30. Nagyon gyorsan tud futni meg most is, de iskolas koraban mindenkinel gyorsabb


31. Nem lehetett kulfoldon mult szombaton: talalkoztam vele a partin.

32. Erzed ezt az illatot? - Nern, lehet, hogy megfaztam,

33. HoI van Jamie? - Lehet, hogy a szobajaban, - Nem, ott nem lehet, mert nem

hallom a magnojat.

34. Segithetnel a fozesncl, ha vasalni nem tudsz.

35. Miert nem tudtal helyjegyet valtani az expresszre?

36. Megvaltoztatta a nevet, hogy senki se tudja, ki volt aze16tt.

37. [obban szeretnem. ha te kerned meg ra. Amikor a multkor probaltam beszelni vele, nem volt hajlando meghallgatni.


A m6dbeli segedigek


38. Barcsak megengedne, hogy egyediil menjek szabadsagra!

39. Azt javasoltarn, hogy egyenek szendvicset ebedre, es vacsorazzanak egy etterem-


40. Meg vagyunk dobbenve, hogy egy evi hazassag utan elvaltok,

41. Bizonyara mar sikeriilt a vizsgaja.

42. Vehetek meg egy kis sajtot? - Termeszetesen.

43. Hova menjunk a teli szunido alatt?

44. Nos, iden elmehetnenk a hegyekbe ..

45. Nem lehetett nagyon nehez a vizsga, ha meg Ronnie is Ie tudta tenni.

46. Lehet, hogy van egy kis pezsg6 a htit6ben. Megigyuk?

47. Tovabb mar nem tudok varni, - En sem.

48. Tudsz [apanul? - Sajnos nem.

49. Het ora van. Bizonyara otthon van.

50. Segitsek? - Ha lennel szivcs, nagyon halas Iennek,

51. Ki nem allhattam: orakig beszelt sajat magarol es soha meg nem kerdezte volna,

hogy veled mi van.

52. Egesz este suttogtunk, nehogy a kisbaba felebredjen,

53. Surgettek, hogy a legjobb tanulok tandtjat csokkentsek,

54. Illett volna segitened ennek az id6s holgynek.

55. Ezt a.dontest nem szabad tovabb halogatni.

56. Nem kersz meg egy pohar bort?

57. Csokonyos volt es nem volt hajlando hallgatni az erveinkre.

58. Sajnos meg nem tudtunk rajonni, miert nem rmikodott a gep.

59. Ezt a modszert mar regen fejleszteni kellett volna.

60. Ezt a hibat neked is meg kellett volna tudnod javitani.

61. Nem lett volna szukseges, hogy ilyen draga fenykepezogepet vegyen.

62. Ki van zarva, hogy epp most az en Mondeomat vezeti, hisz megmondtam neki, hogy nem veheti kolcsonl

63. Az lehetetlen, hogy 6felsege meghalt. Bizonyara csak elajult, Hozna egy kis


64. Ki mondhatta neki, hogy a kutyaja csak akkor fog ermi, ha ugatni fog neki?

65. Ami a grofnot illeti, a torteneszek szerint aligha lehetett 6 Danton baratnoje.

66. Lehet, hogy epp a fiivet nyirta, ezert nem hallotta a kopogast,

67. Egy irodalomtortenesz szerint lehet, hogy Stendhal Voros es feketeje megtortent escmenyen alapul.

68. Lehet, hogy katalogusbol rendelte a tulipanhagymakat, azert nem keltek ki meg juniusban sem.

69. Amerikai tudosok szerint a dinoszauruszok kipusztulasat nem okozhatta meteorbecsapodas,

70. Nem megmondtam maganak, Kovacs bacsi, hogy a betegkartyaja mellett a szemelyijet is be kell mutatnia, ha orvoshoz jon?

71. Meg ha esetleg sorra is kerulnel, az orvos addigra olyan faradt lesz, hogy nem lesz energiaja vegighallgatni a panaszaidat.

72. A bank azt koveteli, hogy az at eyre kapott hitelt 3 ev alatt fizessem vissza.

73. Fontos, hogy a vilagkiallitas e16tt minden budapesti rend6r tanuljon angolul vagy nemetul.



A m6dbeli segedlgek


1. Shall I write the report for you? - Would you do that? It is very kind of you.

2. I think we should take up this challenge, shouldn't we?

3. I know that I should drive more slowly but I just can't do it.

4. It's vital that I should speak to him at once.

5. I think you should give up drinking beer all the time.

6. Shall we have dinner at home or shall we go out somewhere?

7. Shall I arrange your things on your desk? - I'd rather you didn't.

8. You should cancel your trip if you feel under the weather.

9. Before getting married, you ought to inform your parents about it first.

10. Should the parachute not open, press this button and the second one will

automatically open.

11. I'm going to have another slice of cake, though I shouldn't, because I'm on a diet.

12. You ought to see how nice our new car is.

13. I think you ought to ask for permission first.

14. I shall lend you that dictionary.

15. Would you pass me the salt, please? - Here you are.

16. This will be the house we are looking for. - I hope so.

17. I would like to get dressed but the door of the wardrobe won't open.

18. Would you like some garlic? - No, thanks.

19. Would you like to have a look at my butterfly collection? - Of course, I would.

20. I would like to hire a car for the next three days.

21. I used to be able to turn a somersault but now I can't.

22. If he wrote, I might have to answer.

23. What are you going to do this afternoon? - I may go to the cinema.

24. I wonder why Joe didn't answer the doorbell. - He may have been in the bath. / He may have been having a bath.

25. Is it likely to rain?

26. You could have bought my season ticket as well if you had to stand in the queue


27. I can't sing. - Why don't you ask Tom? He may be able to.

28. We may/might as well go to the concert. We shouldn't waste the two free tickets.

29. Why didn't he say hello when we passed him in the street? - He may have been day-dreaming.

30. He can run very fast even now but he could run faster than anybody else when he

was a schoolboy.

31. He can't have been abroad last Saturday. I met him at the party.

32. Can you smell this scent? - No, I may have caught a cold.

33. Where is Jamie? - He may be in his room. - No, he can't be there because I can't

hear his tape-recorder.

34. You could help with the cooking if you can't do the ironing.

35. Why couldn't you buy a seat reservation for the express train?

36. He changed his name so that nobody would know who he had been before.

37. I wouldy I'd rather you asked him to do it. When I tried to speak to him the other day he wouldn't listen to me.

38. I wish he would let me go on holiday alone.

39. I suggested that they should have sandwiches for lunch and have dinner in a


40. We are astonished that you should get divorced after a year's marriage.

41. He will/must have passed his exam.

42. I wonder if I could/might have some more cheese? - Of course, you can/may.


A m6dbeli segedlgek


43. Where shall we go during the winter holidays?

44. Well, this year we could go to the mountains.

45. The exam can't have been very difficult if even Ronnie could pass it.

46. There may be some champagne in the fridge. Shall we drink it?

47. I can't wait any longer. - Neither can I. .

48. Can you speak Japanese? - I'm afraid I can't.

49. It's seven o'clock. He must be at home.

50. Shall I help? - If you would be so kind, I would be very grateful.

51. I couldn't stand him. He would talk about himself for hours and would never ask

how things were getting on with you.

52. We were whispering all evening lest the baby should wake up.

53. They urged that the tuition fee of the best students should be decreased.

54. You should have/ ought to have helped that old lady.

55. This decision must not be postponed any longer.

56. Won't you have another glass of wine?

57. He was stubborn and wouldn't listen to our arguments.

58. Unfortunately we have not yet been able to find out why the machine failed.

59. This method should have been developed long ago.

60. You ought to have been able to repair this damage yourself.

61. He needn't have bought such an expensive camera.

62. He can't be driving my Mondeo since I told him he couldn't borrow it.

63. His Majesty can't have died. He must have only fainted. Would you bring some smelling salts?

64. Who could have told him that his dog would eat only if he barked for him?

65. As for the countess, according to historians she could hardly have been Danton's mistress.

66. She may have been mowing the grass, perhaps that's why she couldn't hear the knock.

67. According to a literary historian, Stendhal's "Red and Black" may have been based on a true story.

68. She may have ordered the tulip bulbs from a catalogue, that's why they didn't come up even in June.

69. According to American scientists, the extinction of dinosaurs can't have been caused by the collision of a meteor.

70. Haven't I told you, Mr. Kovacs, that you should present your ID as well as the insurance card when you see the doctor?

71. If you should get to the front of the queue, the doctor will be so tired by then that he won't have any energy to hear your complaints.

72. The bank demands that I should pay back the credit allocated for 5 years in three years' time.

73. It's important that all the policemen in Budapest should learn English or German before the Expo.




Az "ugye" kerdesek kifejezese az angolban:

a) igenlO valaszt varva: kijelentO mondat + tagad6 utokerdes

Szereted ezt a zenet, ugye? - Igen.

You like this music, don't you ? - Yes, I do.

b) nemleges valaszt varva: tagad6 mondat + allit6 utokerdas

Nem fogod meghivni, ugye? - Nem.

You won't invite him, will you? - No, I won't.

c) allit6 mondat + aBit6 utokerdes a beszelo erzelmi allapotat (erdcklodes, aggodalom, duh, meglepetes) fejezi ki

Azt hiszed, ez a leheto legjobb modszer, ugye? You think this the best possible method, do you?

d) tagad6 mondat + tagad6 utokerdes duhot, agresszivitast fejez ki

Szoval nem kisersz el a szinhazba.

You won't accompany me to the theatre, won't you?



1. Ugye most a baratodnak Irsz levelet?

2. Gyakran latogatod meg at, ugye?

3. Mindannyian szeretnek teniszezni, ugye?

4. Mindenki masnal jobban tud uszni, ugye?

5. Ugye hazamehetunk ebed utan?

6. Ellen6rizztik ujbol ezeket a szamadatokat, jo?

7. Ugye kemenyen kell dolgoznia?

8. Szukseged van valakire, akivel beszelgess, ugye?

9. Ugye nem szukseges kivasalnom az osszes ingedet?

10. Reszt akarnak venni a meccsen, ugye?

11. Semmit nem mer kerdezni, ugye?

12. Nem kell minden nap f6znie, ugye?

13. Ugye mindig megbtzhato vagy?

14. Delelott tizkor dolgoznia kellene, nem?

15. Ugye rogttin a mozi utan haza kellett menned?

16. Legalabb egy idegen nyelvet meg kellcne tanulnia, nem?

17. Ugye meg egyszer el fogja magyarazni ezt a tanar?



18. Ugye valaha nagyon j6 baratok voltatok?

19. Lehet, hogy beteg volt, ugye?

20. Lehet, hogy nem [ormek el rna este, ugye?

21. Van eselve ra, hogy megnyerje a versenyt, ugye?

22. Nem mert hazudni, ugye?

23. Vonattal akartak utazni, ugye?

24. Sokat segftett neked, ugye?

25. [o filmet Iatott tegnap, ugye?

26. Ugye folyekonyan tudott angolul beszelni?

27. Gyakran javfttatja az autojat, ugye?

28. U gye mar ket eve zongorazol?

29. Ugye nem szeretnel a helyeben lenni?

30. Megkertek, hogy hagyja el a termet, igaz?

31. Tegnap egesz nap tevet neztek, ugye?

32. Ugye szeretsz?


1. You are writing a letter to your friend, aren't you?

2. You often visit her, don't you?

3. All of them like playing tennis, don't they?

4. He can swim better than anybody else, can't he?

5. We can go home after lunch, can't we?

6. Let's check these figures again, shall we?

7. He must work hard, mustn't he?

8. You need someone to talk to, don't you?

9. I needn't iron all your shirts, need I?

10. They want to take part in the match, don't they?

11. He daren't ask anything, dare he?

12. She doesn't need to cook every day, does she?

13. You are always reliable, aren't you?

14. At ten o'clock in the morning he ought to be working, oughtn't he?

15. You had to go home right after the cinema, didn't you?

16. He should learn at least one foreign language, shouldn't he?

17. The teacher will explain this again, won't he?

18. You used to be very good friends, didn't you?

19. He may have been ill, mayn't he?

20. They may not be coming tonight, may they?

21. He has got a chance of winning the competition, hasn't he?

22. He dared not tell a lie, dared he?

23. They wanted to travel by train, didn't they?

24. He helped you a lot, didn't he?

25. He saw a good film yesterday, didn't he?

26. She could speak English fluently, couldn't she?

27. He often gets his car repaired, doesn't he?

28. You have been playing the piano for two years, haven't you?

29. You wouldn't like to be in his place, would you?

30. He has been asked to leave the room, hasn't he?

31. They were watching TV all day yesterday, weren't they?

32. You love me, don't you?




Kozep- es fels6fok

1. Senki sem szereti, ha kinevetik, igaz?

2. Ki kellene hivni a ment6ket, nem?

3. Mostanra mar biztosan elolvasta az osszcs kepesujsagot, igaz?

4. Ugy tunik, sztiletett vesztes, nem?

5. Jobb lenne 6t is meghfvni, nem?

6. Vedooltas nelkul elkapta volna a baranyhimlot, ugye?

7. Folyton ostoba ragogumizenet hallgat, ugye?

8. Na, most jobban hallasz, nem?

9. Kiskora 6ta tud lovagolni, ugye?

10. Mire Pestre erunk, kiderul az eg, ugye?

11. Holnap ilyenkor te mar a spanyol tengerparton fogsz nyaralni, mil

12. Lennie kell meg nehany almanak, nem?

13. Ugye segftesz nekem cipelni ezt a batyut? .

14. Azt hiszed, a diplomad miatt entellektiiel vagy, igaz?

15. Sz6val elvesz egy f6herceg fclescgull

16. Sz6val te nem Fradi-szurkol6 vagy, mil

17. Sz6val Charles es Diana el fognak valni.

18. Tcged senki sem vehet el t6lem, igaz?

19. Mindenki tiszta 6rtilt itt, nem?

20. Nem lesz semmilyen alkohol a partin, igaz?

21. Na, most mar hallgass, j6?

22. Na, nekem most Ie kell Iepnem, igaz?

23. Csak nem kestuk Ie a film elejet?

24. Harom Ianyuk van, ugye?

25. Hihctetlenul szorgalmas, ugye?

26. Tobbek kozott r6lam is beszelt, miel6tt bejottem, igaz?

27. Tiinj el, oke?

28. Tobbek kozott dzsudozik is a fiad, ugye?

29. Nem talaltad meg azok kozott az emberek kozott, ugye?

30. Magyarorszag valahol Bulgaria, Pakisztan es Iran kozott terul el, nem?

31. Id6tlen id6k 6ta postaskcnt dolgozik, ugye?

32. Tavaly pont olyan volt, mint a batyja, igaz?

33. Kene yenned valami rendes kocsit e helyett a budos Trabant helyett, nem?

34. Meg ne probalj atverni, j6?

35. Nem fogja tudni befejezni a foiskolat, ugye?

36. Jov6 ilyenkor mar kollegiumban fogsz lakni, ugye?

37. Mindig is protekci6ja volt, mil . ., , .?

38. Hamupipoke egesz idaig a mostoh~a~YJa szo~aJ~t takantotta, Ig~Z. , . ?

39. Addig nem kaphatja meg a bizonyitvanyt, arrug at nem ment a vlzsgan, 19az.

40. A gepeltertto azt mondta, hogy nines veszitenivaI6!a, ugye? . ?

41. Amikor nagykoru lett, megengcdtek neki, hogy skot whiskvt 19yon, ugye.

42. Az osszeset elloptak mar, mikor kihivtak a rendorscgct, ugye?

43. Eleg llirelmetlen vagyok neha, nem? .

44. Sz6val megpr6baItad ravenni, hogy vegye meg t6led a Iopott arut, mi? .

45. Magan kivtillenne a meregtol, ha tudna, mit csinalsz itt minden heten, igaz?

46. Lehet, hogy eppen nemot szavakat magol, nem?

47. Yalaha itt dolgozott mint KISZ-titkar, ugye?

48. Ha talalkoztatok volna, kekre-zoldre vert volna, ugye?

49. Micsoda enyhe telunk lesz, ugye?



50. Ugye visszajossz ket pel"Cen belul?

51. Ugye gyakran kap csomagokat a gazdag nagynenjetcl?

52. Az ellcnzek tagjai ugye nem vettek reszt a gyrilesen?

53. Ugye most haragszol ram e miatt a kellemetlenseg miatt?

54. Tobbet kellene dolgoznia apja muhelveben, nem?

55. Kivalo a kiejtesc, ugye?

56. Nem szukseges minden reggel beagyaznod, ugye?

57. Menjunk be a legkozelebbi kocsmaba egy pohar sorre, j6?

58. Ugye az osszes csokit meg akartad enni?

59. Szuksegtrk van allami tamogatasra, hogy felepitsek a csaladi hazukat, ugye?

60. Meg kellett ismetelned a kfserletct, ugye?

61. Ugye angolul fogja tartani az eloadast?


1. Nobody likes being laughed at, do they?

2. The ambulance should be called for, shouldn't it?

3. He must have read all the magazines by now, mustn't he?

4. He seems to be a born loser, doesn't he?

5. We should invite him as well, shouldn't we?

6. Without vaccination he would have caught chicken-pox, wouldn't he?

7. He is always listening to wallpaper music, isn't he?

8. Now you can hear me better, can't you?

9. He has been able to ride a horse since he was a small child, hasn't he?

10. The sky will have cleared up by the time we reach Pest, won't it?

11. This time tomorrow you will be spending your summer holiday at the seaside in

Spain, won't you?

12. There must be some more apples left, mustn't there?

13. Help me carry this bundle, will you?

14. You think you are an intellectual because of your degree, do you?

15. So an archduke is going to marry you, is he?

16. So you aren't a Fradi fan, aren't you?

17. Diana and Charles are going to get divorced, are they?

18. Nobody can take you from me, can they?

19. Everybody is absolutely mad here, aren't they?

20. There won't be any alcohol at the party, won't there?

21. Shut up, will you?

22. Well, now I must be off, mustn't I?

23. We haven't missed the beginning of the film, have we?

24. They have got three daughters, haven't they?

25. He is unbelievably hard-working, isn't he?

26. Among other things he had been speaking about me as well before I came in,

hadn't he?

27. Get lost, will you?

28. Among other things, your son does judo as well, doesn't he?

29. You couldn't find him among those people, could you?

30. Hungary lies somewhere between Bulgaria, Pakistan and Iran, doesn't it?

31. He has been working as a postman for ages, hasn't he?

32. Last year he looked just like his elder brother, didn't he?

33. You should buy some decent car instead of this stinking Trabant, shouldn't you?

34. Don't you try to cheat me, will you?

35. He won't be able to finish college, will he?



36. This time next year you will be living in a hostel, won't you?

37. He has always had connections, hasn't he?

38. Cinderella has been cleaning her stepmother's room up to now, hasn't she?

39. He can't get the certificate until he has passed the exam, can he?

40. The hijacker said he had nothing to lose, didn't he?

41. When he came of age he was allowed to drink Scotch whisky, wasn't he?

42. All of them had been stolen when the police were called out, hadn't they?

43. I'm rather impatient sometimes, aren't I?

44. So you have tried to get him to buy the stolen goods from you, have you?

45. He would be beside himself with rage if he knew what you are doing here every

week, wouldn't he?

46. He may be swotting up German words, may he not?

47. He used to work here as a secretary in K1SZ, didn't he?

48. If you had met him, he would have beaten you black and blue, wouldn't he?

49. What a mild winter we are going to have, aren't we?

50. You will come back in two minutes, won't you?

51. He often gets parcels from his rich aunt, doesn't he?

52. The members of the opposition didn't take part in the meeting, did they?

53. You are angry with me because of this problem, aren't you?

54. He ought to work more in his father's workshop, oughtn't he?

55. He has got excellent pronunciation, hasn't he?

56. You needn't make the bed every morning, need you?

57. Let's go to the nearest pub for a glass of beer, shall we?

58. You wanted to eat all the chocolate, didn't you?

59. They need a state subsidy to build their detached house, don't they?

60. You had to repeat the experiment, didn't you?

61. He will deliver the lecture in English, won't he?




(Fonevi igenev)

Alakja: to + az ige szotari alakja


a) bizonyos igek utan: wish to, seem to, be to, decide to stb.

b) nevszos szerkezetekben: to be sure to .

to be likely to .

to be able/unable to ...

to be force d to .

to be bound to .

to be certain to .

to be glad/pleased to ...

c) rnorrdatrtrvi dfteare:

I. Alanyi

It is good to learn English. To learn English is good.

U gyanez kifejezheto Gerunddal is: Learning English is good.

II. Targyi

a) A fa- es a mcllekmondat alanya azonos:

I promised to visit my friend.

b) Felszolttas fUgga beszedde alakitasakor a fomondatban leva reszeshatarozo es a mellekmondat alanya azonos:

Mondtam neki, hogy (0) menjen haza. I told him to go home.

c) Ha a ket fent emlitett mondatrosz nem azonos szemelyro utal, me'llekrnortd atot kell hasznalnunk:

I told him that they should go home.

d) Targy + fonevi igenev kapcsolodasa:

I want / wish / expect / would like ... him to go home.



Az Infinitive lehetseges alakv<iltozatai:

Present Tense Present Continuous Perfect

Perfect Continuous



to write

to be writing to have written

to have been writing

to be written

to be being written to have been written


Kedves toled, hogy lapokat Irsz a barataidnak, It is nice of you to write cards to your friends.

N e zavarj: harem levelet kell megirnom. Don't disturb me. I have three letters to write.

U gy latszik, eppen a [elenteset irja, He seems to be writing his report.

Azt mondjak, ez a dramairo tobb szaz darabot szerzett. This playwright is said to have written hundreds of plays. vagy:

Hundreds of plays are said to have been written Tn) this playwright.

Vorosek a szemei: ugy ttinik, egesz ejszaka leveleket irt. His eyes are red. He seems to have been writing letters all night.

had better

A to nefktil i Infinitive hasznalata az alabbi kifejezesek mellett:

had best

would rather (had rather)

would sooner

would just as soon as

cannot but

cannot help but

do nothing but


J obban termed, ha itt Ieszallnal. You had better get offhere.

Az lenne a legjobb, ha nalunk maradnal. You had best stay with us.

Inkabb olvasnek most, mint tevet ncznek. I would rather read now than watch TV.

Inkabb aludnek, mint hajnalig dolgoznek, I'd sooner sleep than work until the small hours.

Eppolyan szivesen elmennek, mint itt maradnek. I would just as soon leave as stay here.

Csak nevetni tudok a buta megjegyzesein. I cannot but laugh at his silly remarks.

Sirnom kell ezen a meghat6 torterieten. I cannot help but cn) at this moving stan).

Egesz nap mast sem teszel, csak abrandozol. You do nothing but day-dream all day long.

Why not ... ?


Miert is ne parkolnank itt? Why not park the car here?


Kozep- es fels6fok

1. [obban tennenk, ha vonattal mennenk.

2. [obban termed, ha szakorvoshoz fordulnal.

3. Nem lenne jobb, ha er6sebb szerszamot hasznalnal?

4. Csak csodalni tudom a batorsagat,

5. Ma reggel inkabb tejet innek, mint kavet.

6. Az lenne a legjobb, ha nem mennel oda egyediiI.

7. Mast sem teszel, mint hazudozol.

8. [obban terme, ha szigoruan dietazna.

9. Mi lenne, ha utolernenk a tObbieket?

10. Jobban szeretnem nem beleartani magam ebbe az iigybe.

11. [obban termed, ha megmondanad neki a teljes igazsagot,

12. Miert is ne nevezzunk be a versenyre?

13. Kenytelen voltam elismerni, hogy igaza volt ..

14. Inkabb vennek most szandalt, mint cip6t.

15. Csak tisztelni tudom szakertelmet,

16. Kenytelen voltam elutasitani a jelentkezeset,

17. Miert is olvasnank el ennyi konyvet?

18. Inkabb Iaknek tavol a belvarostol, mint a foutvonal mellett.

19. Miert pazarolnank olyan sok id6t erre az egyszeru kerdesre?

20. Mi Ienne, ha jov6 hetre halasztanank a donteshozatalt?


1. We had better go by train.

2. You had better consult a specialist.

3. Had you not/ Hadn't you better use a stronger tool?

4. I cannot but admire his courage.

5. This morning I would rather drink milk than coffee.

6. You had best not go there alone.

7. You do nothing but tell lies.

8. He had better go on a strict diet.

9. Why not catch up with the others?

10. I'd rather not interfere in this affair.

11. You had better tell him the whole truth.

12. Why not enter for the competition?

13. I couldn't but admit that he was right.

14. I'd rather buy a pair of sandals now than a pair of shoes.

15. I cannot but respect his expertise.

16. I could not but reject his application.

17. Why read so many books?

18. I would rather live a long way from the centre than next to the main road.

19. Why waste so much time on this simple matter?

20. Why not put off making a decision until next week?



1. Infinitive mint celhatcirozo (a ket tagmondat alanya azonos)

Kotoszavai: (in order) to, (so as) to


1. Azert utazott Angliaba, hogy tokcletesitse a nvelvtudasat.

2. Fclmasznak a hegyre, hogy Iassak a videk panoramajat,

3. Megvette a legdivatosabb szemiiveget, hogy vonzo legyen.

4. A varntiszt belepctt a ftilkebe, hogy ellenarizze az utleveleket.

5. Azert ment gyalog a munkahelyere. hogy sporoljori.

6. Hetente hazautazik, hogy Iassa a feleseget es a gyerekeit.

7. Elcserelte a lakasat, hogy egy kis kosz.perizhez jusson.

8. Azert jon, hogy beszeljen veled a disszcrtaciojarol.

9. Elmegyek az arveresre, hogy megvegyek egy metszetet.

10. Tenyleg azert adtal neki olyan sok konyvet, hogy megmutasd az iranta valo


11. Siettiink, hogy ne kessiik le a buszt.

12. Legyunk ovatosak, hogy ne kovossimk el hibat,

13. Jobban termed, ha halkabban beszelnel, hogy ne ebreszd fel.

14. Hogy cegct felviragoztassa, uj terrnekeket kezdett gyartani.

15. A boltvezeto ezer par cipot rendelt, hogy kiclegttse a vevok igenyeit.

16. Azert oltozik divatosan, hogy meg hetkoznap is vonzo Iegyen.

17. Koran reggel indultunk. hogy jelen lehessiink a kiralyno crkezesenel.


1. He travelled to England to perfect his knowledge of the language.

2. They are climbing the hill to get a view of the landscape.

3. He has bought the most fashionable glasses to look attractive.

4. The customs officer entered the compartment to check the passports.

5. He went to work on foot to save money.

6. He travels home every week to see his wife and kids.

7. He exchanged his flat to get some cash.

8. He is coming to talk to you about his thesis.

9. I'm going to the auction to buy an engraving.

10. Did you really give him so many books in order to show your benevolence to


11. We hurried so as not to miss the bus.

12. Let's be careful not to make a mistake.

13. You had better speak in a low voice so as not to wake him up.

14. In order to make his company prosper, he started to manufacture new products.

15. The shopkeeper ordered a thousand pairs of shoes in order to meet the demands of the customers.

16. She wears fashionable dresses in order to look attractive even on weekdays.

17. We left home early in the morning to witness the arrival of the Queen.



2. Tcirgy es Infinitive kapcsolodcisa (foige + tcirgy + fOnevi igenev) Peldamondatok

1. Arra kerte a Iatogatokat, hogy vegyenek meg a sutemenybol.

2. Akarod, hogy kivasaljam helyetted az oltonyodet?

3. Jobban szeretnek, ha nem ezen a hetvegen latogatnank meg oket.

4. Nem szeretnern, ha allandoan aggodnaI miattam.

5. Azt akarom, hogy a fiam szorgalmasabb legyen.

6. Sohasem kenyszeritettelek az orvosi palyara.

7. Valoban azt vartad tole, hogy gazdag lesz?

8. Ravettem, hogy Iepjen be a gyermekkorusba.

9. Arra kertem, hogy ismetelje meg a nevet,

10. Megparancsolta, hogy hajszalpontosan erkezzunk.

11. Figyelmeztettem, hogy adja at a helyet egy idos hOlgynek.

12. Nem engedem, hogy a nappaliban dohanyozz,

13. Miert nem engedi a baratod. hogy kolcsonvegyuk a szotarat?

14. Mondtam neki, hogy vegezzen tobb testmozgast,

15. Azt hitte, hogy en vagyok a legjobb sztneszno, .


1. She asked the visitors to have some more cake.

2. Do you want me to iron your suit for you?

3. They prefer us not to visit them this week-end.

4. I wouldn't like you to worry about me all the time.

5. I want my son to be more hard-working.

6. I never forced you to choose the career of a doctor/ a medical career.

7. Did you really expect him to be rich?

8. I persuaded him to join the junior choir.

9. I requested him to repeat his name.

10. He ordered us to arrive dead on time.

11. I warned him to give up his seat to an elderly lady.

12. I don't allow you to smoke in the living room.

13. Why d~esn't your friend allow us to borrow his dictionary?

14. I told him to do more physical exercise.

15. He believed me to be the best actress.

3. Alanyi mellekmondat riividitesere haszncilt Infinitive

A beszelt nyelv az it is/it was + melleknev + oflfor sy. + fonevi igenev szerkezetben hasznalja,

PI.: It was difficult for me to start my own business.


1. Butasag Ienne, ha nem kerne engedelyt az adomentessegre,

2. Szep lenne toled, ha a tanarodat meghivnad az unnepsegre.

3. Durva dolog volt tole, hogy ugy beszelt veled.

4. Boles dolog volt toled, hogy idoben elkezdted az edzest,



5. Gonosz dolog a kollegai reszerol, hogy a tavolleteben ragalmazzak.

6. Ovatlan voltal, amikor korulnezes nelkul mentel at az uton.

7. Buta dolog volt [oetol, hogy vegtrl nem kerte meg a menyasszonya kezet.

8. Igazan bokezu voltal, amikor hozzajarultal a jotekonysagi rendezveny bevetelehez.

9. Lenyeges, hogy minden adatot rogzitsunk.

10. Tul korai meg felmerni, hogy sikeriilt-e a vizsgank,


1. It would be silly of him not to ask for permission for tax exemption.

2. It would be nice of you to invite your teacher to the celebration.

3. It was rude of him to speak to you like that.

4. It was wise of you to start training in time.

5. It is wicked of his colleagues to slander him in his absence.

6. It was careless of you to cross the street without looking around.

7. It was silly of Joe not to propose marriage to his fiancee in the end.

8. It was really generous of you to contribute to the proceeds of the charity event.

9. It is essential for us to register all data.

10. It is too early to assess whether our exam was successful.

4. Eredmenyhatarozoi mondat roviditesere hasznalt Infinitive


A haz olyan messze volt, hogy nem lattam tisztan. The house was so far from me that I couldn't see it clearly. = The house was too far from me to see it clearly.

A haz tul messze volt, hogy tisztan Iassam.


1. Tul draga volt a kocsi ahhoz, hogy megvegyiik.

2. Tul lusta vagy ahhoz, hogy sikeruljon a vizsgad,

3. Tulsagosan ontelt vagy ahhoz, hogy belasd a hibaidat,

4. Tul vezna volt ahhoz, hogy sportpalyafutasrol abrandozzon,

5. Tul fiatal vagy ahhoz, hogy penzugyekben felelos m6don donthess.

6. Tul keson jottcl ahhoz, hogy elejetol lasd az eloadast.

7. A problema tul bonyolult ahhoz, hogy a mai targyalason megvitassuk.

8. Ez a cigaretta tul eros nekem.

9. Varnom kell kicsit: tul forr6 a kave,

10. Ez a regi butor tul nehez ahhoz, hogy egyediil felemeljem.

11. Tul izgatott vagyok ahhoz, hogy ilyen koran elaludjak.

12. A feladat tul nehez ahhoz, hogy folytassam.


1. The car was too expensive for us to buy.

2. You are too lazy to pass your exam.

3. You are too conceited to admit your weak points.

4. He was too scrawny to dream of a sporting carreer.

5. You are too young to decide on financial matters responsibly.

6. You arrived too late to see the performance from the very beginning.



7. The problem is too complicated to be discussed at today's meeting.

8. This brand of cigarettes is too strong for me to smoke.

9. I must wait a bit. The coffee is too hot for me to drink.

10. This old piece of furniture is too heavy for me to lift without any help.

11. I'm too excited to get to sleep so early.

12. The task is too difficult for me to continue.

Az enouglt + Infinitive szerkezet

eleg ... (idos), hogy ....... (megtegyen vmit)

Szorend: az enough a mellekncvet es a hatarozot koveti, de megelozi a fonevet,


1. Eleg iigyes vagy ahhoz, hogy ne tevedj el egy idegen varosban?

2. Eleg faradt vagyok ahhoz, hogy meg altat6 nelkul is ataludjam az ejszakat.

3. Az almak eleg erettek ahhoz, hogy leszedjiik oket,

4. Biztos vagy benne, hogy eleg magas vagy, hogy elerd a mennyezetet?

5. Eleg finom ez a bor, hogy a vendegeinknek klnaljuk?

6. A nap clcg melegen slit, hogy p6l6ban kimenjek.

7. Eleg gyakorlatias vagy ahhoz, hogy megjavits egy csopogo csapot?

8. Eleg hiszekeny ahhoz, hogy az elsa csalo aldozataul essen.

9. Az agy cleg szeles ahhoz, hogy ket ember aludni tudjon rajta,

10. A multkori vetelkedo kerdesei eleg konnyuck voltak, hogy valaszolni tudjak


11. A haz eleg nagy ahhoz, hogy az egesz csalad ott lakjon.

12. Eleg idonk van ahhoz, hogy elsetaljunk az allatkertbe,

13. Van eleg penzunk, hogy nyaral6t vegyiink?

14. Lesz eleg batorsaga, hogy beleugorjon a vizbe?

15. A garazsban nines eleg helyunk mindkot aut6nk szamara.

16. Eleg tesztat foztunk ahhoz, hogy meg a kutyat is azzal etessiik.


1. Are you clever enough not to get lost in a strange town?

2. I'm tired enough to sleep all night even without sleeping pills.

3. The apples are ripe enough to be picked.

4. Are you sure that you are tall enough to reach the ceiling?

5. Is this wine good enough to offer to our guests?

6. The sun is warm enough to go out in a T-shirt.

7. Are you practical enough to repair a leaking tap?

8. She is credulous enough to fall victim to the first swindler she meets.

9. The bed is wide enough for two men to sleep in.

10. The quiz questions were easy enough for me to answer last time.

11. The house is big enough for the whole family to live in.

12. We have enough time to walk to the zoo.

13. Have we got enough money to buy a week-end cottage?

14. Will she have enough courage to jump into the water?

15. We haven't got enough room in the garage for both of our cars.

16. We cooked enough noodles to feed even the dog.



Az Infinitive to he to formaja


a) parancsot, utas'itast

Addig kell a gyerekre vigyaznod, arnig vissza nem jovunk. You are to look after the child till we return.

b) kotelezettseget elozetes terv vagy megbeszeles alapjan

A kutatasok java heten kezd6dnek. Research is to start next week.

Igen gyakori e szerkezet szcnvedo alakban valo hasznalata:

Az osszes levelet Ie kell gepelni. All the letters are to be tlJPed.

Megjegyzendo, hogy a to be to egyszeri kotelezettsegre utal, egyeb esetekben a have to es a should hasznalatos.


1. Engedelmeskedned kell a szuleidriek, meg ha nem ertesz is egyet veluk.

2. Hatkor kell kezdenie az eloadast, de meg mindig nines itt.

3. El ken hagynod ezt a hazat, ha rnindig a legmeIyebb erzeseiben serted meg.

4. Ha barmi tortenik, azonnal fel kell 6t hivnod.

5. A tervek szerint reszt veszek az expedfcioban.

6. Mielott belepsz egy indiai ternplomba, Ie kell vetned a cip6det.

7. Ha igazan sikeres akarsz lenni, meg kell hallgatnod a tanacsait,

8. A repulogepnek tiz perc mulva fel kell szallnia, de meg tisztitjak a kifutopalyat.

9. Nagyon oda kell figyelnem a reszletekre?

10. A vizsgazoknak harom ora mulva kell beadniuk a tesztlapokat.

11. Figyelembe kell venni ezeket a fontos adatokat.

12. Terveink szerint a lakast java nyaron tijitjuk feL

13. Mindenkihez el kell kuldeni a szavazasi lapokat.

14. Ezt a sokoldalu irot jelolni ken a Nobel-dijra.

15. Ezt a roskatag epulctct Ie kell bontani.

16. Fontolora ken venni a javaslatat.

17. EI kell torolni ezt az elavult torvenyt.

18. Mit tegyiink, hogy megmentsiik a gyerekeket a barlangbol?

19. Mindennernu, kulfoldrol hozott arucikket el kell vamoltatni.

20. A levegaszennyezades merteket naponta ellen6rizni kell.


1. You are to obey your parents even if you dont't agree with them.

2. He is to start the lecture at six 0' clock, but he isn't here yet.

3. You will have to leave this house if you always hurt his deepest feelings.

4. If anything happens, you are to phone him without hesitation.

5. I am to take part in the expedition.



6. You should take off your shoes before entering a church in India.

7. If you want to be really successful, you should listen to his advice.

8. The plane is to take off in ten minutes, however the runway is still being cleaned.

9. Am I to pay full attention to the details?

10. The candidates are to hand in the test papers in three hours.

11. These important data are to be taken into consideration.

12. Our flat is to be redecorated next summer.

13. Voting papers are to be sent to everybody.

14. This versatile writer is to be nominated for the Nobel Prize.

15. This ramshackle building is to be demolished.

16. His suggestion is to be considered.

17. This obsolete law is to be done away with.

18. What is to be done to rescue the children from the cave?

19. Any goods brought from abroad are to be declared at the customs.

20. The degree of air pollution is to be checked every day.

A he tltougltt 10 he = "azt hiszikjtartjakj gondoljak rala" szerkezet


1. Azt tartjak rola, igen tehetseges focista.

2. Azt gondoljak, Mr. Trump a vilag leggazdagabb embere.

3. Azt mondjak, mostanaban ez a Icgnepszerubb film Amerikaban.

4. Feltetelezfk rola, hogy van cleg ereje atuszni a Balatont.

5. Azt hiszik, hogy a csapatunk mar a selejtezoben kiesik.

6. A foglyot btinosnek nyilvanitottak.

7. Szarmtasok szerint az Egyenlit6 40.000 km hosszu.

8. Varosunkat ezer evesnek tartjak,

9. Azt mondjak, kisertetck jarnak ebben az odon kastelvban.

10. Azt hiszi magarol, hogy kivalo szonok.


1. He is considered to be a very talented football player.

2. Mr. Trump is thought to be the richest man in the world.

3. This is said to be the most popular film in America nowadays.

4. He is supposed to have enough strength to swim across Lake Balaton.

5. It is believed that our team will drop out as early as in the qualifying heat.

6. The prisoner has been declared to be guilty,

7. The Equator is calculated to be as long as 40,000 kms.

8. Our town is thought to be a thousand years old.

9. Ghosts are said to haunt this ancient castle.

10. He believes himself to be an excellent orator.



A so ••• us 10 szerkezet


1. Legyen olyan kedves tudatni velem az crsdmenyt!

2. Nem vagy annyira hozzaerto, hogy tudomanyos kutatasban reszt vcgyel.

3. Nem vagyok olyan bolond, hogy kolcsonadjam neki az automat,

4. Nem lesz olyan szereny, hogy ne fogadja el a felkmalt pozfci6t.

5. Allapota, szerencscre, nem adott okott komoly aggodalomra.


1. Be so kind as to let me know the result.

2. You are not so competent as to participate in scientific research.

3. I'm not such a fool as to lend him my car.

4. He will not be so humble as not to accept the post offered.

5. Luckily, his condition was not such as to give rise to serious concern.

Vegyes peldak

1. Tervet meg a bizottsag ele kell terjeszteni.

2. Sok mindent kell tisztaznunk ebben az uj helyzetben.

3. Semmit nem tehettiink az elaleptetesedert.

4. A szotar, amelyre szuksegcm van, sehol sem kaphat6.

5. Varhato volt, hogy nem fog megjelenni a kihallgatason,

6. Remelhetoleg hamarosan megtalaljak ennek a betegsegnek az ellenszeret.

7. Ha indulas elott reggelizni akarsz, nines vesztegetni valo idonk.

8. Azt hiszem, nem ezt a m6dszert kell most alkalmazni.

9. Nem igazan megbfzhat6ak az ilyen kiserlet soran nyerhcto eredmenyek,

10. Mely ujjlenyomatokat kell kivizsgalni?

11. Nehez mcgerteni a krvansagat.

12. Konnyu kovetni az eloadasat,

13. Van egy kiado lakas a Iepcsohazunkban.

14. A szerelmes ferfiakat konnyu ravenni arra, hogy draga ajandckokat vegyenek.

15. Tudod, hogyan kell kinyitni egy pancelszekrenyt?

16. Nem tud donteni, melyik ruhat vegye fel.

17. Halvany fogalma sines rola, hogy hogyan kell egy fogalmazast megirni.

18. Nem tudtunk donteni, hogy melyik lemezt vegyuk meg.

19. Mondd meg, mit vegyek vacsorara!

20. Tanacstalan volt, mikeppcn talalja meg a helyes utat.

21. Mindig utolsokent csatlakozik hozzank,

22. A legjobb, amit tehetunk, ha varunk napfelkelteig.

23. Keresek valakit, akivel bridzsezhetnek.

24. Az indianok szivtak eloszor dohanyt,

25. Ez az 6ra az egyetlen, amit rna megtartanak.

26. Ez a regcny a legjobb, amit kotelezo olvasmanynak valasztani lehet.


1. His plan is still to be submitted to the committee.

'2. We have a lot of things to clear up/to be cleared up in this new situation.



3. There was nothing to do/to be done for your promotion.

4. The dictionary I need is nowhere to be bought.

5. It was to be expected that he wouldn't turn up at the questioning.

6. It is to be hoped that a medicine to cure this disease will soon be found.

7. If you want to have breakfast before leaving, there is no time to be lost.

8. I don't think this is the right method to apply now.

9. The results to be obtained from such an experiment are not very reliable.

10. Which fingerprints are to be investigated?

11. It is hard to understand his desire.

12. His lecture is easy to follow.

13. There is a flat to let in our staircase.

14. Men in love are easy to cajole into buying expensive presents.

15. Do you know how to open a safe?

16. She can't decide which dress to put on.

17. He hasn't the slightest idea how to write a composition.

18. We couldn't decide which record to buy.

19. Please tell me what to buy for dinner.

20. He was at a loss how to find the right way ."

21. He is always the last to join us.

22. The best thing to do is to wait until sunrise.

23. I'm looking for someone to play chess with.

24. The Indians were the first to smoke tobacco.

25. This lesson is the only one to be held today.

26. This is the best novel to choose as a set book.


Alakja: to have + az ige 3. alakja

Szenved6 forma ban: to have been + az ige 3. alakja


1. ~zt tartjak rola, evekig egyedullakott egy tanyahazban.

2. Orulok, hogy elmentem a rna esti eloadasra.

3. Boldog vagyok, hogy egy ilyen hires ir6 dicsert meg.

4. Valosztnutlen, hogy elerte volna a hegycsucsot.

5. Ugy volt, hogy az uj aruhaz osszel nyit. (de nem igy tor tent)

6. Gondolod, hogy udvarias dolog volt ilyen kerdest feltenni?

7. Ugy tunik. tul konnyen feladta a remenvt,

8. [elentettek, hogy a miniszterelnok elutazott Oroszorszagba,

9. ~zt allitottak rola, hogy nem vette figyelembe a biztonsagi eloirasokat.

10. l! gy tudjak, meghivtak at a vallalkozoi szfera estclyere.

11. Ugy hiszik, rovidzarlat okozta a szereloszalag hirtelen leallasat,

12. Azt mondjak, tobb ember megserult a baleset soran.

13. Allit6lag minden problemat legyoztek.

14. ~zt hiszik rola, hogy a Harvard egyetemen vegzett,

15. U gy tartjak. ez a film volt az elmult szezon kasszasikere.

16. Ugy ttinik, mcgertettetek meg az apr6 reszleteket is.



17. Igazan kedves tolcd, hogy segitettel a csomagjaimat cipelni.

18. Azt mondjak, Angliaban adtak ki a vilag nepessegerol sz616 leglijabb felmerest.

19. Ugy tudjak, tobb is kola is epult az iden.

20. Allit6lag egy hibas kabel okozta a tuzet a kutatointezatben.


1. He is said to have lived alone in a farmhouse for years.

2. I'm glad to have been at tonight's performance.

3. I'm happy to have been praised by such a famous writer.

4. He is unlikely to have reached the top of the hill.

5. The new department store was to have opened in autumn.

6. Do you consider it to have been polite to ask such a question?

7. He seems to have given up his hopes too easily.

8. The Prime Minister was reported to have left for Russia.

9. He was alleged to have disregarded the safety precautions.

10. He is known to have been invited to the businessmen's ball.

11. A short circuit is believed to have caused the sudden shut-down of the assembly


12. Several people are said to have been hurt in the accident.

13. All difficulties are said to have been overcome.

14. He is believed to have graduated from Harvard.

15. This film is considered to have been the box-office hit of the last season.

16. You seem to have understood even the minute details.

17. It is really kind of you to have helped me with my luggage.

18. The latest survey of the world's population is said to have been published in England.

19. Several schools are known to have been built this year.

20. A defective cable is supposed to have caused the fire in the research institute.

6sszefoglal6 peldamodatok az Infinitive hasznalatara

1. Ortilni fogsz, ha ujra Iatod?

2. Bosszankodtam, amikor megtudtam, hogy nines tires szoba.

3. Kedves volt toled, hogy felajanlottad a tamogatasodat,

4. Nem valoszinu, hogy az ido szep marad.

5. Nem volt hajlando a nagynenjevel utazni Skociaba.

6. Sikeriilt hazaig mennem a kocsival, bar az uton ketszer elromlott.

7. A kave nem eleg eros ahhoz, hogy egesz ejjel ebren tarts on.

8. Nem tudod veletleruil, hogy hoI kakik?

9. Nem varhatod, hogy percek alatt rendezodjon egy ilyen vita.

10. Kutatasokat vegeztek arra vonatkozoan, hogyan lehetne megbirk6zni a novekvo


11. Eszedbe jutott, hogy lisztet is vcgyel?

12. Azt szcretnern, ha holnapra megjavitana,

13. EI tudnad nekem magyarazni, hogyan kell r-beszelgetesre felhivni egy szamot?

14. A kosarban hagytam a kivasalando dolgokat.

15. U gy van, hogy a nvaron tapetaztatjuk a lakast.

16. Ugy tett, mintha nern vett volna eszre semmit.

17. Es most mit varsz tolem, hogy mit csinaljak?

18. Nines mit tenni.

19. Ha nines hol Iaknod, biztos szallast ad nehany napra.



20. Tobb, mint fel orajaba kertilt, hogy kitoltse a keresztrejtvonvt,

21. Felmondta az allasat, bar azt tanacsoltuk neki, hogy ne tegye.

22. Korulneztetek a kastelvban? - Szerettiink volna, de nem engedtek.

23. Meglatogathatsz, amikor csak akarsz.

24. J obban szeretnem nem elfogadni az ajanlatukat, de kenytelen leszek.

25. r::rem vagyok abban a helyzetben, hogy anyagi tarnog'atast nyujtsak, bar szeretnek.

26. 0 volt az egyediili utas, aki tulelte a hajotorest, ugye?

27. Biztos vagy benne, hogy eleg erett vagy csaladalapttasra?

28. ~iirgettek, hogy a kormany hozzon intezkedeseket az ugyben.

29. <? volt a masodik elnok az orszagban, aki politikai gyilkossag aldozata lett.

30. Ugy ttiruk, szorgalmasan irja a hazi feladatat.

31. Nem latszik kimeriiltnek.

32. Hazament, es csal6dottan latta, hogy a felesege nem keszftett vacsorat.

33. Miert nem emlekeztettol ra, hogy befizessem a telefonszamlat?

34. Akarod, hogy vezessem a kocsidat? - Igen, Iegy szives.

35. Ugy tunik, fogy tal egy kicsit.

36. Ugy volt, hogy benevez a versenyre, de eltort a karja.

37. Lattak, amint a szaraz leveleket gereblyezte.

38. Hallottam, amikor ejfelkor megjotteI.

39. at tartom a legjobb kortars magyar koltonck. - Val6ban?

40. Visszarohantam a varoterembe, es csal6dottan lattam, hogy a kezitaskamat elloptak,


1. Will you be glad to see him again?

2. I was annoyed to learn that there was no vacant room in the hotel.

3. It was nice of you to have offered your support.

4. The weather is not likely to remain fine.

5. He was not willing to travel to Scotland with his aunt.

6. I managed to drive home, although the car broke down twice on the way.

7. The coffee IS not strong enough to keep me awake all night.

8. Do you happen to know where he lives?

9. You can't expect a dispute like this to be settled in a few minutes.

10. They made inquiries as to how to cope with the rising inflation.

11. Did you remember to buy flour as well?

12. I would like you to repair it by tomorrow.

13. Could you explain to me how to make a reverse charge call?

14. I left the clothes to be ironed in the basket.

15. We are to wall-paper the flat in summer.

16. He pretended not to have noticed anything.

17. And what do you expect me to do now?

18. There is nothing to do/to be done.

19. If you have nowhere to live, he will surely put you up for a few days.

20. It took him more than half an hour to solve the crossword puzzle.

21. He gave up his job although we had advised him not to.

22. Did you have a look round the castle? - We would have liked to but we were not

allowed to.

23. You can visit me whenever you want/want to.

24. I would prefer not to accept their offer but I will have to.

25. I'm not in a position to give you financial support though I would like to.

26. He was the only passenger to survive the shipwreck, wasn't he?



27. Are you sure that you are mature enough to have a family of your own?

28. The government was urged to take measures to deal with the matter.

29. He was the second Prime Minister of the country to have been assassinated.

30. He seems to be busy with his homework.

31. He doesn't seem to be exhausted. / He seems not to be exhausted.

32. He went home only to see that his wife hadn't prepared dinner.

33. Why didn't you remind me to pay the telephone bill?

34. Do you want me to drive your car? - Yes, please.

35. You seem to have lost a bit of weight.

36. He was to have entered for the competition but he broke his arm.

37. He was seen to rake the dry leaves.

38. I heard you arrive at midnight.

39. I consider him to be the greatest Hungarian contemporary poet. - Do you?

40. I rushed back to the waiting room only to find that my handbag had been stolen.







Present Perfect

doing having done

being done having been done


Nem konnyu munka tobb tucatnyi karacsonyi lapot megirni. Writing dozens of Christmas cards is not an easy job.

Csodalkozom, hogy gyorshajtasert birsagolnak. (engem) I'm surprised at being fined for speeding.

Szegyellem, hogy olyan sok embert sertettem meg. I'm ashamed of having insulted so many people.

Neheztelt azert, hogy nem htvtak meg. He resented not having been invited.

Alkalmazasa: mellekmondatokban ill. azok roviditesere.

Az alabbiakban egytitt vizsgaljuk a fonevi igenev es a Gerund alkalmazhatosagat az egyes mellekmondatok eseteben,

a) alanyi: Going home by car is much more comfortable than by bus. / To go home by car ....

b) je lzdi: My dream of becoming a doctor didn't come true.

c) celhatarozoi: csak fonevi igenev, ha a ket mondat alanya megegyezik: I went to see him to inform him about the events.

d) targyi: I wanted you to win the competition.

e) modhatarozoi: He hurt me btJ calling me a liar.

f) okhatarozol: He was given a pay-rise for his working hard.

g) eszkozhatarozoi: He got into unioersiisj by submitting a second application.

h) i ddhatarozoi:

- egyidejuseg kifejezesere: On going home I met him.

- el6idejuseg kifejezesere: After going home I got down to business. Before going home I

locked all my drawers.



Peldamondatok Kozep- es felsOfok

1. Szeretek krimiket olvasni es sohasem tudom megaIlni, hogy ne nezzern meg a konyv veget.

2. Nines kifogasom az ellen, ha clkestek, de az nagyon zavar, ha bcszelgettek

ahelyett, hogy az el6adora figyelnetek.

3. Hagyd abba a kcrdezoskodest, nem szeretem, ha tanulas kozben zavarnak.

4. Szinte lehetetlen megakadaIyozni, hogy az emberek osszetorjek a tolefonftilkeket.

5. Furesa volt, hogy nem voltal ott a multkori bulin.

6. Kesese bosszantott.

7. A hazimunka elvegzese cs a munkahely kovetclmenyei mindig is problemat

fognak jelenteni a dolgozo n6 szamara.

8. Ahelyett, hogy pontosan valaszolt volna a kardesre, jelentektelen reszletekbe

borrvoloclo tt.

9. Ugy ment el, hogy nem kert elnezest udvariatlansagaert.

10. Azon krvul, hogy kemenyen tanul az iskolaban, vasarnaponkent komtiveskent


11. Miutan meghallgattak az erveit, a hallgatosag kesz volt elfogadni a javaslatot.

12. Amikor megerkeztem a taborba, meglep6dtem, hogy nem is talalkozom magyarokkal.

13. Biraltak arniatt, hogy nem szentel ke1l6 figyelmet a folnovekvo generaeio


14. A munkafolyamatok atszervezese es [avitasa rcven jelent6s fejlodes erhet6 el a

termelekenyseg novelese teren,

15. Semmit nem utalok [obban, mint ha orakig hiaba varakozom.

16. Sikeriilt megoldanod a problemat?

17. Lobeszeltem arrol, hogy orakat toltson egy presszo teraszan.

18. Elnezest kerek, hogy megvarakoztattam onto

19. Ezt a kijelentest helyesbiteni kell.

20. Erdemes meghallgatni ennek a tapasztalt el6adonak a velemenyet.

21. Ha barmikor a f6 utcan setalok, nem tudom elkeriilni, hogy vele talalkozzam,

22. Nem tehetek rola, de az az erzesem. hogy hiba csuszott a szamitasainkba.

23. Mit szolnal, ha nehany napot ebben a kedves kis faluban toltenenk?

24. Alig varom, hogy valaszodat megkapjam.

25. Zavarja, ha a fulkeben dohanyzom?

26. Sokaig nem voltunk hozzaszokva, hogy evekig sporoljunk valamire.

27. Azon gondolkodnak, hogy elcserelik a Iakasukat.

28. Nem tudom elkepzelni, hogy folyekonyan beszel franciaul,

29. Nem emlekszem, hogy valaha is ezt a nyakkend6t viselte volna.

30. Buszke lehet, hogy diplomas ember lett.

31. Gyanttottak, hogy 6 kovette el a gyilkossagot.

32. Merges volt, amiert megzavartam.

33. Tagadja, hogy latta mar ezt az embert?

34. Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy lekapesoltam a villanyt.

35. Nagyra er tckclern, hogy olyan sokat tottel a szuleidert,

36. Nem tudtam megbocsatani. hogy Tom az osszes penzet edessegre koltotte.

37. Miert nem emlitetted, hogy mar jartal ebben a varosban?

38. Nem tudtam megerteni, hogy miert utotte azt a szegeny gyereket.

39. Ne beszelj arrol, hogy mar targyaltam ezzel a vallalattal,

40. Ki nem allhatja, ha ellentmondanak neki.

41. Nem srnlekszem, hogy hallottam volna ezt a tortenctet.



42. Nem szeretem, ha nevetsegesse tesznek.

43. Ragaszkodik hozza, hogy az orcg viskot Iebontsak.

44. Azzal btmtettek, hogy lefekves el6tt nem kapott vacsorat.

45. Amikor megkerdeztek, mit tud a vadlottrol, nem tagadta, hogy mar latta.

46. Ne menj be a rende16be anelkul, hogy szolitananak!

47. Egy rend6r mentette meg a gyereket attol, hogy egy teherauto eliisse.

48. A helyedben tiltakoznek az ilyen banasmod ellen.

49. Elvezte, ha nagy tomeg hallgatta a szavait.

50. El sem tudom kepzelni, hogy eloleptessenek,

51. Nagyon orult. hogy a konferencia elnokeve valasztottak,

52. Hozza vagyok szokva, hogy a kialkudott arat kapom,

53. Meg a gondola tat sem szerette, hogy megbizhatatlan embernek higgyek,

54. Megmenekiiltem attol, hogy ujabb eloadas mogtartasara kerjenek fel Keats


55. Nagyon nem szerette, ha a legjobb tanulonak tartottak az iskolaban,

56. Cyulolom. ha hazudnak nekem.

57. Hajszalon mulott, hogy egy figyelmetlen sof6r nem gazolta el.

58. Tiltakozom az ellen, hogy ezt a pontot levegyiik a napirendr61.

59. Nem emlekszem, hogy valaha is megtagadtak volna t6le a scgitsegct.

60. A mernok ragaszkodott ahhoz, hogy mukodes kozben vizsgaljak meg az uj


61. Neheztelt azert, hogy igazsagtalanul vadoltak,

62. Hallottam, hogy premiumot kapott.

63. Megtudtuk, hogy a Iegujabb kiserlete sikeresen vegzodott.

64. Ne nyilatkozz err61 a temarol anelkul, hogy megkaptad volna minden reszletet,

65. Egeszen clegedett voltam, hogy ilyen jelent6s fizetesemelest kaptam.

66. Amikor hazaertunk, csodalkoztunk, hogy kedvezmenyes aron kaptuk a siite-


67. Bosszantotta, hogy eloleptettek.

68. Felhaborodott azert, hogy at okoltak a kudarcert,

69. Miert nem kertel elnezest, amiert tonkretetted a sz6nyeget?

70. Utalok koran kelni. - En is.

71. A fiokon nem volt nyoma annak, hogy barki is hozzanyult volna.

72. Nem tudom elviselni, ha az ismer6seim minden komolyabb ok nelkul felhivnak.

73. Ha van egy kis idod, javaslom, toltsuk ki ezt az urlapot.

74. Micrt nezel allandoan hatra? Attol felsz, kovetnek?

75. Ne nezz kortil, az egesz lakasra raferne a takaritas.

76. Figyclmeztethettel volna, hogy ilyen eles az ollod, Elkeriilhettem volna, hogy megvagjam az ujjam,

77. Megkerdeztc, volna-e kedvem veluk menni egy korutazasra.

78. Emlekszem, hogy mindezt mar tanultam, es szegyellcm, hogy ennyi hibat kovet-


79. Mit szolnal ahhoz, ha rna koran vacsoraznank?

80. Probald meg elkeriilni, hogy csucsforgalomban utazz.

81. Ezt az inget vasalni kell. - Valoban?

82. Es6 utan koponyeg,

83. Gratulalt ahhoz, hogy a legjobb eredrnenyt ertem el.

84. Szivesebben iszom bort, mint sort.

85. Uvegvagasra alkalmas szerszamra van szukscgem.

86. Nagyon szeretek kisebb munkakat vegezni a haz korul.

87. Ellenzem, hogy ilyen szep id6ben kiallttast nezzunk.

88. Lenne szives beesukni az ablakot?



89. Miert hagytad abba a naplotrast riehany oldal utan?

90. Ki nem allhatom, ha Iokdosnek a buszmegaIloban.

91. Megbanta, hogy nem Iepctt be korabban a klubba. .

92. Az iskola befejezcse ota az ocsem nem tudott elhelyezkedm.

93. Beleuntam a varakozasba es hazamentem.

94. A hirek hallatan elajult,

95. Raszokott arra, hogy hetente ketszer uszrii megy.

96. Ne kockaztasd azt, hogy rad Iojenek. ,

97. Nines ertelme, hogy vitatkozzunk vele: nagyon szereti, ha ave az utolso szo.

98. Most az egyszer hallgass meg anelkul, hogy felbeszakttanal.

99. Ejfelig meseltek a torteneteket,

100. Tagadja, hogy a Iopta el a borkabatomat. , '

101. Nem tehetek rola, rosszul vagyok, ha latom, hogy nagypenteken kolbaszt eszel.

102. Erzem, hogy valami eg, pedig emlekszem, hogy indulas elatt eloltottam a gazt.

103. Az a szokasa, hogy elfelejti a hataridoket.


1. I'm fond of reading thrillers and I can never help looking at the ending of the book.

2. I have no objection to your being late but I'm much disturbed by your talking

instead of listening to the lecturer.

3. Stop asking questions. I don't like being disturbed while studying.

4. It's almost impossible to prevent people from breakmg telephone boxes.

5. Your being absent from the party last night was strange.

6. His being late annoyed me. . .

7. Doing the household chores and meeting the requirements of a Job WIll always

continue to be a problem for working women.

8. Instead of answering the question exactly he went into insignificant details.

9. He left without apologizing for his discourtesy.

10. Besides studying hard at school he works as a bricklayer on Sundays.

11. After listening to his arguments the audience were ready to accept the proposal.

12. On arriving at the camp I was surprised at not meeting a single Hungarian.

13. He was criticized for not paying sufficient attention to the abilities of the younger

generation. .

14. By reorganizing and improving working processes a considerable increase in

labour productivity can be attained.

15. There is nothing I hate more than waiting for hours in vain.

16. Did you succeed in solving the problem? ,

17. I dissuaded him from spending hours on the terrace of a cafe. 18.-1 apologize for keeping you waiting.

19. This statement needs correcting.

20. It is worth listening to the opinion of this experienced lecturer.

21. Whenever I walk in the main street I can't avoid meeting him.

22. I can't help feeling that there was a mistake in our calculations.

23. What/How about spending some days in this lovely village?

24. I'm looking forward to receiving your reply.

25. Do you mind my smoking in the compartment?

26. For a long time we were not accustomed to saving money for years to buy


27. They are thinking of exchanging their flat.

28. I can't imagine her speaking French fluently.



29. I can't remember him ever wearing this tie.

30. He can be proud of having graduated.

31. He was suspected of having committed the murder.

32. He was angry at my having disturbed him.

33. Do you deny having seen this man before?

34. I'm not sure of having switched off the light.

35. I appreciate your having done so much for your parents.

36. I couldn't forgive Tom's having spent all his money on sweets.

37. Why didn't you mention your having been in this town before?

38. I couldn't understand him beating that poor child.

39. Don't speak about my having negotiated with this company.

40. He can't stand being contradicted.

41. I don't remember being told this story.

42. I don't like being ridiculed.

43. He insists on the old hut being demolished.

44. He was punished by being sent to bed without dinner.

45. On being asked what he knew about the accused he didn't deny having seen him


46. Don't enter the surgery without being called.

47. A policeman saved the child from being run over by a lorry.

48. If I were you, I would object to being treated like that.

49. He enjoyed being listened to by a crowd.

50. I can't even imagine being promoted.

51. He was delighted at being appointed chairman of the conference.

52. I am used to being given the price bargained for.

53. He didn't like even the idea of being thought to be an unreliable person.

54. I've escaped being asked to deliver another lecture on the poetry of Keats.

55. He intensely disliked being considered (to be) the brightest pupil in the school.

56. I detest being told a lie.

57. He narrowly escaped being run over by a careless driver.

58. I object to this item being removed from the agenda.

59. I can't remember her ever being refused help.

60. The engineer insisted upon the device being tested under operating conditions.

61. He resented having been unjustly accused.

62. I heard about his having been awarded a bonus.

63. We learned of his experiment having been finished successfully.

64. Don't give a statement on this matter without having been given all the details.

65. I was quite content with having been given such a substantial pay rise.

66. On arriving home we were surprised at having been given the cake at a discount


67. He was annoyed at my having been promoted.

68. He was indignant at having been blamed for the failure.

69. Why didn't you apologize for having spoilt the carpet?

70. I hate getting up early. - So do I.

71. On the drawer there was no trace of anybody having touched it.

72. I can't bear my acquaintances phoning without any serious reason.

73. If you have some free time I suggest filling in this form.

74. Why do you keep looking back? Are you afraid of being followed?

75. Don't look around. The whole flat needs cleaning.

76. You should have warned me that your scissors are so sharp. I could have avoided cutting my fingers.

77. He asked whether I felt like accompanying them on a tour.




78. I remember learning all this before and I'm ashamed of having made so many


79. What/How about having an early dinner tonight?

80. Try to avoid travelling in the rush hours.

81. This shirt needs ironing. - Does it?

82. It's no use crying over spilt milk.

83. He congratulated me on my having achieved the best result.

84. I prefer drinking wine to drinking beer.

85. I need a tool suitable for cutting glass.

86. I enjoy doing odd jobs around the house.

87. I'm against visiting an exhibition in such fine weather.

88. Would you mind shutting the window?

89. Why did you give up keeping a diary after a few pages?

90. I can't stand being pushed at the bus stop.

91. He regretted not joining the club earlier.

92. Since leaving school my younger brother hasn't found a job.

93. I got bored with waiting and went home.

94. On hearing the news she fainted.

95. He took to going swimming twice a week.

96. Don't risk being shot at.

97. It's no use quarrelling with him. He is keen on having the last word.

98. This time listen to me without interrupting.

99. They went on telling stories until midnight.

100. He denies having stolen my leather jacket.

101. I can't help feeling ill when I see you eating sausages on Good Friday.

102. I can smell something burning though I remember switching off the gas before leaving.

103. He is in the habit of forgetting deadlines.


Osszefoglal6 gyakorlat a Gerund es Infinitive hasznalatara


1. A lanyok megalltak beszelgetni az utcan.

2. Abbahagvtak a beszelgetest, amikor meglattak az osztalyfonokot,

3. Sajnalom, hogy tegnap minden ok nelkul Ieszidtalak.

4. Sajnalattal kozlom, de a volegenye azt mondta, hogy megbanta, hogy felesegul


5. Emlekszcl ra, hogy adtal szamlat a szovetrol?

6. Nem fogom elfelejteni, hogy meghivjam a szulinapi bulimra.

7. A vasutassztrajk azt jelenti, hogy a diakok fele nem tud iskolaba jonni,

8. Meg akarta olni a sotetben.

9. Hardy eloszor verseket irt, csak kesobb tert at a rcgenytrasra.

10. Az el6ad6 megivott egy pohar vizet, maid tovabb beszelt Dickensr6l.

11. Mindig maganal tart egy gazsprayt, mert attol tart, hogy megtamadjak.

12. Miert nem mersz az igazgat6 el6tt panaszkodni?





1. The girls stopped to talk in the street.

2. They stopped talking when they caught sight of the form master.

3. I regret scolding you yesterday without any reason.

4. I regret to tell you but your fiance said that he regretted proposing marriage to


5. Do you remember giving a receipt for the material?

6. I shall remember to invite him to my birthday party.

7. The railway strike means half of the pupils not being able to come to school.

8. He meant to kill her in the dark.

9. At first Hardy wrote poems, and only later did he go on to write novels.

10. The lecturer drank a glass of water, then went on speaking about Dickens.

11. She always has a gas spray with her as she is afraid of being attacked.

12. Why are you afraid to complain in the presence of the director?







Present (Continuous) Perfect


giving having given

being given having been given given

Targyatlan igek eseteben:

Present (Continuous) Perfect

Active running having run

Peld6k az: egyes alakokra:

Lattam, amint titkos dokumentumokat ad at egy tigynoknek. I saw him giving secret documents to an agent.

Mivel kimertilt voltam, nem tudtam mindenkinek vacsorat kesziteni. Being exhausted I couldn't prepare dinner for eoerfbodi].

Miutan elkerte t6lem a szotaramat, konnyen leforditotta a cikket. Having asked for my dictionary, he was easily able to translate the article.

Mivei eloleptettek, ketszer annyit kellett dolgoznom, mint el6tte. Having been promoted I had to work twice as hard as before.

Mivel az ercdmeny elkeseritette, elment a legkozelebbi kocsmaba, hogy italba

fojtsa banatat, . .

Disappointed by the result, he went to the nearest pub to drown hIS sorrows In drink.

Ot fiu jott futva felenk.

Five boys came running towards us.

Miutan harom kilometert futott, teljesen ki volt fulladva. Having run three kilometres he was completely out of breath.




Kozep- es felsOfok

1. Probaljuk meg elerni a 10.30-kor indulo vonatot!

2. Tegnap egy erdekes aloadast hallgattunk Swift muveirol,

3. Ha barki izmos akar lenni, javaslom, tornasszon naponta tobb orat,

4. Ismered a professzor tij konyvet, mely a fajok eredetet es fejlodcsct irja le?

5. Ma a mondatelemzes problemaival fogunk foglalkozni.

6. A szakacs erezte, hogy eg a hus.

7. Eszrevettem, hogy a gyerekek beszelgetnek, majd rajtacsiptem oket, hogy a cssresznvefamon masznak.

s. El tudod kepzelni, hogy csipkes harisnyaban jarjak?

9. Figyelttik, amint a viragagyasokat gyomlalta, majd hallottuk, hogy metszette a fakat,

10. Mivel a randevum csak 7-kor volt, setaltam egy kicsit.

11. Nem akartalak megvaratni a szmhaz elocsarnokaban. de vissza kellett fordulnom,

mert nyitva hagytam a vizcsapot.

12. Azonnal elinditom a szovcgszcrkeszto programot.

13. Tisztan lattam, hogy az id6s holgy piros Iampanal lepett le az uttestre.

14. Az itt hasznalt drat nagyon vekony.

15. Szamitasba kellene vennunk azokat az adatokat, melyekre a felmeres utal.

16. Az egesz orszagban megvitatasra kerulo gazdasagi intezkedesek az egyeni

gazdalkodok lehetosegeit javitjak.

17. A vasaron bemutatott konyhai eszkozok kozott sok elektromos keszulek van. IS. Ot orat toltottunk azzal, hogy megtalaljuk anyam kedvenc varrottijet,

19. Megfigyeltel mar valaha egy madarat, amint a fiokait eteti?

20. Hallottam, amint a betoro az elulso bejarati ajtot feltorte,

21. Egy evet pocsekoltam azzal, hogy egy olyan nyelvet tanultam, ami szamomra tul


22. Nagy sikere lesz a most probalt darabnak.

23. A leirt ttinetek azt mutatjak, hogy influenzaja van.

24. Az akkor vizsgalt anyagok nemelyikerol kiderult, hogy az egeszsegre karosak.

25. Mivel nagyon faradt voltam, aznap nem ettem vacsorat,

26. Mivel siettem, nem tudtam segiteni egy lerobbant auto vezctojcnek.

27. Amikor megittam a szokasos pohar tejemet, meg szomjasabbnak ercztem magam. 2S. Amikor az utcan setaltam, hirtelen megpillantottam egy regi osztalvtarsamat.

29. Mivel a nagysztilei neveltek fel, meglehetosen regimodi elvei voltak.

30. Mivel nem nem tudok szepen takaritani, elhataroztam, hogy bejaronot fogadok.

31. Mivel nem tudtam megfelelo lakast talalni, egy diakszallon laktam.

32. Nem tudvan, kihez forduljak tanacsert, a legkezenfekvobb megoldast valasztot-


33. Mivel nem volt valami nagy tengeresz, cgesz hajoutunkon tengeribeteg volt.

34. Valaki var rad kinn.

35. Ne menj at az utonl Egy sor auto jon.

36. Ugy tekintenek ra, mint a legmegbizhatobb konyvelore.

37. Olajfuras kozben a geologusok egy rejtett tavat talaltak.

3S. Meredek lejton valo haladas kozben a vezet6knek kisebb sebessegbe kell kapcsolniuk.

39. Faulkner regenyeit olvasva gyakran bukkansz olyan szavakra, melyeket a koznapi angol ritkan hasznal,

40. Miutan beszeltunk vele, meg voltunk gy6zodve arrol, hogy segiteni fog.



41. Miutan meghallgatta a dolgoz6k panaszait, az igazgat6 ncgyedevenkcnti prerniu-

mot igert,

42. [avaban keszul a holnapi sztnieloadasra.

43. Az orvos segttscgevcl egy h6nap mulva jarni tudsz.

44. Sotet helyre teve a virag elvesztti zold szinet,

45. Ebb61 a nozopontbol javaslata egesz esszertinek latszik.

46. A rcgeny szinte ismeretlen volt, amig nem Iorditottak le mas nyelvekre.

47. Mivel gyengcn beszel angolul, nem erti az angol nyelvu musorokat.

48. Mivel stirgetett az ido, nem tudtunk tovabb varni,

49: Penzszukeben leven elhataroztuk, hogy elhalasztjuk kulfoldi utunkat.

50. Mivel azel6tt sohasem voltunk ilyen helyzetben, tanacstalanok voltunk. mit tegytink.

51. Mivel els6 olvasasra nem erfettern meg egy gazdasagrol sz616 cikket, elhataroztam, hogy ujbol elolvasom.

52. Miutan megkaptam a szukseges informaciot, kimentem a peronhoz.

53. Mivel a baleset soran az aut6 er6sen megrongalodott, be kellett vontatni egy

kozeli szervizbe.

54. Mivel eppen betores kozben ertek tetten oket, azormal letartoztattak 6ket.

55. Regiscge miatt a kezirat olvashatatlan volt.

56. Gyonyoruck voltak a nagyapam altal gyujtott lepkek az tiveg alatt.

57. Elvetettek az indrtvanyt, mert a bizottsag robbscge nem hagyta jova.

58. Mivel ket erdekes allast ajanlottak fel neki, nem tudta, melyiket fogadja el.

59. Mivel sok baja volt a biciklijevel, elhatarozta, hogy eladja.

60. Komoly beteg leven minden megbeszeleset le kellett mondania.

61. Abbahagytuk a beszelgetest, amikor furcsa zajt hallottunk.

62. Miutan rengeteg penzt vesztett loverscnyen, abbahagyta a fogadast,

63. Ha ezt a gombot bonyomjak, beinditja a riaszt6rendszert.

64. Ezek a gepek nem gazdasagosak, ha nem hasznaljak 6ket gyakran.

65. Ha j61 elmagyarazzak ezt az eljarast, meg a laikusok szamara is ertheto lesz.

66. Az ilyen munkara jelentkez6knek igen fejlett kezdernenyezokeszsegre van


67. Megfelel6 tarolas eseten a gomba akar egy hetig' is eltarthat6.

68. Megfelel6 elkeszttes eseten a hal szamos izletes etel alapja lehet.

69. Ha a megfelel6 kezelest kapja, e betegscg barmely formaja gy6gyithat6.

70. Bar rajottek, hogy hibat kovettek el, nem valtoztattak a viselkedesukon.

71. Mivel vasarnap volt, minden bank zarva volt.

72. Nagyon 6vatosnak kell lenned, ha ezzel a szerszammal dolgozol.

73. Mivel elbocsatottak, elkezdett maganorakat adni.

74. Mivel nincsenek fak az udvarban, a leveg6 nem elcg friss.

75. Mivel megtalaltak a legszebb lanyt, nem volt ertelme folytatni a szepscgversenyt.

76. Hogyan tudsz nevetni, amikor a hugod korhazban fekszik?

77. Azt varod, dolgozzam, amikor az egyeves lanyod itt van korulottem?

78. Amikor kihajoltam az ablakon, lattam, hogy egy teheraut6 parkol a haz el6tt.

79. Baratai segttscgevel megmentette a kiscicat,

80. Bar ugy tett, mintha folyekonyan beszelne angolul, alig tudta magat megcrtctni az

angol vendegekkel.

81. Mozdulatlanul tilve hallgatta a radiot,

82. Viselkedesebol itelve nem kapott valami j6 nevelest,

83. Tulajdonkeppen nem lenne szabad a btifen kivul dohanvoznod.

84. Mindent figyelembe veve ugy hiszem, nem ezt a problemat kellene elsokent megvitatni.



85. Nagy altalanossagban sz6lva azt lehet mondani, hogy a francia n6k jobban

odafigyelnek az oltozkodesukre, mint a magyarok.

86. Korahoz kepest igen ugyesen zongorazik.

87. A turistak alltak a szalloda teraszan es csodaltak a gyonyoru kilatast,

88. Sietve jott be a rendelobe.

89. A jegyzetftizetem eltemetve fekudt egy halom konyv alatt.

90. Lattam, amint az erd6 ttizet fogott, es azonnal ertesitettem a tuzoltokat.

91. Figyeltem, ahogy a munkasok kiuntik a kamiont.

92. Garazsban ne jarasd az aut6 motorjaf

93. A fott vagy stilt tojast szereted?

94. Varatlan nehezsegekkel talaltam szemben magam.

95. Mivel felt a hulloktol, nem merte megfogni a gyikot.

96. A kislany nagyon boldog volt, mert egyediil kuldtek a boltba.

97. Mivel toroltek a londoni jaratot, csak masnap tudtam Angliaba utazni.

98. Az Azsia partvidekcn vegigsopro hurrikan tobb szaz lerombolt hazat hagyott maga utan,

99. Amikor a tancterembe Iepetr, minden bakfis csak 6t csodalta,

100. Mivel megoperaltak epek6vel, nem kellett agg6dnia, hogy visszaternek az eros fajdalmak.


1. Let's try to catch the train leaving at 10.30.

2. Yesterday we attended an interesting lecture dealing with the works of Swift.

3. For anyone wanting to be muscular I recommend doing physical exercises several hours a day.

4. Do you know the professor's new book describing the origin and development of


5. Today we shall deal with problems concerning sentence analysis.

6. The cook smelt the meat burning.

7. I noticed the children talking together, then I caught them climbing my cherrytree.

8. Can you imagine me wearing lacy tights?

9. We watched him weeding the flower-beds, then heard him pruning the trees.

10. My appointment being only at 7 o'clock, I walked a little.

11. I didn't want to keep you waiting in the foyer but I had to go back home because I

had left the water running.

12. I'll start the word processing program going right now.

13. I distinctly saw the elderly lady stepping on the road when the lights were red.

14. The wire nsed here is very thin.

15. We should take into account the data referred to in the survey.

16. The economic measures being discussed all over the country will enhance opportunities for individual farmers.

17. Among the kitchen gadgets being demonstrated at the fair there are many

electrical appliances.

18. We spent five hours looking for my mother's favourite needle.

19. Have you ever observed a bird feeding its young ones?

20. I heard the burglar breaking the front door open.

21. I wasted a year learning a language that is too difficult for me.

22. The play being rehearsed is going to be a success.

23. The symptoms described indicate that you have the flu.

24. Some of the substances investigated at that time proved to be injurious to health.



25. Being very tired, I didn't have dinner that day.

26. Being in a hurry, I couldn't help the driver of a broken down car.

27. Having drunk my usual glass of milk, I felt even thirstier.

28. Walking in the street, I suddenly caught sight of an ex-classmate of mine.

29. Having been brought up by his grandparents, he had rather old-fashioned


30. Not being good at cleaning, I made up my mind to employ a charwoman.

31. Not being able to find a suitable flat, I stayed at a student hostel.

32. Not knowing who to turn to for advice, I chose the most obvious solution.

33. Not being much of a sailor, he was seasick throughout our voyage.

34. There is somebody waiting for you outside.

35. Don't cross the street: there's a stream of cars coming.

36. He is looked upon as being the most reliable accountant.

37. Boring for oil, the geologists found an underground lake.

38. When going down a steep hill, drivers have to change down into a lower gear.

39. Reading the novels of Faulkner, you will often come across words which are seldom used in everyday English.

40. Having talked to him, we were convinced he would help us.

41. Having listened to the complaints of the workers, the director promised a

quarterly bonus.

42. He is busy preparing for tomorrow's performance.

43. The doctor will have you walking in a month.

44. Put in a dark place, a plant loses its green colour.

45. Regarded from this point of view, his suggestion seems to be quite reasonable.

46. Until translated into other languages, the novel was almost unknown.

47. His English being very poor, he can't understand programmes in English.

48. Being pressed for time, we couldn't wait any longer.

49. Being short of money, we decided to postpone our trip abroad.

50. Never having experienced such a situation before, we were at a loss what to do.

51. Not having understood an article on economics at the first reading, I decided to read it once again.

52. Having been given the necessary information, I went to the platform.

53. Having been badly damaged in the accident, the car had to be towed to a nearby


54. Being caught in the act of burgling, they were arrested at once.

55. Having been written long ago, the manuscript was illegible.

56. Having been collected by my grandfather, the butterflies looked beautiful under the glass.

57. Not having been approved of by the majority of the committee, the proposition

was abandoned.

58. Having been offered two interesting jobs, she didn't know which one to accept.

59. Having had too much trouble with his bike, he decided to sell it.

60. Being seriously ill, he had to cancel all his appointments.

61. Hearing a strange noise, we stopped talking.

62. Having lost a lot of money on horses, he gave up betting.

63. If pressed, this button will start the alarm system.

64. These machines are uneconomical unless used frequently.

6~. If well explained, this process will be clear even for non-professionals.

66. Those applying for jobs like this need highly developed initiative.

67. Stored properly, mushrooms can be kept for as long as a week.

68. Prepared correctly, fish can be the basis of numerous delicious meals.

69. Given the right treatment, any form of this disease is curable.



70. Despite realizing that they had made a mistake, they did not change their


71. It being Sunday, all the banks were closed.

72. You should be very careful when working with this tool.

73. Having been dismissed, he started giving private lessons.

74. There being no trees in the yard, the air is not fresh enough.

75. The most beautiful girl having been found, there was no point in going on with

the beauty contest.

76. How can you laugh with your sister lying in hospital?

77. Do you expect me to work with your one-year-old daughter around me?

78. Leaning out of the window, I saw a lorry parking in front of the house.

79. Helped by his friends, he rescued the kitten.

80. Though pretending to speak English fluently, he could hardly make himself

understood to the English guests.

81. He sat motionless, listening to the radio.

82. Judging from his behaviour, he hasn't been given a good upbringing.

83. Strictly speaking, you shouldn't smoke outside the refreshment room.

84. Taking all things into consideration, I don't think this should be the issue to be discussed first.

85. Generally speaking, French women fire more dress-conscious than Hungarian


86. Considering his age, he is very talented at playing the piano.

87. The tourists stood on the terrace of the hotel admiring the marvellous view.

88. He came hurrying into the surgery.

89. My note-book lay buried under a pile of books.

90. I saw the forest catching fire and I immediately informed the fire-brigade.

91. I watched the workers emptying the lorry.

92. Don't leave the engine of the car running in a garage.

93. Do you like your eggs boiled or fried?

94. I found myself confronted with unexpected difficulties.

95. Being afraid of reptiles, he didn't dare to touch the lizard.

96. Being sent alone to the shop, the little girl was very happy.

97. The flight to London having been cancelled, I could leave for England only on the following day.

98. The hurricane, having swept along the coast of Asia, left hundreds of houses destroyed.

99. Entering the dancing saloon, he was admired by all the teenage girls.

100. Having been operated on for gallstones, she didn't have to worry about the recurrence of strong pains.





Hangsulyozas celjabol bizonyos - tobbnyire korlatozo vagy negativ ertelmu - hatarozokat vagy hatarozoi szerkezeteket a mondat elejcre helyezunk. s ezeket az ige kerdo mondatra jellemzo formaja koveti.

A legfontosabb ilyen kiemelt hatarozok:

never, seldom, scarcely, ever, scarcely ... when, no sooner ... than, in no circumstances, only then, only in this way, neither, nor, on no account, only when, not only.

Peldamondatok Kozep- es felsofok

1. Nemesak hogy hazudott, de meg lopott is.

2. Nemesak hogy sokaig kell sutnod a sutoben, de meg diszitened is kell talalas elott petrezselyemmeL

3. Csak mikor a felesege meghalt, [ott ra, mit is tett tulajdonkeppen,

4. Csak mikor a professzor kijelentette, hogy nem engedi at, fogta fol, hogy sose fog

atmenni anatomiabol.

5. Semrni szm alatt nem kerulhetsz kapesolatba a skinheadekkel!

6. Semmikepp nem emlitheted meg neki, hogy mi mar talalkoztunk.

7. Nemesak hogy a megkerdezesem nelkul kolcsonvette a kocsit, de raadasul meg bssze is tbrte.

8. Soha nem lattam meg ilyen ronda menyasszonyt!

9. Sosem volt meg ilyen eudar a tenger! - mondta Fa Nandor.

10. Eszre sem vette, hogy tuz van, amig meg nem sz6lalt a riasztocscngo,

11. Csak a nagyanyjanal ehetsz ilyen finom soml6i galuskat,

12. Csak tobb evi probalkozas utan vettek fel a szinmtiveszetire.

13. Csak nagyon j6 mikroszkoppal latni ezt a paranyi allatot,

14. Alig bujtunk agyba, amikor beallttott a ferje.

15. Alighogy befordult a sarkon a Baker Streetre, letrtotte ket [okepu huligan.

16. Alig erkeztem meg Angliaba eletemben eloszor, maris esni kezdett az eso.

17. Alighogy a fofclugyelo arra kerte a vendegeket, hogy ne essenek panikba,

valamennyien elkezdtek visitozni.

18. Soha tobbe nem fogok egy filler vallalkozoi kolcsont felvenni!

19. Annyira meg volt ijedve, hogy nem tudott megsz6lalni.

20. Alig tudsz valamit a gondjaimr6L

21. Annyira boldog. hogy szinte a levegoben rep ked.

22. Ha en Iennck a miniszterelnok, emeltem volna a nyugdijakat.

23. Ha meghalt volna, ertesitettek volna a legkbzelebbi hozzatartozoit,

24. Ha netan talalkoznal vele, mondd meg neki, hogy nagy ivben kerulje el a hazam tajat!

25. Ha ne adj' isten megkoszonne, probalj mosolyogni!



26. Sehol nem talalta a kuszob ala rejtett ekszereit.

27. Egy perere sem hagyta el a lakast, amig nem voltal itthon.

28. Ha el6bb szoltal volna, figyelmeztethettelek volna.

29. Ha netan megis ugy dontok, hogy elfogadom az allast, ala kell irnom ezt a szerzo-


30. Itt jon az en szeretett ferjemuram!

31. A hazteton uldogelt Alenka, haloruhaban,

32. Ritkan latni ekkora capatl

33. Egy lelket se lattam egesz heten.

34. Ritkan jovok ebbe a gusztustalan kinai vendeglobe,

35. Egyetlenegy utasitasat sem hajtottak vegrc rendesen.

36. Sose volt erzeke az ilyen dolgokhoz. - Hat, neked se!

37. Nem fogok ferjhez menni, de a hugom se!

38. Se en, se a nem emlekezett arra, hogy yalaha Iattuk volna.

39. Mindenkinek jelen kell lennie, igy neked is.

40. Holnap ilyenkorra nem fogja befejezni es a versenytarsai sem.

41. Nem kell beadnod az adobevallasod, ha nem akarod. A felesegednek sem.

42. Nem tudok citerazni es a testvercm sem tud; soha nem is tudott.

43. Eddig azt a fortelmesen koszos szobadat takaritottuk anyukaddal egyutt.

44. A Liverpooli Egyetemen vegzett, akarcsak a batyja, mindketten 1985-ben.

45. Ha nem mentunk volna ferjhez, most venlany lennek en is, te is.

46. Hfitlenkedett, meg mielott elvett volna. - A te urad is.

47. Hatalmas palotat fog eptteni. A szomszedja is.

48. Epp arra akarja ravenni a lanyt, hogy menjen el vele moziba. - John is.

49. Holnap ilyenkor nevetni fogok az egeszen es a tobbiek is.

50. Sziasztok! - mondta, es elviharzott.

51. A fiuk elmentek, de mi ennek egyaltalan nem orultunk,

52. A sas addig-addig korozott az aldozata felett, arnig meg nem latta az alkalmas

helyet a lecsapasra,

53. Nem yettem meg vonatjegyet. - En sem.

54. Ha a helyeben lennek, soha nem vennek fel ilyen cipot.

55. Nemesak azt mondta, hogy elvisz a sztnhazba. hanem meg azt is, hogy utana

elmegyunk vacsorazni,

56. Sehol mashol nem fogsz olyan kedves embereket talalni, mint a Fidzsi-szigeteken.

57. Eletem soran ketszer volt szerencsem a lott6n.

58. Az iden mar elultettem a fakat, - Mi is.

59. Alighogy elaludt, valaki felebresztette, es 6 azt hitte, hogy egy betoro jar a lakasban, pedig esak a testvere volt.

60. Gyerekkoromban sokszor fociztam a tisztason a fiukkal,

61. Ha tudtam volna, hogy tonkreteszed a vide6t, nem kertelek volna meg, hogy vedd fel nekem a filmet.

62. Semrnilyen korulmenyek kozott nem valaszolnek a kerdeseire.

63. Alig jott haza a korhazbol, ujra beteg lett es az orvosa visszakuldte a belgyogyaszatra.

64. Alighogy elkoltoztek, uj emberek jottek a lakasba, akik ujrafestettek a szobakat.

65. Soha eletemben nem lattam meg olyan gyonyoru hajat, mint amilyen ennek a

kislanynak van.

66. Ezelott soha ilyen j61 nem irtam meg a tesztet a vizsgan, mint most.

67. Csak veletlenul hallottam, hogy megis kapunk jutalmat.

68. Annyira ideges lett, hogy minden porcikaja remegett.

69. Csak a tobbiek beleegyezesevel irhatom ala a szerzodest,

70. Csak Floridaban lattam olyan elettel teli tengerpartot.



71. Alighogy elhagyta a hazat, az azonnal osszeomlott, mint egy kartyavar.

72. Alig erkeztem meg az iskolaba, amikor omleni kezdett az es6.

73. Nemcsak megoldotta a testvere hazi feladatat, hanem el is ment helyette az iskolaba, ugyanis ikrek voltak.

74. Nemcsak kiboritotta a levest a foldre, de meg a levesestalat is elejtette.

75. Annyira boldog volt, amikor John megkerte a kezet, hogy madarat lehetett volna fogatni vele.

76. Ritkan hallottam olyan buta tortenetet, mint amilyet te talaltal ki.

77. Semmikeppen sem szabad hozzanyulnod a snremenyhez, mert az a szuletesnapodra keszult,

78. Milyen csodalatos, hogy megnyertuk ezt az alomszep aut6t!

79. Figyeljetek! Ott megy Mr. Holiday. Nem kellene figyelmeztetni, hogy elvesztette a


80. Ha nem lennenek a gyerekek, most nem mennenk el Disney Land-be.

81. Ha megis megjbnne, szolj neki, hogy menjen be a fonokhoz.

82. Ha tudtam volna, hogy ez titok, biztos nem mondtam volna el senkinek.

83. Ha bt evvel ezel6tt megtettem volna, amit meg kellett volna tennem, rna biztos

boldogabb lermek.

84. Ha nem lopta volna el a pcnzt, rna nem ulne bortonben,

85. Eppenhogy befejezte a mosogatast, amikor a vendegek megerkeztek,

86. Csak kesobb dobbent ra, hogy milyen rossz valaszokat Irt a tortenelem dolgozataban,

87. Semmilyen korulmenyek kozott sem szabad idegen embereket beengedni a

lakasba, mert akar rablo, legrosszabb esetben gyilkos is lehet.

88. Barcsak itt lenne Peter, mcgoldana a problemamatl

89. Ha megkerdezett volna, oszinten megmondtam volna a valemenyemet.

90. Ha megkert volna, elmentem volna vele kirandulni a hegyekbe, vagy akar a

Balatonra is.

91. Barcsak gazdag lennek! Vennek egy nagyobb lakast es egy aut6t.

92. Ha ti is reszt vettetek volna a bankrablasban, most ti is a bortonben pihennetek.

93. Ha hamarabb megmondtad volna a kerdeseket, lett volna id6m valaszolni,


1. Not only did he tell a lie but he also committed a theft.

2. Not only do you have to bake it in the oven for a long time but you even have to garnish it with parsley before serving.

3. Only when his wife died did he realize what he had actually done.

4. Only when the professor declared that he wouldn't pass him did he comprehend

that he would never succeed in passing the exam in anatomy.

5. In no circumstances can you have anything to do with skinheads!

6. On no account can you mention to him that we have met before.

7. Not only had he borrowed my car without asking me but, on top of all that, he crashed it as well.

8. Never have I seen such an ugly bride!

9. "Never has the sea been so rough", said Fa Nandor.

10. Not until the alarm bell rang did he realize that there was a fire.

11. Only ather grandma's can you eat such a delicious Soml6 sponge cake.

12. Only after years of trying was he accepted to the Academy of Film and Theatrical Arts.

13. Only with the help of a very strong microscope can this minute animal be seen.



14. Hardly had we slipped into bed when her husband turned up.

15. No sooner had he turned the corner into Baker Street than he was knocked down by two good-looking hooligans.

16. Scarcely had I arrived in England for the first time in my life when it started to rain.

17. Barely had the superintendant asked the guests not to panic when all of them

started screaming.

18. Never again will I take out even a penny on a business loan!

19. So frightened was he that he couldn't utter a word.

20. Little do you know about my problems.

21. So happy is she that she walks on air.

22. Were I the Prime Minister, I would have raised pensions.

23. Had he died, his closest relatives would have been informed.

24. Should you meet him, tell him to give the neighbourhood of my house a wide


25. Should he thank you for it, try to smile.

26. Nowhere could she find her jewels hidden under the threshold.

27. At no time did he leave the flat while you were away.

28. Had you mentioned it earlier, I could have warned you.

29. Should I decide to accept this job, I must sign this contract.

30. Here comes my beloved husband.

31. On the top of the roof was Alenka sitting in her night-dress.

32. Rarely can you see such a big shark.

33. Not a soul have I seen all week.

34. Rarely / Seldom do I come into this disgusting Chinese restaurant.

35. Not a single order of his was/has been carried out properly.

36. He has never had any feeling/intuition for things like this. - Well, neither have


37. I won't get married, but neither will my younger sister.

38. Neither he nor I remembered ever having seen him.

39. Everybody must be present, and so must you.

40. He won't have finished it by this time tomorrow and neither will his competitors.

41. You don't have to submit your tax declaration if you don't want to. - Neither does your wife.

42. I can't play the zither and neither can my brother; he has never been able to.

43. We have been cleaning that abominably dirty room of yours and so has your mother.

44. He graduated from the University of Liverpool and so did his brother, both in


45. Had we not got married, I would be a spinster and so would you.

46. He had been unfaithful before he married you. - So had your husband.

47. He is going to build an enormous palace. So is his neighbour.

48. He is just trying to persuade the girl to go to the cinema with him. - So is John.

49. This time tomorrow I will be laughing at all this and so will the others.

50. "Bye!", he said and stormed off.

51. The boys left but we were not a bit happy about it.

52. Round and round flew the eagle above his victim until he found the best place to

pounce down upon it.

53. I haven't bought a ticket for the train yet. - Neither have 1.

54. If I were him, never would I wear such shoes.

55. Not only did he say that he would take me to the theatre but also that we would go for dinner afterwards.



56. Nowhere else will you find such friendly people as in the Fiji Islands.

57. Twice in my life have I had luck in the lottery.

58. This year I have already planted the trees. - So have we.

59. No sooner had he fallen asleep than he was woken up by somebody. He thought there was a burglar in the flat although it was only his brother.

60. Many a time did I play football with the boys in the clearing.

61. Had I known that you would break the video recorder, I wouldn't have asked you to record the film for me.

62. Under/In no circumstances would I answer his questions.

63. Hardly had he come home from the hospital when he fell ill again and his doctor sent him back to the department for internal diseases.

64. No sooner had they moved out than new people arrived and had the flat painted


65. Never in my life have I seen such beautiful hair as that of this little girl.

66. Never before have I done the test paper in the exam as well as now.

67. Only by chance did I hear that we shall receive a bonus.

68. So nervous did he become that he was trembling all over.

69. Only with the consent of the others can I sign the contract.

70. Only in Florida did I see such a lively seaside.

71. Hardly had he left the house when it collapsed like a house of cards.

72. Hardly had I arrived at the school when it started to pour with rain.

73. Not only did he do his brother's homework but also went to school for him since

they were twins.

74. Not only did she pour the soup on the floor but she also dropped the soup-tureen.

75. As happy as a lark was she when John proposed marriage to her.

76. Rarely have I heard such a silly a story as the one you have made up.

77. By no means may you touch the cake, because it was made for your birthday.

78. Isn't it nice for us to have won this wonderful car!

79. Look! There goes Mr. Holiday. Shouldn't we warn him that he has lost his hat?

80. Were it not for the children, we wouldn't be going to Disney Land now.

81. Should he come, tell him the boss wants to see him.

82. Had I known that it was a secret, I surely wouldn't have told it to anyone.

83. Had I done what I should have done five years ago, I would surely be happier


84. Had he not stolen the money, he wouldn't be in prison now.

85. Hardly had she finished the washing up when the guests arrived.

86. Only later did he realize what bad answers he had written in his history test paper.

87. Under/In no circumstances can strangers be let into the flat because they may be

burglars or, in the worst possible case, even murderers.

88. Were Peter here, he would solve my problem.

89. Had he asked me, I would have told him my opinion honestly.

90. Had he asked me, I would have gone with him on a trip to the mountains or even to Lake Balaton.

91. Were I rich, I would buy a larger flat and a car.

92. Had you also participated in the bank robbery, you too would be having a rest in prison.

93. Had you told me the questions earlier, I would have had time to answer them.




("Mit gondolsz, ... " - kerdesek)

A kerdes tipusanak lenyege a hangsulyozott kerdoszo mondat elejero helyezese. Az ezt koveto fomondat utan a mellekmoridat zaro reszc a kijelento mondat szorendjar koveti,

1. Mit gondolsz, hany eves vagyok?

2. Mit gondolsz, milyen gyakran mennek moziba?

1. How old do you think I am?

2. How often do you think they go to the cinema?

A mai angolban gyakran megfigyelheto ennek egyszertisttett valtozata:

Who is our new boss, do you think?


Ktizep- es felsOfok

1. Mit gondolsz, hany eves Elizabeth Taylor?

2. Mit mondott a hugod, mikor megy ferjhez?

3. Mit gondolsz, ki vagy tel!

4. Mit javasolt anyad, hova menjiink naszutra?

5. Mit gondol a fonokod, ki Iepatt meg a penzzel?

6. Mit gondoltok, hany idegen nyelvet beszel a vilagrekorder brazil ferfi?

7. Mit gondolt a rendorfonok, kicsoda Mr. Brown?

8. Mit gondoltok, fiuk, miert vette azt a revolvert?

9. Mit gondolsz, mit vegyek a ferjem szulinapjara?

10. Kire gondolt, hogy esetleg segiteni tudna neki?

11. Mit is mondott, hol szuletett?

12. Mit tanacsolt az elnok, mit csinaljunk?

13. Mit mondott Joe, hoI volt tavaly nyaralni?

14. Mit gondolsz, hanyszor bosszanthatsz fel egy nap?!

15. Mit gondol, Jones professzor, hanv ezer eves ez a kultura?

16. Mit gondolnak a sziileid, milyen gyakran talalkozunk?

17. Mit gondolsz, milyen sokaig fog tartani a hajout Indiaba?

18. Mit gondolsz, hol rejtette el az igazgyongyokkel teli ekszeresladikojat?

19. Ktvancsi vagyok, Zsuzsi szerint mikor kapunk ebedjegyeket.

20. Mit gondolsz, miert olyan elnezo a kisebbik Ianyaval?

21. Mit gondolsz, hany baratod lesz, ha tovabbra is igy viselkedsz?

22. Mit gondoltok, ki a legtehetsegesebb zeneszerzo?

23. Mit gondolsz, hogyan tudja befolvasolni a donteshozatalt?

24. Mit gondolsz, hol kellene satrat vernunk, hogy senki ne zavarjon?

25. Mit gondolsz, mi lesz az elsa szava, ha betoppan?

26. Mit gondolsz, miert vettek orizetbe ezt a feddhetetlen jellemu ferfit?



27. Mit gondolsz, rnikor kell majd kepesnek lermunk arra, hogy angolul folytassunk

le targyalasokat?

28. Mit gondolsz, miert telefonalhatott ilyen keson?

29. Miert gondolja, hogy en nem fordtthattam le a cikket?

30. Mit mondott, melyik vaganyrol indul a vonatom?

31. Mit mondott, rnikor epult a haza?

32. Mit mondott, ki tamadta meg a Ianyat?


1. How old do you think Elizabeth Taylor is?

2. When did your sister say she would get married?

3. Who do you think you are?!

4. Where did your mum suggest we should spend our honeymoon?

5. Who does your boss think walked off with the cash?

6. How many foreign languages do you think the Brazilian man who holds the

world record speaks?

7. Who did the chief constable think Mr. Brown was?

8. Guys, why do you think he has bought that revolver?

9. What do you think I should buy for my husband's birthday?

10. Who did he think could help him?

11. Where did she say she was born?

12. What did the president recommend we should do?

13. Where did Joe say he had spent his summer holiday the year before?

14. How many times a day do you think you can annoy me?

15. How many thousand years old do you think this culture is, Professor Jones?

16. How often do your parents think we meet?

17. How long do you think the voyage to India will last?

18. Where do you think he has hidden his chest full of jewels?

19. I wonder when Suzy thinks we will be given lunch vouchers.

20. Why do you think he is so lenient towards his younger daughter?

21. How many friends do you think you will have if you go on behaving like this?

22. Who do you think the most talented composer is?

23. How do you think he can influence decision-making?

24. Where do you think we should put up our tent so as not to be disturbed by


25. What do you think his first word will be on entering?

26. Why do you think this unimpeachable man has been taken into custody?

27. When do you think we shall have to be able to negotiate in English?

28. Why do you think he could have telephoned so late?

29. Why does he think I couldn't have translated the article?

30. Which platform did you say my train leaves from?

31. When did he say his house had been built?

32. Who did he say had attacked his daughter?




A vonatkozo mellekmondatok kotoszavai a kerdo nevmasok, valarnint a that nevmas, A vonatkozo nevmas az utan a szo utan all, amelyre vonatkozik.

A who(m) szemelyekre, a which dolgokra vonatkozik. Mindketto helyettesitheto a that nevmassal, ha a mellekmondat korlatozo ertelmu.

A that rievrnas hasznalando a kovctkezok utan: the only, some, all, evenj, any, something, anythmg, eoerfthing, nothing, felsofoku melleknevek, sorszamnevek, it is/was.

A what nev~as, nen; v~natkoztathato a fomondat egy szavara: jelentese "az(t), arni(t) ... ':

A vonatkozo nevmas targyi es prepoztcioval kezdodo mellekmondat eseten elhagyhato,

Prepozfcioval kezdodo vonatkozoi mellekmondat variacios Iehetosegei:

1. This is the house in which my friend lives.

2. This is the house that my friend lives in.

3. This is the house my friend lives in.

Az elhagyhatosag esetei:

1. Alanyi mellekmondat

The boy (who is) standing at the corner is my friend. 2. Targyi mellekmondat

The man (who(m)) I love will marry me one d~y.

3. Prepozicios mellekmondat

The teacher for whom you are waiting is ill today. = The teacher you're waiting for is ill today.

Peldamondatok Kozep- es fels6fok

1. Hozd ide azt a konyvet, arnit levettel a polcrol, es a masikat is, arnit a kosaradba


2. 1';- kutya, amely a szomszed kertjeben ugat, nagyon harapos.

3. Ovakodj attol az embertol, aki az utcan csokoladeval kmall

4. Az a csapat, amelyik a mult heten kikapott az ellenfeletol, ma folenyes gyozelmet aratott.

5. A novere, aki Spanyolorszagban el,. minden evben meghivja a karacsonyi urinepekre.

6. Abban a gyarban dolgozik mar evek ota, amelyet a kozeljovobon privatizalni fognak.

7. Itt van a szobaban az a lany, akibe szerelmes vagyok.



8. A tuloldalon megy az a volt szomszedom, aki szombatonkent bulit rendezett.

9. Arr61 az ujsagcikkrol beszelek, ami tegnap jelent meg egy orszagos napilapunkban.

10. A madarkalitkaban megtalaltak azt a kest, amivel Peter megolte a szallodatulaj-


11. Miert vettel olyan ruhat, aminek a fel ujja hianyzik?

12. Ken soha nem ismeri be a bunet, ami engem rcttentoen idegeslt.

13. A gyerekek fel sem fogtak, amit mondtam.

14. Paradicsom volt, amivel Iodoztek a jarokeloket.

15. Teljesen megdobbentem attol, amit az ujsagban olvastam a gyerckgyilkossagokr61.

16. A haz, ahol a nagysziileim elnek, meg soha nem volt tatarozva.

17. A csalad, akiknel gyermekfeliigyelokent dolgozott, minden evben kuld neki


18. Nem az szamit, amennyit keresel, hanem amire koltod,

19. Nagyon haragszom ra, mert a baratomat dobta meg kovel,

20. A kosarlabdazo lanyokon csak egy p616 es egy sort van.

21. Miert kell mindig az ellenkezojet allitani annak, amit en mondok?

22. Szeretned megismerni azt a lanyt, akivel Bob tegnap tancolt?

23. Azt a konyvet viheted el, amelyiket csak akarod.

24. A ferfirol, akivel egy fulkeben utaztam, kiderult, hogy veszelyes bunozo.

25. Ez az a haz, amelynek az ablakait sohasem iivegezik be.

26. A baratom, akinek a menyasszonya elszokott egy zenesszel, nem hajlando egy balra sem cljonni,

27. A sztrajk, amit a rcpulogcpszerelok kezdemenyeztek, nem a lcgszerencsesebbcn ert veget,

28. Caroline apja, akivel tegnap osszevesztem, azt mondta, hogy Caroline nem [ohet

el velem moziba.

29. A butikban felprobaltam negy kalapot is, s egyik sem allt j61.

30. Nancynek harem testvere van, s mind bevonult katonanak,

31. Az a no, akitol a szabadidoruhat Yettem, be akart csapni szaz forintta1.

32. Az az ev, melyben szulettel, bovelkedett politikai esemenyekben.

33. A kapitanv volt az utols6 ember, aki elhagyta a sullyedo haj6t.

34. Martin, akinek a hazaba betortek, azt hitte, hogy minden erteket elvittek, ami csak a pancelszekrenybsn volt.

35. Mr. White, akinek mar 25 eve dolgozom, ket hete ki akar tenni a vallalattol.

36. A festmeny, amelynek erteke felbecsiilhetetlen, iivegfal mogott 16g a Nemzeti Caleriaban,

37. Elmondhatta volna neked mindazt, amit mar az egesz osztalv tud: viszonyat az igazgat6 titkarriojsvel.

38. A szmesznok, akik mindketten palyaztak ja foszerepre, egymast ocsaroltak a masik hata mogott,

39. A gyerekek, akiknek mindegyike kert meg egy sutemenyt, minden morzsat a

szonyegrc sz6rtak.

40. Azert nem latogatott meg, mert nem kedveli a ferjem modorat.

41. Megdobbentett, aminek tegnap este tanui voltunk.

42. A kunyh6, ahol a szokcvcnyek meghuzodtak, az uldozok faklyairol hamar langra


43. A padlasra vezeto letrat a csintalan gyerekek elvittek a pincebe.

44. Azt mondta, hogy sohasem fogok ferjhez menni, s ez nagyon durva volt tole.

45. Az oreg holgy, akit minden nap apolnia kell, egyre rigolyasabb lesz.

46. Engedetlcnscged. amit hetek 6ta turnunk kell, most mar hatartalan.



47. A windsori erda, melyen keresztul elvezetes setat tettunk, tortenelmi multu


48. Meg fogom talalni a legszebb paripat, akarhol Iegven is.

49. Mindenhol Iatni a valasztasi kampanv plakatjait, akarhova megyek.

50. Odaadta nekem a nyari ruhajat, amit a maga varrt.

51. Osszegyujtottem a belyegeket, melyek koziil otnek volt valami hibaja,

52. Meghivta az osztalytarsait tabortuzra, akik kozul kevesen hoztak szalonnat vagy


53. A taxik, melyeknek soforjoi almosan asitoztak, hosszu sorban vartak utasaikra.

54. Talalkoztam a cserkeszekkel, akik kozul ti:ibben a rokonsagom tagjai voltak.

55. A tortenet egy hamiskartyasrol szol, akinek a ruhaujja tele van cinkelt lapokka1.

56. Igen nagy mereszseg volt olyan aut6val menned, melynek a kezifeke egyaltalan nem rmikodott.

57. Anyam volt az, aki partomat fogta a kinos csemenyek idejcn.

58. Biciklin mentunk a varoshoz kozeli szabadido-kozpontba.


1. Bring the book (that) you took off the shelf and the other one as well (that) you put into your basket.

2. The dog (which/that is) barking in the garden of the neighbour tends to bite


3. Beware of the man who/that offers you chocolate in the street.

4. The team that was defeated last week has won today hands down.

5. His sister, who lives in Spain, invites him every year for the Christmas holidays.

6. For years he has been working in the factory that/which is going to be privatised in the near future.

7. The girl I'm in love with is here in the room.

8. The ex-neighbour of mine who organised parties every Saturday is walking on the other side of the street.

9. I'm talking about the article that was published yesterday in a national daily of


10. The knife Peter stabbed the hotel owner with has been found in the bird-cage.

11. Why did you buy a dress that has a sleeve missing?

12. Ken never admits his mistakes, which annoys me a lot.

13. The children didn't even catch what I said.

14. It was tomatoes (that) they were throwing at the passers-by.

15. I was absolutely astonished at what I read in the paper about murdering children.

16. The house (that) my grandparents live in / The house where my grandparents live has never been renovated.

17. The family she worked for/for whom she worked as a baby-sitter send/ sends her a parcel every year.

18. It's not how much you earn that counts but what you spend it on.

19. I'm very angry with him because it was my friend (that/whom) he threw a stone


20. The girls who are playing basketball are wearing only T-shirts and shorts.

21. Why do you always have to say the opposite of what I say?

22. Would you like to get to know the girl Bob danced with yesterday?

23. You can take whichever book you want to.

24. The man I was travelling with in the same compartment turned out to be a

dangerous criminal. .

25. This is the house whose windows are never glazed.



26. My friend, whose fiancee eloped with a musician, won't come to any ball.

27. The strike, (which was) initiated by the aeroplane technicians, didn't end in the best possible way.

28. Caroline's father, who(m) I picked a quarrel with yesterday, said that she couldn't

come to the cinema with me.

29. In the shop I tried on as many as four hats, none of which suited me.

30. Nancy has three brothers, all of whom joined the army.

31. The woman I bought the jogging suit from wanted to swindle me of a hundred


32. The year you were born in abounded in political events.

33. The captain was the last man who left the sinking ship.

34. Martin, whose house had been broken into, thought that all the valuables kept in the safe had been stolen.

35. Mr. White, for whom I have been working for 25 years, has wanted to dismiss me from the company since two weeks ago.

36. The painting, which is priceless, is hanging behind a glass wall in the National Gallery.

37. He could have told you everything that the whole department knows already: his affair with the director's secretary.

38. The actresses, both of whom wanted to get the leading role, belittled each other behind the other's back.

39. The children, each of whom asked for one more cake, let all crumbs fall on the


40. The reason why he didn't visit me is that he doesn't like my husband's manners.

41. What we witnessed last night astonished us.

42. The hut where the runaways were hiding burst into flame from the torches of the


43. The naughty children took the ladder which/that led to the loft into the cellar.

44. He said I would never get married, which was very rude of him.

45. The elderly lady whom she has to look after every day is getting more and more whimsical.

46. Your disobedience, which we have had to put up with for weeks, is now beyond limits.

47. Windsor Forest, through which we took an enjoyable walk, is a region with a

historic past.

48. I will find the most beautiful horse, wherever it may be.

49. The election campaign posters can be seen everywhere/wherever I go.

50. She gave me her summer dress, which she sewed herself.

51. I collected the stamps, five of which had some defects.

52. He invited his class-mates to a camp-fire, few of whom brought bacon or onions.

53. The taxis, the drivers of which were yawning sleepily, waited for their passengers

in a long queue.

54. I met the boy-scouts, several of whom were relatives of mine.

55. The story is about a card-sharper, whose sleeve was full of marked cards.

56. Driving a car whose handbrake was completely out of order was a very reckless thing for you to do.

57. It was my mother who backed me up at the time of the awkward events.

58. It was by bike that we went to the recreation centre near the town.






Peldamondatok Kozep- es fels6fok

1. Tegnap adta hirul a radio, hogy ujbol szunyogok arasztottak el Afrika kozepso


2. A haiaszle akkor igazan finom, ha kulonbozo fajta halakbol keszul.

3. A fizikus ujonnan felalhtott hipotezisei sorra megd6ltek.

4. Kulonlcges kaktuszokat talaltam tegnap abban a kata16gusban, amit egy kulfoldi

ceg kuldott,

5. Az eletrajzokat harem heten belul le kell adni a tanulmanyi osztalyra.

6. Hallottal mar azokrol a n6kr6l, akik billiardozni szoktak a hatso teremben?

7. A rendorseg feltetelezi, hogy a mostani gyilkossag elkovet6je azonos a legut6bbi eset gyilkosaval.

8. A vadasztarsasagnak ma nagyon szerencses napja volt, hiszen tiz szarvast l6ttek.

9. A hatralekot legkesobb [anuar 10-eig be kell fizetni.

10. Egyre tobb a nyomornegyed Los Angeles kulvarosaban.

11. Fej vagy Iras alapon dontottuk el, ki mosogasson el.

12. A keresete igen magas a beosztasahoz kepest,

13. A fizikatudasa nagyon gyenge ahhoz, hogy fclvcgyek az orvosi egyetemre.

14. A felesegek fel voltak haborodva azon, hogy a ferjek ejfel utan tertek haza.

15. A tomegtajckoztatasi eszkozok partatlansagat minden rendszerben biztositani


16. Az any6sok mindig kivalo vicctemaul szolgaItak a komikusok szamara.

17. A kibucokban mindenkinek ki kell vennie a reszet a munkabol,

18. Uj jclcnsegeknck lehetunk tanui a gyorsan fej16d6 elektronika teruleten.

19. A szopranok alljanak az enekkar els6 soraba.

20. Del-Amcrika fennsikjair6l csodalatos kilatas nyilik.

21. A legujabb adatok elemzesei kismerteku terrnelesnovekedest mutattak ki.

22. Az iskola valamennyi egykori diakja osszegyult a centenarium napjan,

23. A tolvajok siettiikben keseket hasznaltak foguk tisztitasara.

24. A h6sok kulonftmenyei kiszabaditottak a negereket, akik krumplikat es paradicsomokat adtak nekik.

25. Ket huszeves lany elhatarozta, hogy aut6stoppal beutazza Nernetorszagot,




26. A megkerdezett [arokelok egyike sem tudott a tenger feneken talalt hadihajokrol.

27. Tetvek az agyban. egerek a foldon - ez volt a bortonelet.

28. Draga felebarataim! Ne hagyjatok tikreiteket a szomszed szantofoldjen legelni!

29. Osszekotozte a Iibak labait, hogy ne tudjanak mozogni a kosarban, amig a piacra nem er veluk,

/30. Az az osszes birka a mi csaladunk gyerekeinek az oroksege lesz.

31. Amikor az allatkertben voltam, harmine kulonbozo fajta madarat lattam, de kozben a legyek is allandoan bosszantottak.

32. A tarsadalmi retegeket tisztan korulhatarolt kriteriumok alapjan kulonftik el.

33. Az orvosn6k nehez eletet elnek, melynek ket tengelye a maganelct es a meger61- tet6 hivatas.

34. Szeretnem kolcsonkerni az ollodat, mert az enyern nem cleg eles,

35. Mindenkeppen taxival kell mennem. Ot merfold tul hosszu ahhoz, hogy gyalog menjek haza.

36. Sk6cia minden kosarmeccset elvesztette ebben az evben,

37. Milyen j6 lenne, ha segit6kesz torpek kicserelnek azt az tireg butort anyam haloszobajabanl

38. Fiatal kora ellenere van nehany 6sz hajszala.

39. A ktilfold i csatornak hiradoja sokkal hosszabbnak tunik, mint a magyar megfelel6je.

40. Regen egylovas szekerek jartak a varosokban, de ma mar buszok helyettesitik 6ket.

41. A baranyhimlo kellemetlen gyermekbetegseg, de domin6kkal jatszva el lehet

ttilteni az id6t.

42. Micsoda modora van nemely tud6snak!

43. A leveltar evkonyvei nem vihet6k az egyetem teruleten tulra.

44. A tehet6s csaladoknal ferfiszolgak hada vegezte a munkakat a haz korul,

45. Ezek a semmireke1l6k Ietortek az osszes nefelejcsemet.


1. The radio announced yesterday that the central part of Africa has again been invaded by mosquitoes.

2. Fish soup is really delicious when it is cooked from different fishes.

3. One after the other the newly devised hypotheses of the physicist have proved false.

4. Yesterday I found peculiar cactuses/cacti in the catalogue sent by a firm from abroad.

5. The curricula are to be submitted at the Study Department.

6. Have you heard about the women yet who always play billiards in the back


7. The police suppose that the murderer in this case also committed the last crime.

8. The hunt had a lucky day today since they shot as many as ten deer.

9. Arrears are to be paid by 10th January at the latest.

10. There are more and more slums in the outskirts of Los Angeles.

11. We decided on who should do the washing up on the basis of heads or tails.

12. Compared to his position, his earnings are very high.

13. His knowledge of physics is too poor for him to be admitted to the University of


14. The wives were indignant at their husbands returning home after midnight.

15. Impartiality on the part of the mass media must be ensured in all social systems.

16. Mothers-in-law have always served comedians as a good subject for jokes.




17. In the kibutzim everyone must do his or her share of the work.

18. We can witness new phenomena in the fast developing field of electronics.

19. Sopranos should stand in the front row of the choir.

20. A fascinating view can be seen from the plateaux of South America.

21. Analyses of the latest data indicated a slight increase in production.

22. All the alumni of the school gathered together on the day of the hundredth anniversary.

23. Being in a hurry, the thieves used knives to clean their teeth.

24. The commandos of the heroes rescued the Negroes, who gave them potatoes and tomatoes.

25. Two twenty-year-old girls decided to travel around Germany hitch-hiking.

26. None of the passers-by asked knew anything about the men-of-war found at the

bottom of the sea.

27. Lice in the bed, mice on the floor - this was life in prison.

28. My dear brethren! Don't let your oxen graze in your neighbours' plough-land!

29. He fastened the feet of the geese so that they couldn't move in the basket until he got to market with them.

30. All those sheep will be the inheritance of the children in our family.

31. When I was at the zoo I saw thirty species of birds, however, the flies annoyed me all the time.

32. Social strata are separated according to dearly defined criteria.

33. Women doctors lead difficult lives, the two axes of which are their private lives

and their demanding profession.

34. I'd like to borrow your scissors because mine are not sharp enough.

35. I definitely must take a taxi. Five miles is too far for me to walk home.

36. Scotland have lost all their basketball matches this year.

37. How good it would be if helpful dwarfs replaced that old furniture in my mother's bedroom!

38. In spite of his young age he has some grey hairs.

39. The news on foreign channels seems to be much longer than its Hungarian equivalent.

40. Once upon a time .flys used to run in cities but now they are substituted by buses.

41. Measles is an unpleasant children's disease but one can pass the time playing

with dominoes.

42. What manners some men of letters can have!

43. The annals of the archives cannot be taken outside campus premises.

44. In well-to-do families a host of menservants performed the jobs around the house.

45. These good-for-nothings have broken off all my forget-me-nets.






Peldamondatok Kozep- es felsOfok

Foldrajzi nevek, ahol hasznalni kell a hatarozott nevelot

1. Haga a fovarosa Hollandianak?

2. Az ENSZ-csapatokat kivontak Szudanbol.

3. A Egyesiilt Kiralysag reszei Anglia, Skocia, Wales es Eszak-Irorszag, de az ir

Koztarsasag fiiggetlen orszag,

4. Livia minden evben az osztrak Alpokba megy sielni.

5. A Dunanak az a szerepe Europaban, hogy kapocs legyen az orszagok kozott.

6. "Manchester, Anglia ott tul az Atlanti-oceanon ... "

7. Mikor nyitottak meg a Szuezi-csatornat?

8. [obban szeretem a Fekete-tengert, mint a Poldkozi-tengcrt.

9. A Marshall-szigetek a Csendes-oceanon vannak?

10. A fcrjem azt javasolta, hogy a Sziklas-hegysegben toltsuk a szabadsagunkat.


1. Is the Hague the capital of the Netherlands?

2. UN troops have been withdrawn from the Sudan.

3. The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland. Wales and Northern Ireland,

but the Republic of Ireland is an independent country.

4. Livia goes skiing in the Austrian Alps every year.

5. The role of the Danube in Europe is to serve as a link between countries.

6. "Manchester, England, England, across the Atlantic Sea ... rr (Hair).

7. When was the Suez Canal opened?

8. I prefer the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.

9. Are the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean?

10. My husband suggested that we should spend our holiday in the Rocky Mountains.

Egyeb esetek

11. Bristol fontos kikotovaros Anglia deli reszen.

12. Csak het orat toltottiink Londonban, igy nem volt id6nk .mcgnezni a londoni


13. Bill Clinton nagy remcnyekkel koltozott a Feher Hazba.

14. A Gobi-sivatag reszben Kinaban, reszben Mongoliaban teriil el.

15. A Kozel-Kelet mindig zavargasoktol dult videk volt.

16. Latnod kell a Tate Caleria nagyszerii festmenyeit.

17. Valoban rosszul f6znek a szekesfehervari Magyar kiraly etteremben?




18. Nehany evvcl ezel6tt a Penta megkapta "A legjobb magyar szalloda" cimet,

19. "A vadaszhoz" cirnzett fogad6 a kedvenc helyem volt Bathban.

20. A The Sun Anglia Iegnepszerubb bulvarlapja,

21. Egy kissc odivatu: meg mindig a Beatles a kedvenc egyiittese.

22. A Bank of England val6sziniileg a lcgrcgibb bank Angliaban.

23. Vetiti meg a Koztarsasag mozi a Terrninatort?

24. Szerintem a Vorosmarty Szinhaz nem tartozik az orszag legszebb szmhazai koze.

25. Pet6fi meg csak nem is volt a Nernzeti Muzeum kertjeben 1848. marcius 15-en.


11. Bristol is a major port in the south of England.

12. We spent only seven hours in London SO we didn't have time to visit the Tower of


13. Bill Clinton moved into the White House with great expectations.

14. The Gobi Desert lies partly in China, partly in Mongolia.

15. The Middle East has always been a turbulent region.

16. You must see the magnificent paintings of the Tate Gallery.

17. Is the food really terrible at the "Hungarian King" Restaurant in Szekesfehervar?

18. "The Penta" was given the title of "The Best Hotel of Hungary" a few years ago.

19. "The Huntsman" was my favourite pub in Bath.

20. The Sun is Britain's most popular tabloid.

21. She's a bit old-fashioned, her favourite rock band is still the Beatles.

22. The Bank of England is probably the oldest bank in England.

23. Is" The Terminator" still on at the Koztarsasag cinema?

24. I don't think the Vorosmarty Theatre is one of the country's most beautiful theatres.

25. Pet6fi wasn't even in the garden of the National Museum on 15th March, 1848.

FolClrajzi nevek, ahol a hatarozott nevelo elmarad

1. orszagnevek: A kozeljovoben varhatoan Ausztria, Norvegia es Finnorszag lesznek az EGK tagallamai, (A forditast lasd kesobb)

2. kontinensek nevei: Magvarorszag Europaban vagy Afrikaban van? - kerdezte a

francia lany.

3. varosnev: Allit6lag Toki6 a vilag legdragabb varosa,

4. falunev: Gretna Green csupan egy kis falucska valahol Skociaban,

5. egy bizonyos sziget neve: Az olaszok Sziciliat a maffia szigctenek hivjak.

6. egy adott hegy neve: A Mont Blanc Pranciaorszagban van vagy Olaszorszagban?

7. t6 neve: A Loch Ness evtizedek 6ta Sk6cia egyik leglatogatottabb videke,

8. utcanev: [ovore John Major nem fog a Downing Streeten lakni.

9. ter neve: Kinek a szobra Iathato a Trafalgar teren?

10. valakirol/valamirol elnevezett tit: A Barrett csalad yalaha a London Road East vegen lakott.

11. valakirol/valamirol elnevezett szalloda: Ugy tunik, a Claridges-ben lehet a legolcs6bban megszallni ebben a varosban,

12. valaktrol/valamirol elnevezett bank: A NatWest Banknak minden f6bb varosban vannak kifizet6helyei.

13. valakirol/valamirol elnevezett iizlet: Ha valami tij szoknyat akarsz vermi, Miss Selfridgeshez kell menned.

14. valakirol/valamirol elnevezett etterem: Ki nem allhatorn a McDonald's-ban felszolgalt vacak etelt.

15. szentr61 elnevezett templom: A batyam a Szent Janos templomban akar eskiidni.




16. repii16terek: Milyen messze van a Ferihegyi reptiloter a belvarostol?

17. palotak: Tavaly a kiralyno ugy dontott, hogy megnyitja a Buckingham Palotat a

turistak e16tt.

18. kastelyok: Azt hiszem, az Edinburgh-i var nem Skocia Iegregibb er6ditmenye.

19. egyetemek: 1989-ben vegzett a bathi egyetemen.

20. regiok: Oriasi a kulonbseg Eszak-es Del-Olaszorszag gazdasagi helyzete kozott,

21. A volt NDK-bol rengetegen toltottek szabadsagukat a Balatonnal az 1980-as evekben.

22. HoI a csudaban van Trafalgar kikotoje? Nem talalom a terkepen,

23. Sajnos nem engedhetem meg magamnak, hogy nappali hallgato legyek a Bath-i Tovabbkepzo Foiskolan.


1. Austria, Norway and Finland are expected to become members of the EEC in the

near future.

2. "Is Hungary in Europe or in Africa?" - asked the French girl.

3. Tokyo is alleged to be the most expensive city in the world.

4. Gretna Green is only a small village somewhere in Scotland.

5. Italians call Sicily" the Mafia Island".

6. Is Mont Blanc in France or in Italy?

7. Loch Ness has been one of the most visited parts of Scotland for decades ..

8. John Major won't be living in Downing Street next year.

9. Whose statue can be seen in Trafalgar Square?

10. The Barrett family used to live at the end of London Road East.

11. Claridges seems to provide the cheapest accommodation in this town.

12. NatWest Bank has cash-dispensers in every major town.

13. If you want to buy some new skirt, you have to go to Miss SeIfridges.

14. I hate the junk food served at McDonald's.

15. My brother intends to have his wedding at St. John's Church.

16. How far is Ferihegy airport from the centre of town?

17. Last year the Queen decided to open Buckingham Palace to tourists.

18. I don't think Edinburgh Castle is the oldest fortress in Scotland.

19. He graduated from Bath University in 1989.

20. There is a huge difference between the economic conditions of Southern and Northern Italy.

21. Lots of people from the former GDR spent their holidays at Lake Balaton in the


22. Where on earth is Cape Trafalgar? I cannot find it on the map.

23. I'm afraid I can't afford to be a full-time student at Bath College of Further Education.

Mas esetek, amikor a hatarozott nevelo hasznalata kotelezo a) osztalyt jelti16 f6nevek e16tt

1. A vadaszleopard a macskak csaladjaba tartozik. (A megoldast lasd kesobb)

2. Az auto, amit tegnap lattam, Freddie. b) ha valamib61 egy van

3. Kopernikusz e16tt az emberek ugy hittek, hogy a Nap forog a Fold korul,

4. Gagarin lepett eloszor a Holdra? c) testreszek nevei e16tt

5. Eloszor fordult e16, hogy apja vallon veregette.

6. Kennedy elnokot a kezen es a hatan is loves erte.




7. Egy onmagat neonacinak tarto szemely combon szurta a hires politikust. d) sorszamnevek elott

8. 6 volt az elso osztrak szinesz, aki Oscar-dijas filmben yalaha is jatszott.

9. Ez az utolso alkalorn, hogy elnezem a hibadat! e) a the same kifejezesben

10. Ate mondataid pontosan olyanok, mint az enyemekl f) a the only kifejezesben

11. Eloszor Mark volt az egyetlen, aki hitt a vadlott artatlansagaban. g) a the very kifejezesben

12. Maga a teny, hogy a kiralyno ugy dontott, hogy adot fizet, az uralkodo es az allam valtozo viszonyarol arulkodik,

13. Tegnap egy csodas viragcsokrot kaptam. Sajnos azonban meg ugyanaznap a csokrot a buszon hagytam.

h) a play the ... kifejezesben (valaki valamilyen hangszeren jatszrk) 14. Dobolsz vagy gitarozol az uj egyiittesben?

i) felsofoku melleknev elott

15. Barmi tortenik, mindig 6 a Iegsertodottebb.

16. Az 6 angoltudasa volt a Icggyengebb.

j) nepn~vek (eredetileg mefleknevek) elott, a tobbes szam kifejezesere

17. Ugy tunik, a kinaiak valami oknal fogva jobban kedvelik a kommunizmust, mint

a piacgazdasagot,

18. Az irek valoban olyan baratsagosak, mint ahogy azt mondjak roluk?

19. Az angolok valoszfnuleg a vilag' legfurcsabb nacioja.

20. A konyhamuveszetukrol hires franciak hajlamosak azt hinni, hogy az angol etelek szornyen iztelenek.

21. Amikor a vietnamiaknak elcguk van az ehezes es a nyomor szenvedeseibol, nehanyan kis csonakba szallnak es Amerikaba hajoznak.

22. A spanyol es a portugal soha nem mulasztotta el az alkalmat, hogy valami aprosagon osszeszolalkozzanak.

k) gyujtonevek elott

23. Bar apja az arisztokraciahoz tartozott, 6 elhatarozta, hogy a munkasosztalyhoz


24. A hadseregnek csokkentenie kell a kiadasait.

25. A foldalatti kenyelmes. de draga.

26. Nem valosztnu. hogy Angliaban a munkaspart fogja inegnyerni a kovetkezo

altalanos valasztasokat,

27. A rendorseg idorol id6re ellen6rzi az autovezetoket,

28. Hideg teli napokon a szarvasmarhat istalloban tartjak es etetik.

29. A csalad nagyon varja regi baratjuk erkezeset.

30. A rendorseg ket fuszalat talalt az aldozat fejen,

31. A tuzoltokat es a ment6ket is ki kellett hivni.

1) nehany altalanos eset

32. Le tudnad halkitani kisse a TV-t?

33. Nem banom, ha a ferjem radiot hallgat ejszaka, amikor mar melyen alszom.

34. 129 ujsagirot bocsatottak el a radiotol,

35. Amikor visszaertem, a foldon ult es sirt.

36. Nem kellene a postahivatal mellett ujsagosbodet felalhtanod.

37. Koromsotet van itt. Fel tudnad kapcsolni a villanyt?

38. Az els6 emeleten vagy a foldszinten van a mellekhelyiseg?

39. A hazat renovalni, az ajtokat es ablakokat atfesteni, a sz6nyeget kitisztitani, a mennyezetet pedig meszelni kell.

40. Vagy a fogorvoshoz, vagy az orvoshoz ment.




41. Hogy juthatok el a vasutallomasrayrepuloterre?

42. Elfogyott a penze, igy elment a bankba, hogy szerezzen egy kicsit, bar tudta, hogy

el van adosodva.

43. Valaki csenget. - Ez a postas lesz.

m) elvont fonevek konkretizalasa

44. Nagyanyam eletc tele volt boldogsaggal.

45. A XVII. szazadi walesi irodalom nem bir szarnunkra nagy [olentoseggel.

46. Tulsagosan fuszeres volt a vacsora, amit tegnap abban a kinai etteremben ettunk.

47. Mindig arrol almodtam, hogy a tenger mellett vagy videken legyen egy kis hazikom.

48. A Gallup Intezet egyik embere tudni akarta, milyen gyakran mcgyunk moziba es


n) f6nevkent hasznalt melleknevek eseten

49. A fiatalok sohasem hallgatnak az oregekre, de ettol fejl6dik a vilag,

50. A foldrenges utan a halottakat eltemettek, a sebesiilteket korhazba szallttottak.

51. A kormanynak soha nem lenne szabad megfeledkeznie a munkanelkuliek


52. A gazdagok fizessenek tobb jovedelemad6t vagy a szegenyek kevesebbet?

53. Mivel az rmokatestver'ern suketneman sziiletett, egy siketek szzimara alapitott

intezetben nevelodott.

54. Nalatok a vakok is jogosultak mindarra kedvezmcnyre, melyekben a

fogyatekosok resz.estrlnek?


1. The cheetah is a member of the cat family.

2. The car I saw yesterday is Freddie's.

3. Before Copernicus people thought that the Sun went round the Earth.

4. Was it Gagarin who first stepped on the Moon?

5. It was the first time that his father had patted him on the shoulder.

6. President Kennedy was shot in the hand and in the back as well.

7. The famous politician was stabbed in the upper leg by a self-professed Neo-Nazi.

8. He was the first Austrian actor ever to act in an Oscar prize-winning film.

9. This is the last time that I will overlook your mistake.

10. Your sentences are exactly the same as mine.

11. At first Mark was the only one to believe in the innocence of the accused.

12. The very fact that the Queen has decided to pay tax indicates changes in the relationship between the monarch and the state.

13. I received a lovely bouquet of flowers yesterday. However, I unfortunately left the

bouquet on the bus on the very same day.

14. Do you play the drum or the guitar in the new band?

15. Whatever happens, it is always him who is the most indignant of all.

16. His command of English was the poorest.

17. For some reason the Chinese seem to prefer communism to the market economy.

18. Are the Irish really as friendly as they are said to be?

19. The British are probably the strangest nation in the world.

20. The French, famous for their cuisine, tend to think that English food is horribly


21. When the Vietnamese are fed up with the sufferings of hunger and poverty, some

of them get into a small boat and leave for the USA.

22. The Spaniard and the Portuguese never missed the opportunity to pick a quarrel with each other over some bagatelle/ trifle.




23. Although his father belonged to the aristocracy, he decided to join the working


24. The Army must cut down on its expenses.

25. The underground is comfortable but expensive.

26. The Labour Party is not likely to win the next General Elections in England.

27. The police check motorists every now and then.

28. On cold winter days the cattle are kept and fed in stables.

29. The family are looking forward to the arrival of their old friend.

30. The police have found two blades of grass on the head of the victim.

31. Both the fire-brigade and the ambulance had to be called out.

32. Could you turn down the TV a bit?

33. I don't mind my husband listening to the radio during the night when I'm fast


34. As many as 129 journalists were fired from the radio station.

35. When I returned, she was sitting on the floor crying.

36. You shouldn't set up a newsstand next to the post office.

37. It's pitch-dark here. Could you turn on the light?

38. Is the toilet on the first floor or on the ground-floor?

39. The house needs redecorating, the doors and windows have to be repainted, the

carpet has to be cleaned and the ceiling whitewashed.

40. He's either gone to the dentist or to the doctor.

41. How can I get to the railway station/ airport?

42. He had run out of money, so he went to the bank to get some, although he knew

that he was in the red.

43. Someone is ringing the bell. - That must be the postman.

44. The life my grandma lived was full of happiness.

45. The Welsh literature of the 17th century is not very important for us.

46. The supper we had yesterday in that Chinese restaurant was far too hot.

47. I've always dreamt of having a little bungalow near the sea or in the country.

48. A man from the Gallup Institute wanted to know how often we go to the cinema and the theatre.

49. The young never listen to the old, but that's why the world is developing.

50. After the earthquake the dead were buried, and the injured were taken to


51. The government should never forget about the problems of the unemployed.

52. Should the rich pay more income tax or should the poor pay less?

53. Since my cousin was born deaf and mute, he was brought up in an institute for the deaf.

54. Are the blind entitled to get all the allowances available to the disabled in your country?

A hatarozott nevel6 elhagyasanak esetei Peldamondatok

a) altalanositas eseten es egyeb idiomatikus esetekben

1. A n6k szeretik az elet olyan egyszeru jelensegeit, mint a ferfiak.

2. Ki mondta, hogy az elet szep?'

3. Nekem a francia sokkal nehezebb volt, mint a portugal.

4. Az ember Icgeloszor 1969-ben erkezett a Holdra.

5. Az utcasepr6k tenyleg tobbet keresnek, mint a tanarok?

6. Az ipar a vilagon mindenutt szennyezi a kornyezetet.




7. fgy aztan a termeszet mar nem az, mint ami akar szaz eve is volt.

8. Apu mindig Johnnyt reszesitette el6nyben.

9. Az orvos adott valamilyen injekciot malaria ellen.

10. Nem tudod, kit neveztek ki vezerigazgatonak? . .. ..

11. A pap azt mondta, hogy vagy a pokolba jutsz, vagy a mennybe, attol fuggoen,

hogy viseled magad itt a foldon, . .., .

12. A parlament megint elfogadott egy tij tti~.venyt a~ ~lk~tmanyblrosagrol.

13. Az emberek altalaban remuletbe esnek foldrenges idejen,

14. Ide figyeljetek, emberek, mit talaltam eppenl

15. Menet kozben az utasok kapaszkodjanak!

16. Tudsz egy masodpercet varni? At kell oltoznom, mert b6rig aztam,

17. Senki sem merte megttirni a csendet a gyulesen.

18. Arra tanitotta a fiat, hogy sohase adja fel a remenyt, . .

19. Ne felejtse, kedves Hyppolit, hogy a ferjem minclig hagymat eszik reggehre.

20. Az arany nehezebb, mint az ezust?

21. Ki nem allhatom a kigyokat. Jobban szeretem a krokodilokat.

22. Rendben van, ez a te taskad, de akkor hoI van az en taskam?

23. Melyik nernzet kuldte az els6 embert a vilagurbe?

24. Attol tartok, a paradicsom csak egy hiv6 fantaziajaban letezik,

25. Mindig fel hetkor vacsorazunk,

26. Busszal vagy gyalog mesz munkaba? .

27. Soha nem utazom vonattal, mindig a sajat autornmal megyek.

28. Hajnalban felkelt es elment uszni, hogy visszanyerje eberseget,

29. Napkeltekor es napnyugtakor is imadkozik istenehez,

30. Ejfelkor talalkozom veled. .

31. Tenyleg tetszik a frizuram? Mult heten rakattam be a hajam,

32. Lehet, hogy Martin jovore koncertet ad Liverpoolban.

33. Lattam, amikor ma reggel megcsokolta a postast,

34. Az egesz filmet teven lattam, nem a moziban.

35. Hidd el nekem, veletlenul csinaltam, nem akarattal. .

36. Szanvedessel teli hosszu evek utan vegre kepes volt duh nelkul beszelni a volt


37. Anne egyutterz6en tekintett a gyermekre.

38. Ha megolte a feleseget, nem ok nelkul tette.

39. A n6 ugyesen atcserelte a ferfi sebkoteset, .. •

40. Amikor az titlevelemet kerestem, valetlenul rabukkantam erre a regt levelre.

41. Trolival [ottel? 6, dehogy, termeszetesen villamossal.

42. Jtiv6 szerdan tanukent kell megj~lennem a btrosag el6tt.

43. Mostantol kezdve fer] es feleseg vagytok.

44. Egymas mellett fekudtek a folyo partjan. . .. ..

45. Egesz ttimegek jtittek meghallgatni, hogy rmt akar az elnok ~ondan.l nekik.

46. Nem csak a banyaszoknak, hanem a minisztereknek IS kemenyebben kell dolgozniuk.

47. anyagnevek: A Iegelesebb kesed rozsdamentes acelbol van?

48. A viz elparolog.Iia forralod.

b) ujsagnyelvben .. .

49. A hercegn6t is erintette a Heathrow-i amberrablasi drama.

50. Vita az iskolai kiadasok csokkentese rargyaban.


51. Tavasz idejcn egesz Hollandia egy viragoskert,

52. Angliaban juliusban er veget a tanitas.

53. Meg nem hallottad a hirt? Hetfon kirugtak.




54. Van olyan ember, akinek a tel a kedvenc evszaka?

55. A Mercedes-gvar tigy dontott, hogy a recesszio miatt pentekenkent nem kell munkaba menni a dolgozoknak,


1. Women like simple things in life, like men.

2. Who said that life is beautiful?!

3. French was much more difficult for me than Portuguese.

4. Man landed on the Moon in 1969 for the very first time.

5. Do road-sweepers really earn more than teachers?

6. Industry pollutes the environment all over the world.

7. 50, nature is no longer the same as it used to be even a hundred years ago.

8. Daddy has always favoured Johnny.

9. The doctor has given me some injection against malaria.

10. Don't you know who was appointed director general?

11. The priest said you would either go to hell or to heaven depending on how you

behave yourself here on earth.

12. Parliament has again passed a new law on the Constitutional Court.

13. People usually panic when there is an earthquake.

14. Look, what I have just found, folks! '

15. Passengers must hold on while travelling!

16. Can you wait a second? I must change clothes because I'm soaked to the skin.

17. Nobody dared to break silence at the meeting.

18. He taught his son never to give up hope.

19. Don't forget, dear Hyppolit, that my husband always has onions for breakfast.

20. Is gold heavier than silver?

21. I can't stand snakes. I prefer crocodiles.

22. Okay, it's your bag, but then where is my bag?

23. Which nation sent the first man into space?

24. Paradise exists only in a believer's imagination, I'm afraid.

25. We always have dinner at half past six.

26. Do you go to work by bus or on foot?

27. I never travel by train, I always drive 'my own car.

28. At dawn he got out of bed and went swimming to wake himself up.

29. He prays to his god at sunrise and at sunset as well.

30. I'll meet you at midnight.

31. Do you really like my hairstyle? I had my hair done last week.

32. Next year Martin might give a concert in Liverpool.

33. I saw her kissing the postman this morning.

34. I saw the whole film on TV, not in the cinema.

35. Believe me, I did it by mistake, not on purpose.

36. After long years of suffering she was finally able to talk to her former husband

without anger.

37. Anne looked at the child with sympathy.

38. If he killed his wife, he didn't do it without reason.

39. The woman skilfully changed the dressing on his wound.

40. When I was looking for my passport, I came across this old letter by chance.

41. Did you come by h'olley-bus?'- Oh, no, by tram, of course.

42. Next Wednesday I will have to testify in court.

43. From now on you are man and wife.

44. They were lying on the bank of the river side by side.




45. Crowds came to hear what the President wanted to tell them.

46. Not only miners but ministers also have to work harder.

47. Is your sharpest knife made of stainless steel?

48. Water evaporates if you boil it.

49. "Princess involved in Heathrow kidnap drama."

50. "Row over school cuts."

51. During spring the whole of the Netherlands is a huge flower garden.

52. In Britain schools break up in July.

53. Haven't you heard the news yet? He was dismissed on Monday. . 54. Is there anybody whose favourite season is winter?

55. The Mercedes Company decided that workers needn't go to work on Fridays because of the recession.

Kontrasztiv parok a hatarozott nevelo hasznalatanak ill. elhagyasanak szemleltetesere

Elmeleti tudnival6:

A nevelo nelkuli forma az adott intezmenyt (targyat) annak funkci6ja szerinti hasznalataban jelzi, mig a nevelovel alkotott forma semleges, ill. kiils6 cselekv6t feltetelez.

1. Bortonben trl bankrablas miatt.

2. Elment a bortonbe, hogy beszeljen sogoraval, aki ult.

1. He went to prison for robbing a bank.

2. He went to the prison to speak to his brother-in-law, who was in prison.

Szemelyek es elvont f6nevek eseteben az altalanos-konkret ellentetet fejezziik ki a nevelo nelktili ill. azzal ellatott forma val.


1. Takarttono Ieven Mrs. Daley minden penteken kitakaritotta a templomot.

2. Mivel melyen vallasos volt, Elza neni vasarnaponkent mindig az els6 volt a templomban.

3. Olyan duhos voltam, hogy azonnal elmentem az iskolaba, hogy beszeljek azzal az

ostoba tanarral,

4. Nem tudom elkepzelni, hogy valaki szereti az iskolat.

5. Fred? A helyi korhazban dolgozik szakacskent.

6. Nem csak hogy eltfint a lanya, hanem a ferje is korhazban van, hogy epek6vel rmitsek.

7. Amikor meglatogatta a fiat a bortonben, egy vekni kenyeret adott neki, melyben egy kes volt elrejtve.

8. A bat yam ket eve ul bortonben hamisitasert,

9. Meg tudja mondani, milyen uton jutok el az egyetemhez? - Az egyetemhez?

Pontosan a f6iskola mellett van!

10. Kerlek, ne hagyd abba az egyetemet a zarovizsgak el6tt! Nem akarorn, hogy meg

egy valaki abbahagyja a tanulast a csaladban.

11. A bathi rovabbkcpzesi foiskolan koriiIbeliiI500 hallgat6 van.

12. Sikeriilt tegnap a felfedez6knek elerni azt a varost, amelyiket celul tfiztek ki?

13. Eppen a varosba megyek, hogy vegyek egy kis mos6port. Neked is hozhatok valamit?




14. Barcsak a varosban elhetnenk: Utalok ebben a kis hazban lakni 15 kilometerre


15. Ne menjiink a tengerhez! Meglehet6sen unom Brightont.

16. Matr6z Ievcn elete nagy reszct a tengeren tolti.

17. Elment a birosagra megkerdezni, hogy a baratja meg ott dolgozik-e.

18. Mivel en voltam az egyetlen szemtanu, fclkertek, jelenjek meg a birosag el6tt a

kihallgatas napjan,

19. Halalra remultunk, amikor nyolc doglott csotanyt talaltunk az agyban.

20. Az orvos szigoruan el6irta, hogy harem napig maradjak agyban,

21. Odamentem az agyhoz, hogy megigazitsam a parnakat .

22. Tegnap rengeteg dolgom volt, ezert eleg keson fekiidtem Ie.

23. Sajnos nem tudom adni Mr. Hendersont. Az irodaban van.

24. Kupa Mihaly mar nines hivatalban, Szabo Ivan azonban meg igen.

25. Nem tudom, hogyan akar ferjhez menni, ha mindig otthon ul es soha nem megy

el sehova.

26. Megingathatatlan alibije van. Negyed otkor indult haza az irodabol.

27. Nemreg koltoztek be uj, budapesti otthonukba.

28. Mivel dolgoztam, fogalmam sem volt, mi tortent a fiammal.

29. Eppen a munkahelyemre tartottam, amikor ez a gyanus kulseju alak megallitott es megkerdezte, nem tudnek-e adni neki Cit fontot.

30. Zac mindig visitozni kezdett, ha nyolc 6ra el6tt agyba kuldtuk,

31. A ferfiak altalaban j6 szakacsok, de azok a ferfiak, akiket en ismerek, azt sem tudjak, hogyan kell tojasrantottat csinalni.

32. A hazassag altalaban nyugalmat es boldogsagot hoz, de a szuleim hazassaga kudarcba fulladt.

33. Nagy altalanossagban szeretem az embereket, de akikkel naponta tiz orat kell

eltoltenem, igen unalmasak szarnomra.

34. Altalaban nem iszom teat, de a te teadat imadom.

35. Az ipar allando fejlodesben van, de a XX. szazad ipara ugrasszeruen novekedett,

36. A klasszikus zene mindig megnyugtatja az idegeimet.

37. Senki sem erti, hogy miert kapott Oscart a film gyenge zeneje,

38. A kolteszet tulsagosan elvont nekem, de Keats kolteszete mindig elbtivol.

39. A tej a kedvenc italom, de a tegnap vett tej olyan savanvu volt, hogy keptelcnscg volt meginni.

40. A hus ara olyan magas lett, hogy meg a vasarnapi husadagunkat is csokkenteni


41. A szarajev6i gyerekek mar ket eve allandoan szenvednek.

42. Biztos, hogy mergezett volt a tea, amit tegnap a mogbeszelesen ivott.

43. Hollywood legkiemelked6bb filmrendez6je eppen filmet keszul forgatni India elhunyt miniszterelnoke, Radzsiv Gandhi eleterol.


1. Being a cleaner, Mrs. Daley cleaned the church every Friday.

2. Being a very religious person, Aunt Elsa was always the first to be at church on Sundays.

3. I was so furious that I immediately went to the school to speak to that silly


4. I can't imagine anyone liking school.

5. Fred? He works as a cook at the local hospital.

6. Not only has her daughter disappeared, her husband is at hospital for a gall-stone operation.




7. When she visited her son in prison, she gave him a loaf of bread in which a knife was hidden.

8. My brother has been in prison for counterfeiting for two years.

9. Can you tell me the way to the university? - The university? Oh, it's just next to the college!

10. I beg you not to leave university before your final exams! I don't want another

drop-out in the family.

11. There are roughly 500 students at the Bath College of Further Education.

12. Did the explorers manage to reach the town they wanted to yesterday?'

13. I'm just going to town to buy some washing powder. Can I get you something as


14. I wish we could live in town! I hate living in this small house 15 kms from Pees,

15. Let's not go to the seaside. I'm pretty fed up with Brighton.

16. Being a sailor he spends most of his life at sea.

17. He went to the court to ask whether his friend still worked there.

18. Being the only eyewitness, I was asked to appear in court on the day of the


19. We were frightened to death to find as many as eight cockroaches in the bed.

20. The doctor gave strict orders for me to stay in bed for three days.

21. I went to the bed to arrange the pillows.

22. Yesterday I had a lot to do, so I went to bed rather late.

23. I'm afraid you cannot talk to Mr. Henderson. He is at the office now.

24. Kupa Mihaly is out of office, but Szabo Ivan is still in office.

25. I don't know how she expects to get married if she's always at home and never

goes out.

26. He's got a firm alibi. He left J.is office for home at 4.15.

27. They have recently moved into their new home in Budapest.

28. Being at work, I had no idea what happened to my son.

29. I was on my way to work when this suspicious-looking man stopped me and asked if I could give him 5 pounds.

30: Zac always started to scream when we sent him to bed before eight 0' clock.

31. Men are usually good at cooking, but the men I know don't even know how to prepare scrambled eggs.

32. Marriage usually brings tranquillity and happiness but the marriage of my parents turned out to be a failure.

33. Generally speaking, I like people but the people I have to spend ten hours a day with are very boring for me.

34. Usually I don't drink tea but I love the tea you make.

35. Industry is continuously developing, but the industry of the 20th century has developed by leaps and bounds.

36. Classical music always soothes my nerves.

37. Nobody can understand why the poor music of the film became an Oscar prize winner.

38. Poetry is too abstract for me but the poetry of Keats always fascinates me.

39. Milk is my favourite drink but the milk I bought yesterday was so sour that it was impossible to drink.

40. Meat became so expensive that we had to cut down even on the meat we have on


41. The children of Sarajevo have been continuously suffering for two years.

42. The tea she drank yesterday at the meeting must have been poisoned.

43. Hollywood's most outstanding director is just about to shoot a film about the life of India's late PM, Rajiv Gandhi.





A:: alabbiakban olyan peldamondatok forditasat tiiztem ki celul, melyekben az alapszo elott a hatarozatlan nevelo hasznalata kotelezd,

a) szakmak, foglalkozasok

1. Carl Lewis vilaghiru rovidtavfuto,

2. Mi6ta rendorfonok a ferjed?

3. Nagyanyarnnak volt egy nagybatyja, aki ormesterkent szolgalt Vikt6ria kiralyno hadseregeben a dicsoseges 1870-es evekben.

4. Dedelget~tt a~ma volt, hogy szmeszno legyen, de a csaladja megakadalyozta, hogy valora valtsa almait.

5. Foglalkozasa szerint Claudia Schiffer manoken,

1. Carl Lewis is a world-famous short distance runner.

2. Since when has your husband been a chief constable?

3. My grandma had an uncle who served in Queen Victoria's army as a sergeant in the glorious 1870' s.

4. Her ultimate dream was to become an actress but her family prevented her from making her dreams come true.

5. Claudia Schiffer is a fashion model by profession.

b) szernelyek, allatok, targyak osztalyat jelolve

1. Egy kutyat minden evben be kell oltani veszettseg ellen.

2. Feltetelezesek szerint a kenguruk jobb okolvivok, mint nemely versenyz6 az EB-n.

3. Egy francia szakerto szerint a farkas semrnilyen korulmcnyek kozott sem tarnadna az emberre.

4. Egy j6 fordit6nak legalabb ket nyelvet kell folyekonyan beszelnie.

5. Egy maszeknak tobb jovedelemadot kell fizetnie, mint egy tanarnak.

1. A dog must be vaccinated against rabies every year.

2. A kangaroo is supposed to be a better boxer than some competitors at the European Championship.

3. A French expert says that a wolf would not attack a man under any circumstances.

4. A good translator must speak at least two languages fluently.

5. A self-employed person must pay more income tax than a teacher.

c) melleknev + etkezesek kapcsolata el6tt

1. Tegnap nagyszeru vacsorat etttink egy olasz etteremben.

2. Egy j6 reggeli kukoricapehellyel es narancslevel kell, hogy kezdodjon.

3. Ne feledd, igen fontos, hogy minden reggel kiad6san megreggelizz!

4. Igazan kiad6s volt az ebed, koszonom, dragaml

5. Pompas vacsora Sharon Stone-nal? J61 hangzik!

1. We had a superb dinner at an Italian restaurant yesterday.

2. A good breakfast should start with cornflakes and orange juice.

3. Don't forget that eating a big breakfast every morning is essential.




4. It really was a hearty lunch, thank you, darling!

5. A delicious dinner with Sharon Stone? Sounds good!

d) a ,,-kent" mennyisegi egyseg kifejezesere

1. Ez a szoba ejszakankent 14 fontba kerul, uram.

2. Mennyit keres evcnte egy atlagos magyar kemenysepro?

3. 270 km-es orankenti sebcsseggel vezette Porschejat, amikor a halalos baleset


4. Naponta hanyszor esznek a vietnamiak rizst?

5. A Iegutobbi tanulmany szerint az angolok hetente 35-40 orat dolgoznak.

6. Emlekszem, hogy boldog gyermekkorom idejen a kenyer kiloja 3,60 volt.

7. Azt hiszem, egy tucat tojas 12 penny. - Akkor a valosagrol fogalmad sincs!

8. A dinnyenek meg mindig otven forint kilojal Eelhaborito, nem?

9. Hallottad, hogy a liszt kiloja csak 47 forint a sarki ABC-ben?

10. Naponta korulbelul szaz oldalt kell olvasnorn, hogy a megadott hataridore be tudjam fejezni ezt a regenyt.

1. This room costs 14 pounds a night, sir.

2. How much does an average Hungarian chimney sweep earn a year?

3. He was driving his Porsche at 270 kms an hour when the fatal accident happened.

4. How many times a day do the Vietnamese eat rice?

5. British people work 35-40 hours a week, according to ilie latest study.

6. I remember that in the happy days of my childhood bread was 3.60 a kilo.

7. Eggs are 12 pence a dozen, I suppose. - Then you are out of touch with reality.

8. Melon is still fifty forints a kilo! Disgraceful, isn't it?

9. Have you heard that flour is only 47 forints a kilo in the supermarket at the corner?

10. I must read roughly a hundred pages a day to be able to finish this novel by the deadline.

e) half, hundred, thousand elott

1. A londoni maraton resztvevoi masfel oraja indultak el.

2. Kaphatok fel adagot? Nem vagyok tul ehes,

3. Mennyi pcnz kell? Szazezer eleg lesz?

4. A kinai hatosagok 1000 disszidenst vettek 6rizetbe.

5. Ugy hiszik, egymilliard forintot sikkasztott a Lupis brokcrceg.

1. The participants in the London Marathon started an hour and a half ago.

" 2. Can I have a half portion? I'm not too hungry.

3. How much money do you need? Will a hundred thousand be enough?

4. A thousand dissidents were arrested by Chinese authorities.

5. A billion forints is believed to have been embezzled by the Lupis brokerage.

f) "egy bizonyos ... " ertelernben

1. Egy bizonyos Dr. Wyndham kereste ma reggel.

2. Valami Mr. Colbert akarja Sheila id6sebbik lanyat elvenni felesegul.

3. Egy bizonyos Bram Stoker volt itt, es azt allitotta, hogy valamilyen Drakularol irt egy konyvet,

4. Pitt ur, ugye nem hallott meg egy bizonyos Lewis-Hanlon asszonyrol?

5. Eppen egy bizonyos Carreras enekel a radioban.




1. A Doctor Wyndham was here this morning asking after you.

2. A Mr. Colbert wants to marry Sheila's elder daughter.

3. A Mr. Bram Stoker was here, claiming that he wrote a book about some Dracula.

4. You haven't heard of a Mrs. Lewis-Hanlon, have you, Mr. Pitt?

5. A certain Carreras is singing on the radio at the moment.

A hatarozatlan nevelo kitetelenek nehany altalanos esete Peldamondatok

1. Amint azt el6re megjosoltak, ma reggel egy foldrenges Los Angeles felet romba


2. Wilsonek ikerhazban vagy sorhazban laknak?

3. Ki az a kopasz ficko mokas salatazold kalapban?

4. A kozepkorban egy arisztokrata nem vehetett el egy parasztlanyt,

5. Egy jo kriminek feszult hangulanmak es cselekmenydusnak kell Iennie.

6. Allitolag van egy Rolls Royce-a, egy Mercedese es egy BMW-je is.

7. Silvio Berlusconi fennkolt politikai ambicioktol ffitott milliomos, aki a maga erejebol lett azza, ami.

8. Nagyon kell egy fortes, haver!

9. Cyrano azt javasolta, hogy baratja irjon egy verset Roxane-hoz.

10. Kersz egy sutemcnyt, edesem?

11. Egy orvosnak soha nern szabad megszegnie az eskujet.

12. Az 1970-es evekben a BBC egy negyedik tv-csatornat inditott.

13. Miutan megszerezte neki a jogi diplomat, elkezdett Bristol kornyeki kulvarosi lakotelepeket tervezni es eptteni.

14. Gyakorlatilag semrni kilatas nines arra, hogy egy er6s tij kormany alakuljon.

15. Hamarosan igen igeretes hollywoodi rendezokent runt ki.


1. An earthquake has destroyed half of Los Angeles this morning, as predicted.

2. Do the Wilsons live in a semi-detached or a terraced house?

3. Who's that bald guy wearing a funny-looking lettuce-green hat?

4. An aristocrat was not allowed to marry a peasant girl in the Middle Ages.

5. A good thriller should be tense and action-packed.

6. He is supposed to have a Rolls Royce, a Mercedes and a BMW as well.

7. Silvio Berlusconi is a self-made millionaire with lofty political ambitions.

8. I badly need a quid, mate!

9. Cyrano suggested that his friend should write a poem to Roxane.

10. Would you like a piece of cake, honey?

11. A physician should never break his oath.

12. In the 1970' s the BBC launched a fourth TV channel.

13. After earning him a degree in law, he started designing and building suburban housing estates around Bristol.

14. Prospects for a strong new government are practically nil.

15. Soon he emerged as a very promising Hollywood director.




a mast .. , = a very


a most interesting study = a venJ interesting study egy nagyon erdekes tanulmany


1. Ez egy rettent6 bonyolult tcma, amit 6vatosan kell kezelntmk - mondta Walker


2. Merhetetlenul felhaborttanak az ilyen allttasokl

3. Meg akartak akadalyozni, hogy igen kegyetlen ellenseg keritse kezre gerillaikat.

4. On ketsegtelenul igen tehetsegcs enekes, Pavarotti uri

5. Ez egy rettent6 m6don felhaborrto kep, Sundstrom uri

6. Koszonjuk, hogy 10.000 fontot adomanyozott a [otekonysagi alapttvanyunknak,

Mansfield uri On igazan nagyon bokezu uzletember!

7. Igencsak figyelemremelt6 holgy. nem? , ,

8. A Yes egyuttesnek ez a koncertje vegtelenul bamulatos el6adas volt." , ,

9. Annak a horrorfilmnek a megtekintese kimondhatatlanul dermeszto elmeny volt szarnornra,

10. Az altalanos nvelveszet tanara a diakok koreben igen nagy tiszteletnek orvendo el6ad6 volt.


1. This is a most intricate issue which we must tackle with care, Mr. Walker said.

2. I'm most indignant about such allegations!

3. They wanted to prevent a most cruel enemy from capturing their guerillas.

4. You are undoubtedly a most talented singer, Mr. Pavarotti!

5. This is a most revolting picture, Mr. Sundstrom!

6. Thank you for donating 10,000 pounds to our charitable foundation, Mr.

Mansfield! You really are a most generous businessman!

7. She is a most remarkable woman, isn't she?

8. This concert of Yes was a most amazing performance.

9. Watching that horror film was a most petrifying experience for me.

10. For the students the teacher of general linguistics was a most respected lecturer.

such a ... / what a ... + egyes s:z:amu megs:z:amlalhato fonevek

1. Ket nappal az eskuvoje el6tt halt meg? Micsoda tragedial

2. Mekkora csal6 ez a Zsirinovszkij!

3. Micsoda szegyenteljes gondolat! Szegyellhetned magadi

4. Milyen rettenetes diktator volt ez a r6mai csaszar!

5. Micsoda kerdes' Termcszetesen elmegyek szavazni majus nvolcadikan.

1. She died two days before her wedding? What a tragedy!

2. What a swindler this Zhirinovsky is!

3. What a shameful idea! You should be ashamed of yourself!

4. What a horrible dictator that Roman emperor was!

5. What a question! Of course I'll go and vote on the eighth of May.




what+ megs:z:amlalhatatlan fonevek

1. Micsoda ertekes informaciora bukkant f6 rivalisunk multjabol! Koszonom, Smith ur!

2. Hangsulyozta, milyen jelent6s kutatast vegzett doktor Pringle az ut6bbi nehany

ev soran.

3. Micsoda keptelenseget mondott neked anyad a naszejszakad el6tt!

4. Amikor megkerdcztek. milyen tanacsot adott a fianak, nem valaszolt semrnit.

5. [ozsef Attila hamarosan raebredt, milyen nehez munka naponta ezer leped6t osszehajtcgatni.

1. What valuable information you have unearthed about the past of our arch-rival!

Thank you, Mr. Smith!

2. He emphasized what remarkable research has been carried out by Dr. Pringle in

the last few years.

3. What nonsense your mother told you before your wedding night!

4. When asked what advice she gave her son, she said nothing.

5. J6zsef Attila soon realized what hard work it was to fold a thousand sheets a day.

what+ me~s:z:amlalhato tobbes s:z:amu fonevek

1. Uramisten! Milyen szornyusegeken mehettel keresztiil abban a fogolytaborbanl

2. Micsoda buta kerdesekre kellett valaszolnom azon a kerdoiven!

3. Micsoda fura elkcpzelesei vannak Torgyan urnak a demokraciaroll

4. Micsoda inycsikland6 finomsagokat szolgalt fel Lady Wentworth a partijan!

5. Eszrevetted, milyen ellentmondasok vannak akozott, amit az igazgat6nk mond es amit tesz?

1. My goodness! What horrible things you must have gone through in that detention


2. What silly questions I had to answer on that questionnaire!

3. What odd views Mr. Torgvan has about democracy!

4. What mouthwatering delicacies Lady Wentworth served at her party!

5. Have you noticed what contradictions there are between what our director says and does?

such + megs:z:amlalhato tobbes s:z:amu fonevek

1. Az olasz turistak gyakran tunodnek azon, hogy az angol n6k miert viselnek olyan

furcsa ruhakat.

2. Nem szabad ilyen kerdeseket anyam el6tt mcgbeszelnunk.

3. Az ilyen kijelentesek tonkretehetik a cegunk j6 htrnevet.

4 .. Meg soha eletemben nem Iattam ilyen nyegle alakokat egy kutatointezetbenl

5. Be kell Iatnod, hogy ilyen sulyos problema kat nem lehet egyik naprol a masikra megoldani.

1. Italian tourists often wonder why British women wear such odd clothes.

2. Weare not allowed to discuss such questions in the presence of my mum.

3. Such statements can/might destroy our firm's reputation.

4. Never in my life have I seen such laid-back guys in a research institute.

5. You must admit that such grave problems cannot be solved overnight.




such + megszamlalhato egyes szamu fonevek

1. Barmilyen iigyes szerel6 vagy is, egy ilyen bonyolult rnuszert nem tudsz


2. Meg soha eleternben nem lattam ilyen hosszu filmet!

3. Barcsak soha ne keveredett volna egy ilyen piszkos iigybe!

4. Meg mindig nem tudom felfogni, hogy egy ilyen, meglehet6sen buta alak hogyan tudta becsapni.

5. A fiarnnak soha nem lett volna szabad egy ilyen gazdag lanyt elvennie.

1. However skilful a mechanic you are, you cannot dismantle such a complicated


2. Never in my life have I seen such a long film!

3. I wish he had never been involved in such a murky business!

4. I still cannot comprehend how such an idiot could deceive him.

5. My son should never have married such an affluent/well-off girl.

such + megszamlalhatatlan fonevek

1. Olyan meggy6z6 bizonyttekkal allt e16, hogy az eskudtszek a fickot bunosnek Itelte,

2. Ilyen buta tanacsot hasznavehetetlen ocskasagkent fog elvetni.

3. Ilyen butor nem menne a fiiggony szinehez.

1. He provided such convincing evidence that the jury found the guy guilty.

2. He will dismiss such silly advice as useless stuff.

3. Such furniture would not go with the colour of the curtain.

Ho"W ••• / So ••• how ...

1. Milyen kedves volt t6led, hogy kolcsonadtad a kavefozodet!

2. Milyen csodalatosan tancolta azt a kering6t tegnap este a ferjevel!

3. Milyen keves ujsagiro jelent meg az tirhajos sajtokonferenciajanl

4. Milyen lelegzetelallito volt Fisher Annie tavalyi koncertje a Zeneakademian!

5. Nahat, John, milyen kiegyenstilyozottnak bizonyult a Iegutobbi feleseged!

6. Milyen hatekony az tij titkarnodl Sarga vagyok az irigysegtol.

7. Hogy mennyire elegem van ebb61 az egcsz burokraciaboll

S. Se hus, se hal fele ember. Hogy lehet valaki ilyen jellegtelen egycnisegl

9. Milyen nehez lehet szegeny nyugdijas nagymamadnak kijonni a havi jovedelmeb61!

10. El sem tudod kepzelni, milyen kinos volt ez a helyzet mindannyiunknak.

1. How nice it was of you to lend me your percolator!

2. How beautifully she danced that waltz with her husband last night!

3. How few journalists turned up at the astronaut's press conference!

4. How breathtaking Fisher Annie's concert was at the Academy of Music last year!

5. How level-headed your latest wife turned out to be, John!

6. How efficient your new secretary is! I'm green with envy.

7. How fed up I am with all this red tape!

S. Neither fish nor fowl! How can someone be so featureless a character!




9. How difficult it must be for your retired grandma to make ends meet.

10. You can't imagine how embarrassing this situation was for all of us.

So ...

1. A hastancosno olyan elbuvoloen tancolt, hogy a teremben minden ferfi fiilig szerelmes lett bele,

2. Annyira konnyelmu volt, hogy egy vadidegennek otven fontot adott kolcson,

3. Ha esetleg nem Iennel olyan szuklatokoru, el tudnad fogadni a tiedt61 eltero velemenyeket is.

4. Sheila olyan csokonyos, hogy semmi ertelrne megprobalnunk ravermi arra, hogy

dontson maskent.

5. Kiderult rola, hogy olyan sulyos beteg, hogy azonnal korhazba kellett vinni.

6. Olyan meggy6z6en hangzottak szavai, hogy nem tudtam nem hinni neki.

7. Olyan kilatastalan volt a helyzellik, hogy nem tehettek mast, mint hogy megadjak magukat.

S. Olyan faradhatatlanul kuzdottek a szolasszabadsagert, hogy mindenki tiszteletet kivivtak vele.

9. A ktilvaros olyan sivar volt, hogy elhatarozruk, nem hajtunk be kocsival.

10. Az idei Cambridge Proficiency vizsga olyan nehez volt, hogy a jeloltek fele megbukott.

1. The belly dancer danced so bewitchingly that all the men in the room fell head over heels in love with her.

2. He was so light-headed that he lent 50 pounds to a complete stranger.

3. Maybe if you weren't so narrow-minded, you would also be able to accept views which are different from your own.

4. Sheila is so stubborn that it's no use trying to persuade her to change her mind.

5. He turned out to be so seriously ill that he had to be taken to hospital


6. So convincing did he sound that I couldn't help believing him.

7. So desperate was their situation that they could do nothing but surrender.

S. They fought for the liberty of speech so tirelessly that they gained everybody'S respect.

9. So bleak were the suburbs that we decided not to drive in.

10. So difficult was this year's Cambridge Proficiency Exam that half of the candidates failed.

Peldamondatok Felsofok

1. "Mindig gy6ztes voltam. Olaszorszagot is azza teszem."

2. Ha valoban nyornozas kovetkezik, bizonyara el6zetes Ietartoztatasba fogjak


3. Egyetlen rossz Iepcse egy 16 evvel ezel6tt hozott helytelen uzleti dentes volt.

4. Egy bulvarlap felkapta a Jones doktor ongyilkossagarol keringo pletykat.

5. A torzs gyerekei furcsa automat UFO-nak neztek,

6. Rosszindulatu celzasok ti:imege arad valamennyi bulvarlapbol.

7. Uj strategiajuk az 1990-es evekben kezdett kialakulni, amikor egy tij titkos szervezetet hoztak letre,




8. A harcokban edzett kiszolgalt katonak nem ijednek meg egy azsiai harcostol, barmilyen eltokelt legyen is.


1. "I have always been a winner. I'll make Italy a winner, too." (Silvio Berlusconi)

2. If an investigation does follow, he will definitely be put under preliminary arrest.

3. His only bad move was a bad business decision made 16 years ago.

4. The rumour of the suicide of Dr. Jones was picked up by a tabloid.

5. Children from the tribe took my outlandish car for a UFO.

6. There's a steady stream of innuendo from all the tabloids.

7. Their new strategy began taking shape in the 1990's when they formed a new secret organization.

8. Hardened veterans are not afraid of an Asian soldier, however determined he might be.




NEITHER ..• NOR ... (IISem ••• sem •.• ")

1. Nem bizom sem a rendorsegben, sem az itt jelenlev6 belugyminiszterben,

2. Igen finnyas kutyaja van, se Whiskas macskat nem eszik, se egyebet.

3. Ki mondta, hogy se az oroszlan nem veszelyes, se a tigris?!

4. Borzaszt6an sajnalom, de se a fonokom, se a helyettese nines benn.

5. Se John, se Brian nem fog elvenni felesegul, hacsak meg nem valtozol surgosenl

6. Azt hiszem, se ot, se a beosztottjat nem szabad hibaztatnunk.

7. Sose kedveltelek, sem azt az elviselhetetlen testveredet,

8. Se a hegyekben, se a faluban nem bujkalhatnak szokott fegyencek.

9. Minek neznek ezek engem? Nem vagyok se buta, se hiszekeny!

1. I trust neither the police nor the Home Secretary, who is present here.

2. He has an extremely fastidious dog: it eats neither Whiskas nor ordinary cats.

3. Who said that neither a lion nor a tiger is dangerous?!

4. I'm awfully sorry but neither my boss nor his deputy is in.

5. Neither John nor Brian will marry you unless you urgently undergo a complete


6. I think neither he nor his employee should be blamed.

7. I have never liked you, nor that intolerable sister of yours.

8. Neither in the mountains nor in the village can escaped prisoners be hiding.

9. What do they take me for? I'm neither stupid nor gullible.

EITHER .•• OR ... (IIVagy ••. vagy ••• ")

1. Vagy tenyleg beteg, vagy tetteti magat: nem tudom eld6nteni.

2. Nem szabad megerintened se kesztytiben, se anelkull

3. Ez vagy kanyaro, vagy baranyhimlo, - Nem mindegy? Mindkett6 ragalyos.

4. Neked vagy nekem, el6bb-ut6bb szint kell vallanunk.

5. Vagy en magyarazom homalyosan, vagy a te felfogasod nagyon nehez,

6. Vagy a munkajat kell feladnia, vagy az 6szti:indijr61Iemondani.

7. Vagy megkered a kezet, vagy nem kellett volna hitegetned.

8. Ugy volt, hogy vagy Amerikaba megy, vagy Angliaba,

9. Ugy sejtik, hogy kolumbiai kokaincsempesz vagy isten tudja, milyen bergyilkos,

10. Biztosan vagy zongorazik, vagy takaritja a hangszert.

11. Elkepzelheto, hogy vagy a kereket cserelte, vagy az olajat ellen6rizte.

12. Nem kellene se [ulit, se Marit eljegyezned, mindkett6 remes noszemely.

13. Nem szandekom se Latin-Amerikaban, se Kanadaban letelepedni.

14. Te biztos nem vagy..se Robert Redford, se Dustin Hoffmann.

15. Erre en nem lennek kepes. - Att6l tartok, en se.



1. He is either really ill or he's pretending to be. I can't decide.

2. You mustn't touch it either with gloves or without them.

3. It's either measles or chicken-pox. Isn't it all the same? Both are infectious.

4. Either you or me, we must declare ourselves sooner or later.

5. Either I'm not explaining it clearly or you are slow of understanding.

6. He must either give up his work or renounce the scholarship.

7. Either you propose marriage to her or you shouldn't have raised her hopes.

8. He was to travel either to America or to England.

9. He is suspected of being either a Columbian cocaine smuggler or God knows

what kind of a killer.

10. He must either be playing the piano or cleaning it.

11. He may either have exchanged the wheels or checked the oil.

12. You shouldn't/ oughtn't to get engaged either to Julie or Mary. Both are horrible


13. I have no intention of settling either in Latin America or in Canada.

14. You certainly aren't either Robert Redford or Dustin Hoffmann.

15. I wouldn't be able to do it. - I'm afraid I wouldn't either.


1. Nem mehetsz diszkoba, amig meg nem tanultad az egeszet ktvulrol es a baratnod


2. Tegnap be tudtam maszni az ablakan, - Joe is.

3. Nem kellett volna olyan lekezel6en beszelned vele. - Ami azt illeti, neked se.

4. Akar meg is halhatott volna abban a szornyu vorengzesben. - Te is.

5. A fizika egyszerre erdekes es nchez. - A matematika is.

6. Azt hiszem, meg kellene engednilnk neki, hogy ma este fennmaradjon. - En is azt


7. Yalaha ebben az irodaban dolgozott az apam, - Az cnyem is.

8. 5ziiletett angol vagyok. Akarcsak John Major.

9. Kimondhatatlanul csalodott vagyok. - En is.

1. You can't go to the disco until you have learnt it all by heart and neither can your girlfriend.

2. Yesterday I was able to climb in through her window. - So was Joe.

3. You shouldn't have spoken to him in such an off-hand manner. - As a matter of

fact, neither should you.

4. He might even have died in that terrible massacre. - So might you.

5. Physics is both interesting and difficult at the same time. - So is mathematics.

6. I think we should allow him to stay up tonight. - So do 1.

7. My father used to work in this office. - So did mine.

8. I'm a born Englishman. So is John Major.

9. I'm disappointed beyond words. - So am 1.


1. Erdekes is volt meg mulatsagos, ami azert ritkasag, nem?

2. Azt hiszed, mindketten be fogtok ferni?

3. Indiaban es Pakisztanban egyarant vannak vallasi zavargasok.

4. Mind a fundamentalistak, mind a tobbi szelsosegesek 6rilltek!



5. Mindket variacio [ol hangzik, nem gondolod?

6. Szep is, okos is, mi kell meg?!

7. Mind a ket Oscart 6 kapta?

8. Einstein vagy tenyleg elhagyta rnindket zoknijat, vagy csak elfelejtette, hova tette.

9. Mindket operat Wagner szerezte?

10. Egyszerre volt szende es vonzo - lehetetlen volt ellenallni neki.

11. Bizonyara mindket ferjet 6 hagyta el.

12. Musza] neked mind a ket tevet egyszerre nezned?

13. Eljon az ido, amikor mindket tetttikert felelniuk kell.

14. Gyulolettel es ketsegbeesetten nczett 6si ellenfelere,

15. Nyomait a konyhaban es a szobaban is felfedeztek a rendorok,

1. It was both interesting and amusing, which is unusual, isn't it?

2. Do you think both of you will get in?

3. There are public disturbances caused by religious differences in both India and


4. Both fundamentalists and other extremists are crazy!

5. Both versions sound good, don't you think?

6. She is both pretty and clever, what else do you want?!

7. Was he awarded both Oscars?

8. Einstein either left both his socks behind or he just forgot where he had put them.

9. Were both operas composed by Wagner?

10. She was both unsophisticated and attractive at the same time - impossible to


11. She must have left both of her husbands.

12. Is it necessary for you to watch both TVs at the same time?

13. The time will come when they will have to answer for both of their deeds.

14. He looked at his ancient enemy both with hatred and desperately.

15. Traces of him have been detected by the police in both the kitchen and the room.

EITHER / NEITHER ("egyikre, az egyik ••. -i

1. Akarmelyiket elkeszitheted, csak csinald mar, mert ehenhalok.

2. <?lasz spagettit vagy valami kinait ennel? - Kosz, inkabb egyiket se.

3. Ugy runt, egyik fel sem elegedett a targyalasok crcdmenyevcl.

4. Meg kell mondanom, egyik otlet se valami vilagraszclo.

5. Egyik6t6k se lesz fizikus, mar amennyire en meg tudom itelni,

6. Egyik sZill6je sem volt soha katolikus. Hogyan varhatod, hogy templomba jarjon?

7. Biztos, hogy egyikilk sem hazudik?

8. Bar mind a kett6 tehetseges, egyikilket sem vettek fel.

9. Barcsak egyik6jilk se ment volna oda!

10. Miel6tt esetleg barrnelyikotok tiltakozna, kozlom a hazireridet.

11. A bot mindket veger61 egy-egy vodor logott, tele tiszta vizzel.

1. You can cook either of them just cook something because I'm dying of hunger.

2. Would you like Italian spaghetti or something Chinese? - Neither of them, thanks.

3. Neither party seemed to be satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations. 4<. I must admit that neither idea is sensational.




5. As far as I can judge, neither of you will become a physicist.

6. Neither of his parents has ever been a Catholic. How can you expect him to go to


7. Is it sure that neither of them is telling a lie?

8. Although both are talented, neither of them has been admitted to university.

9. I wish neither of them had gone there!

10. Before either of you should protest, I'm going to announce the rules of the house.

11. At either end of the stick a bucket was hanging full of clean water.


E hatarozatlan nevmasok egy adott csoport egeszere ilL annak tagjaira utalnak.

A whole jelentese a legatfog6bb: "teljes, egesz", A csoportra mint bontatlan egyscgre utaL

Az all jelentese "minden, osszes, egesz, valamennyi", tehat bsszefoglal6 ertelme van. Utana a megszamlalhato fonevek tobbes szamban, a megszamlalhatatlan fonevek egyes szamban allnak,

Az even; [elentese: minden, minden egyes. Mindig egyes szammal all, megszamlalhato (ilL ilyen fogalmat jelento) fonevek elott,

Az each jelentess: minden egyes, kulon-kulon mindegyik. Az each meghatarozott szamu szemelyre vagy dologra vonatkozik, mig az even;-nel ez a korlatozas nem all fenn.


Kozep- es felsOfok

1. Kepes voltal egyedtil megenni az egeszet?

2. Minden clkepzelheto temahoz hozza tudott sz6lni.

3. Most minden egyes cserkesznek talaljak ki fedonevet?'

4. Egesz eletemben rad vartarnl

5. Minden konyv le van ertekelve, vegkiarusitas van.

6. Ha nem akarsz senkit megserteni, mindenkivel kezet kell fognod.

7. Mindentitt vele talalkozom. Tiszta orulet, nem?

8. Valahanyszor letilok enni, valaki biztos, hogy csenget.

9. "Minden angol kulon sziget." (Novalis)

10. Biztos, hogy kihalt minden dinoszaurusz?

11. Tenyleg minden egyes szornyet szamitogep tervezett Spielberg filmjeben?

12. Az egesz legenyseget elkuldtek fedelzetet sikalni.

13. Mindenki mcgnezhcti a fomernok legujabb talalmanyat,

14. Eddig minden egyes filmje nyert valamilyen dijat.

15. "Bennem van minden no' (Whitney Houston)

16. Egesz delutan horrorfilmeket nezett, es most retteg!

17. Beutazta egesz Europat, minden orszagban jart mar.

18. Ezt a gy6gyszert csak egeszben szabad bevenni.

19. Nem Ietezik, hogy lattad az egesz filmet!

20. Nem letezik, hogy az osszes filmjet lattad!

21. Hajszalra olyan szep volt, mint Marilyn Monroe.

22. A varos osszes fiuja az en baratnornet szeretne elvenni.

23. EI tudnad adni az bsszeset?

24. Akar az osszes penzet is elveszthette volna.

25. Egeszeben veve, nem volt olyan rossz az eloadas,

26. Akarhanyszor meg akarom csokolni, eszebe jut egy vicco



27. Egcsz nyaron zuhogott, de ez itt nem szokatlan.

28. Egeszbcn stilt kacsarol almodorn!

29. Egesz ejszaka vezettem, hogy mielobb hozzad erjck.

30. Az elnok bejelentese minden remenytmket romba dontotte.

31. A vilag minden orszaganak ossze kellene fogni a bekeert.

32. Mikor megtalaltak. teste tele volt kek foltokkaL

33. Teljesen befedte a por.

34. Kethetente meg kell Iatogatnom anyamat.

35. Az ENSZ evente jelentest ad ki az emberi jogok helyzeterol Magyarorszagon,

36. Minden alman volt egy kis hiba, megis 50 Ft volt kil6ja.

37. Eleg ritka eset, hogy egesz Angliat ho borits·a.

38. Az osszes hitelkartyamat ellopta az a bitang!

39. Mar most mind reszeg?'

40. Egesz ejjel a plafont bamulta es a birkakat szamolta,

41. Minden egyes nap ugy jott haza, hogy fogadkozott: masnap felmond.

42. Mikor nagykoruak lettek, minden gyerektinknek 100-100.000 forintot adtunk.

43. Legalabb hetente ketszer aerobicra kellene jarnia,

44. Az osszes forr6 csokit a pincer fejere ontotte dtiheben,

45. Nekem mindent elmondhattal volna!

46. Elcg draga meg a kiwi: husz forint darabja.

47. Ha megfozted a krumplikat egeszben, hamozd meg oket!

48. Igazan nem kellett volna az osszes vagyonabol kiforgatnod.

49. Nonapon minden titkarnonek vett egy csokor szegfut,

50. Tudnal minden osztalytarsadnak adni egy-egy peldanyt?

51. Higgye el, kerem, ez minden, amit errol az egesz tigyrol tudok.


1. Were you able to eat all of it alone?

2. He was able to contribute remarks on every topic under the sun.

3. Shall I devise a code-name for each boy-scout now?!

4. I have been waiting for you all my life!

5. Every book is for sale at a discount price, there is a clearance sale.

6. If you don't want to hurt anybody, you must shake hands with everybody.

7. I meet him everywhere. It's sheer madness, isn't it?

8. Every time I sit down to eat, somebody is sure to ring the bell.

9. "Each Englishman is a separate island."

10. Is it sure that all the dinosaurs have become extinct?

11. Has each monster in Spielberg's film really been designed by computers?

12. The whole crew has been sent to scrub the deck.

13. Everyone can have a look at the chief engineer's latest invention.

14. So far each film of his has won some prize.

15. "I'm every woman"

16. He has been watching horror films all afternoon and now he is terrified.

17. He has travelled all over Eurore, he has been to every country.

18. This medicine must be taken only as a whole.

19. You can't have seen the whole film.

20. You can't have seen all of his films.

21. She was every bit as beautiful as Marilyn Monroe.

22. All the boys in town would like to marry my friend.

23. Were you able to sell all of them?

24. He might have lost all his money as well.



25. On the whole, the performance was not as bad as all that.

26. Every time I want to kiss her, a joke occurs to her.

27. It has been pouring with rain all summer but that isn't unusual here.

28. I'm dreaming of a duck roasted whole.

29. I was driving all night to get to you as soon as possible.

30. The announcement of the President ruined all our hopes.

31. All the countries of the world should unite to achieve peace.

32. When he was found, all his body/the whole of his body was covered with blue


33. He was all covered in dust.

34. I have to visit my mother every other week.

35. The UN publishes a report on the situation of human rights in Hungary every


36. All the apples had something wrong with them, but they still cost 50 forints a kilo.

37. It's rather unusual for the whole of England to be covered with snow.

38. All my credit cards have been stolen by that rascal!

39. Are all of them drunk as early as this?!

40. He has been staring at the ceiling and counting sheep the whole night.

41. He came home every day promising that he would give in his notice the next day.

42. When they came of age, we gave our children 100-100.000 forints each.

43. She should go to aerobics lessons at least twice every week.

44. She poured all the hot chocolate on the waiter's head out of anger.

45. You could have told me everything.

46. Kiwis are still rather expensive: they cost twenty forints each.

47. When you have cooked the whole potatoes, peel them.

48. You oughtn't to have done him out of the whole of his fortune.

49. On Women's Day he bought a bunch of carnations for each secretary.

50. Could you give a copy to each of your classmates?

51. Believe me please, that's all I know about the whole business.


Mindket nevmas [elenteset modositja az el6tte allo hatarozatlan nevelo, jelentesuk nelkule negativ ("keves"), a hatarozatlan nevelo reven "nehany", ill. "nemi, egy kis" jelentest kapnak.

He was so selfish that he had few friends. However, he has changed a lot and so he has quite a few now.

I had little time for films at university but now I always have a little free time.


Kozep- es felsOfok

1. Keves ember gondolja, hogy egyre konnyebb lesz az elete a kozeljovoben.

2. Van meg nehany baratja, aki egyetert vele es kitart mellette.

3. Egy kicsit kevesebb ember [ott el az oloadasra, mint tervezttik.

4. Mivel eleg elfoglalt vagyok, sajnos nagyon keveset latom.

5. A sofortmk ivott egy keveset, ezcrt nem engedruk meg neki, hogy vezesse a kocsit hazafele.

6. Igyekezz mar, alig van egy kis id6nk a busz indulasaigl



7. Nehany nappal ezel6tt Iattam az utcan azt az embert, akit keres a rendorseg.

8. Miert ilyen keyes kenyeret vettel? Biztos, hogy nem lesz elcg, ha esetleg vendegek [onnek.

9. Az iskolanak keyes penze van arra, hogy barmilyen eszkozt vegyen.

10. Mit gondolsz, megengedi, hogy feltegyek nehany kerdest?

11. Par perc mulva elindulok hazafele, varj meg a bejaratnal,

12. Adj egy kis idot, hogy gondolkozzam az ajanlatodon.

13. Keves benzintmk van, nem mehetiink tovabb.

14. Van meg egy keyes olajunk, kitart a tel vcgeig.

15. Fogd rovidre, nines sok id6m hasztalan fecsegesrel

16. Nem hoztak magukkal penzt, de [imnel mindig van egy keyes. Eppcn annyi,

hogy ketten meg tudnak inni egy-egy tiveg sort.

17. Csak nagyon keyes adatunk van tenyleges cselekedeteir61.

18. Meg van egy kis Iisztimk, csinalhatok neked egy kis piskotat,

19. Keves cukrunk van, be kell erncd helyette valami massal.

20. Volt egy kis francia konyakja az tiveg aljan, es azt horpolgette orakon at.

21. Nem lesz bel6le j6 6v6n6, keyes turelme van a gyerekekhez.

22. Alig tudott egy par sz6t arabul, amikor eloszor [ordaniaban jart.

23. Nehany huligan odongott a haz korul, tudvan, hogy ilyenkor keyes rend6r jar


24. Miert van olyan keyes fa Budapesten, amikor meg nehany park is elkelne?

25. Nehany hete irtak ala a bekemegallapodast nemi vita utan.

26. Nagyon keyes szabadnapot adott a fokonyvelonek, kulonosen a naplofokonyv lezarasa idejen.

27. Minel kevesebb sz6t tanulsz meg, annal kevesebbet felejtesz az "angoltudasod:


28. Nem kell nagy ajandekot vermi, nehany aranygyuru is megteszi.

29. Olyan keyes tojast tojnak a tyukjaim, hogy erdemesebb levagni es megenni 6ket.

30. [onehany tizfontost talalt a ferje parnaja alatt.

31. [oparan p6rul jartak, amikor a bank cs6dbe ment, ugye?

32. Valaszolna nehany szemelyes kerdesre is?

33. Nehanyszor probaltam meggy6zni, de hajthatatlan maradt.

34. Mit szolnal egy kis whiskyhez? - kerdezte a barszckreny el6tt allva,

35. Meg egy kis s6 es tokeletes lesz a francia hagymalevesed!

36. Talan csak egy kis kezdeti buzditasra van szuksege.

37. Ugy tunik nekern, egy kisse bekepzelr ez a mi uj fonokunk.

38. Egy kicsit viccesnek talalta a kulugyminisztcr nyakkcndojet.

39. Van cgy-ket j6 otlete, de keyes az energiaja, hogy megval6sitsa 6ket.

40. Nehany ev, es hozza fogsz szokni ahhoz, hogy egy alkoholistaval elj.

41. A sert6 kozbeszolasok hallatan nehanyunk idegesen feszkelodni kezdett.

42. Ehhez a stilt vadhoz egy kis vorosbort kellett volna felszolgalnod.

43. Olyan keveset evett ebcdrc, hogy mar haromkor korogni kezdett a gyomra.

44. Sajnos keyes es6 esett tavasszal, megint draga lesz a zoldseg.

45. Keves baratja van, aki igazan scgitsegere lenne nagy bajban.

46. Rcmelem, nem vagy merges, hogy kestem nehany percet, de igen suru a forgalom a napnak ebben a szakaban,


1. Few people think that their lives will get easier and easier in the near future.

2. He has still got a few friends left who agree with him and remain loyal to him.

3. Somewhat fewer people came to the lecture than we had planned.



4. As I'm rather busy, I can see her very little, unfortunately.

5. Our driver drank a little, that's why we didn't let him drive on the way home.

6. Hurry up, we have just a little time before the bus leaves.

7. A few days ago I saw the man wanted by the police on the street.

8. Why did you buy so little bread? Should guests come, it won't be enough.

9. The school has little money to buy any equipment.

10. Do you think he will allow me to ask him a few questions?

11. I'll start for home in a few minutes, wait for me at the entrance.

12. Give me a little time to think about your proposal.

13. We have little petrol, we can't go any farther.

14. We have a little oil left, it will last as long as the end of the winter.

15. Keep it short, I have got little time for useless chattering.

16. They haven't brought any money but Jim always has a little on him. - Just enough

for both of them to drink a bottle of beer.

17. We have just a few facts about his real actions.

18. We have a little flour left, I can make you some finger-biscuits.

19. We have little sugar, you will have to make do with something else instead.

20. He had a little French cognac at the bottom of the bottle and he was sipping it for hours.

21. She won't make a good kindergarten teacher. She has little patience with children.

22. He could hardly speak a few words in Arabic when he was in Jordan for the first time.

23. A few hooligans were loitering around the house knowing that there were few

policemen passing by at that time.

24. Why are there so few trees in Budapest when a few more parks would be needed?

25. It was a few weeks ago that they signed the peace treaty after a short discussion.

26. He gave very few days off to the chief accountant especially at the time of closing

the general ledger.

27. The fewer words you learn, the less you will forget your knowledge of English.

28. You needn't buy a large present, a few golden rings will do.

29. My hens lay so few eggs that it is more worthwhile to kill and eat them.

30. She found quite a few ten-pound notes under her husband's pillow.

31. Quite a few people came off badly when the bank went bankrupt, didn't they?

32. Would you answer a few personal questions as well?

33. Several times I tried to convince him but he remained firm.

34. What about a little whisky?, he asked, standing in front of the cocktail cabinet.

35. A little more salt and your French onion soup will be perfect!

36. Perhaps it's just a little initial encouragement that he needs.

37. This new boss of ours seems to me a little conceited.

38. He found the Foreign Secretary's tie a little funny.

39. He has a few good ideas but has got little energy to realise them.

40. A few more years and you will get used to living with a habitual drinker.

41. Hearing the insulting interruptions, a few of us started to fidget restlessly.

42. You should have served a little red wine with this fried game.

43. He ate so little for lunch that his stomach started to rumble as early as three o'clock.

44. Unfortunately, there has been little rain in spring, vegetables are going to be expensive again.

45. He has few friends who would really help him in great trouble.

46. I hope you aren't angry with me for being late but the traffic is very heavy at this time of the day.




A much szinonimai lehetnek: a lot (oj), lots (oj), a large/great quantity of, a good/great deal of, plenhJ of

A many szinonimai lehetnek: a lot (oj), lots (oj), a number of, a large number of, plenty of


Kozep- es felsofok

1. Olyan sok hibaja volt a dolgozatban, hogy meg az egyest is alig erdemelte meg.

2. Till sok rossz filmet latott ahhoz, hogy a velemenyet megvaltoztassa.

3. Olyan sokan elfaradtak a gyerekek kozul, hogy rovid pihenot kellett tartanunk a

tura kozepen,

4. Olyan sok bort ittak a balon, hogy keptelenek voltak gyalog hazamenni.

5. Sok baratod van, akikben megbizhatsz?

6. Sietniink kell a vacsoraval, nines sok idonk az eloadas kczdeteig.

7. A gorogorszagi kirandulason nem tudtunk sok fenykopet kesziteni, mert elromlott a fenykepezogcptmk.

8. Sok evvel ezelott tortent. hogy egy kedves, idos bacsi becsengetett es sok apro cikket ajanlott megvetelre.

9. Nem vagyok valami nagy velemennyel azokrol az orvosokrol, akik hamar gyo-

gyithatatlannak belyegzik a beteget.

10. Sok ember szereti kerteszkedessel tolteni a hetvcget.

11. Biztosan sokan lesznek a divatbernutaton a Penta Hotelban.

12. Sokkal jobban hianvzik, mint gondoltam volna. Nem kellett volna szakitanom vele.

13. Olyan sokat ettem, hogy meg sem tudok moccanni, ilgyhogy most ne ker] tolem semmi szivesseget,

14. Ugy orulok. hogy levagattad a szakalladat, igy sokkal fiatalabbnak nezel ki.

15. EI tudod kepzelni, hogy olyan sok penzed legyen, hogy minden evben kulfoldon nyaralj?

16. Rengeteg ruhat felprobaltam a boltban, de egyik sem tetszett annyira, hogy megvegyem.

17. Azt hiszem, tul sok cigarettat szivsz egy nap, es ne gondold, hogy ez nem latszik

az arcborodon,

18. Hires enekes leven rengeteg levelet kap a rajongoitol nap mint nap.

19. Eleg sok szek van a teremben, igy mindenki Ie tud ulni az eloadas alatt.

20. Amikor leszeded a farol a gyumolcsot, boseges vizzel mosd Ie, hogy eltavolttsd a


21. Kivancsi vagyok, hogy az iden mennyi adot kellmajd fizetnem.

22. Sokkal tobb tanarra van szukseg ennek az iskolatipusnak a beinditasahoz.

23. Nem erdekel, mennyit keresnek azok, akik ejt nappalla teve dolgoznak.

24. Sok fiigg attol, mit mondasz a targyalason az elitelt vedelmeben,

25. Mennyivel van tobb baratod, ha gazdag vagy?

26. Ahhoz kepest, hogy csak nehany eve versenyez, elcg sok versenyt megnyert mar.

27. Harty render kellene ilyen sok eroszak megfekezesere?

28. Olyan sok jatekod van a polcon, igazan talalhatnal kedvedre valot!

29. Meg hany ilyen esetnek kell elofordulnia, hogy a hatosagok szigorubb intezkedeseket hozzanak?

30. Orulok. hogy olyan munkam van, ami sok utazassal jar.



31. Sokkal tobb s6t kellett volna a csirkehusra tenned.

32. Tul sok penz csak tul sok irigyet szul,

33. Boven van hely a pinceben, rakd csak le azt a sok regi ujsagot oda.

34. Egesz evben sok gyumolcsot kell enned, ha azt akarod, hogy egeszseges maradj,

35. A bortonben boven lesz ideje cltoprengeni, hogy mit is tett.

36. Olyan nagy mcnnyisegu szemet gyult ossze az iskola udvaran, hogy alig tudtak


37. Amikor influenzas vagy, rengeteg folyadekot igyal es sokfele vitamint egyel.

38. Meg tudnad nekem mondani, mennyibe kerult ez a ttpusu mikrohullamu suto?

39. Ebben az orszagban egyutt 021 a sok kegyetlcnseg es a szamos kedves ember.


1. He made so many mistakes in the test that he hardly deserved even a one.

2. He has seen too many bad films to change his view.

3. So many children got tired that we had to have a little rest in the middle of the


4. They had drunk so much wine at the ball that they were unable to walk home.

5. Have you got a lot of friends you can trust?

6. We must be quick with the dinner, we haven't got much time before the performance starts.

7. We couldn't take a lot of photos during our trip to Greece since our camera went wrong.

8. It happened a number of years ago that a kind old man rang our bell and offered to sell me a lot of trinkets.

9. I don't think much of doctors branding the patients as incurable after a little time.

10. A lot of people enjoy spending their week-ends working in the garden.

11. There must be a lot of people at the fashion show in the Penta Hotel.

12. I miss her a lot more than I expected. I shouldn't have split up with her.

13. I have eaten so much that I can't even move; so don't ask me any favours now.

14. I'm so glad that you have had your beard cut. You look a lot younger like that.

15. Can you imagine having so much money that you could spend your summer holiday abroad every year?

16. I tried on plenty of dresses in the shop but I didn't like any of them enough to buy.

17. I think you smoke too many cigarettes a day, and don't you think that it doesn't show on the skin of your face.

18. Being a famous singer, he receives a large number of letters from his fans day after day.

19. There are quite a lot of chairs in the room so everybody can have a seat during the lecture.

20. When you pick fruit from the tree, wash it with a large amount of water to

remove dirt from it.

21. I wonder how much tax I will have to pay this year.

22. Many more teachers are needed to introduce this kind of school.

23. I'm not interested in how much people who work day and night earn.

24. A lot depends on what you say in the trial to defend the convict.

25. How many more friends do you have if you are rich?

26. Considering that he has been in competitions for just a few years, he has already won quite a lot of them.

27. How many policemen would be necessary to control so much violence?

28. You have so many toys on the shelf, you really could find one to your liking.



29. How many more cases like this must happen for the authorities to take stricter


30. I'm glad to have a job which requires a lot of travelling.

31. You should have put much more salt on the chicken.

32. Too much money just makes too many envious people.

33. There is much room in the cellar, just put that large pile of old newspapers there.

34. You must eat a lot of fruit all the year round if you want to remain healthy.

35. In prison he will have plenty of time to brood over what he has done.

36. Such a large amount of. rubbish had piled up in the schoolyard that it could

hardly be transported.

37. When you have flu, drink plenty of fluids and eat many different vitamins.

38. Could you tell me how much this type of micro-wave oven cost?

39. In this country there is a large amount of cruelty and a large number of kind people living side by side.


Kozep- es fels6fok

1. Szeretnek kolcsonkerni egy kis penzt egy u] gaztuzhclyre.

2. Barmelyik villamosra felszallhatunk, mindharom a Duna-parton megy vegig.

3. Barhova elmennek veled, akar a vilag vegere is.

4. Valami olyan targyat keresek, amivel ki tudom lyukasztani a lapokat.

5. Att61 tartok, hogy valami hiba csuszott a szamitasaba.

6. Nagyon sajnalom, de most mar nem maradhatok tovabb,

7. Egyaltalan nines szukscgem arra a konyvre, amit idehozott.

8. A kornvekunkon legalabb negy telefonfulke van, de mar napok 6ta egyik sem mtikodik.

9. Tul sokat vasaroltam, erre a h6napra alig van mar penzem,

10. Az ejszaka valaki babralt a zarral, de elkezdtem zorogni, es elszaladt.

11. N em kapott egyetlenegy valaszt sem a hirdetesere,

12. Barki bemehet a nyitva hagyott ajton, ha nem vagy 6vatos.

13. Latta valaki, hogy a kertben dolgoztal, amikor betbrtek a szomszedhoz?

14. Nehanyan a lanyok kozul elmentek a moziba, majd beultek egy cukraszdaba egy kis fagyit enni.

15. Van meg bors a tartoban, vagy nekem kell teletbltenem?

16. Adj egy kis tanacsot, hogyan tehetnem el a befotteket ligy, hogy ne romoljanak meg.

17. Soha nines semmilyen otleted arra vonatkozoan, hogy hoI toltsuk a szabadsagunkat.

18. Van, aki szereti a halaszlet, es vannak emberek, akik egyaltalan nem szeretnek semmilyen haletelt,

19. Barmilyen szmure befestetheted a szoknvadat, csak ugy csinaljak meg, hogy ne legyen folt rajta,

20. Nem kernel meg egy kis stitemenyt?

21. Senki sem talalta el a helyes valaszokat, barmennyire is igyekeztek, ezert egy pontot sem tudok adni.

22. Mar nagyon unom, hogy soha nines penze, es mindig t6lem ker valamennyit.

23. Nines vesztegetni valo idonk, azonnal neki kell allnunk a babahaz keszitesehez, hogy husvetra kesz legyen.

24. Olyan elfoglalt vagyok, hogy egyaltalan nines id6m olvasni.

25. N em volt mas valasztasom, mint bevallani a felesegemnek, hogy valni akarok.



26. Egyik baratom se latta azt a fenyes jelenseget az egen, amit en lattam ket nappal ezel6tt.

27. Alig maradt egy kis sor a hiit6ben. Hogy varhatod, hogy sor nelkul nezzunk


28. A nagy tbmeg miatt nem lattam semmit a kiallitott kepekbol,

29. Kell valahol valaminek lennie, ami kulcsot ad a rejtely megoldasahoz.

30. Voltak nalad vendegek vasarnap? - Nem, egy sem.

31. Barmelyikotok eljohct a szmhazba, felteve, hogy van jegyetek.

32. Meg egy kis bort? - Koszonom, van meg egy kicsi.

33. Nem vagyok hajlando valami dtiledez6 tanyan elni kilometerekre barrnitol.

34. Ha valaki keresne, mondd meg, hogy rna korabban Kellett mennem dolgozni.

35. Barki elvihette a lepcsohazbol a babakocsit.

36. Gyertek el valamikor, hogy egy jot beszelgesstmk.

37. Neha nagyon lehangolt vagyok, ha eszembe jutnak elszalasztott lehetosegeim,

38. Van nehany konyvem az elmeleti nyelveszetrol, de mostanaban alig nyitom ki

valamelyiket is.

39. Melyik diak eleg szorgalmas, hogy osztondijat kapjon? - Egyik sem.

40. "Nem mondhatom el senkinek, elmondom hat mindenkinek."

41. Sehol sem talalom azt a hamutartot, amit naszajandekba kaptam keresztapamtol,


1. I would like to borrow some money to buy a new gas-cooker.

2. We can take any tram, all three of them go along the bank of the Danube.

3. I would go anywhere with you, even to the world's end.

4. I'm looking for some object to punch the sheets of paper with.

5. I'm afraid there has been some error in his calculations.

6. I'm awfully sorry but I can't stay any longer.

7. I have no need for the book he brought here at all. / I don't need the book he brought here at all.

8. There are at least four call-boxes in our surroundings but none of them has been working for days.

9. I have done too much shopping, I have hardly any money for this month.

10. At night someone was fiddling with the lock but I started rattling and he ran


11. He didn't receive any answer/ He received no answer to his advertisement.

12. Anyone can enter through the open door if you aren't careful.

13. Did anybody see you working in the garden when the neighbouring house was broken into?

14. Some of the girls went to the cinema, then to a confectionery to eat some ice-


15. Is there some black pepper left in the pepper-pot or must I fill it up?

16. Give me some advice on how to conserve bottled fruit to stop it going bad.

17. You never have any idea as to where to spend our holidays.

18. Some people like fish soup and some don't like any kind of food made from fish at all.

'19. You can have your skirt dyed any colour, so long as they do it without leaving any stains.

20. Would you like some more cake?

21. However hard they tried, no one/nobody could find the correct answer, therefore I can give no points /T can't give any points.




22. I'm really fed up with his never having any money and always asking me for some.

23. We have no time to lose, we must get down to building the dolls' house so that it

will be ready by Easter.

24. I'm so busy that I have no time to read at all.

25. I had no other choice than to admit to my wife that I wanted to get divorced.

26. None of my friends saw the brightly shining thing in the sky that I saw two days ago.

27. There's hardly any beer left in the fridge. How can you expect us to watch a

match without any beer?

28. The big crowd prevented me from seeing anything of the pictures on display.

29. There must be some clue to the solution of the mystery somewhere.

30. Did you have any visitors on Sunday? - No, I didn't have any.

31. Any of you may come to the theatre provided that you have tickets.

32. Some more wine? - Thanks, I still have some.

33. I won't live in some ramshackle farm-house kilometres/miles from anywhere.

34. Should anyone want to speak to me, tell him that I had to go to work earlier


35. Anybody could have taken the pram from the staircase.

36. Come to see us some time to have a good chat.

37. Sometimes I feel very depressed when I remember the opportunities I missed.

38. I have some books on theoretical linguistics but these days I hardly ever open any of them.

39. Which student is hard-working enough to be given a scholarship? - None of them.

40. ,) can't tell anybody, so I will tell everybody."

41. I can't find the ashtray I got as a wedding-present from my godfather anywhere.



Kozep- es felsOfok

1. Borotvalkozas kozben veletlenul megvagtam magam, persze megint akkor,

amikor sietnem Kellett.

2. A ferj es a fclescg egymast hibaztattak, amiert elromIott a hazassaguk.

3. Amikor anyjatol bucsuzik, az mindig azt mondja, hogy vigyazzon magara,

4. Joe maga nyitotta ki az ajtot, amikor csengettek.

5. Nem szerette varratni a ruhait, inkabb sajat maga varrta.

6. A hugom egyedtil el budapesti egyszobas lakasaban.

7. Kar, hogy nem lathatjuk magunkat a tukorben reggelente, amikor elalszunk es ide-ode kapkodunk.

8. Magamban remekul tudok svedul beszelni, de ha meg kell szolalnom, zavarban vagyok.

9. Remeljuk, [ol erezted magad a jelmezbalon.

10. A gyerekek biztosan jol fognak viselkedni a kirandulason, mert, kulonben nem viszem 6ket sehova sem.

11. Eleg nagyok vagytok mar ahhoz, hogy magatok kitakaritsatok a lakast,

12. Nem erintkeznck senkivel, rniota a fiuk ongyilkos lett.




13. Maga a nyaklanc tetszett neki, de a zold gyemant nem.

14. Nagyon nehez az embernek j61 erezrri magat, ha senkit sem ismer a tarsasagban,

15. Magaval az igazgat6n6vel beszeltern ebben a iigyben.

16. Mi6ta vallalkozo lett, sajat maganak dolgozik.

17. Allandoan azt ismetelgeti, hogy magamert szeret, nem a vagyonomert.

18. En magam fizettem ki a szamlamat, nem engedtem, hogy a baratom akar csak egy fagyira is meghivjon.

19. Soha nem tudja ugy kifejezni magat, ahogy szeretne,

20. A bujocskazo gyerekek minden erejiikkel azon voltak, hogy minel el6bb megtalaljak egymast.

21. Ok maguk probaltak mindenkit megvigasztalni, akiknek az ovekehez hasonlo

problemajuk volt.

22. Azt mondtam magamnak: Na, ezt ha torik, ha szakad, meg kell csinalnod!

23. Miert vagy olyan Iusta, hogy nem tudod magad megcsinalni a hazi feladatodat?

24. Elegge ismered magad ahhoz, hogy elvallalj egy ilyen bonyolult feladatot?

25. Vehetek egy kis csokoladet? - Parancsolj!

26. 0 hozta sajat magat olyan helyzetbe, hogy egyediil kell megtalalnia a kivezet6


27. Varazstukorbe neztek, es lattak magukat, amint egyre koverebbe valtak.

28. Olyan lanynak ismerem, aki mindig csak magara gondol, soha senki masra.

29. Mi magunk keszitetttik a bulira a szendvicseket, a vacsorat pedig maga az iinnepelt f6zte.

30. Nem 6 maga takaritotta ki a szobajat, hanem hfvott egy takaritotarsasagot, akik elvegeztek a munkat helyette.


1. During shaving I cut myself accidentally, at a time again, of course, when I was in

a hurry.'

2. Husband and wife blamed each other for the breakdown of their marriage.

3. When he says good-bye to his mother, she always tells him to take care of himself.

4. Joe himself answered the door-bell.

5. She didn't like having her dresses made, she preferred to sew them herself.

6. My younger sister lives by herself in her bed-sitter in Budapest.

7. It's a pity we can't see ourselves in the mirror groping around sleepily after oversleeping in the mornings.

8. My Swedish is excellent when I speak to myself but I'm embarrassed when I have to speak aloud.

9. We hope you enjoyed yourself at the fancy-dress party.

10. The children will surely behave themselves on the trip because otherwise I won't

take them anywhere.

11. You are old enough to clean the fIat by yourselves.

12. They have kept to themselves since their son committed suicide.

13. She liked the necklace itself but not the green diamond.

14. It's very difficult to amuse oneself if one doesn't know anybody in the group.

15. I spoke to the head-mistress herself about this matter.

16. He has been self-employed since he became an entrepreneur.

17. She keeps repeating that she loves me for myself and not for my wealth.

18. I myself paid my bill and didn't let my friend treat me even to an ice-cream.

19. She can never express herself the way she would like to.

20. The children playing hide-and-seek did their best to find one another as quickly as possible.




21. They themselves tried to comfort everybody who had a problem similar to theirs.

22. I said to myself: One way or the other, you've got to do it.

23. Why are you too lazy to do your homework yourself?

24. Do you know yourself well enough to take on such a complicated task?

25. May I have some chocolate? - Help yourself.

26. He got himself into such a situation that he has to find the way out by himself.

27. They looked into a magic mirror and saw themselves getting fatter and fatter.

28. I know her to be a girl who always just thinks about herself and never about anybody else.

29. We prepared the sandwiches for the party ourselves, and dinner was cooked by the person whose name-day/birthday we were celebrating.

30. He didn't clean his room himself but he called a cleaning company to do the job for him.






A melleknevek hasonlttasa es fokozasa harom szinten tortenik:




This girl is as old as my daughter.

Your car is more comfortable than mine.

The house on the corner is the most beautiful building in town.

A nernet tipusu kozepfok kepzese

Alap- es kozepfok

1. Rendesebb, mint te, biztosithatlak rola'

2. A fiuk, Mr. Brown, Iustabb, mint yalaha.

3. Fogalma sines rola, ki jott kesobb.

4. A baratnod hidegebb, mint egy jegcsap!

5. Ha elobb jottel volna, most nem itt tartanank,

6. Ahogy kozeledtunk Dartmoorhoz, egyre sotetebb lett.

7. Hamisabban hangzik, mint az elozo vallomasa' S. A sieles kockazatosabb, mint az autoversenyzcs?

9. Nem tudtuk eldonteni, Budapest vagy Miskolc utcai koszosabbak-e,

10. Barcsak valami szarazabb klimaju orszagban telepedtunk volna le!

11. Semrnilyen korulmenvek kozott nem meriilhettek melvebbrel

12. Elhatarozta, hogy kozelebb koltozik a sziileihez.

13. A varrogeped zajosabb, mint egy sugarrneghajtasu repiilogep-bombazo.

14. Meg Woody Allermel is [okepubb.

15. Azt mondjak, Hinckley meg L. H. Oswaldnal is orultebb volt.

16. A savanvu uborka savanykasabb izu, mint az alma, ugye?


1. He is nicer than you, I can assure you.

2. Their son, Mr. Brown, is lazier than ever.

3. She has no idea who came later.

4. Your friend is colder than an icicle.

5. If you had come earlier, we wouldn't be just here now.

6. As we got nearer to Dartmoor, it got darker.

7. It sounds phonier than her previous confession. S. Is skiing riskier than motor-racing?

9. We couldn't decide which were dirtier - the streets of Budapest or of Miskolc.

10. If only we had settled down in a country with a drier climate!

11. Under no circumstances can you go any deeper underwater.

12. He decided to move closer to his parents.

13. Your sewing machine is noisier than a jet bomber!

14. He is even handsomer than Woody Allen.




15. Hinckley is said to have been even crazier than L. H. Oswald.

16. Pickled gherkin tastes sourer than apples, don't they?

A francia tipusu kozepfok kepzese

1. Egy csirke tenylcg intelligensebb, mint a dinoszauruszok voltak?

2. Vidamabb sztorikat is meselhetnel.

3. Nagyi pudingja meg annal is izletesebb, mint amit a mamad kesztt!

4. Ha ilyen draga autod van, ovatosabbnak kellienned!

5. Azert vagjak ki az esoerdoket, mert azt hisz ik, ott majd termekenyebb talajra


6. Claudia Schiffer szebb mar nem is lehetne.

7. Amit utana mondott, meg hihetetlenebb volt.

S. A te fiad meg remenytelenebb matekbol, mint az enyem,

9. Egyre nevetsegesebbe valt, amint ott allt es enekelni probalt,

10. Egy tacskokutya husegesebb, mint egy barat?

11. Hatarozottan magabiztosabb, mint yalaha volt, nem?

12. Makacsabb, mint barmely mas no, akit csak ismerek.

13. Ma parasabb a Ievego, mint tegnap, nem?

14. 6 volt a legjobban feldobva az erettsegi utan.


1. Is a chicken really more intelligent than the dinosaurs were?

2. You could at least tell more cheerful stories.

3. Granny's pudding is even more delicious than your mother's.

4. If you have such an expensive car, you must be more carefuL

5. They clear rain forests because they expect to find more fertile soil there.

6. Claudia Schiffer couldn't be more beautiful than she is.

7. What he said afterwards was even more incredible. S. Your son is even more hopeless at maths than mine.

9. He became more and more ridiculous standing there and trying to sing.

10. Is a Dachshund more loyal than a friend?

11. He is definitely more self-confident than he used to be, isn't he?

12. She is more obstinate than any other woman I know.

13. The air is more humid today than it was yesterday, isn't it?

14. He was more delighted/pleased than anybody else after the school-leaving exam.

A melleknev felsofoka - nernet tipus

1. Igazan nem kellett volna a Iegolcsobbat yenned.

2. A Toyota tegnap mutatta be a Iegujabb modszeret arra, hogy hogyan keriiljiik el a

halalos baleseteket.

3. Mindenki Leonardot tartja a legnagyobb festonek?

4. A legforrobb nyarak egyiken szeretttink egymasba, meg a hatvanas evek elejen.

5. A Pa-do-do a legviccesebb magyar pop-duo, ugye?

6. 6 volt a legkedvesebb gesa, akit yalaha ismertern.

7. Mit gondolsz, melyik a legtisztabb allat?

S. Meg a legegyszerubb kerdest sem tudja megvalaszolni.

9. A vilag legoregebb embere allitolag [apanban el.

10. Ennel nagyobb kozhelyet nem is mondhattal volna.




11. Mindtmk koztil 6 volt a legfiatalabb, igy 6t valasztottuk kifut6fi(mak.

12. Szsrencseje van, uram, a legvilagosabb szobat foglalta Ie!

13. Ez a legnagyobb hazugsag, amit eletemben hallottam!

14. Most Iatja a mamad eloszor a vilag legmagasabb epuletet?

15. Nekem azt mondtak, ez a legrovidebb ut,


1. You really shouldn't have bought the cheapest one.

2. Toyota has presented its newest method of avoiding fatal accidents.

3. Is Leonardo universally considered to be the greatest painter?

4. We fell in love with each other during one of the hottest summers, as early as the

beginning of the 60's.

5. Pa-do-do is the funniest Hungarian pop-duos, isn't it?

6. She was the kindest geisha that I had ever known.

7. Which animal do you think is the cleanest?

8. He can't answer even the simplest question.

9. The oldest man in the world is alleged to be living in Japan.

10. This is the commonest platitude you could have said.

11. He was the youngest of all of us so we chose him to be a courrier.

12. You are lucky, sir, to have reserved the brightest room.

13. It's the biggest lie I have ever heard in my life.

14. Is this the first time your mother has seen the tallest building in the world?

15. I have been told that this is the shortest way.

A melh~knev felsofoka - francia tipus (the most ... )

1. Szokas szerint lekeste a legizgalmasabb jelenetet.

2. 6 volt a legbokezubb firenzei uralkod6 a XVI. szazadban.

3. Egy dolog van, amiben tehetseges: ki ~dja valasztani a legdragabb es legocs-

manyabb ruhat, S6t, fel is veszi!

4. Egyike volt a legjobban tisztelt tanaroknak.

5. Tavaly a "legvakmer6bb sofor" cimet kapta a rendorsegtol.

6. Melyik a legertekesebb festmeny a Louvre-ban?

7. Oroksegem legdragabb darabja szamomra ez a kis oracska.

8. Ez a legfels6 szintje a nyelvtudasnak.

9. A korhaz egy egesz sorozat legmodernebb felszerelest kapott.

10. Ez az allat ketsegtelenul a vilag legvisszataszit6bb hulloje.

11. A legtisztessegtelenebb parlamenti kepvisel6ket Ie kellene valtani,

12. Gretzkyt 802. g6lja utan a leglelkesebb szurkol6i kisertek haza, autoja mellett


13. A "Schindler listaja" volt az ev legmegindit6bb filmje.

14. Az volt a legbosszant6bb dolog, hogy nem nezett rank, mikor hozzank beszelt.


1. As usual, he missed the most exciting scene.

2. In the 16th century he was the most generous ruler in Florence.

3. There is one thing she is talented at: choosing the most expensive and the ugliest dress. What's more, she even wears it.

4. He was one of the most respected teachers.

5. He was given the title of 'the most reckless driver' by the police last year.




6. Which is the most valuable painting in the Louvre?

7. For me the most precious part of my legacy is this tiny watch.

8. This is the most advanced level of language proficiency.

9. The hospital has been given a whole set of the most modern equipment.

10. This animal is undoubtedly the most repulsive reptile in the world.

11. The least honest/most dishonest MPs should be replaced.

12. After scoring his 802nd goal, Gretzky was accompanied as far as his home by his most enthusiastic fans, running alongside his car.

13. Schindler's List has been the most moving film of the year.

14. The most irritating thing was that he didn't look at us when speaking to us.

Rendhagy6 mellekrievek fokozasa - kozepfok

1. Biztos csal, mert az crcdmenyei mindig jobbak, mint az enyemek.

2. A gazdasagi helyzet olyan rossz, hogy ezutan csak jobb lehet.

3. Rosszabb mar nem is lehet!

4. A dolgok csak rosszabbra fordulhatnak.

5. Melyik ir6t kedveled jobban: Styront vagy Faulknert? - Az ut6bbit.

6. A hugom azonban az el6bbit kedveli, mert nagy Styron-imado.

7. Mindig mindent megbocsat az id6sebbik fianak,

8. A te hazad messzebb van az iskolatol, mint az enyem?

9. Nemcsak fizetesemelest kert, hanem tovabbment: azt is kovetelte, hogy azonnal

leptessek e16.

10. Sokkal kevesebb nyakkend6m van, mint Johnnynak.

11. Ha nem akarod alaasni az egeszsegedet, kevesebbet kellene dolgoznod.

12. Ki tud tobb nyelven beszelni? Te vagy a ferjed?

13. Meg a dusgazdagok is egyre tobb penzt akarnak keresni.

14. Ez a te nagyneniked meg az en anyosomnal is rosszabb.

15. Kesobbi rmivei mar magukon hordoztak a muveszi hajlam nemely jegyeit.


1. He must be cheating as his results are always better than mine.

2. The economic situation is so bad that from now on it can only get better.

3. It couldn't be worse.

4. Things can only get worse.

5. Which writer do you prefer, Styron or Faulkner? - The latter.

6. But my sister prefers the former as she is a big fan of Styron. / My sister prefers

Styron because she is a big fan of his.

7. He always forgives his elder son everything.

8. Is your house farther from the school than mine?

9. Not only did she ask for a pay-rise, she went further: she also demanded to be

promoted immediately.

10. I have far fewer ties than Johnny does.

11. If you don't want to undermine your health, you should work less.

12. Who speaks more languages? You or your husband?

13. Even the super-rich want to earn more and more money.

14. This aunt of yours is even worse than my mother-in-law.

15. His later works bore some signs of artistic inclinations.




Rendhagyo melleknevek fokozasa - felsofok

1. 6 volt a legjobban oltozott no a partin.

2. Sikeriilt megvenned a legrosszabb autot,

3. Messze 0 a legjobb beosztottad, ideje, hogy eloleptesd.

4. Idaig a Ben Hur kapta a legtobb Oscar-dijat.

5. Negy sulyos allapotu betegunk van, de Mrs. Jones a legbetegebb.

6. Sok rosszindulatu oregasszonyt ismerek, de messze Lady Winfred a legrosszabb kozuluk,

7. Megvan neked a Time legutobbi szama?

8. Megkerdezte a titkarnojet, hogy hoI van a legtavolabbi falu, es odakiildte szegeny

Franket iizletet kotni,

9. Ketsegtelen, Mary ment a legmesszebbre, mikor azt kovetelte, hogy buktassuk

meg az igazgatot,

10. Most akkor Irene vagy Annelise a legidosebb novered?

11. Csodalkoztam, hogy 0 adta be a dolgozatat utolsokent,

12. Legeloszor is hadd hirdessem ki a vizsga idopontjat,

13. Rengeteg francia belyegunk van, de neki van a legtobb,

14. Ez a legkevesebb, amit az ember egy ilyen rendes haverert mcgtesz,

15. 6 kovette el a legkevesebb hibat a dolgozatban.


1. She was the best dressed woman at the party.

2. You managed to buy the worst car.

3. He is by far your best employee, it's time you promoted him.

4. So far Ben Hur has been awarded the most Oscars. / Up to now Ben Hur holds

the record for being awarded the largest number of Oscars.

5. We have four patients in critical condition but Mrs. Jones is the worst.

6. I know a lot of evil old women but Lady Winfred is by far the worst of them.

7. Have you got the latest issue of Time? .

8. He asked his secretary where the farthest village was and sent poor Frank to do business there.

9. No doubt it was Mary who went furthest by demanding that we should

overthrow the director.

10. So who is your eldest sister - Irene or Annelise?

11. I was surprised at his being the last to hand in the exam-paper.

12. First and foremost, let me announce the date of the exam.

13. We have a great number of French stamps but he has the most of them.

14. This is the least one can do for such a nice person/ chap.

15. He made the fewest mistakes in the test.

"Fura" melleknevek, melyek [elentese mas, ha a sz6 el6tt ill. rnoqott all


1. A [elenlevo h61gy az on jelenlegi felesege?

2. Az aggodo feleseg ferje minden ktvansagat teljesitette.

3. Hajlando az erintett holgy nyilatkozni a tamadoi kulsejerol?

4. Harom napig tartott, amig rajottunk a bonyolult jogi problema megoldasara.

5. Van olyan orszag, ahol a Parlament nem egy valasztott testulet?

6. Hogy oszinte legyek, a batyam az egesz csalad mindenben Iegilletekesebb tagja.

7. Miert nem jelent meg a felelos szemely?

8. Nehany ember szamara Hitler a megtestesiilt gonosz volt.




9. A megvalasztott rniniszterelnok juniusban alakithat kormanyt,

10. Az erintett miniszter nagyon bonyolult valaszt adott a viszonylag egyszeru kerdesre.

11. Minden eriritett orszagnak Ie kellene mondania arrol, hogy a szemetet a tengerbe ontse.

12. Minel jobban aggodsz a sulyod miatt, annal koverebb leszel.


1. Is the woman present your present wife?

2. The concerned wife did everything her husband asked her to.

3. Will the woman concerned/ involved make a statement on the appearance of her


4. It took us three days to hit upon the solution off to the involved legal issue. S. Is there any country where the Parliament is not an elected body?

6. To be frank, my brother is the most responsible member of the family.

7. Why didn't the person responsible turn up?

8. For some people, Hitler was the devil incarnate.

9. The PM elect can form a government in June.

10. The minister involved gave a very involved/ complicated answer to the relatively simple question.

11. All the countries concerned should desist from pouring rubbish into the sea.

12. The more concerned you are about your weight, the fatter you will be.

Melleknevek [rnodhotorozok], melyek csak allitmc'mykimt iIIetve csak jelzokimt szerepelhetnek

1. Most az egyszer tenyleg beteg, ugy tunik.

2. A beteg nagypapat korhazba szallitottak.

3. Amikor a kiralyfi megtalalta Csipkerozsikat, az melyen aludt.

4. Teljesen egyediH vagyok egy kis lyukban es rettento maganyosnak erzem magam. S. A remult birkak tudtak, mitol felnek: kozeledett egy ehes farkascsorda.

6. Elsz meg? - Koszonom, elek es virulok.

7. Jobban szeretem az elo kozvetiteseket nezni, mint koncertre jarni,

8. Csak az elo kigyoktol fel, ha mar megdoglottek, nem erdeklik,

9. Azt hittem, alszik, de amikor bcleptem, teljesen ebren volt.

10. A folyamat elejen van egy csomo sejt, mely teljesen egyforma.

11. A kis hajo biztonsagban uszott az oceanon,

12. Van egy kis hazam, sokkal kisebb, mint az a te palotad.

13. Ebren toltott hosszu orak utan vcgre elaludt, de szornyu alrnai voltak.

14. Amikor a bal utan visszatertek a hazba, az egcsz haz cgett,

1S. Ebbe a szobaba senkinek nem szabad belepni ego cigar etta val.


1. For once he really seems to be ill.

2. The sick grandfather was taken to hospital.

3. When the prince found Sleeping Beauty, she was fast asleep.

4. I'm all alone in a tiny hole and I feel awfully lonely.

S. The frightened sheep knew what they were afraid of: a pack of hungry wolves were approaching them.




6. Are you still alive? - Thanks, I'm alive and kicking.

7. I prefer watching live broadcasts to going to concerts.

8. She is only afraid of living snakes and doesn't care about them when they are dead.

9. I thought he was asleep but when I entered he was wide awake.

10. At the beginning of the process there is a bunch of identical cells.

11. The small ship was safely afloat on the ocean.

12. I have a small house, a lot smaller than that palace of yours.

13. After long, waking hours she finally fell asleep but then she had horrible nightmares.

14. When they returned to their house after the ball, the whole house was alight.

15. No one can enter this room with a lit cigarette.

"Minel ... , annal ... "

1. Minel tobbet tanulsz, annal tobbet felejtesz.

2. Minel gyorsabban futott, iildoz6i annal jobban lemaradtak.

3. Minel tobb ajandekot vesz, annal boldogabba tesz engem.

4. Minel szukebb egy sikator, annal kevesbe vagyok hajlando bemenni.

5. Minel okosabbnak runt, annal jobban felesegul akarta venni.

6. Minel elokelobb a vendeg. a hostessnek annal udvariasabbnak kelliennie hozza.

7. Minel tobbszor sertcd meg, annal valoszinfibb, hogy elveszted 6t.

8. Ahogy oregszik, egyre szenilisebb.

9. Minel nehezebb hozzaferni egy informaciohoz, nekiink annal tobbet er.

10. Minel tovabb boszelt, annal zavarosabbnak hatott az egesz.

11. Minel alacsonyabb vagy, annal kevesebb az eselycd, hogy te legyel az uj Magic


12. Minel kevesbe vagy feldult, annal jobban latod a kovetkezmenyeket.

13. Minel rovidebb egy tiles, annal jobb.

14. Minel tobb ido telik el, annal kevesebb remenytmk marad.

15. Minel hamarabb befejezed a za klatasat, annal hamarabb bocsat meg.

16. Minel hamarabb ideer, annal jobb, mert beszelnem kell vele.

17. Minel tobb tapasztalatot szerzett a vezetesbcn, annal konnyebben reagalt veszhelyzetekben.

18. Minel tobbet gyakorolja az angol mondatok forditasat, annal jobban fej16dik a

forditasi keszsege.

19. Minel bolcsebb donteseket hoz, alkalmazottai annal jobban tisztelik.

20. Minel tovabb hallgatom 6t, annal kevesbe tudok hinni neki.

21. Minel tehetsegesebb vagy, annal nehezebb kellokeppen megfizetett allast


22. Minel tobbet fusizik, annal kevesbe kepcs a munkahelyen megfelelni az elvara-


23. Minel szennyezettebb a vilag leveg6je, annal rosszabbak az elovilag kilatasai,

24. Minel kevesebb erofeszitest teszel arra, hogy megtanuld a teteleket, annal valoszinubb, hogy megbuksz a szurovizsgan.

25. Minel kevesebb id6t szentelsz a munkadnak. annal kevesebb a sikarelmenyed.


1. The more you learn, the more you forget.

2. The faster he ran, the further his pursuers fell behind.




3. The more presents he buys, the happier he makes me.

4. The narrower a passage is, the less willing I am to enter it.

5. The cleverer she seemed to be, the more he wanted to marry her.

6. The more distinguished a guest is, the politer a hostess must be with him.

7. The more times you offend her, the more likely it is that you will lose her.

8. The older he grows, the more senile he becomes.

9. The less available / The more difficult a piece of informa'tion is to get, the more we value it.

10. The longer he spoke, the more confused, the whole thing seemed.

11. The shorter you are, the less chance you have of becoming the new Magic


12. The less upset you are, the better you can see the consequences.

13. The shorter a meeting is, the better.

14. The more time passes, the less hope we have.

15. The sooner you stop pestering her, the sooner she'll forgive you.

16. The sooner he gets here, the better, because I must speak to him.

17. The more driving experience he got, the more easily he reacted to emergencies.

18. The more he practises translating English sentences, the more his translation skills


19. The more sensible decisions he makes, the more his employees respect him.

20. The longer I listen to him, the less I can believe him.

21. The more talented you are, the more difficult it is for you to find an adequately paid job.

22. The more moonlighting he does, the less he is able to meet expectations at his main job.

23. The more polluted the world's air is, the worse the prospects of its flora and fauna are.

24. The less effort you make to learn the topics, the more likely you are to fail the

filter exam. ,

25. The less time you devote to your work, the less sense of achievement you have.

Vegyes peldamondatok

1. Azt mondjak Peterrol, hogy joszivubb, mint Janos.

2. Amikor Joe bacsi olyan fiatal volt, mint te, sokkal szelesebb valla volt.

3. 6 a leg6divambb ruhatervez6, akivel yalaha egyiitt dolgoztam.

4. A legrosszabb az volt a kirandulason, hogy nem tudtunk felmenni abba a TV-

toronyba, ahonnan olyan csodalatos a kilatas, mint egy helikopterr61.

5. Ugyanolyan mokasan van befonva a Ianyod haja, mint a szomszed kislanye,

6. ~em volt olyan okos, hogy vegre tudta volna hajtani a rabizott feladatot.

7. Epp olyan mereta az en ruham is, mint Kame.

8. Menjiink olyan kozel az allatokhoz, amilyen kozel csak lehet.

9. A tanarunk tobb, mint kedves volt, amikor tanacsot kerttmk tole.

10. 6 a legid6sebb bat yam, aki mar egy eve tolti a katonaidejet,

11. Kati legalabb ot evvel id6sebbnek Iatszik, mint amennyi valojaban, pedig 6 a

legfiatalabb a csaladban.

12. Ate kakaod nem olyan jo, mint amit az edesanyad keszit.

13. Az uj tornyot majdnem olyan magasra epitettek, mint a parizsi Eiffel-torony.

14. Nem hinnem, hogy olyan sokba kerulne az a ruha, mint ahogy a baratnodnek mondtak.




15. Sokkal erosebb, mint amilyennek vartam: kepzeld, egyedtil mozgatta a butorokat a szobajaban, amikor atrendezte.

16. Azt mondja a gyerekem tanarnoje. hogy John a legrosszabb az osztalyban, de az IQ-ja [oval tobb 100-nal.

17. A felepittetett haz olyan nagy volt, hogy inkabb hasonlitott kastelyhoz. mint csaladi hazhoz.

18. Ez a legeslegjobb koncert, amit valaha Iattam, Elhiheted nekem, mert mar vegig-

tiltem egynehany koncertet.

19. Miert vettel ket szammal nagyobb cipot, mint amilyenre szukseged van?

20. A film tovabb tartott, mint ahogy vartuk, ezert Iekestuk az utolso buszt, amivel

haza tudtunk volna menni.

21. Ez a magas fiu a legkevesbe figyelmes gyerek az osztalyban.

22. Nem beszel olyan j61 olaszul, mint a baratja, pedig a egy cvig elt Olaszorszagban.

23. Simone-r61 azt mondjak. hogy inkabb anya volt, mint felcscg.

24. Byron versei egyszerubbek, erzelemdusabbak es kevesbe vizualisak.

25. Amikor Londonba mentek, a legkevesbe draga szallodaban laktak.

26. Ezek a legfinomabb sutemenyek. amit valaha ettem.

27. Egyre lassabban mentek, ahogy lattak a szembejovc autosok traffipaxra utalo


28. Steve regi baratnoje sokkal csinosabb volt, mint a menyasszonya.

29. A vice, amit meselt, a Ieheto legtzlestelenebb volt.

30. Lebontottak a varos Iegregibb szallodajat, mert mar eletveszelyes volt.

31. A leghelyesebb, amit tehetsz, hogy videkre vonulsz egy kis idore,

32. Azok az aut6k a Iegcsicsasabbak. amiket a varosszeli maszeknal Iehet kapni.

33. A legtermeszetesebb modon viselkedett, amikor a rendorseg kozolte, hogy megoltek a feleseget.

34. I:;£aromszor akkorara nott a paradicsomom a kertben, mint tavaly.

35. 0 a legkedvesebb, legaranyosabb ember a vilagon, csak kar, hogy messze lakik t!5lem es ritkabban talalkozunk, mint regente.

36. Ugy erzem, a az, aki a legkevesebbet tanul, de a legjobban tudja a biologiat es a

kemiat, de nem a legutolso a fizikaban sem. '

37. Igazan dobhattad volna messzebb a labdat: igy most rosszabb jegyet fogsz kapni ebbol a gyakorlatb6L

38. Peter beszel a leghangosabban, szinte tulkiabalja a tobbieket is,

39, Murphy torvenyei igazan elvezetes olvasnivalok, de a legtObb tapasztalatot a sajat eletedbol meritheted.

40: Jobban szeretem a magas fiukat, mint az alacsonyabbakat, de aki meg Ferinel is magasabb, az mar' elveszett' szamomra.

41. Igazan nem kellett volna eltitkolnod, hogy a fagyaszt6 dragabb volt a mosogat6- gepneL

42, Nem nagyon tetszik ez a festmeny, mert a festo tul sotet arnyalatot adott a bal saroknak. holott sokkal jobb lett volna, ha ugyanolyan sztnt hasznal, mint a jobb oldalon.

43. Bizalmasabb lehettel volna velem, hisz jobb baratnod vagyok, mint Sue.


1, Peter is said to be more kind-hearted than John,

2. When Uncle Joe was as young as you are, he had much broader shoulders,

3. She is the most old-fashioned dress designer who I have ever worked with,

4. The worst thing about the trip was that we couldn't go up into the TV tower, from which the view is as marvellous as from a helicopter,




5, Your daughter's hair is plaited as funnily as that of the little girl in the


6. He wasn't clever enough to be able to carry out the task given to him, 7, My dress is of the same size as Kate's.

8. Let's go as close to the animals as possible,

9. Our teacher was more than kind when we asked her for advice, 10, He is my eldest brother, who has been in the army for a year now.

11, Kate seems to be at least five years older than she actually is, although she is the

youngest in the family,

12, Your cocoa is not as/so good as your mother's,

13, The new tower has been built almost as high as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, 14, I don't think that dress would cost as much as they told your friend,

15, He is much stronger than I had expected him to be. Believe it or not, he moved the furniture in his room by himself when redecorating it,

16. My son's teacher says that John is the naughtiest boy in the class but his IQ is much higher than 100,

17, The house they had had built was so big that it was more like a palace/mansion than a family house,

18, This is by far the best concert I have ever seen, You can believe me, as I have

already sat out several concerts,

19, Why did you buy a pair of shoes two sizes larger than you need?

20, The film lasted longer than we had expected so we missed the last bus home, 21. This tall boy is the least attentive pupil in the class,

22, ~e spea~s It~lian less well than his friend, although he lived in Italy for a year. 23, SImone IS said to have been more of a mother than a wife.

24. Byron's poems are simpler, more emotional and less visual.

25, When they were in London, they stayed at the least expensive hotel. 26, These are the most delicious cakes I have ever eaten.

27. They were driving more and more slowly when they saw the oncoming cars

signalling a speed check.

28, Steve's previous girlfriend was much prettier than his fiancee.

29. The joke he told was in the worst possible taste.

30. The town's oldest hotel has been demolished because it was already in a

dangerous condition,

31. You had best move to the provinces for a while,

32. The flashiest cars are the ones sold by the private car dealer on the edge of town.

33. He behaved in the most natural way when the police informed him that his wife had been murdered,

34. My tomatoes in the garden grew three times as big as last year's,

35, He is the kindest, dearest man in the world, but it's a pity he lives a long way from my place and we meet more rarely than we used to.

36. I think he's the one who studies least, but he's the best at biology and chemistry, and he isn't bad at physics either.

37. You should have thrown the ball farther, this way you are going to get a worse mark for this exercise.

38, Peter speaks the loudest, he practically shouts the others down,

39, Murphy's laws are really enjoyable reading but you can draw most of your experience from your own life,

40, I prefer tall boys to shorter ones but boys who are even taller than Frankie don't interest me,

41, Really, you shouldn't have made a secret of the fact that the freezer was more expensive than the dish-washer.




42. I don't like this painting very much because the painter used too dark a shade on the left, although it would have been much better for him to use the same colour as that on the right.

43. You should have confided more in me, because I'm a better friend of yours than Sue.

ASvs. LIKE Peldamondatok

1. Futokent dolgozik a Szechenyi-Iurdoben tobb, mint 20 eve.

2. Megbuktam a vizsgan, akarcsak a legtobb bar atom.

3. Neha ugy viselkedik, mint egy kiralyno.

4. Gerard Depardieu olyan filrnrendez6kkel dolgozott, mint Bertolucci es Truffaut.

5. Mivel nem volt viziink, a borunk utols6 cseppjeit ittuk meg.

6. Amint azt mar el6z6leg emlitettuk, 6 lesz az uj pilotank,

7. Argenrinaban, akarcsak Chileben, a spanyolt az emberek tulnyomo tobbscge anyanyelvkent beszeli,

S. Pont ugy nez ki, mint Robert Redford husz evvel ezel6tt!

9. Bizonyos tekintetben epp olyan. mint az a csokonyos nagyanyja.

10. Mindig egy olyan aut6t szerettem volna.

11. Amikor ramnez, eppen olyan, mint nehai apam,

12. Amilyen az apja, olyan a fia.

13. Kifinomult izlese van, akarcsak a huganak,

14. Ferjemhezhasonloan elenken tiltakoztam, amikor megkerte a lanyunk kezet,

15. Pa-do-do-nek oltoztek,

16. Ugy oltozott, ahogy a Fa-do-do szokott.

17. Fanatikus focirajong6 volt, akarcsak valamennyi tarsa.

IS. Amint tudjatok, megegyezcsunk szerint a szerzodes lejarati ideje okt6ber 5-e.


1. He has been working as a stoker in the Szechenyi Bath for over 20 years.

2. I failed the exam, as did most of my friends.

3. Sometimes she behaves like a queen.

4. Gerard Depardieu made films with directors like Bertolucci and Truffaut.

5. As we had no water, we drank the last drops of our wine.

6. As mentioned before, he is going to be our new pilot.

7. In Argentina, as in Chile, Spanish is spoken by the overwhelming majority of the people as their mother tongue.

S. He looks just like Robert Redford twenty years ago!

9. She's just like her obstinate grandma in some respects.

10. I have always wanted a car like that.

11. When he looks at me he is just like my late father.

12. Like father, like son.

13. She has exquisite taste, just like her sister.

14. Like my husband, I protested vehemently when he proposed to our daughter.

15. They dressed up as Pa-do-do girls. / They disguised themselves as Pa-do-do,

16. She was dressed like the Pa-do-do girls.

17. He was an enthusiastic football fan, like all his companions.

IS. As you know, the contract terminates on the 5th of October, as we agreed.





Kozep- es fels6fok

1. Mi baj? Miert nezel ram ilyen szomoruan?

2. A fiammal van valami bai, alig aludtam miatta tegnap.

3. Nemcsak hogy tokreszeg volt, de meg melyen meg is sertett.

4. Amikor felhaborodottan tiltakoztam, meg csak meg sem hallgatott.

5. Messzebbre ment szemtclcnsegeben, mint el6tte barmikor.

6. Ne beszelj olyan hangosan, a ferjed meghallhatja.

7. Nem szamit, tud mindent, el6tte beszelhetunk szabadon.

S. Kertern is tegnap, hogy biintesse meg a fiamat igazsagosan.

9. Att61 tartok, hogy a fiambol hamarosan kabitoszeres lesz.

10. Akkor pedig alig fog ajanlatokat kapni j6nevii cegektol.

11. Pedig jelenleg munkanelkuli, igaz?

12. Mindig elcg j6 volt matekb61, igaz?

13. Igen, es a tanara minden alkalommal elismer6en nyilatkozott r6la.

14. Igaz, hogy mar akkor is voltak furcsa szokasai, meglehet6sen szeretett peldaul

macskakat fojtogatni.

15. Igen? Pedig en azt hittern, hogy egy teljesen normalis gyerek.

16. Mostanaban keson jar haza.

17. Ez azcrt van, mert lassan es 6vatosan vezet. IS. Oles6n vette a kocsijat?

19. Alig fizetett erte valamit.

20. Jobban mondva, ingyen kapta a nagybatyjatol, amikor az visszajott Amerikabol,

21. Teljesen elfelejtette, hogy van egy igen gazdag nagybatyja.

22. Nagyon j6l fizeti [oe-t, igaz?

23. Igaz, de Joe is rettent6en hajt,

24. Nagyon akarta ezt a munkat, nem csoda, hogy most ugy dolgozik, mint egy giizii.


1. What's the matter? Why are you looking at me so sadly?

2. There's something wrong with my son, I got hardly any sleep yesterday because

of him.

3. Not only was he dead drunk but he also hurt me deeply.

4. When I protested hotly, he didn't even listen to me.

5. She went further in being cheeky than ever before.

6. Don't speak so loud, your husband may hear you.

7. lt doesn't matter, he knows everything, so we can speak freely in his presence. S. Yesterday I even asked him to punish my son fairly.

9. I'm afraid my son will soon become a drug-addict.

10. Then he is hardly likely to get any good offers from reputable firms.

11. But he's unemployed at the moment, isn't he?

12. He has always been fairly good at maths, hasn't he?

13. Yes, and his teacher spoke of him highly whenever we met.




14. It's true that he had strange habits even then. He rather liked strangling cats.

15. Really? I personally thought him to be a fairly normal child.

16. Lately he has been coming home late.

17. It's because he drives slowly and carefully.

18. Did he buy his car cheaply?

19. He hardly paid anything for it.

20. Or rather, he got it free from his uncle when he returned from America.

21. He clean forgot that he had such a wealthy uncle.

22. He pays Joe ;:ery well, doesn't he?

23. True, but Joe also works very hard.

24. He badly wanted that job, no wonder he is working like a slave.



'1. Eletben van meg szcgeny para?

2. Meg igen, de mar nagyon sok vert vesztett.

3. Miert nem ertek ide meg a ment6k?

4. Fogalmam sines, mar ketszer is telefonaltam nekik.

5. Fogadni mernek, hogy meg mindig a garazsban teblabolnak.

6. Ha nem ernek ide ot percen belul, ez a szegeny soha tobbe nem fog aut6t vezetni!

7. En mar nem bizom benne, hogy meg tudjuk menteni az eletet,

8. Maris feladtad a remenyt?

9. Miert, te meg nem?

10. Nem hat. Mar banom, hogy megkertelek, hogy segits kiszedni ezt az embert a roncsbol,

11. Meg nem Iattalak ilyen elkeseredettnek.

12. Probalj megerteni, meg soha nem lattam ilyen rcmes balesetet, es ugy erzem, nem

tudom tovabb elviselni ennyi ver Iatvanyat.

13. En teljesen mcgertelek, de azert megis segtthetnel.

14. Rendben, de igerd meg, hogy nem szapulsz tobbet.

15. Mar nem haragszol ram, igaz?


1. Is the poor creature still alive?

2. He still is, but he has already lost a lot of blood.

3. Why hasn't the ambulance got here yet?

4. I have no idea, I have already phoned them twice.

5. I bet they are still fussing in the garage.

6. If they don't get here in five minutes, this poor man won't ever drive a car again!

7. I don't believe we'll be able to save him any longer.

8. Have you given up hope already? (1)

9. Why, haven't you?

10. Of course not. Now I already regret asking you to help me take this man out of the wreck.

11. I've never seen you so desperate before.




12. Try to understand me. I have never seen such a horrible accident and I feel I can't stand the sight of so much blood any longer.

13. I fully understand you, but still you could help me.

14. All right, but promise me not to run me down any more. / All right, but promise to stop telling me off.

15. You aren't angry with me any longer, are you?


Kozos jellernz6jiik, hogy onmagukban nem hasznalatosak kijelent6 mondatban, kiveve, ha egy m6dosit6sz6 megel6zi 6ket.

A much es a many hasznalatara kulon fejezetben talalhatok peldamondatok.


1. Messze van az a j6 kocsma?

2. Mit gondolsz, milyen messze lehet?

3. Szerintem j6 id6be telik, mig odaerunk.

4. Pedig nagyon szomjas vagyok, meg tudnek inni annyi sort, mint egy tengeresz.

5. Hat, ami azt illeti, a kocsma meg messze van. Eleg messze. Atkozottul messze.

6. Eleg messze vagy nekem mar tul messze?

7. En ugy erzern, alig tudok mar jarni. Mar nagyon sokat gyalogoltunk.


1. Is it a long way to that good/nice pub?

2. How far do you think it could be?

3. As for me, I think it will take quite a long time to get there.

4. Although I'm very thirsty, I could drink a barrel of beer.

5. Well, as a matter of fact, the pub is still a long way from here. It's rather far. A hell of a long way.

6. Is it rather far or too far for me?

7. I'm afraid I can hardly walk. We have already walked far too much.







1. Tegnap este tevet neztem es ujsagot olvastam.

2. Meghivtam a moziba, de nem volt ideje eljonni,

3. Nem talaltunk szabad szallodai szobat, ezert az allomason aludtunk.

4. Lezuhanyoztam, majd felvettem a legszebb ruhamat,

5. Azt mondta, tul faradt setalni.

6. A te lakasod olyan kenyelmes, min+'az enyem.

7. A bar atom haza dragabb volt, mir.t- _ mienk.

8. Ami a csomagokat illeti, a futoszalagon fognak megerkezni,

9. Arnint latja, nines penz a parkolooraban.

10. Nem akar hazamenni ot ora el6tt, mert nem akar talalkozni az anyosaval,


1. Yesterday evening I was watching TV AND reading a paper.

2. I invited him to the cinema BUT he didn't have time to come.

3. We couldn't find a vacant hotel room, SO/THAT'S WHY/THEREFORE we slept at the

railway station.

4. I had a shower, THEN I put on my most beautiful dress.

5. He said THAT he was too tired to walk.

6. Your flat is AS comfortable AS mille.

7. My friend's house was more expensive THAN ours.

8. As FOR the luggage, it will arrive on the conveyor belt.

9. As you can see, there is no money in the parking metre.

10. He doesn't want to go home before five o'clock, BECAUSE he doesn't want to meet" his mother-in-law.

CO-ORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS (mellerendelo kotoszok)

Peldamondatok Kozep- es felsdfok

1. A Pan-Europa+ Szovetseg az europai egysegnek es hagyomanyoknak elkotelezett

politikai mozgalom.

2. Megfordult, es gyorsan elment.

3. Ket autojat felrobbantottak szelsosegesek, de 6 nem tilt benntik.

4. Nemctorszagban szuletett es nevelkedett, de Ausztriaban telepedett Ie.

5. Izraelben a ferfiakat es a n6ket egyarant behivjak.




6. Ha gondjaid vannak a gyerekekkel, hivj fel engem vagy a ferjemet.

7. Harcolhatsz utolso emberedig, vagy megadhatod magad.

8. Vagy megakadaIyozod a kutyadat abban, hogy a kertembe jojjon, vagy mogmergezem.

9. A miniszterelnok se el nem ismerte, se nem cafolta az ellenzek vezet6je altal felhozott vadakat.

10. Nerncsak hogy folyekonyan beszel torokul, de az elszort nomad torzsek vala-

mennyi dialektusat is megerti.

11. Ne ebben a szallodaban szalljunk meg: olyan lepusztult, s azonkivul draga,

12. Feleseget halalra Iteltek, 6 azonban konnyen megliszta.

13. Nem talaltak bunosnek kabitoszer-csempeszetbon, ezert felmentettek,

14. Nem lehetett bunos, mert kulonben bortonbuntetesre kellett volna, hogy iteljek,

15. Senki nem hallott semmit, a nyomozo megis azt hitte, hogy a betoro meg a hazban


16. Olyan sokszor megcsalta a feleseget, s az megis szereti.

17. A lakast is es a gyerekeket is maganak kovetelte.

18. Nem hasznalhatod se a ruzsomat, se a szemhejfestekemet,

19. Egy fityinget sem talaltak, mindazonaltal a betorok tovabb kutattak.

20. Rettent6en bekepzelt, raadasul el nem tudja kepzelni, hogy tevedhet,

21. Az elnok nem akart magyarazatot fuzni a kerdeshez, az alelnok azonban er6teljesen tiltakozott.

22. Megbukott a vizsgan, ezert a sztilei nem engedtek el a nyari taborba,

23. Rendesen kell feloltoznod, kulonben semmi eselyed sem lesz arra, hogy elnyerd az allast,

24. Rettent6 meleg volt a szobaban, mcgsem volt hajlando levenni a kabatjat,

25. Ben Johnson ketszer is megbukott a doppmgvizsgalaton, nehany kanadai mcgis nemzeti hosnek tartja.

26. Mire hazaert, fel tizenegy volt, ezert ugy dontotttmk, nem megytink moziba.

27. Tegnap lerobbant a kocsija, ezert egy szerel6t kellett hivatnia.


1. The Pan-European Union is a political movement committed to European unity

AND traditions.

2. He turned round AND left quickly.

3. Two of his cars were blown up by extremists BUT he wasn't sitting in them.

4. He was born and raised in Germany BUT he settled down in Austria.

5. In Israel BOTH men AND women are called up.

6. 1£ you have problems with the kids, phone me OR my husband.

7. You can fight until your last man dies OR you can surrender.

8. You EITHER stop your dog corning into my garden OR I'll poison him.

9. The PM NEITHER accepted NOR denied the charges brought up by the leader of the opposition.

10. NOT ONLY does she speak Turkish fluently BUT she ALSO understands all the

dialects spoken by the scattered nomadic tribes in Turkey.

11. Let's not stay at this hotel. It's in such bad condition, BESIDES, it's expensive.

12. His wife was sentenced to death. He, HOWEVER, got off lightly.

13. He was not found guilty of drug-smuggling, THEREFORE he was acquitted.

14. He couldn't have been guilty, OTHERWISE he should have been sentenced to imprisonment.

15. Nobody could hear anything, YET the detective believed that the burglar was still in the house.




16. He has been unfaithful to his wife so many times, YET she still loves him.

17. He demanded to be given the flat and the children AS WELL.

18. You may use NEITHER my lipstick NOR my eye-shadow.

19. Not a penny was found, NEVERTHELESS the burglars went on searching.

20. He is extremely conceited, BESIDES / IN ADDITION / MOREOVER, he can't imagine that he may be wrong.

21. The President wouldn't comment on the issue. The Vice President, HOWEVER, protested vehemently.

22. He failed the examination, THEREFORE / SO / THAT'S WHY his parents didn't let

him go to the summer camp. '

23. You must dress neatly, OTHERWISE / OR ELSE you won't have any chance of getting the job.

24. It was far too hot in the room, STILL she refused to take off her coat.

25. Ben Johnson failed the drugs test twice, YET he is considered to be a national hero by some Canadians.

26. By the time she got home it was half past ten, SO we decided against going to the cinema.

27. Her car packed up/broke down yesterday, SO she had to call in a mechanic.



1. Igaz, hogy elloptam az aranygyurujet, de a nyaklancahoz hozza sem ertcm.

2. Megeskudott, hogy soha tobbe nem fog inni. Es mit Iattam masnap? 6t, amint a kocsmaban alldogalt.

. 3. Betegsege miatt nem tudott reszt venni a megbeszelesen.

4. Sertilese miatt csak teven nezhette a meccset.

5. A korulmenyekre valo tekintettel a dekan megengedte, hogy elhalaszd a


6. A tenyek ismereteben hasztalannak latszik, hogy folytassuk a nyomozast.

7. Gyenge latasom miatt nem lehetek legikozlekedes-iranyit6.

8. Mivel 6 bortonben van, nelkule kell megbeszelnunk a kovetkezo bankrablasunk reszleteit.

9. Meggondolatlan vezetese kovetkezteben minden utasa meghalt.

10. Az en hibambol az cgesz munkat ujb61 el kellett vegezni,

11. Annak ellenere, hogy oriasi volt a :Q.oseg, egy fut6 sem adta fel a versenyt.

12. Annak ellenere, hogy az angol idojaras szcszclyes, sok francia turista tolti szabadsagat Angliaban.

'13. Annak ellenere, hogy Mary ferjnel van, bizonyttekot talaltunk arra, hogy viszonya

van a fonokevel.

14. Annak ellenere, hogy tavaly megkapta a Nobel-dijat, nem tartjak nagy ir6nak.

15. Mivel csak egy Middlesex-i szab6 fia volt, nem vehette el a hercegkisasszonyt.

16. Elmenekiilt, mert tudta, hogy tudom, hogy kicsoda O.

17. A rendorfokapitany magan kiviil volt a meregtol, mivel a betorok felsziv6dtak.

18. Elbuvolten ultem ott, mivel meg soha nem hallottam el6tte Mariah Carey-t enekelni,




19. Meglep6 medon fizetesemelest kapott, bar neki.maganak sem volt fogalma rola, hogy miert.

20. Vilaghfru orvoskent reklamozta magat, bar sernmifele orvosi vegzettsege nem volt.

21. Az idegeirnre ment azzal, hogy folyton azt kerdezte, hogy nem Iattam-e a feleseget a szomszeddal.

22. A fiu nem volt biztos benne, hogy megvegye, vagy otthagyja.

23. Nem erdekel, hogy elvette-e a Ianyomat, vagy sem - mondta az oregcmber.


1. It's true THAT I stole her golden ring but I didn't touch her necklace.

2. He swore THAT he wouldn't drink again. And what did I see the next day? Him

standing in the pub!

3. BECAUSE OF his illness he couldn't participate in the meeting.

4. BECAUSE OF his being injured, he could only watch the match on TV.

5. IN VIEW OF the circumstances, the principal allowed/has allowed you to postpone

your exam.

6. IN VIEW OF the facts, it seems useless to continue the investigation.

7. OWING TO my poor eyesight, I cannot be an air traffic controller.

8. DUE TO the fact that he is in prison, we will have to discuss the details of our next bank-robbery without him.

9. DUE TO his driving recklessly, everyone in his car died.

10. OWING TO my mistake the whole job had to be done again.

11. DESPITE the enormous heat, none of the runners gave up the race.

12. DESPITE the fact that weather in Britain is capricious, a lot of French tourists spend their holidays there.

13. IN SPITE OF Mary ('s) being married, we found proof that she is having an affair with her boss.

14. IN SPITE OF the fact that he was awarded the Nobel Prize last year, he is not considered to be a great writer.

15. ON ACCOUNT OF his being only the son of a Middlesex tailor, he was not allowed to marry the daughter of the Duke.

16. He fled, BECAUSE he knew that I knew who he was.

17. The chief constable was beside himself with anger, FOR/SINCE/BECAUSE the

burglars had disappeared.

18.-1 sat there fascinated, FOR/BECAUSE I had never heard Mariah Carey sing before.

19. Surprisingly she was given a pay-rise, THOUGH even she herself had no idea why.

20. He advertised himself as a world-famous doctor/physician ALTHOUGH he had no medical degree whatsoever.

21. He got on my nerves with his asking me all the time WHETHER / IF I had seen his wife with his neighbour.

22. The boy was not sure WHETHER to take it or leave it.

23. 'WHETHER OR NOT he married my daughter, I don't mind', said the old man.

Idohataro:z:oi mellekmondatok

1. Ha Norvegiaban Ieszel, ne felejtsd el meglatogatni lillesandi barataimat.

2. Ha mar egyszer megigerted, hogy elviszed a cirkuszba, nem szegheted meg a szavadat.

3. Vart, amig minden zaj el nem csitult, es csak akkor mert elobujni a rejtekhelycrol.

4. Most, hogy ismered a teljes igazsagot, nem fogok tiltakozni, ha el akarsz valni,




5. Jobb lenne, ha lekopnal, haver, mielott a zsaruk visszajonnekl

6. Folytatni fogjuk a tervet, mihelyt megkapjuk a fonok beleegyezeset.

7. Mire a mentoosztag megtalaIta a 13 embert, azok majdnem halalra fagytak, mivel a vihignak ezen a reszen a homerseklet -5S fok is lehet.

S. Barrnikor szrvessegct kersz tolom, orulru fogok, hogy viszonozhatom kedvessegedet.

9. Amig tavol voltam, a titkarom es cinkosai atkutattak legtitkosabb irataimat.


1. WHEN in Norway, don't forget to visit my friends in Lillesand.

2. ONCE you have promised to take her to the circus, you cannot go back on your word.

3. He waited UNTIL / TILL all the noises died down. Only then did he dare to come

ou t of his lair.

4. Now THAT you know the whole truth, I won't protest if you want to divorce me.

5. You'd better get lost BEFORE the cops come back, mate!

6. We'll go on with the project AS SOON AS we obtain the boss's consent.

7. By THE TIME the rescue-team found the 13 men, they were almost frozen to death, since the temperature can be as low as 5S degrees below zero in this part of the world.

S. WHENEVER you ask me for a favour, I will be glad to return your kindness.

9. WHILE I was away, my secretary and his accomplices rifled through my most confidential documents.

Helyhatcirozoi mellekmondatok

1. Fel a kezekkel es maradjon, ahol van! - kialtottak a zsaruk.

2. Barhova mesz, emlekoid kovetni es ktserteni fognak. Nem menekiilhetsz a multadtol,

3. Akarhova lcpett, a jeg repedezni kezdett a laba alatt.

4. Mindenhol, ahol ejszakara megszallt, baratsagos emberek fogadtak.


1. "Hands up and stay WHERE you are!", the cops shouted.

2. WHEREVER you go, your memories will follow you and haunt you. You cannot escape from your past.

3. WHEREVER he stepped, the ice began to crack under his foot.

4. EVERYWHERE he stayed for the night people were kind to him.

Modhatarozoi mellekmondatok

1. ,;Ogy cselekedj, ahogy mondom, ne ugy, ahogy cselekszem!" (Genesis: Jesus he knows me)

2. EI sem tudod kepzelni, mennyire megsertetted azzal, hogy mcgjegyzest tettel a

hosszu orrara,

3. Ugy nezett ram, mintha UFOnauta lennek.

4. A kiseger ugy bamult a deneverre, mintha angyalt latott volna.

5. Meg soha senki nem keltett bennem olyan erzeseket, mint teo





1. "Do AS I say, don't do AS I do!"

2. You have no idea HOW much you offended her BY making a remark on her long


3. He looked at me AS IF / AS THOUGH I were a UFOnaut/ alien.

4. The little mouse stared at the bat AS IF / AS THOUGH he saw an angel.

5. "Nobody has ever made me feel THE WAY you make me feel."

Okhatcirozoi mellekmoneletok

A because es a for hasznalatara lattunk peldakat a bevezeto vegyes mondatsorozatban.

1. Mivel fogalma sem volt rola, hogyan oldja meg a helyzetet, bloffolt,

2. Mivel a ferjem nem volt hajlando segiteni a mosasban, a szomszedot kertem meg.

Nos, igy kezdodott - sohajtott a holgy,

3. Mivel lattam, hogy meg nalam is kimerultebb, nem kertcm meg, hogy probalja folytatni az asast.


1. As he had no idea how to solve the situation, he bluffed.

2. "SINCE my husband refused to give me a hand with the washing, I asked the neighbour. Well, that's how it began", the lady sighed.

3. SEEING that she was even more exhausted than me, I didn't ask her to try and go on with the digging.

Megengedo mellekmondatok

1. Tekintettel arra, hogy ketsegtelenul 0 a legigeretesebb jelentkezo. ugy gondolom, neki kellene Itelrnrnk az osztondijat.

2. Mivel elvalt ember, biztos vagyok benne, hogy Lynn sohasem menne hozza, meg ha szerelmes lenne is bele. Tudod, milyen regimodi egy lanv Lynn!

3. Akarrnonnvire is tiszteled, most mar nem mas, mint 'egy osdi nezetekkel teli oregember.

4. Barmennyire is meg akarta nyerni a Los Angeles-i Kings csapata a Stanley Kupat, a montreali Canadiens csapata tapasztaltabbnak bizonyult.

5. Bar erveidet elfogadja, amit tettel, azt nem.

6. Barmennyire is szerette Mathilde Julien Sorelt, nem kothetett vele hazassagot,

mert a fiu nem volt nemesi szarmazasu.

7. Bar utal vezetni, kenytelen elvinni minket, mert 0 a tarsasag egyetlen jozan tagja. S. Barrnily kulonosnek tiinik is, sok evi habozas utan lemondott tisztsegerol,

9. A gyerekeink Mercedesre vagynak, mig ellenben mi BMW-t terveziink venni.

10. Barrnit is teszel, a dolgok sohasem fordulnak jobbra.


1. CONSIDERING THAT he is undoubtedly the most promising applicant I think that we should give him the scholarship.

2. Since he is a divorced man, I'm sure Lynn would never marry him, EVEN IF she loved him. You know what an old-fashioned girl Lynn is!

3. MUCH AS you respect him, he is nothing but an old man with antiquated ideas now.




4. HOWEVER BADLY the L.A. Kings wanted to win the Stanley Cup, the Montreal Canadiens proved to be a team with more experience.

5. WHILE she accepts your arguments, she cannot accept what you did.

6. HOWEVER MUCH Mathilde loved Julien Sorel, she couldn't marry him, since he was not a member of the nobility.

7. EVEN THOUGH he hates driving, he has to give us a lift, since he is the only sober membe; of the company.

8. STRANGE THOUGH it may appear, he resigned after several years' hesitation.

9. Our children are longing for a Mercedes WHEREAS we plan to buy a BMW.

10. "No MATTER WHAT you do, things never get any better." (Phil Collins)

Celhatarozoi mellekmondatok

1. Alarcot'tett fel, hogy aldozatai ne tudjak azonositani.

2. Kicsit odebb huzodott, hogy a mellette ulo ferfi ki tudja nyujtani a labait.

3. Mindig magamnal hordom a vadaszpuskamat, hatha valaki megprobalna megtamadni az ejszaka kozepen.

4. Miutan ket fenyegeto levelet kapott, felberelt ket testort, nehogy valaki megtilje.

5. Tudvan, milyen furfangosak az ellensegei, a kiraly nem volt hajland6 megenni a

vacsorajat, att61 tartva, hogy az esetleg meg van mergezve,

6. Csak azert megy el a lakodalmadra, hogy annyit egyen, amennyit csak biro

7. Volt ferje oregasszonynak oltozott, hogy mindenki dajkanak higgye.

8. Mindig magaval hordja a radiotelefonjat, ha a felesege fel akarna hivni.

9. Artatlan kepet vagott, nehogy valaki rajojjon, hogy 0 harapta meg az occset, es

nem forditva.

10. Bezarta a kutyat, att61 felve, hogy megharapja a vendeg gyerekeket.

11. A terroristak betomtek a szajat, hogy elhallgattassak,

12. Labujjhegyen jott be a szobaba, nehogy felebressze a gyerekeket.

13. Mindent megtett azert, hogy ravegye: legyen a felesege.

14. Mindent megigert [ulianak, hogy ne veszitse el, de a lany mar nem tudott hinni neki.

15. Hazakuldte [amie-t, hogy a gyerekei ne kaphassak el esetleg az influenzajat.


1. He put on a mask SO THAT his victims could not identify him.

2. He moved aside a little bit IN ORDER THAT the man sitting next to him could stretch his legs.

3. I always carry my shotgun with me IN CASE someone tries to mug me in the dead of night.

4. After receiving two threatening letters she employed two body guards LEST someone SHOULD kill her.

5. Knowing how resourceful his enemies were the king refused to eat the dinner FOR FEAR THAT it might be poisoned.

6. He's only going to your reception SO THAT he can / IN ORDER TO eat as much as possible.

7. Her ex-husband dressed himself up as an old lady IN ORDER THAT everybody should believe that he was a nanny.

8. He always has his cordless phone with him IN CASE his wife wants to call him.

9. She put on an innocent face LEST someone (SHOULD) realize that it was her who bit her brother and not the other way round.




10. He locked the dog away FOR FEAR THAT it would bite the children who visited


11. The terrorists gagged her mouth SO AS TO keep her silent.

12. He came into the room on tiptoe LEST he SHOULD wake up the children.

13. He did his best IN ORDER TO persuade her to be his wife.

14. He promised everything to Julie IN ORDER NOT TO lose her, but the girl couldn't believe him any more.

15. She sent Jamie home SO THAT her children MIGHT not catch fIu from him.

Korlatozast kifejezo hatarozoi mellekmendetek kotoszavai

1. Penzugyminisztertmknek meg kellene ertenie, hogy a magas jovedelemado veszelyes, mert elveheti az emberek kedvet a kemenv munkatol,

2. Teller Ede magyar, amennyiben magyarnak szuletett, de mar rcgota amerikai allarnpolgar.

3. A gy6gyszer meglehetosen artalmatlan, mivelhogy csak ket patkanyon mutatkoztak mellekhatasok,


1. Our Minister of Finance should understand that high income tax is dangerous IN THAT it may discourage people from working hard.

2. Teller Ede is Hungarian IN SO FAR AS he was born in Hungary but he has been an American citizen for a long time.

3. The medicine is fairly harmless INASMUCH AS only two rats showed side-effects.






1. Tegnap 8-toI5-ig dolgoztam, de 6-kor mar a moziban voltam.

2. A fiam nagyon [o biologiabol, de egyaIt~lan nem erdeklik a nyelvek.

3. Hogy tudtok kijonni a fizetesetekbol, ha tanarernber a ferjed?

4. Egy ora mulva Ieszallunk a vonatrol Kecskemeten,

5. Semmilyen kozos tulajdonsagunk nines: en idegenvezetokent dolgozom egy

utazasi irodanal, 6 pedig szakmaja szerint mernok.

6. Vegul a repuldgep tiz orakor felszallt,

7. Nyolc orara a munkahelyen kell lennie, mert a fonok haragszik ra, ha elkesik.

8. Odamentem az eladohoz, es kertem t6le egy ket szerz6 altal irt angol nyelvkonyvet.

9. Miert nem figyelsz oda ra, amikor arrol beszel, hogy a fianak mi a foglalkozasa?

10. Sajnos pillanatnyilag elfogyott a marhahus, de megvarhatja a teherautot, mely nemsokara meghozza.


1. Yesterday I worked from 8 to 5 but at 60' clock I was already at the cinema.

2. My son is very good at biology but he isn't interested in languages at all.

3. How can you manage on your salary if you are married to a teacher?

4. In an hour we shall get off the train at/in Kecskemet,

5. We have nothing in common: I work for a travel agency as a guide and he is an engineer by profession.

6. In the end the airplane (US) / aeroplane (GB) took off at ten 0' clock.

7. He must be at work by eight because the boss gets angry with him when he is late.

8. I went up to the shop-assistant and asked her for an English course-book/text book by two authors.

9. Why don't you listen to him when he is speaking about what his son does for a living?

10. I'm afraid we are out of beef at the moment but you can wait for the lorry that will deliver it soon.

Idot jelolok

Kozep- es fels6fok

1. Hogy tud ez mindig kct perccel negy el6tt bealhtani a hivatalba?!

2. A macskanak mindig ebedkor jut eszebe, hogy siirg6sen ki kell mennie.

3. Reszeg hajnalban, delben es ejszaka is.

4. Punkosdkor ti se mentek suliba, igaz?

5. Akkoriban meg nem voltak piros sportkocsik, ugyhogy a tinedzserek leginkabb bicikliken "szaguldoztak".



6. Az orszag legid6sebb ferfija 105 eves koraban n6siilt meg otodszorre.

7. Hetfon bevitt egy pisztolyt az iskolaba - az apja fcgyverct, mint kesobb kideriilt - es megsebesitett nehany diakot, alhtolag azert, mert utalta a hetfoket,

8. A nyolcvanas evekben minden fiatal a discoba jart szombat estenkent - vagy legalabbis a Bee Gees ezt hitte.

9. Julius -l-ert az amerikaiak a fuggctlenscg napjat iinneplik.

10. Azon a napon kerte meg eloszor a kezem. Es utana meg 24-szer.

11. 30. hazassagi evfordulojuk alkalmabol jelentettek be, hogy elvalnak,

12. Husvet hetfon vagy husvet vasarnap locsolkodnak a magyarok?

13. Rendben, akkor holnap reggel talalkozunk a parlament el6tt. EI ne felejtsd hozni a


14. Hallottad, hogy fcbruarban rekordhideget mertek Londonban?

15. Nehany orszag komolyan azt hiszi, hogy mar 1997-ben tagja lehet az EEC-nek.

16. Nehanv angol hajlamos azt hinni, hogy meg mindig a XIX. szazadban el, a dicsosegcs Viktoria-korszakban,

17. Tudom, hogy most nagyon ki vagy borulva, de tavasszal konnyebb lesz, meglatod.

18. Az egyik buvarunknak elfogyott a leveg6je, ot perc en belul megfullad, ha nem

kap exigent.

19. Vlj nyugodtan, liz perc mulva odaerunk.

20. Soha nem kesik el az eloadasrol, mindig id6ben ott van.

21. Azt hiszem, nem fogunk kesni a kod miatt: pontosan szallunk fel.

22. Minden sebesz [okor megerkezett a Sebeszek 17. Nemzetkozt Konferenciajara,

23. Eleinte a sziileim nagyon elleneztek, hogy indiai volegenyem legyen, de a vegen

beadtak a derekukat.

24. Eloszor azt gondoltuk, hogy egy [ol megtermett mokussal van dol gunk.

25. Vegre meglatttuk a tavolban a lovasok csillogo panceljat a porfelh6ben.

26. A film elejen volt nehany veres jelenet, de ezekt61 eltekintve eleg mulatsagos film volt.

27. Az eloadas vegen az eloado hagyott liz percet arra, hogy az erdeklodok kerdeseket tehessenek fel neki.

28. Majus 20-ra, ha addig nem valtozik semmi, befejezziik az iskolaevet.

29. Megerkezeskor vette csak eszre, hogy az osszes hitelkartyajat a masik zakoja bels6 zsebeben hagyta.

30. Meg miel6tt sikitani kezdenel, nezd meg meg egyszer jol: ez nem csotanyl

31. A dijkioszto unnepseg utan az osszes dijazott elment egy men6 szalloba egy kis

hajnali Iogadasra.

32. F6zd meg a tesztat elobb, csak utana tedd bele az olajat es a fuszereketl

33. Harem napja itt volt es megvett egy doglott kanarit. Azota nem Iattam,

34. [anuar 31-e ota 6 az uj iigyvezet6 igazgatoja a kft-nek.

35. Lehetetlen, hogy ez a mumia harornezer eve itt fekudjon haborttatlanull

36. Hosszu ideje az a hobbija, hogy hiresscgek alairasat gyujti, mar van neki vagy 900 autogramja.

37. Ugy dontottek, hogy 7-t613-ig dolgoznak, hogy az anyak meg negy el6tt el tudjak hozni a kicsiket az ovibol.

38. Megbanta, hogy dolgozatot iratott: este ll-ig javitotta 6ket.

39. Itt maradsz, es nem mozdulsz innen, amig vissza nem jovok, mert kulonben a

tigrisek eszrevesznek.

40. Tavaly egcsz nvaron egyutt jart azzal a voros haju skot fiuval.

41. Amig a pezsg6t keres tern neki a konyhaban, atkutatta az osszes fiokomat,

42. Parold a rizst 20 percig, aztan add hozza a zoldsegeket es az enyhen megpiritott, apr ora vagott hust.



43. 15 ev telt el azota, hogy Marion utoljara latta Indiana Jonest.

44. Miota probalja elhitetni veled, hogy rettent6 gazdag arab herceg?

45. Mire a vasuti atjarohoz ertunk, a rakomany fele lepotyogott.


1. How can this guy always turn up at the office at two minutes to four?!

2. It always occurs to the cat at lunchtime that it must go out urgently.

3. He is drunk at dawn, at noon and also at night.

4. You don't go to school at Whitsun either, do you?

5. At that time there were no red sports cars yet, so teenagers used to run about at full speed on their bikes.

6. The oldest man in the country got married for the fifth time at the age of 105.

7. On Monday he took a revolver - that of his father, as it turned out later - to school and injured some pupils, allegedly for the reason that he hated Mondays.

8. In the 80' s all young people went to discos on Saturday evenings - or at least the Bee Gees thought so.

9. On the 4th of July Americans celebrate Independence Day.

10. On that day he proposed to me for the first time. And then 24 times more.

11. They announced their divorce on the 30th anniversary of their wedding.

12. Is it on Easter Monday or on Easter Sunday that Hungarian boys go out to sprinkle women and girls?

13. All right, we'll meet in the morning beside the Parliament building. Don't forget / Remember to bring the bomb.

14. Have you heard that in February there were record low temperatures in London?

15. Some countries seriously believe that they can become members of the EEC as early as 1997.

16. Some Englishmen tend to believe that they are still living in the 19th century, in the glorious Victorian period.

17. I know you are very upset now but you'll see it will be easier in spring.

18. One of our divers has run out of oxygen and he'll suffocate in five minutes if he

isn't given some oxygen.

19. Sit still, we'll get there in ten minutes.

20. He is never late for the performance, he's always there on time.

21. I don't think that the fog will delay our plane, it's taking off on time.

22. All the surgeons arrived in good time for the 17th International Conference of Surgeons.

23. In the beginning my parents strongly objected to my having an Indian fiance but in the end they came round.

24. At first we thought it was a large squirrel.

25. At last we caught sight of the cavalry's armour sparkling far away in the cloud of dust.

26. At the beginning of the film there were some bloody scenes but apart from these it was rather a funny film.

27. At the end of the lecture the lecturer gave ten minutes so that those who were interested could ask him questions.

28. By the 20th of March, provided that nothing changes, we shall have finished the academic year.

29. Only on arriving did he notice that he had left all his credit cards in the inside pocket of his other jacket.

30. Before you start screaming, have a second close look at it: it's not a cockroach.



31. After the victory ceremonies all the medallists went to a posh hotel for a party at dawn.

32. Cook the noodles first, and only put the oil and the spices into it afterwards.

33. She came here and bought a dead canary three days ago. I haven't seen her since


34. He's been the new managing director of the plc since January 31st.

35. This mummy can't have been lying here undisturbed for 3,000 years!

36. For a long time now, collecting the signatures of celebrities has been a hobby of his. He has as many as 900 autographs.

37. They decided to work from 7 to 3 so that mothers could collect the children from the play-school as early as before 4 0' clock.

38. She regretted making the pupils write a test. She was correcting them till eleven at night.

39. You stay here and don't go away until I come back, or else the tigers will notice you.

40. All last summer she was going out with that red-haired Scottish boy.

41. While I was looking for the champagne for him, he was rifling through all my drawers.

42. Boil the rice for 20 minutes, then add to it the vegetables and the fried, chopped meat.

43. Fifteen years have passed since Marion last saw Indiana Jones.

44. Since when has he been trying to make you believe that he is a super-rich Arabian prince?

45. By the time we got to the railway crossing, half of the load had fallen off.

Cselekves m6djat kifejezo prepozici6k

46. Miert ne mehetnenk kocsival epret szedni? Szivesen mennek a te kocsiddal!

47. A torok mcgkerdezte az elfogott magyar nemest, hogy gyalog vagy lohaton akar tovabbmenni.

48. Visszautasitotta, hogy reptil6vel menjen, rettent6en felt attol, hogy lezuhannak.


46. Why don't we go picking strawberries by car? I'd love to/like to go in your car.

47. The Turk asked the captured Hungarian nobleman whether he wanted to go on on foot or on horseback.

48. He refused to travel by plane, he was terribly afraid of crashing.

Cselekves helyet kifejezo prepozici6k

49. Hogy jussak el egyedtil a Piccadilly-ig, ha egyszer fogalmam sines, hol kell fel- es

leszallni a buszr61?

50. A foly6n attvelo 400 eves hid is felrobbant a haboruban,

51. Az ifju Skywalker elhatarozta. hogy felkeresi Yodat, aki a hegyeken tul lakott.

52. Ez a n6 olyan j61 vegeztc a rendorakademiat, hogy sok ferfinak rangban felette all.

53. A ket maffi6z6 elsimitotta a nezetelteresekct egy kinai vacsora mellett.

54. A holttcstre egy leplet tettek, amelyet ma a tudornany a Turini lepel neven ismer.

55. A bombazok olyan alacsonyan huztak el folottunk, hogy majdnem megsiiketiiltiink.

56. Kezd6 rabl6 leven a penzt a parnaja ala rejtette, igy a rendorseg gyorsan megtalalta,



57. Behajftotta a kutyat az asztal ala, mert mar unta, hogy olyan konyorgon nez ra,

58. Ha az anyja mcgtudna, hogy rangon alul nosult, biztos elajulna.

59. Ha elern til a kosarlabdazo, semmit se fogok latni a darabb61.

60. Az egesz targyalas alatt ket fegyveres or kozott tilt, meg se probalt szokni.

61. A timtetcs allitolag a Parlamenttel szembeni teren lesz.

62. Hogy lehet az, hogy 0 sokkal kesobb [ott, es most megis mogotte allok a sorban?

63. Holgyeim es uraim, a vilag egyik legszebb muemlekegyuttesc elott allunk, csak

semmit sem lehet latni belole, mert a fak mogott van.

64. Az eloadas kezdete el6tt mellem huppant a f6szerepl6.

65. Senki sem mert kommentart fuzni az igazgat6 beszamolojahoz, csak a konvvelri.

66. Ott fociztok, ahol akartok, de nem az en hazam elottl

67. Ejszakara egy Szaloniki melletti kempingben taborozott Ie az egesz csapat.

68. En csinalom az osszes hazimunkat, es meg a kutyat is en viszem setaltatni.

69. Spanyolorszagban van egy varos, ahol azzal kezd6dik a fiesta, hogy emberek rohannak a bikak elol az utcan.

70. Az idegenvezet6 azt mondta, mehet mindenki, amerre lat, otkor talalkozunk a Szt. Mark teren.

71. A nagyanyam 6 eves kora 6ta minden nyaron a mezokon dolgozott aratomunkaskent,

72. Piroska eloszor egyedtil bolyongott az erdobsn, de hamar tarsat kapott egy farkas


73. Az ablaknal allt, mikor ket orvlovesz eltalalta.

74. Suliban van vagy a hivatalban?

75. Vagjunk keresztul a mezon, vagy az erdon at rovidebb lesz?

76. A macska leesett a farol, s ettol kezdve ugatott, mert felrebeszelt.

77. Meg tudnal allni Chippenhamben? Muszaj innom valamit!

78. Meg idejebcn sikertilt elrejt6znitik a fal mage, amikor hangokat hallottak.

79. A kivancsi aut6sok nem tudtak lefekezni a baleset mellett, igy egymasba rohantak.

80. Amikor Znnyi latta, hogy a helyzet remenytelen, maradek katonajaval kirohant a varbol,

81. Majdnem elajultam, amikor lattam, hogy r6zsaszfn szalvetakat tesz az asztalra.

82. Mr. Stokes elmagyarazta Ivynek, hogy a gyertyatart6kat nem a konyvespolcra kell allitani.

83. Kcpzeld. magaval a kiralyi csaladdal talalkoztunk az Operaban!

84. Menj vegig ezen az osvenyen, fiam, az lit vegen lakik a sarkany egy tanacsi


85. A NATO nem zarta ki egy legicsapas lehetoseget a szerbek ellen.

86. Londonbol Bathba az M4-esen lehet eljutni?

87. Arra kertyszeritette, hogy szalljon ki a kocsibol, majd 0 tilt bele es elhajtott vele.

88. Mivel meg sose probalta, nem tudott felulni a teve hatara.

89. Arra kerjuk utasainkat, szalljanak be a hajoba, mert fel ora mulva indulunk.

90. Reggel H6feherke korulnezett, de a kiralyfi mar nem volt sehol.

91. Ez magas nekem! Ne is magyarazdl

92. Nagyapam ' 42-ben elment a haboruba, es az6ta sem [ott vissza.

93. Fel-ala jarkalt, mint egy ketrecbe zart tigris.

94. Nem hatrafele kellene tekinteni, hanem el6re! Ott van a jov6!


49. How should I get to Piccadilly by myself if I have no idea where to get on and off the bus?



50. The 400 year old bridge spanning the river was also blown up during the war.

51. The young Skywalker decided to go and see Yoda, who lived over the mountains.

52. This woman graduated from the Police Academy with such a good degree that she now has a higher rank than many men.

53. The two mafia leaders settled their misunderstandings over a Chinese dinner.

54. A shroud which is now known to science as the Turin shroud was laid over the corpse.

55. The bombers were flying so low over us that we were almost deafened.

56. Being a beginner in robbery, he hid the money under his pillow, so the police found it quickly.

57. He threw the dog under the table as he was already fed up with it looking at him

so entreatingly.

58. If his mother found out that he had married beneath him, she would surely faint.

59. If the basketball player sits in front of me, I won't see anything of the play.

60. During the whole trial he was sitting between two armed guards, he didn't even attempt an escape.

61. Apparently the demonstration will take place in the square in front of the Parliament building.

62. How come that he arrived much later and yet I'm standing behind him in the queue?

63. Ladies and gentlemen, we are standing in front of one of the most beautiful set of monuments in the world. However, at the moment we can't see anything of them, because they are behind the trees.

64. The leading man plumped down next to me before the performance started.

65. No one but the accountant dared to comment on the director's report.

66. You can play football wherever you want, except in front of my house.

67. The whole group was encamped for the night in a camping site near Saloniki.

68. I do all the household chores, besides taking the dog for walks.

69. There is a town in Spain where the Fiesta starts with people being pursued by bulls along the streets.

70. The guide said everybody could go where they wanted and that we would meet in St. Marco Square.

71. Every summer since the age of six, my grandmother worked in the fields.

72. At first little Red Riding-Hood was wandering in the forest by herself, but she

soon found company in the shape of a wolf.

73. He was standing at the window when two snipers hit him.

74. Is he at school or in the office?

75. Shall we take a short cut across the meadow or will it be shorter through the


76. The cat fell off the tree and from then on, being delirious, it was barking.

77. Could you stop at Chippenham? I must drink something.

78. They managed to hide themselves behind the wall in good time when they heard voices.

79. The curious motorists weren't able to brake at the scene of the accident, so they crashed into each other.

80. When Zrfnyi saw that the situation was hopeless he sallied out of the castle with the rest of his soldiers.

81. I almost fainted when I saw her laying pink serviettes on the table.

82. Mr. Stokes explained to Ivy that the candlesticks are not to be placed on the bookshelf.

83. Just imagine, we met the royal family themselves in the Opera!

84. Take this path, my son, the dragon lives in a council flat at the end of the road.




85. NATO didn't preclude the possibility of an air-strike against the Serbs.

86. Can we get from London to Bath along the M4?

87. He forced him to get out of the car, then he got into it and drove away.

88. Never having tried before, he couldn't get onto the back of the camel.

89. We request our passengers to board the ship / to embark because we shall start in half an hour.

90. Little Snow White looked around in the morning but the prince was no longer to

be seen anywhere.

91. This is beyond me! Don't even explain it to me!

92. My grandfather went to war in 1942 and hasn't come back since.

93. He was walking up and down like a tiger locked up in a cage.

94. You shouldn't look backwards but forwards. That's where the future is.

Egyeb prepoz:ici6k

95. Ami az emberi jogok kerdeset illeti, a kinai igazsagugyminiszter errol nem akart


96. Tekintve, hogy 5-0-ra vezetiink, minek tamadjunk?

97. Az ujsagirok kivetelevel minden fontos ember ott szorongott a sajtotajekoztaton,

98. Ennek a vide6nak 37.000 Ft az ara, beleertve az AFA-t is.

99. Tekintve, hogy mozgasscrulr, anyagi tamogatast kell neki adnunk.

100. A kepesites nelkuli tanarok kivetelevel midenki szamithat fizetesemelesre,


95. Concerning the issue of human rights, the Chinese Minister of Justice didn't want to speak about it.

96. Considering that we have a lead of 5 nil, why should we attack?

97. Barring the journalists, every important personality thronged at the press conference.

98. This video-recorder costs 37,000 forints, including VAT.

99. Considering that he is disabled, we must grant him pecuniary assistance.

100. Excluding unqualified teachers, everybody can expect a pay-rise.


Peldamondatok Kozepfok

1. A nemet fiuk ragaszkodnak ahhoz, hogy a meghivott lanvok fizessek azt, amit fogyasztanak.

2. Ma 5tvenedszer biintetett meg a rend6r tilosban val6 parkolasert,

3. Kotelessegcmnek tartom, hogy figyelmeztessem a beavatkozas Iehetsegss veszelyeire,

4. Csak nem a sajat iizletvezet6det gyanusitod azzal, hogy 6 vitte el azt a 200 fontot

amit az AFA-ra tettel felre? '

5. Ha Mr. Koresh nem hajlando teljesiteni a felteteleinket, kenvtelenek leszunk drasztikusabb eszkozokhoz folyamodni.

6. Bizton szarnithatsz a szaktudasaral

7. Igen hatarozottan ellenezte ENSZ-csapatok Szomaliaba kuldeset,




8. Lehet, hogy Clinton elnok is ugy gondolja, itt az ideje, hogy az USA elnezest kerjen a vietnami haboruban tortent atrocitasokert,

9. Elkepzelheto, hogy meg azt is meg tudja mondani, hogy hany szigetbol all a Marshall-szigetcsoport.

10. Ha tetszik neki, ha nem, Szaddarnnak engedelmeskednie kell az ENSZ hatarozatainak.

11. Mikor felhivtuk, nagyon izgatott volt, a delutani eloadasra keszult,

12. 6vakodj az olyan hangzatos vallalkozasoktol, akik a banki kamat tobbszoroset igerik!

13. El6bb fog Szaddam Husszein Nobel-bekedijat kapni, mint hogy en penzert konyorogjek hozzad.

14. Azzal vadoljak, hogy benzinkent adott el gazolajat, nem?

15. A pszichol6gusok szerint a sztil6knek nem szabadna megbiintetni a gyerekeket azert, ha eltorriek egy-ker tanyert, mert ezek nem jelent6s dolgok.

16. Nem sikertilt neki ravennie a feleseget, hogy vegezzen el egy gepironoi tanfolyamot.

17. Akar ossze se hivta volna a gyulest, a fontos kerdesekre nem is utalt.

18. Ideje lenne crnlekeztetni a miniszter urat, hogy a 'miniszter' sz6 eredeti jelentese 'szolga'.

19. Husz eve vagyik egy rioi utra, most, hogy megnyerte a fonyeremenvt, vegre mehetne, ha elengedne a felesege.

20. Lehetsegcs egy pohar biovizen elni egy hetig?

21. Felesleges volt megpalyaznod az igazgatotanacsi allast, mar a palyazat el6tt

eldontottek, ki kapja.

22. Miert kellene a bankokat hibaztatni az inflacioert?

23. Ha kertel volna tamogarast az alapitvanybol, kaphattal volna.

24. Felfoghatalan, hogy almodozhat meg mindig valasztasi gy6zelemr61?!

25. Ha ne adj' Isten ott talalnad azt a szcgeny firkaszt, amint ram var, mondd meg

neki, hogy nem adok rna mar tobb interjut,

26. Azon gondolkodik, hogy eladja a tevejet, annyira elege van a reklamokbol,

27. Most hirtelen mindenkirol kidertilt, mennyit harcolt a demokraciaert '56 6ta.

28. Mikor ejjel egykor raneztem, teljesen bele volt mertilve az AFA-s szamlakba,

29. A helyedben nem lennek buszke a rendszervaltasban jatszott szerepemre.

30. Nem hiszem, hogy kepos ket triplat ugrani a kurben.

31. Hozzaszokott mar, hogy egy lepest se tehet test6r5k nelkul Moszkva belvarosaban?

32. Az uj bankigazgat6 nem tudta eldonteni, melyik maffiatol feljen jobban.

33. Att61 felt, hogy ha a fia lesz a szovctsegi kapitany, ki lesz teve a sajt6 tamadasainak.

34. Allit6lag elegedett volt a magyar csapat teljesitmenyevel a szovetseg elnoke.

35. Teljesen tudataban vagyok annak, hogy amit tettem, a BTK szerint buncselek-


36. Eddig-eddig vagyok az egesz Szep-csaladdal:

37. Eleg j6 volt tornabol, de teljesen sotet biologiabol,

38. Ami6ta kiskoraban megcsipte egy p6k, meg a Iegparanyibb poktol is retteg.

39. Barki, aki tiltott hataratlepest kovet el, megbiintethet6.

40. A menedzsere szerint az uj lemeze legalabb olyan siker lesz, mint Michael Jackson Iegujabb LP-je.

41. Micsoda szegyenletes gondolat! Szegycllem magam helyetted!

42. Mind a harom fia [apanban n6tt fel, igy aztan nagyon lelkesednek a harcmuveszetekert,




43. Harem evvel ezel6tt azt hittek, 6 is belekeveredett a korrupcios botranyba, akarcsakCraxi.

44. Az olasz maffia az utobbi 40 evben igen sikeresen nyert mind tobb hatalmat az allam vezeteseben.

45. Az atlag olasz allarnpolgar nem felel6s mindazert, ami a hazajaban a II. vilaghaboru ota torrent.

46. Kesz volt vallalni a kihivast a brazilokkal szemben, volt mersze hozza!

47. Ha a szellemek es a whiskyt ivo kutyak kozul kell valasztanom, inkabb az

utobbiban hiszek!

48. 6 is hamis kepekbcn utazik, mint a megboldogult apja, nem?

49. Nem kellett volna olyan biztosnak lennie a gy6zelmeben, talan epp ezert vesztett.

50. Gyanus nekem a nagylelktisege, amit az utobbi nehany evben tanusttott iranyornban.

51. Nagyon aggodom erte, Mar reg hallanom kellett volna, ahogy becsukja a garazsajtot a kocsija mogott,

52. Amit most mond az elnok, az egyaltalan nem egyezik azzal, arnit a konferencia el6tt mondott.

53. Az 6 tanuvallomasan alapul az a tortenet, miszerint Mogilnijt az a ficko zsarolta meg, aki '89-ben segitett neki kiszokni a Szovjetuniobol Kanadaba,

54. Az utolso pillanatban visszalepett attol, hogy azonositsa novere tarnadojat, pedig 6 volt az egyetlen szemtanu.

55. Freddie Mercury hosszu evekig szenvedett AIDS-ben, 1991 vegen bele is halt.

56. Csak a rendororson derult ki, hogy szegeny Liam Neesont mar az els6 Hollywoodban eltoltott napjan osszetevesztette a rondorseg egy korozott biinoz6vel.


1. German boys INSIST ON the girls they invite out paying for what they eat.

2. It was the fiftieth time today that I had been FINED FOR parking in the prohibited zone.

3. I consider it as my duty to WARN you OF possible dangers of the operation.

4. Do you really SUSPECT your own shopkeeper OF taking the 200 pounds you had RESERVED FOR paying the VAT?

5. If Mr. Koresh won't fulfil our conditions, we shall be obliged to RESORT TO more

drastic means.

6. You can surely RELY ON his expertise.

7. He most firmly OBJECTED TO sending UN troops to Somalia.

8. President Clinton may also think that it's time the USA APOLOGIZED FOR the atrocious acts that were perpetrated/ committed in the course of the Vietnamese war.

9. He might even be able to say how many islands the Marshall group of islands CONSISTS OF.

10. Whether he likes it or not, Saddam must COMPLY WITH the UN resolutions.

11. When we phoned her, she was very excited because she was PREPARING FOR the afternoon performance.

12. BEWARE OF high-sounding enterprises promising several times as much interest as that offered by banks.

13. Saddam Hussein will sooner be awarded the Nobel Prize for peace than I will/' should BEG you FOR money.

14. He is being CHARGED WITH selling diesel oil as petrol, isn't he?




15. ACCORDING TO psychologists, parents shouldn't PUNISH children FOR breaking a plate or two, since these are unimportant things.

16. He failed to PERSUADE his wife TO complete a course for typists.

17. He may/might as well not have convened the meeting, he didn't even REFER TO important questions.

18. It's time to REMIND the minister OF the fact that the original meaning of the word "minister" is "servant".

19. He has been LONGING FOR a trip to Rio for twenty years. Now that he has won the jackpot, he could go at last, if his wife let him.

20. Is it possible to LIVE ON a glass of bio-water for a week?

21. You needn't have APPLIED FOR the job on the board of directors. It had been decided before the competition who it would be given to.

22. Why should banks be BLAMED FOR inflation?

23. You could have received a grant from the foundation if you had ASKED / APPLIED FOR it.

24. It's inconceivable that he can still DREAM OF winning the elections.

25. God forbid, should you find that poor scribbler WAITING FOR me there, tell him I'm not going to give any more interviews today.

26. He is so fed up with advertisements that he is THINKING OF selling his TV set.

27. Now everybody has suddenly revealed how much they have been FIGHTING FOR democracy since 1956.

28. When I glanced at him at one o'clock at night, he was ABSORBED IN VAT invoices.

29. If I were you, I wouldn't be PROUD OF the role I played in the changes in the political system.

30. I don't think she is CAPABLE OF jumping two triple jumps in the free programme.

31. Has he GOT USED TO not being able/allowed to take even a step without bodyguards in the centre of Moscow?

32. The new director of the bank couldn't decide which mafia to be more AFRAID OF.

33. She was afraid that if her son were to be the coach of the national eleven, he would be EXPOSED TO the attacks from the press.

34. The president of the football association was alleged to be SATISFIED WITH the performance of the Hungarian team.

35. I'm fully AWARE OF the fact that what I have done is a crime ACCORDING TO the Criminal Code.

36. I'm SICK AND TIRED OF the whole Szep family.

37. He was quite GOOD AT physical exercises but he was completely DENSE AT biology.

38. She has been FRIGHTENED OF even the tiniest spider since she was bitten by one .'when she was a child.

39. Anybody who crosses the border without authorization is LIABLE FOR punishment.

40. ACCORDING TO his manager, her new record will be at least as big a hit as Michael

Jackson's latest album.

41. What a SHAMEFUL thought! I'm ASHAMED OF myself for you.

42. All his three sons were BROUGHT UP in Japan, so they are KEEN ON martial arts.

43. Three years ago he was also believed to have got INVOLVED IN the corruption scandal, like Craxi.

44. In the course of the last 40 years the Italian mafia has been extremely SUCCESSFUL IN gaining more and more power in the state government.

45. The average Italian citizen is not RESPONSIBLE FOR anything that has happened in his country since the Second World War.

46. He was ready for TAKING ON the Brazilians, he HAD THE GUTS TO do so.




47. If I have to choose between ghosts and dogs drinking whisky, I'd rather BELIEVE IN the latter.

48. Like his late father, he DEALS IN faked pictures as well, doesn't he?

49. He shouldn't have been so CONFIDENT IN his victory, may be that is the very reason why he lost.

50. I'm SUSPICIOUS OF the generosity he has shown me in recent years.

51. I'm terribly ANXIOUS FOR him. I should have heard him closing the garage door behind the car long ago.

52: What is being said by the President now does not CORRESPOND WITH what he said before the conference at all.

53. The story of Mogilniy's being blackmailed by the guy who helped him to escape from the Soviet Union to Canada in 1989 is BASED ON his testimony.

54. At the last moment she REFUSED TO identify the man who had attacked her sister, although she was the only witness.

55. Freddie Mercury SUFFERED FROM AIDS for years, and at the end of 1991 he DIED OF it.

56. It only turned out at the police station that poor Liam Neeson had been MISTAKEN by the police FOR a criminal, wanted on the very first day he spent in Hollywood.


Kozep- es fels6fok

Egeszttse ki a megadott prepozici6k cgyikevcl! (A megoldasokat lasd kesobb.)


at, on, in, for, off, up, up, out, on, in

1. We had to call ..... the wedding when we learned that the bride's father had died of a heart-attack. (elhalaszt)

2. The situation calls ..... action! (ktvan, kovetel)

3. Old coins and banknotes will be called ..... by the Goverment, and new ones will

be made. (visszahtv, bevon)

4. The strikers were called ..... to start working again. (felsz6lft)

5. Call ..... the pharmacy for some antifebrile on your way home, will you? (beugrik)

6. It's very impolite to call somebody ...... during the ZDF 8 o'clock news in

Germany. (telefonon felhiv)

7. He'll die unless you call a doctor. (hivat)

8. Troops had to be called to suppress the revolution in Rio Negro. (kirendel)

9. Not until he got married, was my son called ...... (behivtak]

10. You know my address, you can call ..... me any time. (beugrik)


about, across, by, into, off, on, out, over, round, up

1. The policeman asked me how I had come ..... my bike. (szerez)

2. The seeds haven't come ..... yet. (kikel)

3. The house was simply disgusting. All the wallpaper had come ...... (levalik)

4. How's your son coming ..... ? Can he speak? (fejI6dik)

5. Esterhazy Peter's latest novel came ..... last month. (megjelent)




6. You behave as if you were mad as a hatter. What has come ...... you? (Mi jott rad?)

7. The whole thing was fishy. The police couldn't comprehend how the accident had come ....... (torrent)

8. She fainted because of the unbearable heat. Bring some smelling salts, she'll come ....... soon. (magahoz ter]

9. The policeman was eager to know how Mrs. Lenton came ...... her fortune. (orokol)

10. When I was dismantling that old cupboard I came ......... this 100 DM-note. (rabukkan)

3. GO

about, at, by, down, in for, off, off, on about, out, through

1. Sam sang "As Time Goes ..... " in the film entitled Casablanca. (olmulik)

2. Whenever Billy didn't want to take his medicine, he started to complain that the pill was too large to go ....... (lecsuszik)

3. She has a rather strange hobby, she goes .......... collecting stuffed crocodiles.

(foglalkozik vele)

4. The Police went the pockets of the suspected thief again. (atkutat)

5. It's time you went that job, my friend! (nekilat]

6. Since she is a rather plain girl, she decided to spend her evenings at home and she

never goes (elmegy sz6rakozni)

7. The cats went each other furiously. (egymasnak estek)

8. The IRA planted a bomb-device close to the favourite pub of the British soldiers, but thank God it failed to go ...... (felrobban)

9. I wish my aunt stopped going ... .. ..... her illness all the time! (allandoan, bosszant6 m6don beszel]

10. Just imagine, the fridge has packed up so all our chicken has gone .... (elromlott)

4. GET

away with, about, on, round, over, it over, through, up, in, down

1. How's your elder son getting .... at his new school? Is he getting used to it?


2. When ministers and politicians cheat, they always get it. (megu.sszak)

3. The news of the director's resignation soon got ...... (elterjedt)

4. Liberty is a very cunning young lady. Though she is only three years old, she knows exactly how to get ....... her mother. (raszed valakit)

5. Jane was his first love, and he loved her so much that he never got .... her. ( elfelejteni)

6. This candidate will never get ..... for his constituency. (mcgvalasztjak)

7. But for my friend's help, I would have failed the exam, I would never have got ...... (letenni)

8. If you have a toothache, you must go to the dentist, however much you're dreading it. The sooner you get ......... , the better. (tuljut rajta)

9. Who's getting ... the party for your birthday? (szervez)

10. She explained her depression with the fact that rainy weather always got her ...... (letor]





away, in, off, out, up, back, out, in, away, over

1. Mr. Pemble was a very generous man, a few years before his death he gave ..... all

his money. (elajandekoz]

2. He made me swear not to give his horrible secret. (elarul)

3. Is it true that a wall made of plastic doesn't give ..... echoes? (visszaad)

4. The Indians were forced to give ..... by the troops of the Government. (megadja magat)

5. Is this Camembert cheese giving .... this strange smell? (kibocsat, araszt)

6. The insurrectionists began to worry, since their food supply had almost

completely given (elfogy)

7. The pupils asked Miss Jones whether it was possible for her to give the corrected tests ..... before the mid-term holiday. (kiad)

8. Could you please give ..... playing the accordion? It's half past eleven. (abbahagy)

9. When it turned out that he had developed megalomania, even the best doctors gave him ..... (lemond valakir61)

10. The invigilator asked all the examinees at 10 sharp to give ..... their exam papers. (bead)


down, it up, off, on, out, under, up, up, at

1. Don't give up, keep ..... it! (valamihez nagyon tartja magat}

2. The Soviet Union kept all the Warsaw Pact countries, including Hungary, for

almost four decades. (hatalmaban tart, elnyom)

3. Will the ammunition keep ..... (kitart) until we get some help from Zapata's troops?

4. He went back on his word again! He never keeps ..... his word! (ragaszkodik)

5. "Keep .... the grass" - a notice saying this would be quite ridiculous in British


6. Children should keep ..... of their parents' problems. (tavol marad)

7. Keep .... singing (folytat), I love your voice - said the sultan to the young singer.

8. Since he was lame, he couldn't keep ..... (Iepest tart) with the others and soon fell behind.

9. Well, Mrs. Jones, your son seems to be the most energetic boy I've ever seen, so I

think you agree that he needs keeping (megfegyelmezni)

10. The Serbs kept ..... the attack against/ on Gorazde all day. (folytat)


after, down on, for, in on, into, on, to, up, up, round

1. I can employ you as a secretary if you're still looking ..... a job. (keres)

2. I asked my sister to look the word "ghia" in her Italian dictionary for me.


3. After months of recession, things are looking .... for the British economy. (javul]

4. The neighbour was happy to look our dog while we were on holiday.


5. Look .... it that it shouldn't happen again. (gondja van, vigyaz vmire)

6. Don't make a hasty decision, look well first. (korulnez]

7. When she married the Arab prince, she looked her ex-classmates. (Ienez





8. Why don't you play ice-hockey instead of just looking .... ? (nez]

9. Why don't you look me when you're in town next time? (beugrik,

meglMogat vkit)

10. The Police were asked by the judge to look ..... the matter again. (megvizsgal)


do with, at, away with oneself, for, out, over, up, up, off, up for

1. The hooligans made ..... when they noticed a policeman approaching. (elmenekiil)

2. I asked the pharmacist to make that lotion .... for me. (elkesztt]

3. The basement was made ..... into a workshop. (atalaktt)

4. I'm afraid we haven't got any ice-cream, you must make a bar of chocolate.

(beeri vmivel)

5. I can't make ..... your handwriting, it's simply illegible. (kibetliz)

6. The angry woman made ..... me with her umbrella, because she took me for a burglar. (nekiront, nekimegy)

7. Don't believe grandpa's amazing stories about the World War, he only made

them (kitalal)

8. Did Jimmy Hendrix make himself or was he killed? (ongyilkos lesz, vegez


9. The 39 escaped convicts made the French border. (tart valamerre)

10. Hard work can never make the lack of talent. (p6tol)

9. PUT

about, across, aside, down, down to, forward, in for, in, off, on

1. Don't believe him, he is just pretending to be modest, actually he's putting it ..... (henceg, felvag)

2. He put the position of the marketing director although he is only a book-

keeper. (allasra palyazik)

3. He kept putting ..... going to the dentist until he could stand the pain no more.


4. Don't believe all the stories that are being put (terjeszt)

5. After the accident my husband put .... a claim for damages. (benyujt]

6. You cannot put that me, however cunning you may be. (becsap)

7. Every year Professor Jones puts a new theory on how the universe came into

being. (eloterjeszt)

8. We have put 2 million forints in the last twenty years, only to realize that this

sum is not even enough for a small flat in Budapest. (felretesz)

9. His strange behaviour was put the fact that he'd never been to a Christian

country before. (tulajdonit)

10. The pilot managed to put ..... the aircraft in the storm. (letesz)

10. RUN

across, in, off, out, to, away, into, on, over, up

1. The captain ordered the crew to run ..... the flag on the mast. (felhuz]

2. And whom should I run in the pub yesterday? John, who claims to be a

teetotaller. (osszefut vkivel)

3. My finances do not run ... a holiday in Hawaii. (nekem till draga)




4. He is a very popular writer among middle-aged women, his latest novel has run ..... six editions. (jelent meg)

5. When Gerard Depardieu was 17, he ran ..... from home and earned his living as a thief. (megszokik)

6. How many copies can you run .... on this duplicating machine? (nyomtat, eloallit)

7. A new car needs running .... , so in the first few weeks you must drive carefully. (bejaratas)

8. Grandpa will run .... for an hour if you don't stop him! (folyamatosan beszel]

9. Let's run ..... our parts - he said to the other actors. (atismetelru]

10. Be careful with mum! As far as you're concerned, her patience has run .... (elfogy)

11. SEE about, back, out, to, over, Clcross, off, through, sy. through, sg. through

1. I'm interested in the house. I'd like to see it (alaposan atvizsgal)

2. I must see a plumber ..... this leaking tap. (tanacsot ker vkit61 vmire vonatkoz6an)

3. You cannot deceive me, I can see your lies! (atlat)

4. This lift is out of order, could you ask a mechanic to see .... it? (gondoskodik


5. Schoolchildren must see old ladies the street. (atkfser)

6. Mr. Jones is just about to leave, could you see him , Miss Peters? (kikiser]

7. I'd rather see you , I don't want you to go home in the dark. (hazakiserj

8. He said that however strong his enemy was, he would see the struggle .

(vegig kibir, kiall]

9. When I left Bonn, all my friends came to the railway station to see me ..... (kikiser)

10. You'll have a difficult time, but I'll see you safely (vkinek mindvegig

tamogatast nyujt)

12. SET

back, in, off, off, out, out, up, up, on, down

1. The bus stopped to set an elderly man. (letesz)

2. In December winter sets (kezd6dik, beall)

3. That action by the PM set a series of demonstrations. (kivalt)

4. Your watch is too fast. Set the hands! (visszaallit]

5. Dr Kimble set ..... to prove his innocence. (akar, szandekozik)

6. Fa Nandor has set ..... on a journey round the world in a boat. (elkezd, elindul)

7. Darnyi set .... a new world record for the 400 m medley last year. (felallit)

8. Latecomers in the karate training are set ..... by the others. (ratamad)

9. He has set himself .... as a plumber. (kezdett dolgozni)

10. We'll be late unless we set ..... at 6 in the morning. (elindul)

13. TAKE

after, back, in, off, out, apart, in, off, off, to

1. After his wife's death he took ..... drinking. (raszokott)

2. I couldn't take .... a word of Professor White's lecture Revolution. (felfog, megert)

3. Whose turn is it to take the dog ..... for a walk? (kivisz)

on the Industrial




4. I wish you could have seen Dan Aykroyd when he took ..... Ronald Reagan!


5. Look at the guy! He takes Prince Philip, doesn't he? (hasonlit)

6. I'm afraid John was taken. by that deceitful girl again! (becsap, raszcd)

7. Don't take your coat .... , there is no heating in here! (levesz)

8. You're right. I was wrong. Sorry. I take ..... what I've said. (visszavon)

9. My spin-drier has packed up. Can you take it ..... ? (szetszed)

10. She decided to take ..... half the price of each of her products to make her enterprise profitable. (levon, levesz)

14. TURN

down, off, on, out, up, in, on, out, over, in

1. Mary and Ed turned their neighbour ..... to the police. (felad vkit)

2. He was very disappointed when he learned that his application had been turned ..... (elutasit)

3. He hasn't turned .... yet, though he promised to be here on time. (megjelenik,


4. It's time we turned ..... We always go to bed at ten. (lefekszik)

5. Any kind of girl could turn Jim Morrison .... (oromet okoz neki)

6. Turn the TV .... , I don't want the kids to see that film. (kikapcsol)

7. I can't see anything, could you turn the lights .... ? (felkapcsol)

8. This university turns ..... 200 well-educated dentists every year. (kepez, kibocsat)

9. That well-turned lady was Mrs. Kennedy. (jololtozott)

10. His business turns more than $ 2 billion a year. (forgalmaz)

15. CUT

across, off, out, down, down, out, up, in, out for, into

1. If we cut the field, we get to Avonlea half an hour earlier. (atvag,


2. Daddy decided to cut that old maple tree in the garden. (kivag)

3. He cut ..... all his rivals for Jane's affection. (kiszorit versenytarsat)

4. Either we cut ..... our telephone bill or we go bust! (csokkent)

5. Cut .... the meat first and then chop the parsley finely. (felszel)

6. Don't cut ..... the conversation so rudely! (felbeszakit)

7. I would never make a good production manager, I'm not cut .... .. this job. (val6 valamire)

8. Accidents are often caused by drivers cutting (elebevag)

9. Cut it .... , will you? (fogd be a szad)

10. Cut my nails ..... , not my fingers! (Ievag)

16. BREAK down, into, off, up, up, through, with, out, off, out

1. Seeing how longingly the dog looked at her, she broke ..... a piece of chocolate and ga"l(e it to him. (Ietor)

2. Benazir Bhutto ordered the police to break ..... the demonstration organized by her own mother. (szetzuz)

3. Negotiations between the Serbs and Muslims broke in Geneva last week.





4. When the person in question entered the room, John broke ..... (elhallgat)

5. Have you heard that burglars tried to break Buckingham Palace and steal

Prince Charles' diamonds? (beti:ir)

6. After thirty years of happy marriage I think Robert and Sylvia are breaking ..... (valnak)

7. When did the thirty years' war break .... ? (kiti:ir)

8. At last, after 40 days of torrential rain, Noah saw the sun breaking ..... the clouds. (attor, athatol]

9. It's high time for you to break harmful habits like smoking. (felhagy vmivel)

10. When the Belgian prison wardens downed them, 39 prisoners broke .... (kitor, elszokik]

A prepozicios igek megoldasai
1. CALL 1. off 2. COME 1. by 3. GO 1. by
2. for 2. up 2. down
3. in 3. off 3. in for
4. on/upon 4. on 4. through
5. at 5. out 5. about
6. up 6. over 6. out
7. in 7. about 7. at
8. out 8. round 8. off
9. up 9. into 9. on about
10. on 10. across 10. off
4. GET 1. on 5. GIVE 1. away 6. KEEP 1.at
2. away with 2. away 2. down
3. about 3. back 3. it up
4. round 4. in 4.-
5. over 5. off 5. off
6. in 6. out 6. out
7. through 7. out 7. on
8. itover 8. over 8. up
9. up 9. up 9. under
10. down 10. in 10. up 194

7. LOOK 1. for 8. MAKE 1. off 9. PUT 1. on
2. up 2. up 2. in for
3. up 3. over 3. off
4. after 4. do with 4. about
5. to 5. out 5. in
6. round 6. at 6. across
7. down on 7. up 7. forward
8. on 8. away with 8. aside
9. in on 9. for 9. down to
10. into 10. up for 10. down
10. RUN 1.up 11. SEE 1. over 12. SET 1. down
2. across 2. about 2. in
3. to 3. through 3. off
4. into 4. to 4. back
5. away 5. across 5. out
6. off 6. out 6. off
7. in 7. back 7. up
8.on 8. through 8. on
9. over 9. off 9. up
10. out 10. through 10. out
13. TAKE 1. to 14. TURN 1. in 15. CUT 1. across
2. in 2. down 2. down
3. out 3. up 3. out
4. off 4. in 4. down
5. after 5. on 5.up
6. in 6. off 6. into
7. off 7. on 7. out for
8. back 8. out 8. in
9. apart 9. out 9. out
10. off 10. over 10. off
16. BREAK 1. off
2. up
3. down
4. off
5. into
6. up
7. out
8. through
9. with
10. out 195



Vegyes fordltasi feladatok

Alapfok: variaclok egy mondatra

1. Ebben a szep hazban lakik.

2. Meg mindig ebben a szep hazban lakik?

3. A haboru idejcn ebben a szep hazban lakott.

4. Ebben a szep hazban Iakott, amikor eloszor talalkoztunk.

5. [ovore ebben a szep hazban fog lakni.

6. Ebben a hazban fog Iakni, amikor Iegkozolebb latod.

7. Soha nem lakik ebben a szep hazban,

8. Lakott mar yalaha ebben a szep hazban?

9. Igen, mar ezer eve itt lakik.

10. Miota lakik itt? 1968 ota.

11. 1998-ban mar harmine eve lcsz, hogy ebben a szep hazban lakik.

12. Ha gazdag lesz, ebben a szep hazban fog lakni.

13. Ha gazdag lcnne, ebben a szep hazban lakna.

14. Ismernem at, ha ebben a szep hazban lakna.

15. Ha ebben a szep hazban lakott volna, nem akart volna clkoltozni masik varosba.

16. Ebben a szep hazban lakott volna, ha a nagynenje megengedte volna neki.

17. Ebben a szep hazban kellene elriic, es akkor elvezhetne az otthonletet,

18. Lehet, hogy ebben a szep hazban lakik.

19. Nem lehet, hogy ebben a szep hazban lakik, mert az autoja mindig a masik utcaban parkol.

20. Mar ot eve ebben a szep hazban lakott, amikor idekoltoztem,


1. He lives in this nice house.

2. Is he stillli ving in this nice house?

3. During the war he lived in this nice house.

4. He was living in this nice house when we first met.

5. Next year he will live in this nice house.

6. He will be living in this house when you see him next time.

7. He never lives in this nice house.

8. Has he ever lived in this nice house?

9. Yes, he has been living here for ages.

10. Since when has he been living here? Since 1968.

11. In 1998 he will have been living in this nice house for thirty years.

12. If he is rich, he will live in this nice house.

13. If he were rich, he would live in this nice house.

14. I would know him if he lived in this nice house.

15. If he had lived in this nice house, he wouldn't have wanted to move to another town.

16. He would have lived in this nice house if his aunt had allowed him to.



17. He should live in this nice house and then he could enjoy staying at home.

18. He may live in this nice house.

19. He can't be living in this nice house because his car is always parked in the other street.

20. He had already been living in this nice house for five years when I moved here.


1. Levelez.

2. Gyakran tr levelet.

3. Epp most leveler Ir.

4. Eppen me girt egy levelet.

5. Meg nem irt levelet.

6. Ritkan ir levelet.

7. Tegnap egesz nap levelet irt.

8. Ha ideje lesz, irni fog.

9. Hazaj6ve leveleket irt,

10. Mig a felescge fozott, a levelet irt.

11. Holnap cgesz nap levelet fog Irni,

12. Amig be nem fejezte a munkat, nem Irt egy levelet sem.

13. Bevasarlas el6tt irta a levelet / irni fog.

14. A mult heten trt (levelet).

15. Mikor a baratja megjott, eppen levelet irt / mar megirta a levelet.

16. Ha lett volna ideje, irt volna.

17. Mire anyja megjott, mar megirta a leveleket.

18. Ha ideje lenne, Irna,

19. Mig anyja takaritott, 6 levelet trt.

20. Mire visszajossz, mar megirja a leveleket.

21. Tegnap ket orakor levelet irt.

22. Holnap harornkor levelet fog Irni.

23. Mig be nem fejezi a munkajat, nem fog levelet Irni.

24. Miota hazajott, egvfolvtaban levelet ir.

25. Sose ir levelet.

26. Sose irt levelet. (Mar nem el, nem is irhat.]

27. Soha nem Irt egy levelet sem. (Meg el, a kesobbiekbcn trhat.)

28. Mostanaban trt nehanv levelet.

29. A minap irt egy levelet.

30. Ket oraja levelet Ir.

31. Ket perce levelet irt;

32. Ha lett volna ideje, irt volna.

33. Amikor jossz, levelet fogok irni.


1. He writes letters.

2. He often writes letters.

3. He is just writing some letters.

4. He has just written some letters.

5. He hasn't written any letters yet.

6. He rarely writes letters.

7. He was writing letters all day yesterday.

8. If he has time, he will write some letters.

9. After coming home he wrote some letters.



10. While his wife was cooking, he was writing some letters.

11. He will be writing letters all day tomorrow.

12. Until he had finished his work, he didn't write any letters.

13. He wrote/ will write some letters before going to do the shopping.

14. Last week he wrote some letters.

15. When his friend came he was writing / he had written some letters.

16. If he had had time, he would have written some letters.

17. By the time his mother came home, he had written the letters. / He had written

the letters before his mother came home.

18. If he had time, he would write some letters.

19. While his mother is/was doing the flat, he is/was writing some letters.

20. By the time you come back he will have written the letters.

21. He was writing some letters at two 0' clock yesterday.

22. He will be writing some letters at 3 0' clock tomorrow.

23. Until he has finished his work, he won't write any letters.

24. He has been writing letters since he came home.

25. He never writes letters.

26. He never wrote any letters.

27. He has never written any letters.

28. He has recently written some letters.

29. The other day he wrote some letters.

30. He has been writing letters for two hours.

31. He wrote some letters two minutes ago.

32. If he had had time, he would have written some letters.

33. When you come, he will be writing some letters.

Kozep- es felsOfok

1. Barcsak megkaptuk volna azokat a kerdoiveket, amelyeket [apanban keszttettek

az eletsztnvonal alakulasarol a mult evbenl

2. Ha nem akarod elvesziteni az allasodat, soha ne kritizald a fonokodef

3. Ne felejtsd el odaadni az igazgatonak a tervrajzot, kulonben leharapja a fejed.

4. Emlekezett, hogy atadta a fonoke iizenetet a titkarnonek,

5. A rendorseg azzal vadolja, hogy felrobbantotta a repulor, de 6 tagadta, hogy a repuloter kozeleben jart volna azon az ejszakan, amikor az eset tortent.

6. "Kikopott nagyapja!" Ezt mondtak rola azok, akik meg sohasem talalkoztak a csalad tobbi tagjaval.

7. Kiprobalhatta volna az uj mosoport, miel6tt barmilyen velemenyt mond rola,

8. Holnaputan ilyenkorra mar tulleszunk a vizsgan, es lehet, hogy utana bulit rendeziink a legkozelebbi etteremben,

9. A legutobbi valasztasok ota rengeteg olyan valtozas tortent az orszagban, amely el6revetiti a fejlodes varhato iranyat,

10. Az utobbi evekben egyre tobb vallalkozas indult be annak koszonhetoen, hogy lehetove tettek az idegen t6ke bearamlasat az orszagba.

11. Majdnem olyan gazdag lehettem volna, mint az amerikai nagyncncm, ha a lorton otos talala tom lett volna,

12. Angliai kirandulasunk vegere minden keszpenzunk eIfogyott, a bankok pedig - ahol hitelkartyara penzt vehettiink volna fel - sztrajk miatt zarva tartottak, ezert kenytelenek voltunk stoppal hazaterni.

13. Annak ellenere, hogy a tarsasagban senki sem figyelt a torteneteire, tovabbra is csak magarol meselt.



14. Hazajott anelkul, hogy megvizsgaltatta volna magat, pedig Afrikaban abban az id6ben sokfele fert6z6 betegseg terjedt el.

15. Kepzeld, imadja a csicsas ruhakat, most is vett harem vadonatujat, s mindig attol . tart, hogy nem tud Iepest tartani a legujabb divattal.

16. Miutan Mary osszeveszett Joe-val, szettcpte azt a fenykepet, amit ket evvel azel6tt

ajandekozott neki a fiu.

17. Tagadta, hogy a bulin teljesen reszegre itta magat, s ugy vezette az autot,

18. Semrni ertelme, hogy tagadd a tetted, hiszen minden nyom hozzad vezet.

19. Inkabb repiil6vel szeretnek Torokorszagba utazni, hiszen busszal orokkevalosagig tart, mig odaerek,

20. Condolod, hogy megszokta mar a kinai eteleket? Biztosan, mivel harem evig dolgozott Kinaban, es el6tte is, amikor meg itthon elt, kinai etterembe [art vacsorazni hetente egyszer.

21. Kicsereltetne a magnojat a boltban, de a baratai meg vannak gy6z6dve arrol, hogy ugysem fog sikeriilni.

22. Mivel evek ota el Olaszorszagban, mindenki azt gondolta rola, hogy mar reg bankszamlat nyittatott, de csalodast okozott, hogy meg mindig nem tette.

23. Eppen akkor Ioptak el me1l6lem a borondomet, amikor figyelmeztettem az utasokat, hogy vigyazzanak a taskaikra.

24. Mr. Bean nem szereti, ha orakig varakoztatjak,

25. Nem turom, hogy ilyeneket mondj a baratomrol, amikor 6 segitett neked a legtObbet, amikor bajban voltal.

26. Vagy elmesz, vagy hivom a rendorseget, ha nem hallgatsz a szcp szoral

27. Teljesen meggyuloltette magat azzal az egy mondattal, amit a sajat baratnojerol mondott.

28. Meglehet6sen hatborzongato latvanyt nyujtott, amint az uttest szelen fekiidt veres testtel.

29. A banyaszok ket hetig folytattak a sztrajkot, mig vegre a targyalasok eredmenyre vezettek.

30. Jov6 juniusra mar harem eve lesz annak, hogy befejeztiik a haz epiteset.

31. Amikor kozepiskolaba jartam, tobb figyelmet kellett volna forditanom az angol tanulasara is, es mar akkor le tudtam volna tenni a kozepfoku nyelvvizsgat.

32. 2000-re mar 22 eve lesz annak, hogy meghazasodtunk, es talan unokaink is lesznek.

33. Kozismert terry, hogy az alkoholizmus teren Magyarorszag vilagviszonylatban el6ke16 helyen all.

34. Az alkohol aranak jelent6s emelese talan lehetne az egyik megelozesi mod, de ez egyediil nem eleg a baj megoldasara.

35. A birosagon egyik tanti sem mondott igazat, annak ellenere, hogy fel kellett eskudniuk a Bibliara.

36. Ha netan megis mogerkezne az ertekezlet kezdetere, azonnal kuldesd be a terembe.

37. Jobban szeretnern, ha John harom ev mulva inkabb Oxfordban tanulna, mint New Yorkban, mivel engem is abba a varosba fognak helyezni.

38. Ami engem illet, a kovetkezo nyaron inkabb Nemetorszagba mennek, mert az USA-ban rossz tapasztalataim voltak a kozbiztonsagot illet6en.

39. Azt mondjak rola, hogy valamikor kitiin6en tudott f6zni, mert fiatal koraban a vilag kulonbozo szallodaiban dolgozott mint szakacs, es ezalatt kitanulta a konyhamuveszet minden csinjat-binjat,

40. Szandekaban all elkiildeni a levelet, bar meg van arrol gy6z6dve, hogy baratai kozul nehanyan nem tartjak ezt jo otletnek,


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