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Network Security Expert

Learning Path
The Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) is a new, 8-level certification program designed for technical professionals
interested in independent validation of their network security skills and experience. The program includes a wide range of self-
paced and instructor led courses, as well as practical, experiential exercises that demonstrate mastery of complex network
security concepts.

The program is open to Fortinet customers, partners and employees and enables participants to fully exploit the power of
Fortinets network security platform and be recognized in the industry among an elite group of security professionals.

This document describes steps prospective NSEs should follow while completing this program.

Completion of this step is achieved by completing each
module within in the FCSA training bundle.

The FCSA program is accessed via the Fortinet Learning
Center (FLC) at http://www.fortinet.com/training. Once at
the FLC homepage, complete the following steps to
register for this training:
1. Click Learning and Metrics
2. Click Catalog
3. Click Bundles (tab)
4. Scroll to Fortinet Sales Training and enroll
Completion of this step is achieved by meeting the
requirements of NSE 1 and successfully passing the
Fortinet Certified Network Security Associate (FCNSA)

We recommend students complete the FCNSA
Preparation Course prior to purchasing and taking the
exam at a Pearson VUE (www.pearsonvue.com/fortinet/)
testing center.

FCNSA course may be taken self-paced online with a proctored
lab or as an instrurcor-led training ession. You can purchase and
enroll yourself in either the FCNSA Bundle/Facilitated Lab or check
the FLC instructor-led training schedule for an upcoming class.

To located an instructor version of the FCNSA Class,
complete the following steps
1. Login to the FLC
2. Click Learning and Metrics
3. Click Catalog
4. Click Featured Courses (tab)
5. Scroll to FortiGate Multi-Threat Security Systems 01
(FCNSA Prep) then select an available class.
Complete the following steps to take the FCNSA Prep
Class in a self-paced online format:
1. Login to the FLC
2. Click Learning and Metrics
3. Click Catalog
4. Click Bundles (tab)
5. Locate and click the FCNSA Bundle
6. Register for the FCNSA Bundle
7. Complete all 10 training modules in the course
8. Register for the FCNSA Proctored Lab by:
a. Repeat steps 1-3 above
b. Click Features Courses (tab)
c. Locate, register and attend the FCNSA
Facilitated Lab
9. Purchase the FCNSA Exam Voucher either through
the reselling channel or the FLC. To locate an exam
voucher in the FLC, navigate to the Catalog as
described above, click Alphabetically, then search
for FCNSA Voucher.
Completion of this step is achieved by meeting the
requirements of previous NSE levels and successfully
Silver Status on the Fortinet discussion forums

NSE Learning Path
NSE Learning Path | FORTINET

Completion of this step is achieved by meeting the
requirements of previous NSE levels then passing the
Fortinet Certified Network Security Professional (FCNSP)
exam at a Pearson VUE testing center.

Completing the FCNSP preparation process is very similar
to the FCNSA described in NSE 2 above; the only
difference is search for FCNSP where appropriate.
Completion of this step is achieved by meeting the
requirements of previous NSE levels, completing the
FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer classes, then passing both
the FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer specialist exams
administered in the FLC.

Completing the FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer class is a
prerequisite to taking their associated exam. Complete
the following steps to register for either class:
1. Login to the FLC and Navigate to the Catalog as
described earlier in this document.
2. Click Featured Courses (tab)
3. Locate, register for and complete the FortiManager
and FortiAnalyzer classes.
4. Complete both the FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer
exams on the FLC.

Note: The FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer exams will be
written for FortiOS v5.2 and will be available in early
Q4 2014. People who complete v5.0 of both
classes prior to that time will be allowed to take v5.2
of the exams.
Completion of this step is achieved by meeting the
requirements of previous NSE levels, completing the
FortiOS Troubleshooting class, then passing the
associated FLC-administered exam.

Completing the Troubleshooting Class is a prerequisite for
taking the exam.

Navigate to the Course Catalog Featured Courses tab as
described earlier in this document, then register for and
complete the FortiOS Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Note: The troubleshooting class is only offered in a
classroom setting and the exam for this class will be
published on FortiOS v5.2 in early Q4 2014. People
who complete either v5.0 or 5.2 of this class will be
eligible to take the exam once it is published.
Completion of this step is achieved by meeting the
requirements of previous NSE levels and successfully Gold
Status on the Fortinet discussion forums.
Completion of this step is achieved by meeting the
requirements of previous NSE levels and successfully
passing both an oral examination and practical exam.

Content for the NSE 8 is currently being written and
additional details will be available in Q3 2014.
NSE Path Prerequi si tes
In order to help students prepare for the NSE curriculum in
a timely manner, the table below lists prerequisites for
each module and provides suggestions on how to
maximize your study time.

Step Prerequisite When to begin this training
NSE 1 None Anytime
NSE 2 None Anytime
NSE 3 None Anytime
Online/class work may be
taken at any time however,
the FCNSA lab must be
completed before taking he
FCNSP lab.
Upon completing the FCNSP
course and lab sessions.
At least 90 days after
completing FCNSP.
NSE 7 None Anytime
At least 90 days after
completing NSE 6.

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