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Syllabus 2014-2015

Art 2 /art 2 GT: Developing Ideas in Media

Long reach High School Ms. Bulkowski-Larsen
Art does not solve problems but makes us aware of their existence.
It opens our eyes to see and our brain to imagine. Magdelena
Abakanowicz, sculptor
Course Objective
In this course you will become proficient in a variety of media by creating artworks
that are about personal and artistic concepts of interest to you. In this process you
will become more visually articulate, more verbally articulate, and more proficient
at writing about artistic issues. By the end of the year you will have a portfolio of a
variety of works that could be used towards an A.P. Studio Exam, a college
admissions portfolio, or supporting material for a GT Mentorship.
This course is a combination of Art 2 and Art 2 GT students. All of you completed
Art 1 with success and elected to take this class. Therefore, all of you are
expected to dedicate yourselves to the challenges of problem finding,
experimentation, and independent research. As well, in enrolling in this class,
you are committing yourself to see your artwork through to a finished state.
Artwork will be made in the studio, during class time, and at home. You should
plan to spend an average of three hours a week on homework assignments. (For
some assignments, you will need to spend longer. Some weeks, you will find
yourself free of any assigned art experiencesbut you can always work in your
visual journal!)
Fundamental Experiences
In this course you will become proficient in: keeping an idea book, or visual
journal, using contour and gesture to depict shape and form, portraying the
proportion of forms in space, describing form and space through the use of light
and shadow, finding ways to make marks, using color both realistically and
expressively. interacting productively with others in the classroom studio,
creating artworks based on ideas of personal interest, finding ways to connect
your life to your art, identifying visual qualities in the work of art through the ages,
and articulating responses (visual, oral and written) to their own work and to the
work of your classmates.
These fundamental experiences will be addressed through units that will combine
three areas: topics of concern to you; artistic concerns appropriate to the
concepts; and interaction in the studio classroom.

You will assess your own work in written reflections and self-evaluations
frequently throughout the term. Additionally, group and individual critiquesin
which the student, the class, and the instructor all take part will provide the
greatest opportunity for assessing artwork.
Art 2 GT students earn merit credit for this course. By enrolling in this class at the
GT level, you are committing yourself to complete challenging work at a
demanding pace. While GT and regular Art 2 students will be graded the same
(see below), GT students will have additional requirements for every assignment,
which will be clearly outlined verbally, on the front board, and/or on typed
handouts describing the assignment. As a GT student, the workload is greater for
you. However, the work load should prove quite manageable if you earned an A
in Art 1, received the recommendation of your Art 1 instructor, manage you time
well, and still enjoy making art!
1. Incomplete work will not be accepted; only finished work will receive a grade.
Likewise, work that is hastily or carelessly executed will not receive a grade.
2. Deadlines will be set at the discretion of the instructor. Usually, due dates are
set when the assignment is announced. For each day late, the assignment grade
will be lowered10%.
3. Each major assignment will be graded on a 100-point scale. This system
allows the teacher and the pupil to evaluate specific strengths and identify areas
that need improvement. Your work will be assessed based on the objectives of
the assignment. You will often complete a self-assessment rubric from which
your grade will be derived. The grading scale is as follows: A90 100, B80
89, C70 79, D60 69, and E0 59.
4. The mid-term is a written, reflective exam. The final exam is a portfolio self-
5. If you are legally absent, you may make up missed workyou are permitted a
one-day extension for every day you are absent. You are responsible for asking
me for missed work. The nature of the work missed may require that you work at
school, rather than at home. I will determine on what day and at what time this
will occur.
6. No extra credit projects will be assigned.
7. You may re-work a recently graded art piece based on suggestions you
received, and you may resubmit it for a (probable) higher grade. This is, in fact,
highly encouraged.

Materials Needs- You are required to have a usable #2 pencil with eraser
A hardbound sketchbook is necessary to meet all course requirements. Having
one on hand for idea generation and preliminary brainstorming / sketching is a
major component of building a strong college level portfolio. Choose the size that
feels right to you since there are a great deal of sizes and shapes. It is highly
recommended that you purchase a 5 x 7-inch or 9 x 12-inch hardbound
(preferred) or spiral bound sketchbook of good quality. Tablet bound sketchbooks
(bound with tape only), are discouraged, as they tend to fall apart quickly, which
increases the probability of lost assignments. Whether you purchase a
sketchbook, adapt / find / appropriate a second-hand book, or make one
yourself, it is a necessary component of this art class and will serve as a
way to complete assignments, brainstorm, and gather information that
pertains to your experiences in class each day.
The art department will provide all other materials for artwork made in this class.
To store some of these materials you also should provide a small, sturdy
container to keep a set of supplies that will be issued to you. This container may
be an old lunchbox, plastic storage container, tackle box, or art bin.
On occasion you may be asked to collect found materials or to bring in objects.
This should not incur any additional funds. The art department will supply the rest
of your materials for the year. It may, however, be the case that you wish to
purchase your own materials for use at home. If so, take your student I.D. (for
10%-20% discounts) and check out area retailers for art supplies. See me for
more information.
Studio Maintenance
It is expected that everyone will contribute to the maintenance of materials and
tools in the art studio. This room is heavily usedeach day nearly 150 students
are sharing this relatively small space and rather limited materials. As a result,
we will need to take extra care to work together harmoniously! In addition to the
expectations outlined in your student handbook (respecting others, abiding safety
rules, etc.), I have detailed a few guidelines specific to this art class, that all of us
must keep in mind. If each of us abides by these directions, our studio will be a
place in which everyone has the opportunity to surpass his or her own
expectations of themselves as artists!

Studio Maintenance (continued)
1. All studio tools and materials must be handled with care and respect so that
they are in the best possible condition for the next persons usewhich of
course, may be you! Tools and materials, therefore, must be used only for the
purpose for which they are intended. All studio tools and materials must be
returned to their proper placeeven if they were not properly stored when you
arrived in class. Each of you will be held responsible for equipment you have
2. All students who share space at a table are responsible for that table and are
expected to help clean up any messes, even if they are not personally
3.You may leave your seat only to get supplies and to clean up, not to socialize.
4.The studio will be left in excellent condition at the end of every classtools and
materials will be properly stored, works-in-progress will be put away, the tables
and stools will be cleared of all debris. Materials that may have fallen on the floor
during studio work periods will be picked up and stored properly. Proper
condition of your table is your responsibility.
5. For some people, a little conversation helps them make art; for others, quiet,
focused thought is best. In this class, talking quietly while you work is okayso
long as your conversation is not adversely affecting your work, or the work of
those around you. I will be the arbiter of how much (or how loud) is too much!
to be respectful in your choice of language, behavior (including being in
the room before the tardy bell AND keeping your cell phone off and put
away), treatment of others, and treatment of art materials. I will extend the
utmost respect to you and will ask for it in return. I will communicate with
your parents/guardians, coaches, and administrators if you are showing
I am looking forward to a productive and exciting year of artistic growth
and discovery.
I can be reached at Wanda_BulkowskiLarsen@hcpss.org or
410 313-7117 AND check out the class website
www.lrhslarsen.weebly.com for course information and

Please return the next page completed and signed by the
end of the week, Friday 8/29/14.

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