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Unit 4 Task 2

a) (See Unit 1 Task 3 for ongoing consultations with young people)

More than two consultations took place within the Drop In Centre, including using the TV and
reporting session within the Drop In to report what concerns or issues young people take into
consideration, for example Philippa expressing the floods in Somerset being a concern. One other
consultation also took place at another Youth Centre.

b) My own skills for building relationships are as follows:-
Im friendly
Im welcoming
Im non-judgemental
Im inclusive
I recognise body language
Im compassionate
Im Empathetic
Im enthusiastic
Im supportive
Im able to identify interests and motivations
Im able to help young people identify ways forward that work for them and how to build their
confidence by believing in them and encouraging them.
I am also able to recognise that they may not be getting everything they need from the sessions we
run so I find different ways of finding out what they want and what their needs are by talking to
them and asking them what they would like.
An example of supporting the young people with needs --- See Unit 2 Task 3 & 4 Planned Session
Wk 10 - Where I identified that Rosie may be in need of some support to learn about sexual health,
therefore I have arranged for another organisation to come in to run part of the session around this,
however it will be for all the young people rather than aimed just at one so that it is inclusive
Sources of development for me would be debriefs with my colleague, Matt, as well as the support
from my senior volunteers and Lesley who manages the Community Centre, and Pete is my boss
who I communicate with and find out about resources and what companies/other organisations we
can get to come in to run part of the sessions based on the needs that we identify of the young
people as well as companies and organisations based on what the young people want. In supporting
roles myself and Matt work well together recognising that we have both very different attributes we
can offer and in some cases I am the better person for the task in hand and other times Matt is the
better person. This also goes for the senior volunteers, Dot has a good raport with some of the
young people due to her connection with the School therefore sometimes it is better for her to
approach certain young people than it is Matt or I. It is also recognised that none of us have training
for certain areas so we would call upon other organisations such as The Volunteer Network for peer
training so help support us in our roles.

c) (See Unit 1 Task 3 for ongoing consultations with young people)
Session Run specifically around the needs of the young people after consulting with them were:-
Unit 2 - Task 3 & 4 - Planned Session Wk4 - Anti Bullying and Making Up a Rules List
Unit 2 - Task 3 & 4 - Planned Session Wk8 - Anti Bullying Poster Campaign
Unit 2 - Task 3 & 4 - Planned Session Wk6 - Inappropriate behaviour Discussion & What Worries
Young People
I have also arranged for a session with members from the Volunteer Network to come in to do a
session around sexual health as I felt that after a couple of recent sessions this is also a need for the
young people at the Drop In.

d) I am now consulting with my volunteers to arrange for us to slowly build a folder with information
around the needs for the young people having discussed this also with them as to whether they
would like a board of information or a folder and they opted for a folder.

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