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Biology Classroom General Procedures and Policies

Before entering the room: Take out your agenda and class materials from your
backpack and leave the backpack on the shelves outside.
Upon entering the room: greet your teacher and find your assigned desk
in an orderly fashion.
Getting to work: In your notebook, write the date, the lesson topic and the content
objectives posted.
Arriving late: Fill in the late-form at the entrance and sit quietly at your desk. If you
have a signed excuse, leave it under the form.
Excused Absences: Assignments must be turned in within the same number of days
that you were absent after returning to school. Evaluations must be taken within the
same number of days that you were absent.
Unexcused Absences: You have a score of below basic on any test, quiz, class work or
homework assigned for that day.
Late assignments: You will be asked to do the assignments after school during
the student opportunity time(reinforcement)
End of class dismissal: I will ask you to complete your journal entry and you
will show it to me as your ticket out.
Handing in papers: Hand them in the most efficient manner possible.
Handing out papers: I will hand most of them to the students in the front row and they
will be passed backed.
Going to the Nurse: Fill in the area in the agenda designed for that purpose and bring it
to me to sign it.
Going to your locker: You will not be allowed to go to your locker, you must come
prepare to class. (warning). Borrow a sheet of paper(materials) from your classmates.
Electronic Devices: Cell phones, I-pods, etc. should be turned off and invisible
during the class period, unless authorized by your teacher. If I see or hear your phone it
will be taken away and given to an administrator, according to cell phone policy
outlined in the school handbook. Refusal to turn over the cell phone will be treated as
insubordinate behavior (Type II)
Food/drinks/Gum: Only water is allowed. Any other item merits a minor infraction
but will be treated with the 3 class consequences

Working in Groups: Everyone is accountable for the work given.
I can ask anyone in the group to explain.
Getting Attention: I will call out Class, class, and you will respond with yes,yes
and make eye contact with your teacher.
Asking questions: Raise your hand and wait until everyone is quiet. Avoid calling out.
Catching up: It is your responsibility to follow Schoology or ask classmates for any
classnotes and activities you missed.
Participating: I will randomly choose student names. You have the right to pass if the
question is part of a discussion but not if it is part of an ongoing assessment.
Going to the bathroom: Ask for permission after I have finished giving instructions or
have finished my lecture. It will not be given right after recess or lunch. Do not abuse
the privilege. Sign out the bathroom sheet and take the Key with you.
Desk and Chair: You will be assigned a chair and a desk for which you will be
responsible for during the whole year. Maintaining a clean desk and working area are
crucial to your health and mine as well. Besides the health grade.
Lab Coat : Bring a long-sleeve comfortable-fitting white lab coat neatly labeled.
Keeping up notebooks You will be keeping an organized notebook, with dates, titles,
objectives, activities ,reflections and journal entries.
Reinforcement Policy
I will be available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 -3:30pm to explain and
reinforce class topics, assignments and evaluations.
Those students that obtain do not show basic mastery in quizzes or tests must come
to reinforcement on the date assigned by your teacher.
No grades will be given for attending the reinforcement activities unless it is an excused
Grading Scale
Class work % (individual and group activities,, work completion, labs)
Quizzes % (One per week, see reinforcement policy)
Tests. % ( at the end of each unit))

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