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CLL113: Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering

Lab session 5: GaussJordan Elimination

Due Date: End of the fth lab session.
Write a computer code to solve a set of n linear algebraic equations in n unknowns
by using GaussJordan elimination method. Write another code which uses this
method to invert any given square matrix. First, write small modules to achieve
specic tasks and then combine those modules to generate the two programs.
A typical code should have at least the following modules:
Main module: It will invoke, input, setup, work, analysis, output modules.
Input module: All the inputs should be read/generated in this module.
Setup module: The input is processed here and other variables are set here so
that actual work can be started.
Work module: The actual work takes place here
Analysis module: The analysis or any post processing of results will take place
Output module: All outputs should be generated here.
The program should not have any input/output from the terminal. Your program-
ming language should allow for this kind of program. In case it does not then please
use a language which does.
Send a mail at the end of the lab session with the two codes as attachment.
It is important that you name the codes as entryno. name Gauss Jordan 1. and
entryno. name Gauss Jordan 2. The here refers to the sux corresponding to
your programming language. Treat this as a practice for minor exam. Your
marks will depend on the accuracy of the code and coding syle. There is no other
report for this lab.

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