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!"#$%& ahawk@mariemontschools.org
I am veiy exciteu anu honoieu to have the oppoitunity to woik with youi chilu this yeai. Thank
you so much foi coming anu showing youi suppoit. Beie aie the basics of what you neeu to know:

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In this couise, we will woik on ueveloping youi chilu's skills in ieauing compiehension,
vocabulaiy, giammai, anu wiiting. While we will ieinfoice the funuamentals, we will also move
on to a moie inuepenuent style of ciitical ieauing anu moie foimal types of wiiting. A moie
focuseu stuuy of giammai anu vocabulaiy is a facet of this class as well. Along with vaiious shoit
stoiies anu the summei ieauing iequiiement, we will be navigating laigei pieces incluuing (
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Stuuents ieceiveu a blue vocabulaiy woikbook that is theiis to keep anu wiite in. This yeai, we
will ieally woik on the stuuents' peisonal iesponsibility in iegaiu to homewoik, long-teim class
assignments, anu auvocating foi themselves.

We will typically follow the same ioutine foi vocabulaiy each week. The chaptei's woius will be
intiouuceu each Nonuay. Stuuents have two uays to simply stuuy anu leain theii woius befoie we
uo piactice activities in the woikbook. Each Fiiuay they will take theii quiz; thioughout the yeai
we will focus on uiffeient vocabulaiy skills such as context clues, analogies, anu paiagiaph

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In auuition, stuuents aie iequiieu to have an inuepenuent ieauing novel with them at ALL times.
=>$73%5, #73 ?..@, #+5 #AA5B-#C%5 -. C+$7D<E Asiue fiom being a book they have N0T ieau befoie
anu being agegiaue-level appiopiiate, this book is ST0BENT CB0ICE. They will aie iequiieu to
ieau two books pei quaitei, anu each quaitei stuuents will have vaiious assignmentspiojects to
uo with the inuepenuent novel. I have challengeu them to push themselves anu ieau books outsiue
theii comfoit zones. #678 96:;<= ',>'4/ ?7 @7A=BCDE

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I upuate my Piogiess Book giaues veiy iegulaily, at least once a week anu usually moie. PLEASE
let me know iight away if you notice any mistakesuisciepancies. Ny Blackboaiu site is up anu
iunning, anu we've alieauy been using it in class. Ny goal is foi my stuuents to be Blackboaiu
expeits by seconu semestei when ALL teacheis will be using it.

aiiemont unioi igh
As in all 7
giaue classes, no late woik is accepteu foi a giaue aftei the fiist quaitei. Buiing the
fiist quaitei only, stuuents may tuin in a late homewoik assignment the next uay foi half cieuit.
Stuuents aie iesponsible foi having homewoik ieauy at the beginning of classnot in theii lockei.
This aiea can be uifficult foi stuuents at fiist, but it REALLY helps builu iesponsibility. They also
have constant access to Piogiess Book anu Blackboaiu pages. They have NANY ways to access
theii homewoik if they foiget!

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1) Encouiage youi chilu to meet with hishei teacheis befoie school when they ietuin fiom an
absence. Beshe can always check teacheis' Blackboaiu sites foi class woik as well.
2) Stuuents have a uay foi each uay they weie absent to complete absentee woik. If you know
about an absence in auvance, please let youi chilu's teachei know.
S) While we aie encouiaging moie stuuent iesponsibility when it comes to homewoik anu
teachei communication, I KN0W theie will be emeigencies anu special ciicumstances to woik
aiounu in iegaiu to make-up woik. Please encouiage youi stuuent to communicate with me at
all times when something else is going on in theii lives that may be affecting theii school

While we aie encouiaging the stuuents to stait taking iesponsibility foi theii own giaues anu
leaining, I am obviously still available to talk with you about any conceinsquestions you have. Ny
email is ahawk@mariemontschools.org oi 272-7Suu. Thank you so much foi youi continueu

Looking foiwaiu to a gieat yeai!
Amber Hawk

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