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Vandana Shiva's position and argument is much more grounded in truth

and goodnes than Michael Specter's. The science of GMO's is about like
the science of extra-terrestrial life--based on very limited data. For my
part, I could see possibly using GMO technology after it has been
thoroughly researched. But at this point, using it is very risky and
unwarranted. There are much more sensible and productive steps that
could be talen to improve humankind's food supply--like devoting our
energies to cultivating the Earth, rather than blowing one another up.
Refusing to label GMO's is dishonest, arrogant, and ugly. Buying elections
to prevent this is fascist. Suing states who choose to label GMO's is
criminal. Monsanto gave us all of these, and DDT, PCB's, 2,4-D; 2,4,5-T,
dioxin, sacharrin, cyclamates, aspartame, rBST, rBGH, and other
ecological and health disasters-problems. Oh Monsanto, you are so good
to us! So wise!

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