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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
Autor de la unidad
Nombre de la institucin educatia ESCUELA NUE!" #R"$RES"
Ubicacin de la institucin educatia ERNEST" C"RD"%A CA&#"' LAS CU&%RES' S(&I$UELIT"
"tros datos de la institucin educatia CUENTA C"N UNA &ATRICULA DE &AS DE )*** ESTUDIANTES
Descripcin de la unidad
Titulo de la unidad
$esumen de la unidad
The main topic in this unit will be Healthy and Junk food. The students will watch a video of healthy and
junk food. Students have to discriminate between these two foods The students elaborate a balance diet
for the three meals. Students will classify on a graphic organizer, the food into healthy food and junk
food. Students have to know that every day we have to assume the responsibility when selecting food.
A%o & ni'el
This unit will be apply only on the nglish subject. !"
Tiempo necesario apro(imado
# periods of $% minutes
Fundamentos de la unidad
Healt,y -ood
Dairy' e.etables' meat' .rains'
/un0 -ood
Discriminatin. ,ealt,y -oods
-rom 1un0 -oods. Classi-yin.
,ealt,y -ood.
Elaboratin. a balance diet -or
t,e t,ree meals 2brea0-ast'
lunc,' and dinner3.
#resentin. a ,ealt,y -ood lunc,
Assumin. responsibility 4,en
selectin. -ood.
Re-lectin. on ,ealt,y -oods
O*+eti'os del aprendi,a+e
.&press needs, wants, and preferences.
.'dentify vocabulary related to healthy food and a good nutrition.
Indicadores Logros
'dentifies the food. stablishes the difference between healthy food and junk food. (hooses different
healthy foods. )laces different foods into the food pyramid categories. *esigns a balance diet menu.
5 )**6 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec,os reserados. #7.ina 8 de 9
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad ,ttp:((444.intel.la(content(444(;l(es(education(08)(pro1ect<
Pregunta esencial +hat is good for our nutrition,
Preguntas de unidad
>,y 4e ,ae to ta0e care o- a .ood nutrition?
>,y is proper nutrition important?
>,at can 4e do to support ,ealt,y cellular nutrition?
>,y eat ,ealt,y?
Ho4 do 4e start?
Preguntas de contenido
Is it important to discriminate ,ealt,y -oods -rom 1un0 -ood?
>,y s,ould 4e ma0e ,ealt,y -ood c,oices?
>,y is it important to eat -ruits?
5 )**6 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec,os reserados. #7.ina ) de 9
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Plan de e'aluacin
Cronograma de e'aluaciones
Durante el desarrollo:
-eri.icar comprensin:
Al concluir la unidad:
Antes de empe,ar el tra*a+o del
Durante el desarrollo
del pro&ecto
"na 'e, completado el
.Dia.nostic test
.!ideo about ,ealt,y and 1un0 -ood
. @uestion and ans4ers
.A collaboratie 4or0
.Creatin. a poster o-
,ealt,y and 1un0 -ood
.A -ormatie test
.Rubric to ealuate t,e
oral presentation.
.Estimate scale to
ealuate t,e pictures.
$esumen de e'aluaciones
-os lynks anteriores e&plican cada m.todo, prop/siton e instrumento
'nstruments )rocess and purpose
I will use a brainstorm to determine the
knowledge of students have about p.
I will use a collation list to measure the level
of difficulty of each student has accomplished
about the plants
I will use a rubric for the final product to
determine the advance level in each one of the
important aspects taking in consideration such
as: follow instructions, work in pairs, organization,
clear presentation, etc.
Detalles de la unidad
Ha*ilidades pre'ias
Identi-y' researc,' select' discriminate and analyAe
5 )**6 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec,os reserados. #7.ina B de 9
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
0Ask and answer about healthy and junk foods.
-Mention some healthy and junk foods
-answer the question: Why eat healthy food?
Development :
<Sing the song: oods.
! Identify some pictures about healthy and junk food.
-Draw five healthy and junk food and write the correct name.
-Complete practice activities about healthy and junk food.
-atch a video in which they can listen and repeat names of healthy and junk foods.
-!isten the tale about foods.
<"resent their speech about healthy and #unk food in the classroom.
!Interact by asking and answering the content $uestion related to the topic.
!Sing and dance the food song.
Estudiante con
+e have students with special educational needs in all group of second
grade. 1ost of them are not able to read and write. 2ur objective will be to
identify and work with orally duties and works.
o /ispano0
+e don3t have in second grade.
+e will give to this student the organization of information and be the helper
of other students.
)ateriales & recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnolog1a 2 Hard3are 2e=uipo necesario3
C7mara di.ital
Reproductor de D!D
Cone;in a Internet
Disco l7ser
Sistema de proyeccin
C7mara de Cdeo
E=uipo de Cdeo con-erencia
Tecnolog1a 2 So.t3are 2necesario3
%ase de datos(Ho1a de c7lculo
Dia.ramador de publicaciones
#ro.rama de correo electrnico
Enciclopedia en CD<R"&
Editor de im7.enes
%uscador >eb
Desarrollo de p7.inas 4eb
#rocesador de te;to
)ateriales impresos
Te&tbook4 Time for learning !
Stamp, steaks, pictures
$ecursos de Internet
Otros $ecursos
Speech, e&position of stamps.
5 )**6 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec,os reserados. #7.ina D de 9
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Los pro.ramas de IntelE Educacin son -inanciados por la +undacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel.
Derec,os reserados 5)**6' Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec,os reserados. Intel' el lo.o de Intel' la iniciatia de Intel Educacin y el
#ro.rama Intel Educar son marcas re.istradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros paCses. F"tros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
5 )**6 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec,os reserados. #7.ina 9 de 9

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