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Week of Sept 8
Sept 15

To }eff uoiuon, Samantha Fox, Amy Sanuau, Nolly Bayes, Nolly uill, Anuy
Neyei, Beathei Feueihelm, anu }osh Bentley foi an awesome stait to the
school yeai! You all have liveu up to the hype that followeu you to Piaiiie!
Thank you foi being heie foi 0ui Kius!!
To Anna Natheny foi hei woik anu leaueiship in piepaiation foi
Bomecoming. This is a uaunting task anu she has uone an awesome job of
balancing hei iesponsibilities. Thank you!

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Building Improvement Goals for 2014-2015:

Through i mpl ementi ng research-based i nstructi onal strategi es, we wi ll

uoal 1. By the end of the year, 85% of all students final grades will be C or higher.
uoal 2. By the end of the year, our graduation rate will be at least 90%.

To staff with biithuays this week:
o None, so let's heai what otheis think about biithuays.
o "#$ %$&' ()* '+ ,$-$-%$, *+., (/0$1& %/,'#2)* /& '+ 0+,3$' /' +45$6 - By B. Piochnow
o 7 -)4 /& 3$''/43 +82 (#$4 #$ ()89& ),+.42 ) :.228$ /4&'$)2 +0 '#,+.3# /'6 - By R. C. Feiguson
o 73$ /& &',/5'8* ) 5)&$ +0 -/42 +;$, -)''$,6 <0 *+. 2+4=' -/42> /' 2+$&4=' -)''$,6 - By }ack Benny
o ?#$4 < ()& *+.43$,> < 5+.82 ,$-$-%$, )4*'#/43> (#$'#$, /' #)::$4$2 +, 4+'6 - By Naik

To oui Bus Supeivision Ciew foi this week. Enjoy the vest anu the WARNTB.
o }olynn Swaitzenuiubei
o }oe Kaisei
o Anna Natheny
! Please read through the CSIP and building goals above. Consider how you are
helping our kids attain these goals.
! Essential Standards charts should be completed before the unit takes place. These
will be used to guide our Dept PLC work.
! Tuesday at 8:00 am we will have our grade level team meetings. We will have a large
group meeting in the Study Hall rooms.
! Wednesday will be HR this week.
! Thursday will be an assembly for our Homecoming Court during HR time. Staff, please
sit in and amongst our student body modeling appropriate behavior for Our Kids.
! Friday is a district wide Orange Out to support putting an end to bullying and
! Friday is our first TCEO buffet day. Hopefully you are able to participate as Rocky
and I fully appreciate being able to sample all those dishes
! MAP testing continues this week. Steve Stumpff will get you a schedule of testing for
your class.
! The week of Sept 15 20 is Homecoming. I am fully supportive of staff participating
in dress up days. We will continue to focus on learning all week but with a little
bit of fun included in dress-ups.
! Our first Enrichment will be Thursday, Sept 18. It will be a practice ER so no
students will be assigned. All students will choose where to attend.

o As we build a Culture of Greatness, our understanding of effective
teacher evaluation will assist us all to grow professionally. The
attached document (it is a long read but good) is a rubric for self-
assessment of planning and prep, classroom environment, instruction, and
professional responsibilities. The focus shifts from a checklist of
standards/criteria compliance to growth opportunities with specific

Enjoy the week Prairie Hawks! As always, if you
have any question or concerns stop in and see me.
Take care of yourself, take care of each
other, and take care of Prairie.
Nonuay Septembei 8:

Tuesuay Septembei 9:
9 am - Boys vaisity uolf vs the winu Pleasant valley
S:Su pm - uiils }v anu Soph volleyball vs BB BB
7 pm - uiils vaisity volleyball vs BB BB

Weunesuay Septembei 1u:
S:1S pm - Boys }v uolf vs the shoit stuff uaiunei

Thuisuay Septembei 11:
S:1S pm - Boys vaisity uolf vs the hills Twin Pines
4:Su pm - Boys anu uiils Cioss Countiy vs the weathei Noeliiuge

Fiiuay Septembei 12:
S pm - Boys Sophomoie Football vs BS BS
7:1S pm - Boys vaisity Football vs BS BS

Satuiuay Septembei 1S:
8:Su am - Boys anu uiils Cioss Countiy vs the weathei Pleasant valley
9 am - Boys }v Football vs ICW B0NE
9 am - uiils Sophomoie volleyball Invite vs the pass B0NE
9 am - uiils vaisity volleyball Invite vs the jump seive LN

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