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Survey results and evaluation

1. Choose your preferred cuisine.

In this question, priority of people chose the cuisine Chinese as it is a very
popular cuisine around the world; the most chosen are Italian and
Vietnamese which again, are one of the very popular cuisines around the
world. With these results, my meal would be in Chinese style.
2. Which one is your favourite?
3. Entre, main meal or dessert?

Majority of the people who participated in the survey chose chicken and
seafood and beef coming second I place. Based on the results, I decided
to make my meal with chicken as the meat inside the meal.


4. Side dish?

Majority of the people surveyed chose to have main meal, so the recipe will be
cooked as a main meal.
Dessert became a second choice from the surveyed results and entre had no
votes at all.
Spring rolls and chips and gravy was the most popular vote as a side dish but
if I was to make a side dish I would make spring rolls because meal was to be
made in Chinese style.
Salad, mashed potato and garlic bread became the second most popular
vote as side dishes.

5. Asian or European?

6. How would you like your beef?
And again, the Asian choice had the most votes with the highest rating of 10
and European has the highest rating of 6.
So it is decided that my meal will be focusing on Asian cuisines.
The beef will be cooked as well done but majority chose chicken as the meat so beef
will not be made with the main meal.
Medium rare was the second most voted and rare had no votes.
7. Rate how much you like it.

8. How much do you want in your meal?

Vegetarian dishes was chosen as the most popular choice, meat and seafood dishes both
came as the second most popular choice.
But my dish would still have meat included as chicken had the most popular vote for meat
inside the main meal.
The results from this question was pretty obvious, majority chose to have a normal
quantity of food in their meal though others chose to have more.
No-one chose to have food that was under the quantity of normal so my meal will be
cooked with a normal amount.
9. Choose your spice

10. What would you want to add into your dish as a sauce?

The most popular spice chosen was sweetness but this cannot be applied to my main
meal even though it was the most chosen.
Salty ended up at as the second most chosen and chilli, black pepper came before
sweet; bitter had no votes.
My dish would be cooked with the spice salt as it is what usually is applied to most Asian
Most choice soy sauce and this perfectly fit the dish I am going to cook as most Asian
dishes contain soy sauce and also fit Chinese cuisines.
Tomato sauce came in second most voted then cream; chilli sauce came with no votes.

11. If I was to make pasta what would you want in it?

People who contributed to the survey chose what would be in most pastas
mushrooms, onions, bacon, tomato, cheese.
Chicken was once again chosen as the most popular meat in main meals which fish
was chosen with the lowest popularity as the meat for the dish.
12. If I was to make stir fry, what would you want in it?

13. What type of noodles do you like?
This time prawns were voted most even though chicken was usually the most
voted for other questions with beef and bacon coming after prawns and
chicken as last.
Again, people chose ingredients that would be in most stir frys like onions,
mushrooms and broccoli.

Stir fry was chosen as the most popular type of noodle then ramen, udon and
fettuccine as the most chosen types of noodles.
Making stir fry would perfectly match all other results from other questions and
they all relate in some sort of way so it is decided stir fry would be the main meal
of my dish.

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