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Another resources provided by the CWE is the grammar guide.

Some useful information

that it provides is students and faculty with grammar mechanics, writing styles, and plagarism.
Inside of the grammar and writing styles window, it gives links to awkward language, bias free
language, clarity, redunddancy, moods, metaphors and etc. !earning to use all of these links and
resources would help write a paper giving the author a variety of knowledge and insight to help
the reader understand.
"utorials and guides are another thing that the CWE enables writers and teachers to
utili#e. $y having tutorials within this website creates another alternative to learning by using
video and e%amples vice &ust reading off the page. Inside the tutorials it breaks microsoft e%cel,
word, and powerpoint down and helps readers understand how to fully ma%ami#e them for A%ia
I think the two online resources that would be most beneficial to myself would be the
'rammar guide and a (how to guide) for writing academic papers.
"he grammar guide would be beneficial to me because I am still learning how to
correctly write academic papers. "here are many different kinds of academic papers to be
written and using the guideline is one form of help on how to write the correct academic paper
for a variety of assignements. *ot only does the (how to guide) help you with what style of
paper is going to be used but also with what type of conte%t needs to be in the academic paper.
"he grammar guide would be another beneficial resource for me to use due to the fact
that I have not been in the academic environment to correctly remember how to use all of my
grammar correctly. "hey say the English vocabulary is one of the hardest to learn. !earning all
of the different rules, punctuation marks, and common grammar mistakes is essential to correctly
writing an academic paper.
"he feedback I received from the CWE were grammar mistakes. "he feedback did not
surprise me because I feel that I need more emphisis and attention to my grammar. I feel I am
weaker in the grammar portion of writing than anything else. "he most valuable thing to me
regarding this feedback is how efficient it is with giving feedback to the writer about how the
paper was seen through the eyes of the computer.

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