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Name: ______________________________________________________

September 8-12, 2014

Read 20 minutes nightly and record it on your Reading Log.
Get your parents to sign your Reading and Behavior Log.
Study your Math Facts NIGHTLY!

MATH: Addition and Subtraction/ CUBES- Math Story Problems /Odd and Even Numbers
LITERACY/SPELLING: Assessments, Character, Setting, Short Vowels, and Sentences
SOCIAL STUDIES: Communities SCIENCE: Matter CORE: Cycles, and Homes

! Sunshine Math Lesson 2 (Complete front and back. Show your work. Be ready to discuss on Friday.)
! Social Studies (Read LESSON 1 Geography Tools in your Social Studies Book. Complete
Lesson Introduction, Text Work, and Summary on pages 111-114 (Make sure to use
COMPLETE SENTENCES) (You may list your Social Studies Reading on your Reading Log.)
MATH HOMEWORK BOOK: Complete page 1 in your Math Workbook.
SPELLING: Choose a Spelling Homework Assignments and complete it using this weeks Spelling Words.
Work on your Sunshine Math and Social Studies (DUE Friday).
MATH HOMEWORK BOOK: Complete page 2 in your Math Workbook
READING COMPREHENSION: Complete Reading Comprehension Page.
SPELLING: Study your Short Vowel List
Work on your Sunshine Math and Social Studies (DUE Friday).

MATH HOMEWORK BOOK: Complete page 3 in your Math Workbook
SCIENCE: In your homework notebook, create a SOLIDS, LIQUIDS, and GASES chart. Cut and paste
images under the correct State of Matter. Write 6 sentences explaining your work.
SPELLING: Study your Short Vowel List
Make sure your SUNSHINE MATH Lesson 2 is Complete.
Make sure your Social Studies Lesson GEOGRAPHY TOOLS is complete.
Study your Spelling Words and Bonus Word.
(Optional) **BONUS: If you have worked hard this week and all of these are already complete and you
want to challenge yourself, you may earn a BONUS from Ms. Jones by completing a Spelling Assignment
tonight and turning it in on tomorrow.
First $20 Field Trip Payment Due.

drum chop rock sack list tag desk
job mess sad dust swim jump hand
rib map *September *urban *rural *city
***Dont forget to review and practice your Bonus Word of the Week for up to 10
extra points on Fridays Test!***
Name: ______________________________________________________

September 8-12, 2014

Read 20 minutes nightly and record it on your Reading Log.
Get your parents to sign your Reading and Behavior Log.
Study your Math Facts NIGHTLY!


Every content area will have a rich vocabulary, and students will be held accountable for their
meanings and use. These are some of the words we have used in class discussions during the
first weeks of school. This list will be growing and changing throughout the year. Sometimes
the words will all be new, and sometimes they will all be review words. Most of the time, the list
will be a mix of review words and new words.

Ms. K. Jones
Second Grade Teacher

Science: Changes in Matter
1. Matter: anything that has weight and takes up space. Everything in our world is made of matter.
2. Solid: A substance that takes up space and has its own shape
3. Liquid: A substance that has no shape but does have volume. A liquid takes the shape of its container.
4. Gas: A substance that has no shape or volume. Gasses continue to expand if given enough space.
Most gasses have no color and cannot be seen.
Social Studies: Communities and Map Skills
1. Community: people who work and play together
2. Cardinal Directions: North, South, East, West
3. Geography: the study of Earth and its people
4. Geographer: a person who studies geography
5. map: A map is a flat drawing that shows where places are.
6. map symbol: A map symbol is a small picture or shape that stands for a real thing.
Math: more, fewer, related, fact family
1. Related: the same parts and the same whole
2. addend: the numbers that are added together
3. doubles: addition facts in which the two numbers being added are the same (5+5=10) EVEN
4. near doubles: addition facts with sums that are close to double facts. (5+6=11) ODD
Language Arts:
1. Sentence: a group of words that tells a complete idea
2. Characters: The people or animals in a story
3. Setting: When and where a story takes place
4. Predict: to foretell or say something will happen before it happens

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