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Directions for turning in your video as an MP4 movie

3 Step submission requirements

File Naming requirements: use short names that include your name and what the project is. Do NOT use
any special characters $%#@)(, periods .., etc,:{?/. An example is Joe lost wallet.mp4
1. Convert your file to an MP4 file. The steps are easy.
a. From the Premiere Pro project and the time line area selected go to File>Export>Media.
b. After the Media Encoder opens you should click on the OUTPUT tab on the top left side.
This will show you what the video will look like when viewed the video should fill the
frame with no black boarder around it on any side after you have selected the correct
settings for exporting your file.
c. On the right choose H.264 as the file type
d. The next drop down menu below H.264 will most likely automatically select the correct
setting for your video BUT you may also want to control the settings yourself. Make
sure that you select a setting that is 29.7 fps, NTSC (not PAL) and is wide screen (16:9).
The larger numbers indicate a larger file frame and file size. DV NTSC Widescreen is a
safe setting when I doubt.
e. Below this setting click on the gold title and in the window that pops open select the
location for saving your file to your desktop video folder (or other folder of your choice)
and name it according to the directions above.
f. Click on EXPORT and your file will be saved as you have instructed it. Depending on the
size of your video it could take minutes to hours. You can expect it to take roughly 5
minutes for a 2 to 3 minute video.
2. Copy and paste your movie into the turn-in folder inside the correct project name and
you are almost finished.
3. Now just to make sure you will receive a grade, play the movie you just turned in to
make sure it works and has been exported correctly.

NOTE ABOUT YOUR NAMES and other PERSONAL INFORMATION: In your videos and when making
titles or credits you cannot use your real names. If you would like to create an alias or stage name
now is a good time to do this. The problem is that these videos will be posted online. It is against
Dodea policy to have any students name posted on the Web. This is for your safety.

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