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Arrive by: 2:20-2:25 p.m.

Depart by: 3:15-3:20 p.m.

Duration: 2:30-3:10 p.m.
(with games)
September 6
(Feast of the Birth of Our Lady, September 9)

General Aim:
Acquaint the children with the story of Our Mothers life.

Level I
In primary resource Joy over the birth of Our Lady
Suggested visual aid Picture showing the birth of Mary.
Suggested focus We want to make Our Mother happy Listening to our own parents

A particular aim Be able to pray the Hail Mary. (Have a visual guide.)

Level II
In primary resource Marys birth leads us to have deep respect for every human being
Suggested visual aid Picture of Joachim and Anne with Mary.
Suggested focus Each person is special and important and more so Our Lady!
A particular aim We her children ask for her intercession. Be able to pray the
Memorare. (Have a visual guide.)

Level III
In primary resource The value of ordinary things
Suggested visual aid Picture of Mary doing household tasks.
Suggested focus Marys life was not very spectacular, and so is ours To learn from
A particular aim Be able to pray the Hail Holy Queen. (Have a visual guide.)

Primary Resource
In Conversation with God, Volume 7: Feasts from July to December
22 September 8: The Birthday of Our Lady

Essential Resource
Your personal prayer during the day, and how much you truly love the kids.

If God has created the world for his children, for them to live in and sanctify,
what are you waiting for?

St Josemara in Furrow, 858

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