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Unit I
1. Discuss in detail about the database management system architecture with
neat diagram?
2. Explain the diferent types of data model in detail with suitable examples
3. Describe the components of E- diagram with example? !Ex" #ibrary
management system$ %ospital management system any example they may as&'
(. Explain E model in detail?
Unit II
1. Discuss the fundamental operations in relational algebra operations with
suitable example.
2. Explain the following with suitable example
)i* +ntegrity ,onstraints
)ii* Distributed and ,lient ser-er databases
3. .hat are aggregate functions? Discuss with examples$ the -arious aggregate
functions used in /0#?
(. .ith rele-ant examples discuss the following in /0#?
)i* DD#
)i-* 2iews
Unit III
1. .hat is normali3ation? Explain 145$ 245$ 345 and 6,45 with suitable
2. Explain non-loss decomposition and functional dependencies with suitable
Unit IV
1. Explain 7,+D in detail?
2. /tate and explain in detail about three concurrency problems
3. .hy is reco-ery needed? Discuss any two reco-ery techni8ues?
Unit V
1. Discuss in detail about the diferent 7+D #e-els?
2. Describe the diferent types of 9le organi3ation? Explain using a s&etch of each of
them .ith their ad-antages and disad-antages

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