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HTML - Level 1

1 What does HTML stand for?

1) Hyper Text Markup Language
2) Homepage Text Markup Language
3) Hyper Transfer Markup Language
4) Hyper Tool Markup Language
5) Hyper Transfer Makeup Language
2 What would be the correct tag to insert a line break?
1) <enter>
2) <newline>
3) <linebreak>
4) <br>
5) <break>
3 What does FTP stand for?
1) File Transfer Procedure
2) File Transfer Practise
3) File Transmitting Protocol
4) File Transfer Protocol
5) File Transport Protocol
4 Who is making the Web Standard
1) Novell
2) Mozilla
3) Netscape
4) W3C
5) Microsoft
5 With no CSS, what will be the correct html tag for heading?
1) <head>
2) <h6>
3) <header>
4) <title>
5) <h1>
6 What is the correct to insert an email address?
1) <mailto="support@exa.com.au">support@exa.com.au</mailto>
2) <a href="support@exa.com.au" class="link">support@exa.com.au</a>
3) <a mailto="support@exa.com.au">support@exa.com.au</a>
4) <a href="mailto:support@exa.com.au"
5) <div align="center"><a
7 Which of the following tags are incorrect?
1) <input type="radio" selected value="3" name="field_3">
2) <select name="field_5" selected value="5">
3) <input type="text" name="field_2" id="field_2">
4) <input type="select" name="field_1">
5) <input type="checkbox" value="2" name="field_4">
8 Which of the following are not valid HTML tags?
1) <th>
2) <heading>
3) <option value="5">5</option>
4) <br/>
5) <bgcolor>
9 Which of the following is correct?
1) <input name="field_1" type="textarea"></input>
2) <textarea name="field_2" rows="2" cols="50"><textarea/>
3) <input type="hide" name="field_2" value="2">
4) <option value="4" selected>4</option>
5) <input type="checkbox" name="field_5" value="5" checked>
10 Which of the following are valid tags for background color?
1) none of above
2) <tr color="#FF0000">
3) <td "#00FF00">
4) <td backcolor="#00FF00">
5) <td background="#FFCC00">
11 Which of the following are valid tags?
1) none of the above
2) <table cellpadding="2" width="100%">
3) <table colspan="2" rowspan="5">
4) <tr rowspan="3" colspan="5">
5) <td cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
12 Which of the following statements are incorrect?
1) &quote; is a valid HTML code
2) FFCC00, the first two digits represent the color green
3) all statements are correct
4) The title tag are located within the body tag
5) &gt; represent the character >
13 What is the ideal file format to a simple text button?
1) .ai
2) .gif
3) .tiff
4) .jpg
5) .bmp
14 What does JPEG stand for?
1) Joint Photo Expert Group
2) Joint Photographic Expert Graphic
3) Joint Photographic Expert Group
15 What does GIF stand for?
1) Graphic Interlace File
2) Graphic Interchange File
3) Graphic Interface File
4) Graphic Interchange Format
5) Graphic Interpolate Format
16 <title class="titleclass">Exa Quiz</title>
Which of the following statements is correct?
1) It is valid to have two title tag
2) The title tag must be placed within the html tag
3) The title tag can be placed anywhere within the body tag
4) The HTML statement above is a valid html tag
5) The HTML statement above is not a valid HTML tag
17 Which of the following statement is correct?
1) none of the statement above is correct
2) It is possible to use percentage to position a layer
3) <tr> tag does not have attribute
4) It is possible to have an animated file in JPG
5) <bold> is similar to <strong>
18 Which of the following statement will open the link in new window?
1) <a href="exa_quiz.html" target="_blank">Exa quiz 5</a>
2) <a href="#" onClick="window.new(exa_quiz.html)">Exa quiz 2</a>
3) <a href="#" window.new("exa_quiz.html");>Exa quiz 1</a>
4) <a href="exa_quiz.html" target="_newwindow">Exa Quiz 3</a>
5) <a href="exa_quiz.html" target="_self">Exa Quiz 4</a>

Please Select option where we have provided check boxes for answers
MySQL Intermediate
1 What is purpose of the mysqldump program ?

1) it is used for low-level interaction with MySQL table data
2) it is used to resolve mysql core dumps and sending bug reports
3) it is used to flush all tables prior to shutting down the MySQL server
4) it is used to dump table structure and content in text format
2 What is MySQL AB?
1) A form-based frontend for generating reports based on data in a MySQL
2) The company that develops and promotes the MySQL suite of programs
3) An upcoming version of MySQL that includes new table types
4) A MySQL client for use on UNIX platforms
3 You need to login to a MySQL server with a username that is different from the
username you use to log in to your operating system. Which command will you use?
1) mysql -u <username>
2) mysql <username>
3) mysql --login <username>
4) mysql -s <username>
4 Your operating system and/or filesystem places a limit on the size of files. You
need to create a table that is greater than the maximum file size. You can resolve the
problem by ...
1) Using the MySQL RAID table feature.
2) Using BDB tables
3) Using MERGE tables
4) Using Hardware RAID.
5) Upgrading/reconfigure the operating system to support larger files
5 You need a column type which will be able to store time and date in the range
1900-01-01 - 2199-12-31. Which column should you choose for this range ?
2) Neither DATETIME nor TIMESTAMP will work for this range of dates.

6 Which keyword should be used in a SELECT statement to retrieve only parts of
the result set?

Write one word only.
7 mysql> DESCRIBE Country;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Code | char(3) | | PRI | | |
| Name | char(52) | | | | |
| Capital | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> DESCRIBE City;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Id | int(11) | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| Name | char(35) | | | | |
| Country | char(3) | | | | |
| Population | int(11) | | | 0 | |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The tables are related through Capital in Country to Id in City and Code in Country to
Country in City

Which rows will the following query return?

SELECT Country.Name, Capital FROM City, Country WHERE Capital = Id;
1) No rows, it will result in an error
2) It will return the number of rows in Country multiplied by the number of rows in
3) It will return all rows from the Country table, with or without corresponding
Capitals in City
4) It will return all rows from the City table with or without corresponding
Capital entries in the Country table
5) It will return all rows from the Country table that have corresponding Capitals in
the City table
8 mysql> DESCRIBE keywords;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| article_id | int(11) | | PRI | 0 | |
| keyword | varchar(20) | | PRI | | |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You want to find all articles that contain both the keywords 'MySQL' and '4.0'. How
can you do this in one query?
1) You write a query where you join the table with itself
2) By using the FIND_IN_SET() function in the WHERE part of the SELECT
3) You cannot do this in MySQL
4) By using the BIT_COUNT() function in your SELECT
9 mysql> DESCRIBE parents;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| child | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| mother | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| father | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL | |

Which of the following statements are correct for inserting data into this table?
1) INSERT INTO parents VALUES ("Linda","Alice","John")
2) INSERT INTO parents VALUES (Linda),(Alice),(John)
3) INSERT INTO parents (child, mother, father) VALUES
4) INSERT INTO parents VALUES "Linda","Alice", "John"
5) INSERT INTO parents VALUES ("Linda"),("Alice"),("John")
10Is the following statement legal in MySQL 4?
DELETE FROM Population, City
1) No
2) Yes
Please Select option where we have provided check boxes for answers
PHP (Advanced)

Which functions relocates the browser to the a specified page (e.g.index.php)
1) location('index.php');
2) Header('location:index.php');
4) return('location:index.php');
5) None of the above
What is the result of this code:
$var = 7 % 2;
echo $var;
1) It displays 1
2) It displays 7.00%
3) It displays 3 remainder 1
4) It displays 1.5
5) It displays 3.5
A member's first name is stored in the variable $firstname and has temporarly been assigned the value
Michael. Which code will return this HTML code?
<p>First name: Michael.</p>
1) echo '<p>First name: '.$firstname.'</p>';
2) echo <p>First name: $firstname</p>;
3) echo '<p>First name:' $firstname '</p>';
4) echo '<p>First name: $firstname</p>';
5) None of the above
How do you print an array?
1) printf($arr);
2) print_r($arr);
3) print_array($arr);
4) echo $arr;
5) print($arr);
What is the purpose of the stripSlashes() function?
1) It strips all back slashes from text retrieved from a database.
2) It strips all Slashes in text submitted to the database.
3) It reformats HTML without back slashes.
4) It strips slashes in the PHP code.
How can we know the number of days between two given dates using PHP?
$date1 = date('Y-m-d');
$date2 = "1947-08-15";
1) $days = (strtotime($date1) - strtotime($date2)) / (60 * 60 * 24);
2) $days = (strtotime($date1) / strtotime($date2)) - (60 * 60 * 24);
3) $days = (strtotime($date1) - strtotime($date2));
4) $days = (strtotime($date1) - strtotime($date2)) % (60 * 60 * 24);

What will be the output for the code below?
echo "redirecting now...";
1) Redirect to index.php
2) Warning will be generated
3) Display Redirecting now and then redirect
4) Parse Error
5) Output Nothing 8
What will be the best file permission applied to a file uploaded by using php script?
1) Default permission
2) chmod($file_name, 0777);
3) chmod($file_name, 0644);
4) chmod($file_name, 0664);
5) chmod($file_name, 0700);
Sample Code
1) <?php
2) $fruit_list = array("a"=>"apple", "b"=>"banana", "c"=>"cherry", "d"=>"orange");
4) while (count($fruit_list)) {
5) *****;
6) echo $fruit . ", ";
7) }
8) ?>

What code do you add in line 5 in the sample code above to produce the following output?
"apple, banana, cherry, orange,"
1) $fruit = shift($fruit_list)
2) $fruit = array_shift($fruit_list)
3) $fruit = array_pop($fruit_list)
4) $fruit = pop_array($fruit_list)
5) $fruit = pop($fruit_list)
setcookie("shoppingcartcookie",$value,time() 3600,"/johndoe","mysite.com",1);

In the code above, what is used in place of "/johndoe" to indicate that the cookie is valid for all files and
directories on the Web site "mysite.com"?
1) #/
2) ../
3) /
4) /..
5) //
How do you check if magic quotes are on?
1) get_magic_quotes();
2) get_magic();
3) get_gpc();
4) fetch_magic_quotes_gpc();
5) get_magic_quotes_gpc();
$cc_number = "4005551234567890";
Choose the answers below that will convert the string above to "4005...7890".
1) substr($cc_number, 1, 4) . "..." . substr($cc_number, -4);
2) substr($cc_number, 0, 4) . "..." . substr($cc_number, -4);
3) substr($cc_number, 1, 4) . "..." . substr($cc_number, -1, 4);
4) substr($cc_number, 0, 4) . "..." . substr($cc_number, -3);
5) substr($cc_number, 0, 3) . "..." . substr($cc_number, -3);
In PHP, which of the following function is used to insert content of one php file into another php file
before server executes it
1) include[]
2) #include()
3) #include{}
4) include()
When uploading a file if the UPLOAD_ERR-OK contains value 0 it means.
1) Uploaded file size is 0
2) Uplaod is not successful, error occurred
3) The file uploaded with success
4) File upload progress is 0% completed
In PHP the error control operator is _______
1) .
2) @
3) *
A variable $word is set to "HELLO WORLD", which of the following script returns in title case?
1) echo ucwords($word.)
2) echo ucfirst($word).
3) echo ucwords(strtolower($word).
4) echo ucfirst(strtolower($word). 17
How do you print to the screen the numerical index values 3 and 7 of the two-dimensional array $grid?
1) print $grid[3.7];
2) print $grid(3)(7);
3) print $grid['3'.'7'];
4) print $grid[3][7];
function test($val='hello world')
return $val;


echo test('Hello Exa');

What is the output of above code?
1) Parse error
2) hello world
3) hello worldHello Exa
4) Hello Exa
5) None of the above
int array_walk(array array_arg, string function)

Which one of the following functions is carried out by the above code?
1) Sort an array.
2) Return the next key/value pair from an array.
3) Return the highest value in an array or a series of arguments.
4) Apply a function to every member of an array
5) Randomly shuffle the contents of an array.
Sample Code
echo rand (1, 50);

What does the above code do when executed?
1) It returns a natural logarithm.
2) It returns the decimal equivalent of an octal string.
3) It generates a random number.
4) It returns the next higher integer.
5) It calculates the time in seconds.
Which one of the following statements do you use to display the value of a session variable?
1) echo session_get_value("count");
2) echo $session->count;
3) echo "<p>".$_SESSION["count"]."</p>";
4) echo %count;
5) echo {SESSION:$count};
What is meant my nl2br()?
1) Newline for each br tag.
2) Add BR tag after each new line.
3) BR tag for each newline
4) Add newline after each BR tag
5) None of the above
How can we encrypt the password using php ?
1) md5()
2) htmlentities()
3) crypt()
4) encrypt()
5) All of the above
How can we get second of the current time using date function?
1) date(S);
2) TimeDate.now.second();
3) date("s");
4) now. Second();
5) 1 And 4
Is php can support multiple inheritance?
1) Yes
2) No
What is the output ?
<?php define("x","5"); $x=x 10; echo x; ?>
1) 10
2) 5
3) Error
4) 15
What is the output ?
<?php $x=array(1,3,2,3,7,8,9,7,3); $y=array_count_values($x); echo $y[8]; ?>
1) 1
2) 12
3) 5
4) 4
Given a comma-separated list of values in a string, which function from the given list can create an array
of each individual value with a single call?
1) split
2) break
3) explode
4) implode
PHP code is embedded directly into XHTML document?
Can i have new line in $subject tag of php mail function?
1) Yes by specifying /n
2) No

How do we access the value of 'c' later?
$a = array('a',3 => 'b','c');
1) $a[0]
2) $a[4]
3) $a[2]
4) $a[1]
What will be printed?
$a = array ();
if ($a == null) {
echo 'true';
} else {
echo 'false';
1) False
2) True
What is the output of this code?
$x = '1';
$x .= '3';
echo $x;
1) 4
2) '1'.'3'
3) 1.3
4) 13
$score is an array with 5 elements, indexed 0 to 4.
How do you list all five elements with a for loop?
1) for ($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i ) { print $score[$i]; }
2) for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i ) { print $score[$i]; }
3) $i =0; for ($i < 5) { i ; print $score[$i]; }
4) for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i ) { print $score[$i]; }
5) for ($i = 0, $i < 5, $i ) { print $score[$i]; } 5
What is the result of this code:
$age = $HTTP_POST_VARS['age'];
$group = ($age >= 18 ? 'Red' : 'Blue');
echo '<p>'.$group.' group.</p>';
1) It will display 'Red Group' group if the age entered in the form is 18 or over.
2) It will display either Red or Blue group randomly.
3) It will display 'Blue Group' group if the age entered in the form is 18 or over.
4) It will display the age entered in the form.
5) It displays 'Blue Group'.

$CFG='hello world';

Function test()
echo $CFG;

What will be the output?
1) Null
2) CFG
3) hello world
4) Parse error
string gethostbyname(string hostname)

Which one of the following is the outcome of the above function?
1) The corresponding IP addresses are retrieved.
2) Persistent Internet domain socked connections are opened.
3) A Unix Domain socket connection is opened.
4) A list of MX records is returned.
5) DNS records corresponding to a given Internet IP address are checked.
You want to have regular variables for POST variables, GET variables, and cookie variables
respectively.Referring to the scenario above, which one of the following options in the php.ini file do you
1) register_globals = on variables_order = PGC
2) register_globals = off variables_order = PGC
3) register_globals = off variables_order = CGP
4) register_globals = on variables_order = GPC
5) register_globals = on variables_order = CPG
When placing a variable in an URL, which one of the following is an example of valid PHP syntax?
1) http://yoursite.com/test.php3?var=$Variable
2) http://yoursite.com/test.php3$var=$Variable
3) http://yoursite.com/test.php3#var=$Variable
4) http://yoursite.com/test.php3(var=$Variable)
5) http://yoursite.com/test.php3==var=$Variable
Engel Gonsalves
Powerweave Software Services Pvt Ltd
Plot No: 27, Road No:11,
Marol Industrial Area, MIDC, Near Tunga Paradise
Andheri East.
T: +91 22 40079308/343.
Dhara Jogani
Recruitment Specialist
Morpheus Human Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
108, Sagar Palazio | Above ICICI Bank, Sakinaka Junction | Andheri (E) | Mumbai - 400072.
Phone: +91 22 40649800/826 |Fax: +91 22 66459147
E-Mail: dhara@mhc.co.in

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