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18/5/2014 Avaliao Diagnstica - Ensino Mdio 2014 - 1 Prova - Banco de Itens de Avaliao da Secretaria de Educao de Minas Gerais

http://paae.institutoavaliar.org.br/sistema_ava_v3/default.aspx?id_objeto=1040506&id_pai=23967&area=atributo&ano=2014&edicao=1&tipo=online_unico 1/6
Antes de entregar a Prova, confira se marcou todas as suas respostas corretamente. Verifique se preencheu o cabealho da prova.
01) A B C D
02) A B C D
03) A B C D
04) A B C D
05) A B C D
06) A B C D
07) A B C D
08) A B C D
09) A B C D
10) A B C D
11) A B C D
12) A B C D
13) A B C D
PAAE 2014
Escola: Disciplina: Lngua Estrangeira
Professor: Ano: 1 ano Turma:
Nome do aluno: Resultado:
Prezado(a) Aluno(a), esta a prova do Programa da Avaliao da Aprendizagem Escolar - PAAE. Leia e responda
s questes com bastante ateno, pois o objetivo da prova verificar os conhecimentos que voc j tem sobre o
que ser ensinado neste ano. Responda somente o que voc sabe, pois os resultados sero utilizados pelo
professor para planejar as aulas.
(http://goo.gl /u0PzXI. Acesso: 22/10/2013.)
O advrbio really, nos dois elogios, tem a funo comunicativa de
A) demonstrar humildade com o outro.
B) enfatizar a qualidade que se elogia.
C) mostrar a veracidade da admirao.
D) retribuir elogios feitos anteriormente.
18/5/2014 Avaliao Diagnstica - Ensino Mdio 2014 - 1 Prova - Banco de Itens de Avaliao da Secretaria de Educao de Minas Gerais
http://paae.institutoavaliar.org.br/sistema_ava_v3/default.aspx?id_objeto=1040506&id_pai=23967&area=atributo&ano=2014&edicao=1&tipo=online_unico 2/6
In the Name of the Father Storyline
A not very effective thief from Belfast, Gerry Conlon, is falsely implicated in the IRA bombing of a pub that
kills several people while he is in London. Bullied by the British police, he and four of his friends are
coerced into confessing their guilt. Gerry's father and other relatives in London are also implicated in the
crime. He spends 15 years in prison with his father trying to prove his innocence with the help of a British
attorney, Gareth Peirce. Based on a true story. Written by Liza Esser.
(http://goo.gl /rj QbMZ. Acesso: 09/12/2013. Adaptado.)
De acordo com o texto, que apresenta o enredo do filme Em Nome do Pai, o personagem Gerry Conlon
A) advogado. B) ladro. C) policial. D) terrorista.
The only way to be 100 percent sure that your food wasn't grown with the help of toxic sludge, genetically
modified organisms, and/or pesticides is to do this: Buy certified organic foods or grow food yourself. Or
buy from farmers you know employ practices you trust.
(http://goo.gl /rfSH88. Acesso: 02/12/2013.)
Qual o tema principal do texto?
A) Agricultura B) Alimentao C) Gentica D) Pesticida
(http://www.gocomi cs.com/thefuscobrothers/2013/06/07. Acesso: 15/07/2013.)
Qual a relao entre os dois personagens da tirinha?
A) Paciente e mdico B) Pai e filho C) Patro e empregado D) Professor e aluno
18/5/2014 Avaliao Diagnstica - Ensino Mdio 2014 - 1 Prova - Banco de Itens de Avaliao da Secretaria de Educao de Minas Gerais
http://paae.institutoavaliar.org.br/sistema_ava_v3/default.aspx?id_objeto=1040506&id_pai=23967&area=atributo&ano=2014&edicao=1&tipo=online_unico 3/6
1. Research registry cleaner programs.
2. Download a registry scanner program.


Go through the program you chose and see if there is an option to automatically scan
and fix the registry on a schedule.
4. Close down all open programs other than the registry cleaner you have downloaded.
(http://www.wi ki how.com/Fi x-your-Computer-Regi stry-for-Free. Acesso: 11/02/2014. Adaptado.)
Uma caracterstica principal desse gnero textual o uso de verbos no
A) futuro simples. B) modo imperativo. C) passado simples. D) presente perfeito.
Craig was woken by the Sunday afternoon sun high in the sky, shining through his partially open curtains.
As his eyes adjusted, he began to notice the sound of a TV and food in a frying pan. He rose from the
comfort of his sheets instantly feeling the freezing air in his room. His whole body begged him to return to
his bed when his feet touched the floor but hunger was a greater force. He reluctantly stood in his shorts.
(http://goo.gl /o1gok0. Acesso: 08/12/2013. Adaptado.)
sheets: lenis
rose: levantou-se
Esse o primeiro pargrafo de um texto do tipo
A) argumentativo. B) expositivo. C) instrucional. D) narrativo.
Giant Pandas
The rarest member of the bear family, pandas live mainly in bamboo forests high in the mountains of
western China, where they subsist almost entirely on bamboo. They must eat from 26 to 84 pounds of it
every day, a formidable task for which they use their enlarged wrist bones that function as opposable
(http://worl dwi l dl i fe.org/speci es/gi ant-panda. Acesso: 15/08/2013. Adaptado.)
O pronome pessoal destacado refere-se a qual termo do texto?
A) Florestas B) Montanhas C) Ossos D) Pandas
18/5/2014 Avaliao Diagnstica - Ensino Mdio 2014 - 1 Prova - Banco de Itens de Avaliao da Secretaria de Educao de Minas Gerais
http://paae.institutoavaliar.org.br/sistema_ava_v3/default.aspx?id_objeto=1040506&id_pai=23967&area=atributo&ano=2014&edicao=1&tipo=online_unico 4/6
Este texto sobre um seriado de televiso.
Reviews & Ratings for "The sibblings"
Loving and Passionate Drama
Author: kevinisha111 from the United States
24 September 2006
Today this show premiered and I thought it was great! I love the relationship between the brothers and
sisters, and the relationship between Kitty (Calista Flockhart) and Nora (Sally Field), because it is full of
drama and argumentation, but when it all boils down to it they love each other so. I am looking forward to
many more years of this show and I hope others enjoy it as much as I have.
(http://goo.gl /U7O38b. Acesso: 09/12/2013. Adaptado.)
A expresso destacada indica que o autor, em relao ao seriado, sente-se
A) decepcionado. B) entediado. C) entusiasmado. D) satisfeito.
For College Students: The Best Internet Sources for Research
Finding credible Internet sources for research papers ______ be tough. No doubt, the internet has
revolutionized the research process. Instead of spending hours in the library browsing dozens of books,
college students ______ now access thousands of statistics and articles in a matter of minutes without ever
leaving their desks. The problem is, anyone ______ publish and edit information online, even if its false,
and telling a good source from a bad one ______ be tricky.
(http://goo.gl /FC0OQG. Acesso: 15/09/2013. Adaptado.)
A palavra que completa todas as lacunas do texto :
A) can B) must C) need D) should
Check-in Assistant: Hello. Are you flying to Miami today?
Jane: Yes, I have my tickets here.
CA: Great. Ill need to see your passport as well.
J: I have an e-ticket. Uhis this the part you need?
CA: Actually, I just need your name _____ I can find you on the computer.
J: Oh, OK. Its Bates. Jane Bates.
CA: Okay. Here is your boarding pass.
(http://www.engl i shcl ub.com/engl i sh-for-work/ai rl i ne-check-i n.htm. Acesso: 13/09/2013. Adaptado.)
A palavra que conecta coerentemente as duas oraes no dilogo :
A) and B) but C) or D) yet
18/5/2014 Avaliao Diagnstica - Ensino Mdio 2014 - 1 Prova - Banco de Itens de Avaliao da Secretaria de Educao de Minas Gerais
http://paae.institutoavaliar.org.br/sistema_ava_v3/default.aspx?id_objeto=1040506&id_pai=23967&area=atributo&ano=2014&edicao=1&tipo=online_unico 5/6
A tour guide is a person who guides groups of tourists to show them the cultural and natural heritage of
the area they visit; a person who also has knowledge of contemporary social and political life of a specific
area. In many European countries it is necessary to complete a special course to become a guide. In some
countries, qualifications are national and sometimes they are broken up into regions. While conducting a
tour, tourist guides possess their identifications or badges to show who they are.
(http://youthfortouri sm.eu/meeti ngs/tri kal a/how-to-be-a-good-tour-gui de. Acesso: 09/12/2013. Adaptado.)
Os pronomes destacados no texto retomam os termos equivalentes a
A) rea visitada. B) grupos de turistas. C) guia de turismo. D) pases europeus.
Absorption Experiment
Materials you will need:
Food Coloring
Plastic Cup
A Flower (light colored-white carnation)
1. _________ the cup with water.
2. _________ a few drops of food coloring.
3. _________ the end off the stem.
4. _________ the flower in the water. In time the petals of the flower will start to change in color.
(http://goo.gl /EKl 6F2. Acesso: 10/12/2013. Adaptado.)
carnation: cravo
As palavras que completam as lacunas no texto so, respectivamente:
A) fill, add, cut, put
B) fill, add, cutting, putting
C) to fill, to add, cut, put
D) to fill, to add, to cut, to put
18/5/2014 Avaliao Diagnstica - Ensino Mdio 2014 - 1 Prova - Banco de Itens de Avaliao da Secretaria de Educao de Minas Gerais
http://paae.institutoavaliar.org.br/sistema_ava_v3/default.aspx?id_objeto=1040506&id_pai=23967&area=atributo&ano=2014&edicao=1&tipo=online_unico 6/6
(http://goo.gl /hrYKql . Acesso: 10/01/2014.)
Como seria a frase que o pai Homer Simpson disse ao seu filho Bart no discurso indireto?
A) Homer said Bart dont worry because when he gets a job like him, he will miss every summer.
B) Homer said Bart not to worry because when he got a job like him, he would miss every summer.
C) Homer told Bart dont worry because when he gets a job like him, he will miss every summer.
D) Homer told Bart not to worry because when he got a job like him, he would miss every summer.

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