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ISSN 2347-3487

11 Characteristic Dimensions in Theory of Everything

Samit Kumar Kulshrestha
N.I.C, I.E.T.E, J.M.I, ALCCS (M.Tech) , M.Sc Physics
realSamit@oi .com
I! this "a"er, A mo#el o$ reality is #eice to #escri%e the causality %ehi!# ee!t that ha""e!s o! earth or u!ierse. This
a""roach is mo#ele# usi!& the To"'(o)! a!alysis o$ systems . *e!erally Mo#els o$ reality are #escri%e# i! Physics usi!&
+ottom'u" a""roach . I! Such a""roach )e use correlatio! %et)ee! the "arameters use# $or a!alysis o$ a su%,ect.
The To"'(o)! Metho# ma-es use o$ "o"ular e.uatio!s o$ All esta%lishe# $iel# o$ stu#y. These Po"ular e.uatio!s are
%o!#e# to each other usi!& // Characteristic #ime!sio!s . Each These // #ime!sio!s #escri%es the curre!t state o$
Ma!!erism o$ a su%,ect .
+asics that are stic- )ith these // (ime!sio!s is a Theory 0Systems Te!#s to Attai! E.uili%rium1. I! esse!ce , these //
#ime!sio!s ta-es us to)ar#s Li$e . Li$e ca! %e summari2e# as co!ti!uous e3cha!&e o$ e!er&y . Stu#yi!& these //
#ime!sio!s hel"s to %uil# "ractice re.uire# $or e3iste!ce o$ li$e o! earth a!# its e3"a!sio!.
In"e#ing terms$%ey&or"s
4eality , Mo#el , A#a!ce# Stri!& Theory , *ra#e#'M'(ime!sio!al Theory, Characteristic (ime!sio!s , Ma!!erism 5
+ehaioral Mo#el . *ra#e# To" (o)! A""roach or 4eality , Causality o$ Ee!ts . Eolutio! , Li$e , E3iste!ce , E.uili%rium
Aca"emic Disci'(ine An" S)*-Disci'(ines
4elea!t aca#emic #isci"li!es $or this ,our!al6
Thermo#y!amic , 7ae Mecha!ics , Mathematics , *eometry , Eucli#ea! S"ace , E!er&y a!# 8orce , 4elatiity , Electro'
Ma&!etic 8orces , E.uatio! o$ Mass 5 E!er&y , Chemistry 5 Chemical E.uatio!s , I!or&a!ic 5 9r&a!ic Chemistry ,
+iolo&ical Cell a!# Eolutio! , Sociolo&y a!# Sociolo&ical Im"act , A)are!ess 5 Co!scious!ess
+ei!& a Theory o$ Eerythi!& This "a"er ca! %e classi$ie# i! All Classi$icatio!.
T01E 23ET4/D$A11!/AC45
Metho# I!oles 8ee#%ac- mecha!ism $rom arious source . These Sources are liste# i! or#er o$ Priority &ie! to each
source o$ I!$ormatio!
/. Material scie!ce Stu#y at Master Leel
:. Stu#y o$ Scie!ce at *ra#uate leel .
;. I!$o Tech , So$t)are E!&i!eeri!& 5 Pro,ect Ma!a&eme!t
<. 8i!#i!& Key to Correlate Thi!&s =si!& 4elatio!al'(+MS'a""roach
>. +asic School E#ucatio! o$ C+SE Patter! School .
?. 8ee#%ac- $rom 7e%sites ,Social Net)or-i!& , Chat'rooms .
@. 8ee#%ac- $rom 7or-s"ace 5 E!iro!me!t
A. 8ee#%ac- $rom 8amily 5 E!iro!me!t
INT!/D+CTI/N 266"ifferent of ne#t section 1A7ESI8E9 etc:5
1 | P a g e S e p t e m b e r 1 5
2 0 1 4
Council for Innovative Research
Peer Review Research Publishing System
Bol . DraftCopy Volume , No. DraftCopy Number
))).cir,a".com , ,a"e#itor@&mail.com
ISSN 2347-3487
Scie!tist $rom a!cie!t *reece #escri%e# !ature usi!& A3ioms %ase# o! o%seratio! .They te!# to #e#uce !e) outcomes
$rom those o%sera%le "he!ome!o! . Later co!ce"t o$ atom a!# its structure )as #e#uce# a!# e3"erime!te# %y arious
scie!tists. Joh! (alto! a""ro3imate mo#el Plum Pu##i!& o$ atom hel"e# J.J Thomso! , a!# Er!est 4uther$or# to
e3"erime!tally test the mo#el a!# #escri%e !e) $i!#i!&s o$ the results that a Core o$ atom is "ositiely char&e# a!# is
surrou!#e# %y !e&atiely char&e# "articles . Neil +ohrEs .ua!ti2e# 9r%its )ere i! co!$ormity )ith Chemical Pro"erties o$
atom a!# rea#ily #escri%e# the Sta%le a!# =!sta%le Isoto"es . Mass'E!er&y 4elatio!shi" , Ne)to!Es 8orce a!# All such
$i!#i!&s )ere i! accor#a!ce )ith the Mo#er! Perio#ic Ta%le (eise# %y Me!#elee . This eolutio! is a !eer'e!#i!&
story. It a""ears as a 0Maturity Mo#el1 o$ a Co!ce"t. Lea"i!& to to"ic o$ this thesis , Ei!stei! trie# to =!i$y 8orce to $i!#
the sole o%,ectie that 0u!ierse is !ot ,ust %y cha!ce1 )hereas Stri!& Theory 5, M'stri!& su&&ests that u!ierse is
co!!ecte# . Ste"he! Ca)-i!& s ToE also su&&est that u!ierse is co!!ecte# a!# e3"a!#i!&.
All Scie!ti$ic theories 5 Bie)s are outcome o$ some o%seratio! a!# hel"s to eole the su%,ect. Bie)s a%out the ToE are
i!#is"uta%ly true %ut !ot acce"te# %y the "u%lic %ecause o$ missi!& li!-s i! its #escri"tio!. This thesis is a%out the
cate&ori2atio! o$ missi!& li!-s %ase# o! the Ma!!erism or +ehaior o$ a su%,ect(7aeF"article) .
+asis o$ this thesis is theory 60Systems te!#s to attai! e.uili%rium1. E.uili%rium surmou!t a%oe all . A!# tra!s$ormatio!
ta-es "lace. Each such Tra!s$ormatio! ca! %e characteri2e# %y 0Ma!!erism1 i! )hich a su%,ect ()aeF"article) %ehaes.
These Tra!s$ormatio!s ca! %e characteri2e# as $ollo)s.
/. Ceat
:. 7ae
;. Mass
<. S"ace
>. 4elatiity
?. E!er&y
@. Electro'Ma&!etism 5 4a#iatio!s
A. Chemical
G. +iolo&ical
/H. Sociolo&ical
//. Co!scious!ess
A su%,ect (7aeFParticle) traels throu&h these // Characteristic . These // Characteristics are re"eate# !umerous times
throu&hout the !eer'e!#i!& ,our!ey o$ a su%,ect. A su%,ect at a!y sta&e o$ e.uili%rium ca! either Asce!# or (esce!# to
Ne3t state o$ characteristic till it reaches to the its hi&hest state o$ co!scious!ess . A$ter attai!i!& its hi&hest state a su%,ect
tra!s$orms i!to Ne3t set o$ // #ime!sio!s.
4elea!ce o$ these (ime!sio!s (or com%i!atio! o$ (ime!sio!s ) ca! %e $ou!# i! each $iel# o$ stu#y.
These #ime!sio!s are Illustrate# as // Characteristic #ime!sio!s o$ Theory o$ Eerythi!&. Parameters o$ these //
#ime!sio!s ca! %e to"ic o$ #iscussio! . To resole such issues o$ accessi!& "arameters as Key to li!- these #ime!sio!s a
Co!ce"t o$ Maturity Mo#el (CMM ) Leels are a#a"te# .
Curre!tly these // Characteristic (ime!sio! are ta-i!& sha"e to $orm a com"lete Theory o$ Eerythi!&.

Dimension of 4eat $ 1(asma
Ceat (ime!sio! is characteri2e# %y Pressure , Bolume , Tem"erature , E!thal"y 5 E!tro"y . Pressure 5 Bolume are
relatie to sur$ace area . Tem"erature is #i$$ere!ce o$ heat $rom surrou!#i!& re&io! . Co!si#er a 0Col#est Poi!t1 i! a
4e&io! surrou!#e# %y !um%er o$ Cotter Poi!t . Ceat )ill $lo) $rom Cotter Poi!t to 0Col#est Poi!t1. 0Col#est Poi!t 0 )ill No
lo!&er remai! a Col#est Poi!t rather it )ill "ro#uce a #i$$ere!t 0Col#est "oi!t1 . Such a%sor"tio! o$ heat )oul# cause
2 | P a g e S e p t e m b e r 1 5
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ISSN 2347-3487
0Col#est Poi!t1 to shi$t its locatio!. Moeme!t o$ that col#est "oi!t ca! %e characteri2e# %y #e$i!itio! o$ E!tro"y. 7he!
such moeme!t results i! Total I!ter!al re$lectio! o$ E!er&y , E!er&y &ets e!tra""e# i! $orm o$ I!ter!al E!er&y calle#
Enthalpy H = nternal Energy U ! Pressure P " #$lume V
I!ter!al E!er&y 5 E!thal"y 4esults i! $ormatio! o$ a "article. A "atter! i! 9scillatio!s o$ Ceat source a!# he!ce a "atter!
o$ Cha!&e i! E!tro"y 0S1results i! $ormatio! o$ a 7ae
Dimension of ;ave
A 7ae is Characteri2e# %y its 7ae le!&th a!# 8re.ue!cy . Pro"a&atio! o$ )ae is characteri2e# %y the 7ae Belocity
Belocity o$ 7ae 0v1 I 8re.ue!cy 0 f 1 3 7aele!&th 0 <1
Dimension of 3ass
nternal Energy Resulte% &r$m Enthalpy &$rms a 'ass ( 'ass is physically $bservable Phen$men$n ( )ensity $& 'ass can be
e"presse% as
)ensity J= 'ass m * #$lume B
Dimension of S'ace
Space is characteri+e% by , %irecti$ns ()imensi$n $& space is use% t$ e"press physical %imensi$ns such as -rea - an% #$lume #
-rea = Length . Breadth
#$lume = Length . Breadth . Height
Dimension of Energy
E!er&y a!# 8orce are use# sy!o!ymously
8orce 0.1I Mass 0m1 K Acceleratio! 0a1
E=)ation of 3otion
Belocity I (ista!ce Traele# F 9%sere# (uratio! o$ Time
8i!al elocity I I!itial Belocity L Acceleratio! 3 9%sere# (uratio! o$ Time
8i!al Positio! I I!itial Positio! L I!itial Belocity 3 9%sere# (uratio! o$ Time L M Acceleratio! 3 (9%sere# (uratio! o$ Time)
/$tal Energy = 0(E ! P(E = 1 mass " vel$city
! nternal Energy
Energy E = 'ass m " 2Spee% $& 3ight C4
Dimension of !e(ativity
9%,ect I!teract )ith each other i! relatiistic ma!!er . S"ee# , Mass , E!er&y are relatiistic i! !ature. Co!ce"t o$ Time
(ilatio! , Le!&th Co!tractio! are relatiistic )ith res"ect to the o%serer. 4elatiistic com"ariso! re.uires a re$ere!ce
alue .S"ee# o$ Li&ht is =!iersally acce"te# re$ere!ce alue.
S"ee# o$ li&ht 0C1 I :GG@G:<>A mFs
Ei!stei! E!er&y relatio!shi" 0E1 I m 3 C
Ki!etic E!er&y 0K.E.1 I m c
' mH c
4est Mass E!er&y E> I m> c
Mass a!# E!er&y that )e e3"erie!ce i! &e!eral are relatiistic i! !ature. The relatiistic com"ariso! o$ Belocity 0B1 is )ith
res"ect o$ S"ee# o$ li&ht 0C1.
The &amma $actor o$ relatiistic e3"ressio! is = (1 v
/ C

4elatiistic E3"ressio! $or
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ISSN 2347-3487
Energy E = m c
'ass m = m
Belocity )he! com"are# to s"ee# o$ Li&ht is itsel$ a relatiistic e3"ressio! o%sere# as .
It ca! %e i!$erre# that these relatiistic e3"ressio!s are %ase# o! the reality i$ 9%serer . 4eality o$ a! 9%serer is %ase#
o! the its "ast ,our!ey a!# $orces i! surrou!#i!& e!iro!me!t . -!o)le#&e assimilate# %y the o%serer #e"e!#s o! the
a!alysis o$ the $acts a!# his #etermi!atio! to use it co!structiely .
Dimension of E(ectro-3agnetic !a"iation
7he! Electro! tra!sitio! ta-es "lace , ra#iatio!s release# (F a%sor%e#) causes cha!&e i! e.uili%rium co!#itio!s o$
surrou!#i!& e!iro!me!t. (e"e!#i!& u"o! its surrou!#i!& e!iro!me!t it cause# $lo) o$ electro! I.e Electricity or Causes
A$$i!ity $or similar s"i! Electro!s I.e Ma&!etism . It ca! %e isuali2e# that 8lo) o$ electro! is a! out)ar# actiity )hereas
A$$i!ity $or similar s"i! electro! is i!)ar# actiity.
Ma-i!& use o$ Po"ular e3"ressio!s o$ Electricity a!# Ma&!etism
electro! Bolt I Ki!etic E!er&y o$ a! Electro! I M m 3 : I eB
e I Char&e o$ Electro! I /.? 3 /H
m I mass o$ electro! I G./HG;A:G/ 3 /H
co!si#er that S"ee# )hich is a relatiistic e3"ressio! is %ei!& use# to #escri%e Pote!tial (i$$ere!ce as 0Bolt1 .
Bolta&e I Curre!t 0I1 3 4esista!ce 0!1
Patter! i! $lo) ( emissio! 5 a%sor"tio! )o$ electro! is res"o!si%le $or the am"litu#e ( Curre!t 0I1) . It also #e"e!#s o! the
4esista!ce 041 i! the Me#ium that act a&ai!st such $lo) .
Po)er i! Such "atter! ca! %e #escri%e# as
Po)er 011 I Bolta&e 0?1 3 Curre!t 0I1 3 Cos
S"ee# o$ Electro! ( 0Bolt1 B) a!# Patter! "ro#uce# %y its $lo) (Curre!t 0I1) collectiely #e$i!es the "o)er o$ a! ee!t i! a
s"eci$ic me#ium. Me#ium #e$i!es the Balue o$ a!&le 0@1 %et)ee! ( 0Bolt1 ?) a!# (Curre!t 0I1).
(e"e!#i!& u"o! the Me#ium , the $lo) ca! also #eelo" a$$i!ity $or similar s"i! electro!s. A$$i!ity $or Similar S"i! electro!s
"olari2e# at a locali2e# re&io! results i! a$$i!ity $or o""osite "olari2atio! o$ o""osite s"i! electro!s at other "ole resulti!&
i! a Ma&!etic co!$i&uratio! o$ a Me#ium.
8lo) o$ Electro! a!# Electro! a$$i!ity are closely relate# a!# #e"e!#s o! the characteristic o$ the Me#ium throu&h )hich it
-cc$r%ing t$ -mpere5s 3aw
Sum $& length $& Elements " 'agnetic 6iel% in same %irecti$n B
= Permeability " Electric 7urrent I
Easy to i!$er that #uri!& a ,our!ey o$ a! o%,ect , the "ast e3"erie!ce 0@A a!# curre!t surrou!#i!&s 0BA are #e$i!es the
"ath o$ a! o%,ect.
Its im"orta!t to !ote that here )e are #iscussi!& the $lo) o$ electro! a!# $ormatio! (8usio!) F#isi!te&ratio!(8issio!) o$
!ucleus is!Et co!si#ere# at this leel.
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ISSN 2347-3487
Dimension of Chemica( 1ro'erties an" on"ing
It is -!o)! that Atoms $orms +o!#s to attai! a Sta%le co!$i&uratio! . Chemistry is a%out the Such +o!#s. 8usio! o$
Similar "articles ( or )aes ) that results i! $ormatio! o$ lar&er o%,ect )ith &reater mass or mome!tum ca! %e #escri%e#
as a chemical Process. Chemistry is $urther cate&ori2e# i! t)o %ra!ches that e3hi%its #i$$ere!t "hysical "ro"erties.
I!or&a!ic Chemistry is a%out the "ro"erties o$ eleme!ts5 Com"ou!#s other tha! Car%o! . 7hereas 9r&a!ic Chemistry is
a%out the the Com"ou!#s o$ Car%o! a!# its "ro"erties.
It is !oticea%le that the ale!cy state o$ car%o! is such that it ca! $orm com"ou!#s )ith almost eery other eleme!ts that
e3ist i! Nature . Such Car%o! Com"ou!#s ca! ee! e!&ul$ No%el eleme!ts )ithi! it. Not ,ust as a com"ou!#, a Car%o!
eleme!t ca! $orm a sta%le co!$i&uratio! )he! it $orms %o!#s )ith itsel$ a!# $orms Stro!&est com"ou!# -!o)! as
(iamo!# .
This (ime!sio! su&&est that Eleme!ts te!#s to attai! a No%el Co!$i&uratio! %y $ormatio! o$ +o!#s a!# 8usio! "rocess .
Car%o! "ossess &reatest ca"a%ility o$ $ormi!& %o!#s.
Dimension of io(ogy 2Evo()tion of -ife5
Eery Lii!& 9%,ect that lies i! this #ime!sio! has some eleme!t o$ Car%o! . Car%o! is im"orta!t to co!ti!uously
e3cha!&e e!er&y a!# he!ce "ro#uci!& or&a!ism that has li$e.
Eolutio! $rom, Si!&le cell 9r&a!isms , "ro-aryotes , al&ae , $u!&i , Pla!ts , am"hi%ia!s , re"tiles , I!erte%rates , +ir#s 5
Mammals +ir#s su&&est that Li$e has eole# a!# "ass throu&h these sta&es a!# is &oi!& throu&h such "hases . A&ai! it
#e"e!#s o! $usio! o$ the !ucleus to attai! hi&her states. Li$e is this #ime!sio! is $urther cate&ori2e# as (omai! ,
Ki!&#om , Phylum , Class , 9r#er , 8amily , *e!us , S"ecies . 7hy these cate&ory are $orme# N 7e ca! $i!# a!s)er i!
the Ne3t (ime!sio! o$ Sociolo&y.
Dimension of Socio(ogy
Li$e Cells are car%o! com"ou!#s . These cells co!ti!uously e3cha!&e e!er&y i! a cell . It ca! surie o!ly )he! they
i!teract )ith outer e!iro!me!t to -ee" its $u!ctio! i! co!ti!uous or#er .I! or#er to attem"t $or hi&her state o$ its
co!$i&uratio!, a cell !ee# to Sociali2e 7hile co!ti!ui!& the its $u!ctio! that are esse!tial $or co!ti!uous e3cha!&e o$
e!er&y . 8ate o$ a cell is #e$i!e# %y its "reious state a!# "rese!t surrou!#i!& . At this time a cell also has #ecisie
"o)er to ,u#&e the outcome o$ choice. Ce!ce a #esti!y o$ a cell is &ui#e# %y its "ast state , "rese!t surrou!#i!&s a!# its
o)! choice . As a! I!#ii#ual a Cell , a cell Sociali2e i! $ollo)i!& $orms as liste# %elo).
/. Commu!ity %ase#
:. Com"ulsio! %ase#
;. *ui#e# %y o)! Choice
+ase# o! the surrou!#i!& co!#itio!s , a cell a#a"ts a%oe $orms sociali2atio!.
Sociali2atio! is a ste" to)ar#s Co!scious!ess . It su&&est that all $orms o$ li$e 5 Sociali2atio! Acts are ,usti$ie# )ithi! the
local $rame)or- o$ a cell . Choice a%out 8orms o$ sociali2atio! is a! #ue o$ the surrou!#i!&s o$ a cell.
Dimension of Conscio)sness
The reali2atio! o$ the $act that a cell is !ot com"lete )ithi! itsel$ is (ime!sio! o$ Co!scious!ess. A)are!ess a%out the
reality that other cell are "rese!t i! the surrou!#i!& e!iro!me!t hae their o)! reality. Each o$ the cell is o! its ,our!ey to
its com"lete!ess . A!# the $act that each cell is tra""e# i! o!e o$ the a%oe // #ime!sio!s. To achiee somethi!& %i&&er
that ,ust the its !ormal $u!ctio!i!& , a cell !ee# to raise its co!scious!ess to a Ci&her leel. A Co!scious cell )ill ta-e care
o$ the $act that to achiee somethi!& %i&&er tha! its !ormal $u!ctio! , it #oes!Et e!ter i! the territory o$ the other cell. (oi!&
such i!asio! )oul# result i! "rocess o$ #isi!te&ratio!. +est "ractice $or a co!scious cell )oul# %e to e3"lore the
u!e3"lore# re&io!s .
Parameters o$ Each characteristics o$ these #ime!sio!s are relate# i! ta%ular $orm . As these (ime!sio!s are i! its
"relimi!ary sta&e . Co!ce"t Maturity Leel $or the curre!t sta&e is (e$i!e# as CMM /.H.
CMM Leel o$ a co!ce"t )oul# cha!&e A$ter the $ee#%ac- $rom the e3"erts :
5 | P a g e S e p t e m b e r 1 5
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ISSN 2347-3487
Ta*(e 1: 4eat Dimension 2C33 15
1ress)re ?o()me Entha('y Entro'y
Col#est Nil
Not (e$i!e#
9!e F More F
Nil F
Ci&h F
Nil F
Lo) F
Lo) F Ci&h Ci&h F Lo)
(oes Not
9!e F More F
Nil F
Lo) F
Ci&h F Lo) Lo) F Ci&h
Ta*(e 2: ;ave Dimension 2C33 15
D)e to
.re=)ency of
;ave(ength of
?e(ocity of ;ave
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Ci&h F Lo) F
Ci&h F Lo) F
Ci&h F Lo) F Baria%le
Ci&h F Lo) F
Ci&h F Lo) F
Ci&h F Lo) F Baria%le
Ta*(e 3: S'ace Dimension 2C33 15
C "irection 0 Direction 8 Direction
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Baria%le Baria%le Baria%le Baria%le
Ta*(e 4: !e(ativity Dimension 2C33 15
1ast E#'erience
Baria%le Al)ays E3ist E3ist Baria%le
8 | P a g e S e p t e m b e r 1 5
2 0 1 4
ISSN 2347-3487
Ta*(e 5: 3ass Dimension 2C33 15
Density of
-attice arrangements
?o()me Covere"
Baria%le Baria%le Baria%le
Ta*(e : Energy Dimension 2C33 15
3ass .orce Energy
?e(ocity $ S'ee" of
4elatie 4elatie 4elatie 4elatie
Ta*(e !: E(ectro-3agnetic !a"iations Dimension 2C33 15
.(o& of
ang(e D@A
in the

Ta*(e ':Chemica( Dimension 2C33 15
n Energy
Ta*(e -:io(gica( Dimension 2C33 15
Domian %ing"om
9 C(ass 9
/r"er 9
7enes 9

9 | P a g e S e p t e m b e r 1 5
2 0 1 4
ISSN 2347-3487
Ta*(e 1/:Socio(ogica( Dimension 2C33 15
State of
1ast State of
ty *ase"
7)i"e" *y /&n Choice

Ta*(e 11:Conscio)sness ( Dimension 2C33 15
A Ce(( is Com'(ete A&are of s)rro)n"ings E#'(oring .)t)re
A#a"ti!& // Characteristic #ime!sio!s to Mo#el a reality ca! "roi#e "recise i!si&ht $or accessi!& the reaso!s o$
causalities . It ca! %e use# to %uil# Neural Com"uti!& metho#s .
9ur tha!-s to the e3"erts )ho hae co!tri%ute# to)ar#s the Comme!ts "oste# o! this to"ic at Li!-e#i!
/. J a me s Dunn Director of Deve(o'ment Assistance at +n(ocFing A'tit)"e
:. Adol f iek E#'(orer9 &ritting monogra'hies on ne& area of science at !E?I?IS9 1t)G9 S(ovenia
; Gyane s h Kumar !ESEA!C4--/77E! H ;!ITE! Issciencegyan
< Joel Levi t t /&ner$/'erator of Ana(ytica( Tri*o(ogy Co:
A)thorJ *iogra'hy &ith 1hoto
: | P a g e S e p t e m b e r 1 5
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