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The Mediumship of Mrs M R Gunning by Alan Crossley

The last sance which I was able to attend at Mrs

Gunning's house was a memorable one. For some time after the incident in which she
was injured, as a result of ignorance and stupidity, the meetings were cancelled. owe!er,
later, she was able to continue on a limited scale and insisted that no guests or !isitors be
allowed e"cept the regular sitters whom she could trust implicitly.
It was at this last sance that #bdul $ah% &ept his promise to materialise. In fact it was
one of the finest demonstrations of this phenomenon that I ha!e e!er witnessed. The
dignified and noble figure of #bdul $ah% materialised, surrounded in golden light. 'ith
his right hand placed on my mother's head, he pronounced a blessing upon her and then
slowly dematerialised. The e"perience was electrifying. The presence of this man had a
profound effect on e!eryone in that room and they had difficulty in finding words to
e"press their thoughts. 'hat was recognised more than anything else was the fact that
they had been honoured by a true ser!ant of God, a man of great stature, re!ered by
millions throughout the world and recognised for his ser!ice to humanity in the cause of
(nity, )eace and $rotherhood.
I often wonder what $ah%is would feel if they &new that The Master, as he was called,
had returned to demonstrate his sur!i!al o!er death. # further e"ample of sur!i!al
e!idence relating to #bdul $ah% is included in a later chapter dealing with )sychic #rt.

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