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Spelling Words ~ Homework Menu

Your Homework Planner will have a required spelling activity for homework.
Look at this menu for information on how to do the activity.
( Keep this menu for the entire year! You will use this every week.)

Double Words
Print the words, then write
them in cursive.
Spell ~ Spell
Circle Words
Write each word
and circle the vowels.
S p e l l
Graph Words
Write each spelling word
on graph paper,
connecting them to each
Crazy Words
Write each spelling word
on graph paper in any
crazy design.
ABC Words
Write the words in
alphabetical order.
Silly Words
Use all the words in
5 silly sentences.
Backwards Words
Write the words forwards,
then backwards.
Repeat Words
Write each word
five times each.
Block Words
Write each spelling word in
block-like letters.
Cloud Words
Write each spelling word
in puffy cloud-like letters.

Cursive Words
Write each word in your
best cursive.
Write the spelling words, then
write a word that is in each
spelling word.
Spell . sell
Ransom Words
Write your words using
different size and types of
S p E L
Color Words
Write the words, with
the vowels in one color
and consonants
in another color.
S p e l l
Rainbow Words
Write each letter in a
different color of the
S p e l l
Triple Words
Write each word. Trace over it
in another color. Trace over it
with a 3rd color.

Choo-Choo Words
Write the entire list
end to end as one
long word, using
different colors for
different words.
.hcsdrowoohcooh I.
Pyramid Words
Write the words adding
one letter at a time. The
result will be a pyramid.
s p
s p e
s p e l
s p e l l
Magic Words
Write the word once, then
write it a 2nd time without
the last letter, then write it
without the last two letters.
Repeat until the whole
word disappears.
s p e l _, s p e _ _,
s p_ _ _, s _ _ _ _,
_ _ _ _ _
Cross Words
Write two words having one
common letter so they
criss - cross.
s p e l l
Picture Words
Draw a picture and write
the words in the picture.
Code Words
Write the words in a code.
Provide a key to your
Surround Words
Write the words on graph
paper surrounding each
word in color.
Length Words
Count the # of letters in each
word. Then write the words in
order from shortest to longest.

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