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Main ideas:

- nu uita sa faci o scurta introducere inainte de a lista subiectele ideile principale

1. Mrs Bennet, whom is the mother of five girls, is extremely excited about the arrival in
town of Mr. Bingley, a possible future son-in-law.
2. Mr Bingley meets the Bennets at the ball organised by ir !ucas, where he falls in love
with "ane, #he eldest daughter of the family.
$. %uring this ball Mr %arcy, Mr Bingley&s best friend, starts falling in love with "ane&s
younger sister, 'li(abeth.
). *ne day, "ane visits Mr. Bingley&s estate+ vila, domeniu boieresc, proprietate, and
catches a cold. %ue to this she needs + nu o tine nimeni cu forta, to stay a couple of days
at Mr. Bingley.
-. Mr .ollins, visits the Bennet family and wishes to marry 'li(abeth, but she refuses
/. Bingley leaves the village, along with %arcy, causing the Bennet family to be
0. 'lisabeth receives a marriage proposal from Mr. %arcy but she refuses him.
1. 2 while from this, 'li(abeth comes to visit %arcy&s castle, thus +astfel, meeting him
once more and learning new aspects about him.
3. Bingley and %arcy return to 4etherfield, with the intent of courting the two older
Bennet sisters.
15. 6inaly, the two couples get married.

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