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Pneumonia is an inflammatory illness of the lung.Frequently, it is described as lung

parenchyma/alveolar inflammation and abnormal alveolar filling with fluid
(consolidation and exudation). The alveoli are microscopic air-filled sacs in the lungs
responsible for absorbing oxygen.

Pneumonia can result from a variety of causes, including infection with bacteria,
viruses, fungi, or parasites, and chemical or physical injury to the lungs. Its cause
may also be officially described as idiopathic—that is, unknown—when infectious
causes have been excluded. Trnasmitted by droplets spread by direct oral contact
or indirectly through respiratory discharge

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is infectious pneumonia in a person who has

not recently been hospitalized. CAP is the most common type of pneumonia. The
most common causes of CAP vary depending on a person's age, but they include
Streptococcus pneumoniae, viruses, the atypical bacteria, and Haemophilus
influenzae. Overall, Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of
community-acquired pneumonia worldwide.

Hospital-acquired pneumonia, also called nosocomial pneumonia, is pneumonia

acquired during or after hospitalization for another illness or procedure with onset
at least 72 hrs after admission. The causes, microbiology, treatment and prognosis
are different from those of community-acquired pneumonia.

Signs and symptoms

• chest pain, a sharp or stabbing pain, either experienced during deep breaths
or coughs or worsened by them.
• Shortness of breath
• Greenish or yellow sputum, or phlegm
• May cough up blood
• High fever that may be accompanied by shaking chills
• Sweaty and clammy skin

• loss of appetite

• Fatigue

• blueness of the skin

• Nausea

• vomiting

• mood swings
• joint pains or muscle aches

• Headaches

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