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Lesson 1: What is Herbalism?

Core principles of herbal medicine

erbalism is as old as the world. Before it was called a science, it bore the name of
witchcraft, and thousands of women perished in flames because they had the
knowledge of herbs and natural healing. Today, practising herbalism is less
dangerous and this scientific art (or artistic science) is falling back into peoples
h hands.
It is about time! Never have we faced such challenges: for the first time since stardust
conspired to form our bodies, we are to live less long than the previous generation. The
accumulation of toxins in our environment, urbanization, inactivity, pesticide laden and
genetically modified organisms foods, pollution from fossil fuel combustion are but a few
factors that challenge our health on a daily basis. It appears clear that modern medicine,
ruled by the omnipotent pharmaceutical industry, does not have the answer to what
concerns our well-being.
Herbalism is the science of preventing and curing diseases with herbs. With the help of roots,
leaves, flowers, berries, mushrooms and other natural allies, herbalists help people take
charge of their health, change the patterns that cause diseases and improve general health
and well-being. Herbalism is a science of prevention rather than intervention: it aims at a
deep change rather than a quick fix. Here are a few of its core beliefs that will help
understand the intention and philosophy behind the therapeutic use of herbs.
The body knows how to heal itself
Our bodies are wonderful environments, little worlds of cooperation between a million cells
that all strive for well-being. Health can be compared to a symphony, where all
interconnected body systems play their part to create a beautiful and unique melody.
Sometimes a few players are off tune, symptoms arise and disease is declared.
Pharmaceutical medicine suppresses symptoms and simply deletes the part of the cells who
are singing off. We might not hear it or feel it anymore, but the imbalance is still there,
impacting the rest of the body.
With the use of tonic and nutritive herbs, herbal medicine addresses symptoms by feeding,
nurturing and toning the body systems that are in difficulty. We use herbs to provide key
nutrients and compounds to support the natural healing process in a gentle, supportive way.
You are the specialist of yourself
One of the most radical concepts of herbalism is that there is no better specialist on your
health than yourself. Others might know more about biology or chemistry, they might be brain
surgeons with PhDs, but they do not live in your body and therefore they are not able to make
decisions for you.

When we learn to use herbs and diet to prevent illness, we do not surrender our power to heal
ourselves. With power comes responsibilities and it is our task to educate ourselves to make
informed choices we can stand by. This Art & Science of Herbalism course is all about learning
to know how your body works, how herbs impact it and how to use herbal medicine to
empower your self-care journey.
The mind and the body are one and their health is tied
Modern science was built on the idea that the body is nothing but a very sophisticated
machine, a vehicle for our spirit and a host to our intellect. Medicine is very complex
mechanical work, and the work of a surgeon is similar to the work of an engineer.
Without entering spiritual beliefs, it has been established, even in modern medicine circles,
that the mind and the body are more closely related than we previously thought. Our
thoughts and emotions deeply impact our health. Our mind can get in the way of healing,
the same way diseases can greatly disturb the delicate balance of our mood.
People and nature are one and their health is tied
The last century has witnessed the synthesis of countless new chemical compounds that are
completely unknown to all living organisms. Fishes are dying by thousands in polluted rivers,
birds are choking on plastic, cows are going mad and we ourselves have a cocktail of
chemicals running through our veins that we pass on to our children at birth. This toxic load
affects the environment as well as those who live in it. The health of our earth is inseparable
from our own, and to heal ourselves we must heal our planet first with respectful medicine
and sustainable practices.

Herbalism is an empirical science and its wisdom withstood the test of time. Some traditional
remedies have been around for more than 5 000 years with consistent results. Herbs have
evolved with us and their DNA is similar to ours. They are true allies in the face of health
imbalances, and their teachings, passed from one living organism to another is truly

The Nutritive Herbs
Herbs that nurture, support and promote regenerati on of the whol e body.
Nutritive herbs are nutrient-rich herbs that restore balance in the body through mineral
supplementation. This class of medicine is of utter importance in herbal medicine, as the
nutritive herbs are the ones that fuel the bodys healing abilities.
Because they fill an important need for nutrients, the nutritive herbs often have a much
welcomed calming and grounding effect on the mind. These herbs need a long steeping

period to release their medicine and they are recommended on a daily basis, as part of a
self-care routine.
Poor diet, lack of nutrient dense food
Prevention of chronic diseases and degeneration
Phases of heightened demands for the body, such as pregnancy or stressful episodes
Chronic stress, irritability and anxiety
Balancing of an acidic terrain
Nutritive herbs are very gentle and have no contraindications. They are safe, and even
recommended, for children, pregnant women and elders.
Nutritive herbs
Nettle leaf Urtica dioica
Oatstraw stem Avena sativa
Horsetail leaf and stem Equisetum arvense
Raspberry leaf Rubus idaeus
Red clover flower and leaf Trifollium pretense

The Carminative Herbs
Herbs that sani ti ze and rel ax the digestive system.
Carminative herbs are well known. They are the warm spices and pungent herbs we have
been seasoning our meals with since the dawn of humanity. Before the discovery of
pasteurization, these herbs were safe guarding our food (and our intestines) from parasites
and bacteria overgrowth. Their warming, cleansing and tension-releasing abilities are very
real, and especially useful in the treatment of a wide array of digestive symptoms, from
parasites to indigestion. They excel in the prevention and relief of gas.
The constituents behind their power are essential oils, fragrant and volatile molecules that can
easily escape your preparations if you forget to put a lid on your infusions. Carminative herbs
are best enjoyed as infusions before and after meals, to ameliorate digestive functions.
Dyspepsia symptoms: slow digestion, belching, flatulence, abdominal tension
Stress-related stomach knot
Babys colic

Poor assimilation of nutrients
Parasites and yeast overgrowth
Carminative herbs are generally safe. However, some of them, like black pepper Piper
nigrum, can be too warming and aggravate the digestive symptoms. Warm herbs should
always be tested in small quantities first.
Carminative herbs
Peppermint leaf Mentha x piperita
Fennel seed Foeniculum vulgare
Rosemary twig Rosmarinus officinalis
Anise seed Pimpinella anisum
Cinnamon bark Cinnamomum spp.

Plant profile
Latin : Urtica dioi ca Arabi c: Part used: l eaf and seed
Kidney tonic


Nettles is a wonderful tonic that supports the whole body by deeply nourishing it. Over long
term use, folks that take nettles infusion will see their general level of energy improve and
notice that their body is functioning better. Gently detoxing, it removes the old by bringing in
the new, and is therefore your best ally for daily detox. Its impact on the body is complete
and deep.
It is used to modify terrains affected by stress and chronic disease. It is very hard to think of a
condition nettles would not improve.
All diseases that are caused by toxicity like arthritis, acne and eczema will subside if
treated with nettles.
Anemia, hemorrhagic menstruation and nutritional deficiencies, especially if linked to
a vegetarian diet will be improved.
Nettles is also traditionally used for seasonal allergies with great results As my herbalism
teacher Caroline used to say, when in doubt, give nettles.
It is a fortifier of the kidneys. All those who have suffered from pyelonephritis, recurrent
cystitis or kidney stones will benefit from its restorative effect.
Nettles is extremely safe, to pregnant mothers and children alike. It actually supports lactating
in breastfeeding mothers and encourages a nutrient dense milk that babies will love.
Nettles gives its best in long infusions. Let it steep for hours, overnight even, and you will be
rewarded with a tea so rich in chlorophyll it is almost black. It is also delicious in food. Use it as
you would use spinach: in soups, quiche and stews. Just dont forget to cook it or use it dried:
its little darts are filled with formic acid which does not make for a pleasant meal. Fortunately
for us, formic acid is deactivated by heat; even a light steaming will do the trick. In tincture
form, it is best to use the seeds in a seasonal allergies tonic in alcohol or vinegar menstruum. A
nettles leaf vinegar tincture is also great to extract its nutrients.

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