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Deriving Contours from Terrain Data

By Julius M. Bagate
September 21, 2014
Data: srtm_61_09 a TIFF file.
Note: This dataset is derived from the CGIAR CSI SRTM download page. The spatial resolution of the
raster grids is 90x90 meters with pixels having elevation values in meters.
Contours can easily be extracted from a digital elevation model using QGIS.
1. Load QGIS Desktop.
2. Load the DEM using the Raster tool and navigate to the location of the file. In this example
click on the srtm_61_09 TIFF image file.

3. This will terrain data as shown below.

4. To extract the terrain data go to the Raster toolbar, select Extraction then Contour

5. This will open the Contour dialog as shown below. Specify the name of the output vector file
by clicking on the Select button.

6. Navigate to the working directory where you will save the file as shown below. We will be
extracting contours at 100 meter intervals, note the suffix at the end of the file name
srtm_61_09_100meter. Click on the Save button.

7. As shown below, in the Contour dialog, set the interval to 100 meters and click on the box
preceding Attribute name. This will add a column in the contour file's database with the name
ELEV. Also make sure to click on Load into canvas when finished. Click on OK to start

8. Wait for it to finish. When done the contour data is loaded onto QGIS's map window. Click on
OK to dismiss the dialogs. Click on Close to dismiss the Contour dialog.

9. The 100 meter contour interval dataset is shown below.

10. Zoom in to view the data up close.

11. To display con tour values, right click on the layer and select Properties on the drop down menu
that appears.

12. On the Layer Properties dialog that appears, select Labels. Click on the Label this layer with
and select ELEV in the drop down. Click on OK to display the labels on the contour dataset.

13. This will label contours as shown below. Zoom in when needed.

14. This ends this exercise. As a final note, SRTM data is applicable for larger areas and general
regional analysis. A better resolution DEM is needed for smaller areas. A relatively better
dataset for region al analysis is ASTER DEM data which provides terrain data from raster
pixels with 30x30 meter grids. For high precision terrain analysis such as flooding, LIDAR
derived DEM which can provide 1x1 meter resolution pixels.

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