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Name_____________________________________________________________ Period__________ Score__________/10

How Music Works with Howard Goodall Bass

1. True or False: Bass is the foundation or roots of music. ________________________
2. What is the name of the bottom note of a basic triad chord? ____________________________
3. Circle the best answer: Which instrument was the first to play a very low bass line moving
underneath the melody and harmony?
a. Bass Guitar b. Bass Drum c. Organ d. Tuba
4. True or False: The whole package of music; pitches and chords is called tonality. __________________
5. The bass notes moving deliberately in contrast to the melody it is called _____________________________.
6. A bass line style that uses scales as the main ingredient is called a ______________________________ bass.
7. True or False: A reoccurring chromatic bass phrase is called Ground Bass. ______________________
8. True or False: A Bass bridge allowed dancers to re-set their feet in a waltz and was later used by
American band music composer John Phillip Sousa. ___________________________
9. Name the instrument in the modern age that is able to recreate the lowest bass notes and alter the
sounds of the bass electronically. ______________________________________
10. Name a song you know with an interesting bass line. ____________________________________________________

Name_____________________________________________________________ Period__________ Score__________/10

How Music Works with Howard Goodall Bass

1. True or False: Bass is the foundation or roots of music. ________________________
2. What is the name of the bottom note of a basic triad chord? ____________________________
3. Circle the best answer: Which instrument was the first to play a very low bass line moving
underneath the melody and harmony?
a. Bass Guitar b. Bass Drum c. Organ d. Tuba
4. True or False: The whole package of music; pitches and chords is called tonality. __________________
5. The bass notes moving deliberately in contrast to the melody it is called _____________________________.
6. A bass line style that uses scales as the main ingredient is called a ______________________________ bass.
7. True or False: A reoccurring chromatic bass phrase is called Ground Bass. ______________________
8. True or False: A Bass bridge allowed dancers to re-set their feet in a waltz and was later used by
American band music composer John Phillip Sousa. ___________________________
9. Name the instrument in the modern age that is able to recreate the lowest bass notes and alter the
sounds of the bass electronically. ______________________________________
10. Name a song you know with an interesting bass line. ____________________________________________________

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