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ED350/520 - Technology in the Classroom

University of Alabama in Huntsville Fall 2014

(ED350 Thursday 4:006:50)

Dr. Matt Dean (mdean@madison.k12.al.us)
Textbook Readings and other course materials will be made available online.
No textbook is required.

Other Materials USB Jump Drive. Bring to each class each day. Save all assignments
on the drive and on the local computer hard drive.
Web Site https://angel.uah.edu/
You are responsible for checking the class web site for
announcements concerning each class.
day of classThursday, August 21
Last day to withdraw and receive a refundSeptember 3
Class will not meet on the following: October 9, November 27
Last day to withdraw: October 31
Last regular class meetingDecember 4
Final project (in lieu of a final exam) will be turned in and
presented on December 4.

Course Description
This course is designed to introduce education students to the fundamentals of
educational computing. It is designed as a laboratory course in which extensive hands-
on experiences with computers and other emerging technologies are provided.
Emphasis is on enabling the student to effectively integrate technology into instructional
settings, for both special and regular students.
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Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify basic computer hardware components and describe their
2. Create, organize, and manage files using the Windows operating system.
3. Use local networks and the Internet to send and receive information,
including e-mail, uploading/downloading files, and copying files to/from a
network server.
4. Locate and evaluate education-related Internet resources.
5. Systematically evaluate instructional and technical aspects of educational
6. Use and integrate instructional technologies and software applications
a. Internet applications: e-mail, web browsers, online bulletin boards
b. productivity tools: word processing and spreadsheets
c. multimedia/graphics tools: presentation graphics, draw & paint
programs, web page editors, visual diagramming tools
d. devices such as a digital camera, color scanner, and/or video
capture card to create digital images and/or video
7. Identify strategies for integrating computers into classrooms for both
regular and special students.
8. Describe the impact of copyright law on educational uses of intellectual
9. Demonstrate an understanding of legal, ethical, and social issues
regarding the use of technology.
10. Create and edit digital video and audio files.
11. Use educational technology devices such as clickers, Smartboards,
and Elmos.
12. Use online class management systems such as ANGEL and Edmodo.
Technology proficiencies. With regard to designing, implementing, and assessing
technology-based learning experiences to engage students and improve learning;
prepare students for successive education, careers and college; enrich professional
practice; and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community,
individuals enrolled in Class A programs shall demonstrate ability to:
1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity by providing a variety of
learning environments that foster collaboration and innovative thinking to solve real
world issues and authentic problems using digital tools and resources.
2. Design, develop, use, manage, and assess authentic digital-age learning
experiences that are aligned with subject-area content and the Alabama Course of
Study: Technology Education to maximize content learning and address diverse
learning styles, incorporating the use of formative and summative measurement tools to
better inform learning.
3. Model and facilitate innovative digital-age work and learning experiences
through the effective use of current and emerging tools to ensure success in a global
and digital world whereby the teacher and learner locate, analyze, evaluate, manage,
and report information as well as communicate and collaborate online fluently using a
variety of technology-based media formats.
4. Promote, model, and communicate the safe, legal and ethical principles of
digital citizenship, equitable access, digital etiquette, and responsible online social
interactions in a global culture including respect for copyright, intellectual property, the
appropriate documentation of sources, and Internet user protection policies.
5. Engage in professional growth and leadership activities, including modeling
lifelong learning by participating in face to face and online learning communities to
continuously improve professional practice using existing and emerging digital tools,
resources, and current research that focuses on improved student learning, as well as
promotes professional development of other educators.

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Course Requirements
1. Prepare for class by reading assigned material and completing assigned
lab exercises.
2. Complete required online tutorials.
3. Complete the following projects: (75 percent of course grade)
a. Teacher Technology Presentation/Edmodo Project (20 percent)
b. PowerPoint Project (10 percent)
c. Education website/Portfolio Project (15 percent)
d. Class gradebook (spreadsheet) (10 percent)
e. MovieMaker/YouTube Project (15 percent)
f. Technology Resources/ALEX Project (5 percent)
4. Maintain a reflective journal that includes reflections on readings, class
activities, and other observations related to educational technology. The
reflective journal will be posted on blogger.com. The reflective journal
and the reflection paper will compose 10 percent of your course grade. As
part of the journal (the final entry), complete a final reflection paper. The
reflective journal and the reflection paper, together, will compose 10
percent of your course grade.
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Assignment Percent

Tutorials 15

A = 90+
B = 80 - 89+
Projects 75
Reflective Journal/Paper 10
C = 70 - 79+
D = 60 - 69+
F = below 60
Incomplete Grade Policy. A grade of incomplete (I) will be given only in unusual
circumstances, typically due to events beyond a student's control (e.g., automobile
accident, major family emergency, or serious illness).
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Participation/Class Attendance
Because teachers are professionals, students in an education class are expected to
have punctual and regular attendance and to be prepared to participate in discussions,
both in-class and online. In the case of an absence, the student remains responsible for
any material covered in class. Class activities are posted on the Angel schedule. If an
emergency prevents you from attending an exam or presentation, notify the instructor at
the earliest opportunity.
A student who misses a class when a quiz or other graded activity is given may make
up the activity if a valid excuse (at the discretion of the instructor) is presented to the
instructor within a week of the absence.
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Lab Exercises
Lab exercises involve hands-on practice to help students learn the fundamental uses
and educational applications of various software tools. Exercises will generally be
started in class, but you may be asked to complete some exercises outside of class. If
you miss work on a lab exercise because of an absence, you are responsible for
completing the exercise outside of class. All lab exercises are available on ANGEL and
the dates on which they are assigned will be available on the class schedule in ANGEL.
Solutions to the lab exercises will be made available on ANGEL or given in class
sometime after they are assigned so that you can check your own work. Lab exercises
will help you prepare to complete the course project and the hands-on exam.
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Project Expectations
All projects must be completed using specified applications. Printed projects must be
properly labeled with your name and multiple-page copies should be stapled. Specific
criteria used to evaluate projects will be posted on the class web site. Projects should
be checked for spelling or grammar errors. Unless otherwise specified, projects are to
be completed individually. You are responsible for keeping backup copies of all project
files until the end of the term.
To earn full credit, projects must be submitted on time. Late projects will not be
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Class Communication
Students are encouraged to communicate with the instructor and with one another
throughout the course using Angel e-mail, the class bulletin board, and in person.
Before you send an electronic message, however, consider the following guidelines:
Make sure that you have searched for the answer to your question in the
syllabus, on the course web site, or in other course materials.
If you have a question about a class policy, an assignment, or any other
item that would probably be of interest to another student, please post a
message on the bulletin board instead of sending me an e-mail. That way
my response will be available to all students; and, if I am unable to
respond promptly, other students may be able to answer your question as
well (and you are encouraged to do so). You may post messages
anonymously in the Help and Suggestion Box areas of the bulletin board.
If you need to let me know about a situation that is of a personal nature or
would like to discuss your grades, please DO NOT use the bulletin board,
but rather send the message via e-mail.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Any student whose disabilities fall within ADA guidelines should inform the instructor at
the beginning of the semester of any special needs or equipment necessary to
accomplish the requirements of this course.
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Academic Misconduct Policy
Students are encouraged to work together in preparing for and reviewing course
material. However, you must NOT copy or exchange work, files, or disks with completed
or partially completed assignments. Students who violate standards of academic
honesty will be subject to penalties in accordance with University policies (see
University Code of Student Conduct, Chapter 7 of the Student Handbook).
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Other Class Guidelines
save your files as directed. All
files that you submit for credit
must include your Angel ID (user
name) as the first part of the
filename. For example, if asked to
name the Assignment 3 file
angelID assignment 3.doc, I
would name the file deanm
assignment 3.doc. Check to make
sure that you DO NOT have
duplicate extensions in the
filename (e.g., deanm assignment
check your UAH e-mail
account, Angel e-mail account,
and the Angel bulletin board on a
regular basis.
sign messages with your full
name, especially when using your
personal e-mail account.
leave the lab properly.
o close all open applications
on your PC so that the
Desktop is visible
o remove your flash drive
from the computer
o log off of the network
o slide your chairs neatly
under the computer tables.
use cell phones/pagers/instant
messengers during class.
play games or engage in other
activities that may distract other
students or the instructor.
remove a flash drive from a
computer until you have closed all
files that are open from the drive.
Shut Down the computer
unless requested by your
instructor or lab assistant.
bring food or drink into the
computer lab
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