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Learning experience 10: Letter writing continued

Time: 60 minutes
Classroom organisation: booklets, ICT ready to use

Curriculum links: Experiment with text structures and language features and their effects in
creating literary texts, for example, using imagery, sentence variation, metaphor and word
choice (ACELT1800)

Investigate how vocabulary choices, including evaluative language can express shades of
meaning, feeling and opinion (ACELA1525)

Learning objectives:
Writing and Creating WC6
Write using sentence structures, that include sentence fragments and single words, to
emphasise , extend and explain ideas and information

1) The Teacher will ask students to make their way down to the ground, where a discussion
circle will be formed. The Teacher will ask how everyone is going with the planning of their
letters, and if they enjoyed last lessons mock letter. The teacher will clarify any
misconceptions or concerns students have and will explain more explicitly if needed.
Probing of questions will be asked:

What did we gain from our mock letter?
What type of text were we focusing on?
What were some great word choices we used?
Did we use our facts and turn them into persuasive points?
How do we want the reader to feel as they open our letter?

2) Students will then be asked to sit with their groups at a table and watch the following video

Random students will then be asked by the teacher:
Who are you writing to?
What do you want them to do?
What do they need to know for them to do that?

3) The teacher will explain that in order for us to create a letter of persuasion we must
consider these aspects. A demonstration letter will now be written up on the white board for
students to visually see. The teacher will explain that we will simply look at our opening
paragraph of our letter today.

Dear Fraser Island Regional Council,

My name is Samantha, a year six student from saint Agathas. I am writing this letter to you to
inform you that I believe Fraser Island should remain Australian Heritage listed. In my class, we
have been exploring the concept of forests and i the past weeks it has come to my attention that
Fraser Island is not only an important aspect of Queensland tourism but is also detrimental to the
habitat and conservation of one of Australias outstanding land marks. During my research I have
found some interesting facts.

The Teacher will then ask students certain questions about the opening paragraph

Have I introduced who I am writing to?

Have I opened the paragraph with what it is I am writing about and why?

Have I intended on introducing facts to back up my persuasion text?

Have I used any persuasive language?

Can you think of a better word choice I could select to make my letter sound more professional?

4) Students are now able to sit in their groups and work on their writing tasks. Some students
may still be in the planning stages while other students are able to begin writing.
5) The Teacher will warn students of the time limit but will also elaborate on the fact that
students are able to continue planning and writing next lesson to eliminate any anxiety the
students may be feeling.

Assessment: Formative: Discussion, Questioning, And booklet

Student with ADHD Parent will be with this student. Due to the
intensity of writing being created in this lesson,
the parent will be of assistance to this student
to ensure he understands transitioning and the
task at hand.
Child with English as 2

Student with English as 2
language- Refugee

For ESL learners, a teacher aid will be of
assistance with this lesson. These students will
have one on one interaction with the teacher
aid and will be able to have instructions
explained to them again.
Five students with developmental delay in literacy
and mathematics
Particular attention from the teacher will be
given to these students to ensure they are
staying on task and keeping up with the class
2 indigenous students 1 with a hearing

Gifted student

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