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In this experiment subject are three operators with different skills and experience. There are
two types of operators. Subject 1 & 2 are sub-contractors operator with very less skill and
with experience of 2 months and 2.5 years respectively. Subject 3 is Junior Manager with
relatively higher skills than both of the two and have experience of 1.5 years. The details of
subjects are as follows
The detail of operators is as follows:
Subject Designation Experience
Operator A Contract Engineer 2 months
Operator B Contract Engineer 2.5 years
Operator C Junior Manager 1.5 years

The idea is to examine reaction time and movement time for the operations which are carried
out frequently in the operation activity in one shift of 8 hours. It was found that control of Air
Dust Mixture Temperature and Steam Temperature was the two most common stimuli that
were occurring in the control display. Therefore focus was made on these two parameters.
The display shows Low or High of either the parameter i.e. we have 4 different signals
1) Air Dust Mixture Temperature Low
2) Air Dust Mixture Temperature High
3) Steam Temperature Low
4) Steam Temperature High
Signals occur with hooter. Operator is either sitting on the stool/chair of the control panel or
standing away from the control panel, both of which have their own pros and cons.
Digital stopwatch which can record time in milliseconds is chosen. As soon as any of the four
signals occurs response time and movement time is noted down for the operation. Response
time is defined as the time interval between the visual stimulus presentation and the initiation
of movement. Response time is calculated by assuming that it ends as soon as operator starts
moving after signal. Thus response time is the time between hooter/signal occurs and
initiation of movement of operator. Movement time is the time after the response time till
operator starts controlling the parameter. The position of the operator is also noted in each

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