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Rubric for Grading Art

Do your artwork grades magically appear on your report card? No. Do you receive a 100% just because
you did it? No. Your artwork is thoughtully assessed against this rubric. !t"s a pretty objective assessment
tool and you can use it to sel#assess as you create $rt%
Elements and Principles of Design: Line, Texture, Color, Sape, !orm, "alue, Space
Principles of Design: Repetition, #alance, Empasis, Contrast, $nit%
$& 'lanned careully( made several sketches( and showed an awareness o the elements and principles o
design) chose color scheme careully( used space eectively.
*& +he artwork shows that the student applied the principles o design while using one or more o the
,& +he student did the assignment ade-uately( yet it shows lack o planning and little evidence that an
overall composition was planned.
D: +he assignment was completed and turned in( but showed little evidence o any understanding o the
elements and principles o art) no evidence o planning.
.: +he student did the minimum or the artwork was never completed.
$& +he student e/plored several choices beore selecting one) generated many ideas) tried unusual
combinations or changes on several ideas) made connections to previous knowledge) demonstrated
outstanding problem#solving skills.
*& +he student tried a ew ideas beore selecting one) or based his or her work on someone else"s idea)
made decisions ater reerring to one source) solved the problem in a logical way.
,& +he student tried one idea( and carried it out ade-uately( but it lacked originality) substituted 0symbols1
or personal observation) might gave copied a work.
D& +he student ulilled the assignment( but gave no evidence o trying anything unusual.
.& +he student showed no evidence o original thought.
$& +he project was continued until it was as complete as the student could make it) gave eort ar beyond
that re-uired) took pride in going well beyond the re-uirement.
*& +he student worked hard and completed the project( but with a little more eort it might have been
,& +he student inished the project( but it could have been improved with more eort) ade-uate
interpretation o the assignment( but lacking inishes) chose an easy project and did it indierently.
D& +he project was completed with minimum eort.
.& +he student did not inish the work ade-uately.
$& +he artwork was beautiully and patiently done) it was as good as hard work could make it.
*& 2ith a little more eort( the work could have been outstanding) lacks the inishing touches.
,& +he student showed average cratsmanship) ade-uate( but not as good as it could have been( a bit
D& +he student showed below#average cratsmanship( lack o pride in inished artwork.
.& +he student showed poor cratsmanship) evidence o la3iness or total lack o understanding.
100 4 56 7 A
5: 4 ;< 7 #
$bove $verage
=ery >ood
;? 4 <; 7 C
Yet $cceptable
<< # <07 D
@5 4 0 7 !
Section I:

5 actual
5 2-D actual
5 3-D actual
Section II:
12 digital images,
some may be
12 digital images,
some may be
12 digital images,
some may be
second view
Section III:
3 works one image
o! each is submitted
3 works one image
o! each is submitted
2 works two images
o! each are
$eek 1

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