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Kevin Iligan Literature 1

Sophia Ann Lyne TTH 1:00-2:30 P.M.

.A. !"M-3
#ilipino $alue% &elate' to !AS (or'% an' Mu%i)
The !AS (or'% an' Mu%i) i% an event in the *niver%ity o+ San ,o%e-&e)oleto% that
)o-pri%e% the 'i++erent talent% o+ the ,o%enian%. Through thi% %ai' event. %tu'ent% %ho/ their
talent% li0e %inging an' 'an)ing. ut not only that. tea)her% al%o per+or- in thi% event to
entertain the au'ien)e -o%tly their %tu'ent%.
In or'er to per+or- /ell in !AS (or'% an' Mu%i). )onte%tant% -u%t 1e )ooperative
enough to ea)h other %o that ea)h -e-1er% )an un'er%tan' /hat they are going to 'o /hen
they enter the %tage. Mo%t o+ the #ilipino value% are applie' 'uring thi% event.
The -o%t e%%ential #ilipino value u%e' in thi% event i% the value o+ Magaling Ma0i1agay
or 1eing #le2i1le. Thi% value -ean% a lot to all )onte%tant% +or not all o+ the- 0no/ ea)h other.
They %houl' 1e +le2i1le enough in 'ealing /ith ea)h other in or'er +or the- to avoi'
The ne2t value i% 1eing #un Loving o+ ea)h )onte%tant%. All )onte%tant% %hare their
3oy% to other )onte%tant% an' en3oying ea)h per+or-an)e. eing #rien'ly i% al%o a goo' trait
ea)h )onte%tant -u%t have. !onte%tant% are al%o &e%pe)t+ul to ea)h other e%pe)ially to the
tea)her% /ho al%o per+or-e' 'uring the !AS (or'% an' Mu%i).
The -o%t i-portant value that the )onte%tant% %ho/e' 'uring the event i% 1eing
&eligiou%. e+ore ea)h per+or-an)e %tarte'. )onte%tant% praye' +or gui'an)e an' +or goo'
per+or-an)e. They a%0e' 4o' to gui'e the- through their entire per+or-an)e %o that they
)an avoi' having -i%ta0e% an' al%o they )an entertain the au'ien)e. Thi% value i% very
e%%ential 1e)au%e it% /hat 0eep% the- unite' /ith ea)h other. Praying 1e+ore ea)h
per+or-an)e i% the 0ey to +eel )o-+orta1le /hile 'oing your a)t on %tage. It% /hat give% u%
)on+i'en)e that /e )an 'o our per+or-an)e /ell. e)au%e a% #ilipino%. /e 0no/ that 4o'
never +ail% u%. 4o' i% al/ay% there to %upport u% in every %ituation /e are in.
La%tly. the #ilipino value that unite% all )onte%tant% o+ the !AS (or'% an' Mu%i) i% the
Pag'a'a-ayan /herein all )onte%tant% are /illing to a))ept no -atter /hat the re%ult o+ the
)o-petition i% an' 1eing there +or ea)h other. The )o-petition i% not all a1out /inning. it% all
a1out %ho/)a%ing your talent. Pag'a'a-ayan trait i% %o-ething that all parti)ipant% -u%t
%ho/ to other% e%pe)ially at their %a''e%t -o-ent.

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