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COM 180- Fall 2014 Midterm Study Guide

Your midterm is meant to test your practical application of the content below. Do not expect to see
multiple-choice questions; rather, be able to discuss this content (using the vocabulary of the
discipline) in short answer questions. You might be given a speaking scenario and asked how you
would prepare for and organize the speech. You may be asked to watch a speech and then analyze it
for elements of structure and delivery. Be able to use the information listed below to apply to
practical situations.

Chapter 1- Introduction to Public Speaking

1) Know the personal, professional, and social/public benefits of public speaking.
2) Know the models of communication.
3) Understand the following vocabulary:
a. Epistimology
b. Ontology
c. Axiology
d. Cosmology
e. Praxeology
f. Noise
g. Channel
4) Know the 11 Core Speaking Competencies.

Chapter 2 and Classical Origins (Short Answer Questions)

1) Who were the Sophists and what did they believe (in general)?
2) Specifically, what did each individual contribute to the study of rhetoric?
3) What was Aristotles definition of rhetoric?
4) What were the eight aspects that Aristotle said each speaker should be familiar with? What
does this imply according to our text?
5) What were the three main forms of rhetorical expression as classified by Aristotle? Give an
example of each one.
6) What were the three theories of proofs that Aristotle advocated that every speaker/speech
should contain?
7) What did Cicero say was the ideal knowledge that each speaker should have?
8) What were the five great arts the Cicero said made up public speaking? Explain each one.
9) How did Quintilian define a true orator and how is this similar to Aristotles concept of
10) Who was Augustine and how did he use rhetorical theory to contribute to Christianity?
11) According to Plato, what was the more noble form of rhetoric and what did he compare
this with?
12) What did Plato say was at the heart of public speaking?
Name_________________________________________ Date__________________________

Chapter 3- Ethics in Public Speaking

1) Know the three types of plagiarism, and be able to give examples of each.
a. Global
b. Patchwork
c. Incremental
2) Know the goals and practices of a responsible and ethical public speaker.

Chapter 8- Organization and Outlining

1) What are the purposes and functions of AND be able to identify the following
a. Thesis statement
b. Specific Purpose Statement
c. Introduction (Ch. 9)
i. Know the parts and functions
d. Main Points
e. Sub Points
f. Transitions
g. Signposts
h. Internal Preview
i. Conclusion (Ch. 9)
i. Know the parts and functions
j. Preview/Summary
2) Be able to identify or provide an example of these organizational styles
a. Topical
b. Spatial
c. Comparative
d. Problem/Solution
e. Causal (CAUSE/Effect, not casual)

Chapter 11- Speaking with Confidence

1) What are the types of communication apprehension?
a. Trait Anxiety
b. State Anxiety
c. Scrutiny Fear
2) Describe the three-step process of cognitive restructuring.
3) Understand the techniques for building confidence.

Chapter 12- Delivering Your Speech

1) Know the Methods of Delivery and when one would use them.
a. Manuscript
b. Memorized
c. Impromptu
d. Extemporaneous

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