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This letter may be used late in the First Quarter.

Dear Parents,
I am pleased with the progress that your child is making. Everyone has been working hard this
quarter. We are learning many new things. As you receive the progress report or the irst time, I
would like to e!plain some o the items you will see.
"tandards#based grades are not the same as traditional A, $, %, D, and &'s. Percentages are not
used to average grades. "tudents do assignments to prove they understand concepts. I they
learn the concepts, they receive a passing grade. Even i they do not understand right away, they
can still pass i they understand it later. (his allows students the time they need to learn.
)rade meanings are e!plained at the top o the page. A grade o *+, means the child has
mastered the content this quarter. (hey are doing well and should be praised. A *-, shows work
beyond what is e!pected. "tudents must show a thorough knowledge and be able to apply it in
unique ways. A *., shows that a student has mastered some o the skills, but has not learned
others. (his child should be encouraged to keep trying. A */, shows great diiculty in learning.
Pay close attention to the learner qualities. (hese grades are indicators as to how hard your child
is working. Doing well shows they are doing everything they can to learn and get along with
0n some sub1ect areas, you will ind an 2. (his shows we have not studied this area during the
quarter. We will cover it later.
I your child is in special education, you will notice that the bo! on the back o the report card
*Evaluation based on Individual Education Plan, has been checked. (his means that the child
was graded on the level that his3her education plan requires.
Please take special note o the comments. (his is where I let you know your child's strengths
and weaknesses. 4emember to be positive when talking about the progress report. It is
important or children to eel good about their progress.
(hank you again or your support. Please call i you have any questions.

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